Introduction: General Comments
Some techniques I've been studying along with an assortment of answers from (or links to) a variety of practice/testing sites (2023+).
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All ranked Solved Examples are top 50% time-complexity or top 50% space-complexity for at least one valid run (- given the significant variance across runs. Note: this applies primarily to LeetCode -) and original unless otherwise noted. (I'm flagging those for further review.)
Algorithms: Big O Notation
Time Complexity
- Specifies the relationship between the number of operations performed across different Input Sizes for a Function. (Which in turn impacts the total amount of time a Function may take to run to completion.)
- It's convenient to think of Time Complexity as successively running a Function with increasing or decreasing Input Sizes.
- In practice, most computers run so quickly that there's no discernible difference in the amount of time to any kind of Function for small Input Sizes.
- Time Complexity (e.g. Asymptotic Analysis) instead is concerned with the abstract mathematical relationships between a Function, its Control Flow, the number of operations it performs, the Input Size, and its Computability.
- By convention, Average Big O Time Complexity almost always indicates the worst-case time complexity.
- It's also standard practice to drop multiples e.g. -
is usually just written asO(n)
- It's also standard practice to drop multiples e.g. -
- Time Complexity is almost always measured using Big O Notation.
Big O Notation
Given an input n, calculate, a priori, abstracting away certain physical implementation specifics, the time it takes to execute an algorithm relative to n. By convention, Big O Notation typically measures only the worst-case time complexity (upper bound).
Formal Definition
The best formal definition I’ve found:
- Where f, g are functions from N to the positive reals, R+; and
- Where O(g) is a set of functions from N to the positive reals, R+; and
- Where
stands for the elemental inclusion operator:f ∈ O(g)
means: asymptotically and ignoring constant factors, f does not grow more quickly than g over time or input size.f ∈ O(g)
means: asymptotically and ignoring constant factors, g is the worst-case time complexity for f over time or input size.
Refer to:
Constant Time
Invariant, constant or unchanging, Time-Complexity. The number of operations performed remains constant and does not depend on the Input Size:
const f = n => { console.log(1) return 1 } f(0) f(1) f(5) f(15)
0 -> 1 1 -> 1 5 -> 1 15 -> 1
Example: only returning a Constant Value.
Linear Time
Time-Complexity is Directly Proportional to (the number of Inputs) n:
const f = n => { let v = 0 for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { v++ } return v } console.log(f(0)) console.log(f(1)) console.log(f(5)) console.log(f(10))
0 -> 0 1 -> 1 5 -> 5 10 -> 10
Example: un-nested looping once or more through an Array.
Logarithmic Time
The Time Complexity Logarithmically (gradually and varyingly) decreases (or increases) relative to change in Input Size, Not Constant, Linear, or Exponential.
const f = n => { let v = 0 for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { i *= 2 v = i } console.log(v) return 1 } f(3) f(4) f(5) f(6)
3 -> 2 4 -> 6 5 -> 6 6 -> 6 // Time Complexity: 2 6 6 6 // First Order Derivative: 4 0 0 // Doesn't increase linearly or exponentially. // Total growth in numberoperations decreases, // The First Order Derivative varies.
Example: successively halving or doubling a bounding number.
If graphed, is/depicts a Logarithmic Function and/or Logarithmic relationship.
Paradigmatic examples are typified by both an Inner and Outer Time Complexity that performs more efficiently as either the Function continues to run (e.g. - the remaining number of operations halves successively) or the Input Size grows.
- Note: we can think of a Function as being composed of multiple, Inner, Functions. (Indeed, we often refactor Functions in just that way!)
- As such, we can consider both the overall Function's Time Complexity as the sum of the Inner ones and the Time Complexity of some Scope of a Function as it continues to run.
- Paradigmatic Logarithmic Functions therefore exhibt dual efficiences (they get more efficient as they run and more efficient w.r.t. Input Size) that Linear and Quadratic Time Complexities don't.
Logarithms and Logarithmic Functions
specifies how much,n
, the Base,β
is raised to in order to obtain somex
(e.g. - finds the Exponent givenβⁿ = x
):logᵦ(x) = n
if and only if (βⁿ = x
)- (
log baseᵦ x = n
) if and only if (βⁿ = x
) - E.g. - (
log base₂ 64 = 6
) if and only if (2⁶ = 64
) - E.g. - (
log₂ 64 = 6
) if and only if (2⁶ = 64
log(x) = y
is written as shorthand for an assumed or suppressed Baseβ
:- E.g. - when using Base 10
log₁₀(x) = y
. - When using Big O Notation, the assumed Base is usually taken to be Base 2 (Binary,
, orlog₂(x) = y
- E.g. - when using Base 10
Quadratic Time
Time-Complexity increases Exponentially with respect to (the number of inputs) n
O(nˣ) | x > 1
Example (every index is traversed at every index):
const f = n => { let v = 0 for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { v++ } } console.log(v) return v } f(3) f(4) f(5) f(6)
3 -> 3, 3, 3 = 9 4 -> 4, 4, 4, 4 = 16 5 -> 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 = 25 6 -> 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 = 36 // Time Complexity: 9 16 25 35 // First Order Derivative: 7 9 10 // Exponentially increases as input size grows.
Example (every index from the current one is traversed at every index):
const g = n => { let v = 0 for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (j = i; j < n; j++) { v++ } } console.log(v) return v } g(3) g(4) g(5) g(6)
3 -> 3, 2, 1 = 6 4 -> 4, 3, 2, 1 = 10 5 -> 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 = 15 6 -> 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 = 21 // Time Complexity: 6 10 15 21 // First Order Derivative: 4 5 6 // Exponentially increases as input size grows.
Example: nested loops (a loop within a loop).
Big O calculations can be combined:
- Consider multiple, nested, loops:
O(x) * O(y) = O(x*y)
- Consider multiple, un-nested, loops:
O(x) + O(x) = O(2x)
- Consider a linear loop and a logarithmic, nested, loop:
O(x) * O(log(y)) = O(x*log(y))
Ambiguity and Equivocation
There are at least three equivocations that are commonly encountered regarding the above:
- Imprecision in computing exact Time Complexity. For example:
- A Function may be bounded by a range of Input Sizes so that the result is actually Constant (for that range of Input Sizes) but will nevertheless be treated as some other kind of Time Complexity (or vice-versa, that a Function may be more properly classified by some other label but will be considered say Constant). Consider if the Logarithmic Function example above were bounded to Input Sizes
). - For many Functions and Input Sizes, some
XN = N^Y
. Functions with that property may nevertheless be described by different Big O Time Complexities. - It's standard convention to omit Big O Notation multiples:
is usually just written asO(n)
- A Function may be bounded by a range of Input Sizes so that the result is actually Constant (for that range of Input Sizes) but will nevertheless be treated as some other kind of Time Complexity (or vice-versa, that a Function may be more properly classified by some other label but will be considered say Constant). Consider if the Logarithmic Function example above were bounded to Input Sizes
- Quasilinear Time, Sublinear Time, and the like are usually ignored (and Big O Notation is essentially "rounded" to one of the four categories described above).
- "Inner" and "Outer" Time Complexity are often equivocated:
- "Inner" - an Input is passed as a Parameter or Argument to a Function. Many Functions will alter this Value (in-place, for example). Some such Values are modified within a Function, each loop through a Function has a certain number of operations to be performed, a Function is a set of Functions, etc.
- "Outer" - consideration of a Function's Time Complexity by comparison of different Input Sizes to their total number of operations (per the above).
Resources and Links
Algorithms: Space Complexity
There’s a lot more ambiguity and disagreement about what constitutes what with respect to Space Complexity: observes that:
“Sometimes Auxiliary Space is confused with Space Complexity. But Auxiliary Space is the extra space or the temporary space used by the algorithm during it's execution.”
Furthermore, small Input Sizes are often just called O(1) (despite being strictly Linear):
- Generally, carefully explaining how the memory footprint changes (or doesn’t) based on various input sizes is sufficient (regardless of the label we apply in some ambiguous outlier cases).
- Arguably, in such cases one can use either moniker or label (linear or constant) depending on one’s justification. In other words, the labels above might overlap in certain limited scenarios rather than being sharply bounded/mutually exclusive.
Big O Notation
Is similar to Big O Notation for Time Complexity.
- Space in memory is not dependent on Input Size.
- Space in memory remains fixed in Input Size.
- Space in memory is proportional (linearly-related) to Input Size. For very small sizes this is often considered O(1).
- Space in memory gradually decreases (or increases) Logarithmically relative to change in Input Size of an instruction set, method, or operation.
- Space in memory increases exponentially relative to Input Size.
Algorithms: Famous Algorithms
Minimum Spanning Tree
Kruskal’s Algorithm
- Greedy algorithm
- Time Complexity: O(V²) | V is the number of vertices
- Given an undirected, connected, weighted Graph, construct a minimum spanning Tree of it.
- Traverse an entire Graph using the minimum number of moves and weights.
- Applies to undirected, connected, weighted Graphs.
- Iterate through each node of the Graph sequentially starting with the lowest node (or first sorted node):
- Find the minimum weighted path to another node such that no cycle is formed.
- Each starting node is tracked as its own Tree.
- If a cycle is formed, that Tree is discarded.
- The remaining Tree is the minimum spanning Tree.
- Review:
Prim’s Algorithm
- Greedy algorithm
- Time Complexity: O(E*log(V)) | E is the number of edges and V is the number of vertices
- Prim’s algorithm uses two sets of vertices to supplement its operation - visited and not yet visited nodes.
- Constructs a minimum spanning Tree from a Graph.
- Traverse an entire Graph using the minimum number of moves and weights.
- Applies to undirected, connected, weighted Graphs.
- Kruskal’s Algorithm is similar to Prim’s Algorithm which uses a single Tree (whereas Kruskal’s Algorithm uses a metaphorical forest).
- Prim’s Algorithm traverses each node more than once whereas Kruskal’s Algorithm allows for each node to be traversed only once (within the last remaining, valid, Tree).
- Review:
Dijkstra's Algorithm
- Find the shortest path between nodes in a graph.
- Find the minimum weighted path from the current or starting node to any node it’s directly connected to or any path not yet visited from a previously visited node.
- Mark the node that’s the minimum weight from the current or starting node as visited.
- Set the newly visited node as the new current node.
- Set any previously unvisited nodes that are directly connected to any previously visited nodes as visited.
- Repeat until the endpoint has been reached.
- Find the minimum weighted path from the current or starting node to any node it’s directly connected to or any path not yet visited from a previously visited node.
Heap’s Algorithm
- Used to find all permutations of a set.
- Recursively moves index and swaps pairs in transfer array.
// Heap's Algorithm
function permutation(originalArr) {
let transferArr = originalArr, resultsAsStrings = []
function swap(end, begin) {
let original = transferArr[begin]
transferArr[begin] = transferArr[end]
transferArr[end] = original
function heaps_algorithm(n) {
if (n === 1) resultsAsStrings.push(transferArr.join(""))
for (let i = 0; i != n; ++i) {
heaps_algorithm(n - 1)
swap(n - 1, n % 2 === 0 ? i : 0)
return resultsAsStrings
const a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
const b = [0, 1, 2]
const c = [2, 3, 4]
Kadane's Algorithm
int[] input = new int[]{2, 3, -8, 7, -1, 2, 3};
int result = input[0];
for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
int current = 0;
for (int j = i; j < input.length; j++) {
current += input[j];
result = Math.max(result, current);
//return result;
The Brute-Force implementation O(N²) can be optimzed to O(N):
int result = input[0];
int maxEnding = input[0];
for (int i = 1; i < input.length; i++) {
int N = input[i];
maxEnding = Math.max(maxEnding + N, N);
result = Math.max(maxEnding, result);
- There are three conditions:
- New highest sum
- Replacing the last highest sum with current index value
- Same highest sum
- Highests subarray sums are transitive across indicies (except in the second condition where a positive number follows a negative one).
- This necessitates two Variables, one (
) that's derived from the other (maxEnding
). (I attempted to reduce this to a single multipleMax
expression with a single Variable and was unable to optimize beyond the above.)
Resources and Links
Algorithms: Some Fun Ones
Some fun algorithms I've encountered from here and there.
Implement Lodash Curry
Challenge: implement Lodash .curry() from scratch. Official Code snippet.
function W(func) {
// Key insight here is to use an aux buffer to store args into.
let resolvedArgs = []
return C(func, resolvedArgs)
function C(func, resolvedArgs, arity=func.length) {
// Return an anon function with ...args here
return function(...args) {
resolvedArgs = [...resolvedArgs, ...args]
// This is the trickiest part conceptually: recursively curry here
if (args.length < arity) return C(func, resolvedArgs, arity-args.length)
return func(...resolvedArgs)
function T(a,b,c) {
return [a,b,c]
const F = W(T)
console.log(F("A", "B", "C"))
console.log(F("A")("B", "C"))
console.log(F("A", "B")("C"))
["A", "B", "C"]
["A", "B", "C"]
["A", "B", "C"]
["A", "B", "C"]
["A", "B", "C"]
Flatten Without Flatten
Flatten an Array by a specified amount without using .flat():
var flatten = function (arr, flatten_by) {
console.log(`Input: ${JSON.stringify(arr)} flatten_by: ${flatten_by}`)
if (flatten_by === 0) return arr
let str_arr = JSON.stringify(arr),
result = "[",
f_rem = flatten_by
for (let i = 1; i < str_arr.length - 1; i++) {
const C = str_arr[i]
if (C === "[") {
// Balance checks here aren't symmetrical
if (f_rem < 0) result += C
} else if (C === "]") {
if (f_rem <= 0) result += C
} else {
result += C
result += "]"
console.log(`Output: ${result}`)
return JSON.parse(result)
console.log(flatten([0, 1, 2, [3, 4]], 0))
console.log(flatten([0, 1, 2, [3, 4]], 1))
console.log(flatten([0, 1, 2, [[3, 4]]], 1))
console.log(flatten([0, 1, 2, [[3, 4]]], 2))
console.log(flatten([0, 1, [[[2, 3, 4]]]], 1))
console.log(flatten([[0, 1], 2, [[3, 4]]], 2))
console.log(flatten([[1], 1, [1], 1, [1], 1], 1))
console.log(flatten([[1], 1, [1], 1, [1], 1], 9))
console.log(flatten([[1], 1, [1], 1, [1], 1], 0))
console.log(flatten([[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[9]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]], 8))
console.log(flatten([[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[9]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]], 18))
"Input: [0,1,2,[3,4]] flatten_by: 0"
[0, 1, 2, [3, 4]]
"Input: [0,1,2,[3,4]] flatten_by: 1"
"Output: [0,1,2,3,4]"
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
"Input: [0,1,2,[[3,4]]] flatten_by: 1"
"Output: [0,1,2,[3,4]]"
[0, 1, 2, [3, 4]]
"Input: [0,1,2,[[3,4]]] flatten_by: 2"
"Output: [0,1,2,3,4]"
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
"Input: [0,1,[[[2,3,4]]]] flatten_by: 1"
"Output: [0,1,[[2,3,4]]]"
[0, 1, [[2, 3, 4]]]
"Input: [[0,1],2,[[3,4]]] flatten_by: 2"
"Output: [0,1,2,3,4]"
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
"Input: [[1],1,[1],1,[1],1] flatten_by: 1"
"Output: [1,1,1,1,1,1]"
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
"Input: [[1],1,[1],1,[1],1] flatten_by: 9"
"Output: [1,1,1,1,1,1]"
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
"Input: [[1],1,[1],1,[1],1] flatten_by: 0"
[[1], 1, [1], 1, [1], 1]
"Input: [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[9]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] flatten_by: 8"
"Output: [[[[[[[[[9]]]]]]]]]"
"Input: [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[9]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] flatten_by: 18"
"Output: [9]"
Algorithms: Search
A Needle refers to the Value, item, or Object one is searching for within a Haystack (the collection of items one is searching within).
Search Techniques
Breadth First Search (BFS) - graph search, sequential horizontal search (by row or width) of a node.
- Typically uses Queue.
- Pros: Will find a Needle and the shortest path in unweighted graphs.
- Cons: If the Needle is far from the starting point (vertically), it may be better to use DFS.
- Example: Traverse BST by level.
Depth First Search (DFS) - graph search, sequential vertical search (by column or full height) of a branch.
- Typically uses Stack.
- Pros: Will find a Needle (if no infinite cycles exist).
- Cons: Not guaranteed to find the shortest path. If the Needle is close to the source (vertically), use BFS. Susceptible to infinite cycles if such exist within the Haystack.
- Example: Traverse BST in order.
Sorted by Average Big O Time Complexity.
Hash Table - define a hashing method, each value is assigned a hash key that is unique to that value, then lookup a value using the hash key.
- Best: O(1)
- Average: O(1)
- Worst: O(n)
const hash = (needle, haystack) => {
console.log((`Find: ${needle} in [${haystack}]`, "hashstart")
let table = []
for (let i = 0; i < haystack.length; i++) {
table[i] = -1
let keyHash = 0
const simpleHash = val => val % table.length
for (let i = 0; i < haystack.length; i++) {
let flag = haystack[i] == needle
const currentHash = simpleHash(haystack[i])
if (table[currentHash] === -1) {
table[currentHash] = haystack[i]
if (flag) keyHash = currentHash
} else {
const NEXT = table.indexOf(-1)
table[NEXT] = haystack[i]
if (flag) keyHash = NEXT
console.log((`Hash Table: [${table}] - Length: ${table.length}`)
const BEGIN = new Date()
const result = table[keyHash]
const indexOf = haystack.indexOf(needle)
const END = new Date()
console.log((`Hash: ${keyHash} - Value: ${result} - IndexOf ${indexOf} in unsorted haystack`)
console.log(`Time taken: ${END - BEGIN}`)
Linear - iterate through n until k is found.
- Best: O(1)
- Average: O(n)
- Worst: O(n)
const linear = (needle, haystack) => {
const BEGIN = new Date()
let result = -1
console.log(`Find: ${needle} in [${haystack}]`)
for (let i = 0; i < haystack.length; i++) {
if (needle === haystack[i]) {
result = i;
const indexOf = haystack.indexOf(needle);
const END = new Date()
console.log(`Index: ${result} - IndexOf: ${indexOf}`)
console.log(`Time taken: ${END - BEGIN}`)
Binary- take a sorted Array and recursively divide in two comparing the Needle against values in each divided Array.
- Best: O(1)
- Average: O(log(n))
- Worst: O(log(n))
const binary = (needle, haystack) => {
haystack.sort((a, b) => a - b)
console.log(`Sorted haystack: ${haystack}`)
let l = 0, r = haystack.length - 1
while (l <= r) {
const M = Math.floor((l + r) / 2)
if (haystack[M] === needle) {
console.log(`${haystack[M]} at sorted index ${M}`)
if (haystack[M] < needle) l = M + 1
// haystack[M] > needle
else r = M - 1
Consult a clean implementation here:
Resources and Links
Algorithms: Sort
Sorted by Average Big O Time Complexity.
Non-Comparison Sorts
Insertion Sort - use a second array to rebuild the first array in sorted order, loop through inserting the next lowest value into the second array.
- Best: O(n)
- Average: O(n²)
- Worst: O(n²)
// Two arrays - lowest from original goes into next open spot in result
const insertion = arr => {
console.log(`Starting array: ${arr} - Length: ${arr.length}`)
const BEGIN = new Date()
/** Algorithm begins */
const inner = (arr, result = []) => {
let lowest = arr[0], lowestIndex = 0
const L = arr.length
for (let i = 0; i < L; i++) {
if (arr[i] < lowest) {
lowest = arr[i]
lowestIndex = i
if (lowestIndex === 0) arr = arr.slice(lowestIndex, L)
if (lowestIndex === L - 1) arr = arr.slice(0, lowestIndex)
if (lowestIndex < L) {
const first = arr.slice(0, lowestIndex)
const second = arr.slice(lowestIndex + 1, L)
arr = first.concat(second)
if (L > 0) return inner(arr, result)
else return result
let result = inner(arr)
/** Algorithm ends */
const END = new Date()
console.log(`Ending array: ${result} - Length: ${result.length} - Time: ${END - BEGIN}`)
Counting Sort - sort by statistical frequency using a buffer. (Frequency Sort)
- Best: O(n + k)
- Average: O(n + k)
- Worst: O(n + k)
// Sort by frequency
const bucket = arr => {
let freq = [], result = [], max = arr[0]
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (max < arr[i]) max = arr[i]
for (let i = 0; i < max + 1; i++) {
freq[i] = 0
console.log(`Starting array: ${arr} - Length: ${arr.length}`)
const BEGIN = new Date()
/** Algorithm begins */
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
freq[arr[i]] = freq[arr[i]] + 1
console.log(`Frequency array: ${freq}`, "bucketfreq")
for (let i = 0; i < freq.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < freq[i]; j++) {
/** Algorithm ends */
const END = new Date()
console.log(`Ending array: ${result} - Length: ${result.length} - Time: ${END - BEGIN}`)
Bucket Sort- sort an array using buckets (that divide across the range of the input array), can be a Counting Sort and/or Insertion Sort depending on setup.
- Best: O(n + k)
- Average: O(n²)
- Worst: O(n²)
Comparison Sorts
Heap Sort - properly sorts an array into a Binary Heap.
- Best: O(n * log(n))
- Average: O(n * log(n))
- Worst: O(n * log(n))
Merge Sort - divide an array into halves until two elements exist in each array then recombine comparing elements along the way.
- Best: O(n * log(n))
- Average: O(n * log(n))
- Worst: O(n * log(n))
// Divide an array into halves until two elements exist in each array then recombine comparing elements along the way
const mergesort = arr => {
const BEGIN = new Date()
console.log(`Starting array: ${arr} - Length: ${arr.length}`)
/** Algorithm begin */
const merge = (a, b) => {
let i = 0, j = 0, results = []
while (i < a.length && j < b.length) {
if (a[i] < b[j]) {
} else {
while (i < a.length) {
while (j < b.length) {
return results
const innerMerge = arr => {
if (arr.length <= 1) return arr
const MID = Math.floor(arr.length / 2)
const LEFT = innerMerge(arr.slice(0, MID))
const RIGHT = innerMerge(arr.slice(MID))
return merge(LEFT, RIGHT)
const result = innerMerge(arr)
/** Algorithm ends */
const END = new Date()
console.log(`Ending array: ${result} - Length: ${result.length} - Time: ${END - BEGIN}`)
Quick Sort - specify a pivot point and swap values that are above and below the pivot point.
- Best: O(n * log(n))
- Average: O(n * log(n))
- Worst: O(n²)
// Specify a pivot point and swap
const quicksort = arr => {
let result = []
console.log(`Starting array: ${arr} - Length: ${arr.length}`)
const BEGIN = new Date()
/** Algorithm begin */
const inner = (arr, pivot, pointer) => {
const L = arr.length
let rArr = [], lArr = [], flag = false
for (let i = 0; i < L; i++) {
if (arr[i] > arr[pivot]) rArr.push(arr[i])
else lArr.push(arr[i])
const rl = rArr.length, ll = lArr.length
if (!flag && (ll > 1 || rl > 1)) {
if (lArr[ll - 1] < lArr[ll - 2]) flag = true
if (rArr[rl - 1] < rArr[rl - 2]) flag = true
arr = lArr.concat(rArr)
if (pointer > L - 1 || !flag) return arr
else {
let right = pointer < Math.floor(L / 2) + 1 ? inner(arr, L - pointer, pointer) : arr
return Math.floor(pivot / 2) > 1 ? inner(right, Math.floor(pivot / 2), pointer) : arr
result = inner(arr, arr.length - 1, 0)
/** Algorithm ends */
const END = new Date()
console.log(`Ending array: ${result} - Length: ${result.length} - Time: ${END - BEGIN}`)
Bubble Sort - loop through replacing sequential pairs (Swap) as necessary.
- Best: O(n)
- Average: O(n²)
- Worst: O(n²)
// Loop through replacing sequential pairs as needed
const bubble = arr => {
console.log(`Starting array: ${arr} - Length: ${arr.length}`)
const BEGIN = new Date()
/** Algorithm begins */
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i) {
if (arr[i] > arr[i + 1]) {
const original = arr[i]
arr[i] = arr[i + 1]
arr[i + 1] = original
i = 0
} else i++
/** Algorithm ends */
const END = new Date()
console.log(`Ending array: ${arr} - Length: ${arr.length} - Time: ${END - BEGIN}`)
Selection Sort - loop through swapping the lowest number with the current index.
- Best: O(n²)
- Average: O(n²)
- Worst: O(n²)
// Loop through swapping the lowest number
const selection = arr => {
console.log(`Starting array: ${arr} - Length: ${arr.length}`)
const BEGIN = new Date()
/** Algorithm begins */
const inner = (arr, lastIndex = 0) => {
let lowest = arr[lastIndex], lowestIndex = lastIndex, flag = false
for (let i = lastIndex; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] <= lowest) {
lowest = arr[i]
lowestIndex = i
flag = true
if (flag) {
const original = arr[lastIndex]
arr[lastIndex] = lowest
arr[lowestIndex] = original
return inner(arr, lastIndex)
} else return arr
let result = inner(arr)
/** Algorithm ends */
const END = new Date()
console.log(`Ending array: ${result} - Length: ${result.length} - Time: ${END - BEGIN}`)
Language Implementations
- Java uses a modified Merge Sort (by default).
- JavaScript uses a modified Quick Sort with Insertion Sort fallback (by default).
Resources and Links
Algorithms: Recursion
Where a function repeatedly calls itself until some condition is met.
Solved Examples
Algorithms: Loop Recursion
A kind of Recursion problem where Recursion is called within a For
Useful for iterating through all permissible contiguous String subsequence "chunks".
Resources and Links
- <- great example
Algorithms: Dynamic Programming
Breaking a problem down into multiple sub-problems where each step is stored (typically on the fly not Ahead-of-Time).
Often used with Memoization to reduce recursion footprint.
Solved Examples
- <- Using variables that are saved off each cycle
- <- Bottom 50% time-complexity. Top .07% space-complexity.
Algorithms: Memoization
Saving the state of an instruction set into an Array, Map, Stack, Dequeue, or Queue.
Often eliminates the need to recursively compute some value.
Solved Examples
- <- Used a precomputed O(1) data set I generated.
- <- Used a precomputed O(1) data set I generated.
Algorithms: Sets
Power Set
Dynamic Solution:
* Review:
* Strategy is clean and elegant so I made a few tweaks and implemented it in JS from the above.
* Add elements one at a time to a result array, also iterate over the result array adding elements to the existing ones.
* This accomplished what was done here:
* and here: without backtracking (those are excellent articles
* and implementations given the requirements!).
const powerSet = arrSet => {
let arrSets = []
for (let i = 0; i < arrSet.length; i++) {
let item = arrSet[i], origSets = [...arrSets]
for (let j = 0; j < origSets.length; j++) {
let nSet = origSets[j].concat(item)
return arrSets.sort()
window.onload = () => {
console.log(powerSet([4, 2, 3]))
console.log(powerSet([5, 1, 4, 2, 3]))
[], [ 2 ],
[ 2, 3 ], [ 3 ],
[ 4 ], [ 4, 2 ],
[ 4, 2, 3 ], [ 4, 3 ]
[], [ 1 ],
[ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 1, 3 ], [ 1, 4 ],
[ 1, 4, 2 ], [ 1, 4, 2, 3 ],
[ 1, 4, 3 ], [ 2 ],
[ 2, 3 ], [ 3 ],
[ 4 ], [ 4, 2 ],
[ 4, 2, 3 ], [ 4, 3 ],
[ 5 ], [ 5, 1 ],
[ 5, 1, 2 ], [ 5, 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 5, 1, 3 ], [ 5, 1, 4 ],
[ 5, 1, 4, 2 ], [ 5, 1, 4, 2, 3 ],
[ 5, 1, 4, 3 ], [ 5, 2 ],
[ 5, 2, 3 ], [ 5, 3 ],
[ 5, 4 ], [ 5, 4, 2 ],
[ 5, 4, 2, 3 ], [ 5, 4, 3 ]
Greedy Solution:
* One can approach this from a few different angles:
* 1. Brute force.
* 2. Binary counter.
* 3. Use native abstractions.
* ---
* I'd prefer to use what I understand to be a novel approach by generating
* constraints AOT (ahead-of_time) so that power-set
* generation is linear for every subsequent run.
* ---
* We can then use these values to populate others by index (e.g. - 1 means in the subset, 0 not).
* The upside is that this is superfast (most powerset implementations
* involve deep recursion and 2-3 nested loops).
* ----
* The downside of this approach is that only works if you know the desired
* set size beforehand. It's Greedy.
const generateConstraints = () => {
let result = [], current = []
// Flattened nested loop...
for (let i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, l = 0; i < 2 && j < 2 && k < 2 && l < 2; i) {
current = []
if (l == 2) {
l = 0
if (k == 2) {
k = 0
if (j == 2) {
j = 0
return result
window.onload = () => {
const aot = generateConstraints()
[], [ 2 ],
[ 2, 3 ], [ 3 ],
[ 4 ], [ 4, 2 ],
[ 4, 2, 3 ], [ 4, 3 ]
[], [ 1 ],
[ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 1, 3 ], [ 1, 4 ],
[ 1, 4, 2 ], [ 1, 4, 2, 3 ],
[ 1, 4, 3 ], [ 2 ],
[ 2, 3 ], [ 3 ],
[ 4 ], [ 4, 2 ],
[ 4, 2, 3 ], [ 4, 3 ],
[ 5 ], [ 5, 1 ],
[ 5, 1, 2 ], [ 5, 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 5, 1, 3 ], [ 5, 1, 4 ],
[ 5, 1, 4, 2 ], [ 5, 1, 4, 2, 3 ],
[ 5, 1, 4, 3 ], [ 5, 2 ],
[ 5, 2, 3 ], [ 5, 3 ],
[ 5, 4 ], [ 5, 4, 2 ],
[ 5, 4, 2, 3 ], [ 5, 4, 3 ]
Cartesian Multiplication
Original Generalized Dynamic Solution using the above Dynamic Power Set Solution as an inspiration:
const solve = (args) => {
let last = []
const L = args.length - 1
for (let i = 0; i < args[L].length; i++) {
for (let i = L - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let curr = args[i], temp = []
for (let j = 0; j < curr.length; j++) {
for (let k = 0; k < last.length; k++) {
const v = [...last[k]]
if (v.indexOf(curr[j]) === -1) v.push(curr[j])
last = temp
window.onload = () => {
const argsA = [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]
const argsB = [[1,2,3],[3,4],[5,6,15]]
const argsC = [[1],[1],[1]]
Note: the above implementation isn't order preserving (Sets don't preserve order anyway) and assumes no empty Array is passed (the Empty Set is assumed to be present in every Set so we'll just omit all empty Arrays/Empty Set or we would have to add it everywhere).
[5, 3, 1],
[6, 3, 1],
[5, 4, 1],
[6, 4, 1],
[5, 3, 2],
[6, 3, 2],
[5, 4, 2],
[6, 4, 2]
[5, 3, 1],
[6, 3, 1],
[15, 3, 1],
[5, 4, 1],
[6, 4, 1],
[15, 4, 1],
[5, 3, 2],
[6, 3, 2],
[15, 3, 2],
[5, 4, 2],
[6, 4, 2],
[15, 4, 2],
[5, 3],
[6, 3],
[15, 3],
[5, 4, 3],
[6, 4, 3],
[15, 4, 3]
Algorithms: Hash Maps and Counts
Typically used when a solution requires a unique answer or a deduplicated Set.
Also often used to track the frequency of some value (number of occurrences).
Technique: Hash Map
let M = {};
// ...
if (M[x] != undefined) M[x]++;
else M[x] = 1;
Solved Examples
- <- Bottom 50% time-complexity.
Algorithms: Graph Relationship
Where a series of relationships are expressed using Arrays, Sets, or Maps.
Often a kind of Hash Counting Algorithm that requires Reverse Maps, Dual Mapping, Symmetric Maps and the like. Strong possibility that a solution can be achieved using a Maps of Maps.
Reverse Map
const A = {
"AA": "BB",
const B = {
"BB": "AA",
Demonstrating a specific kind of this problem and how to index the relationships in multiple ways in O(N) time:
const Example = [
[1, 2, 3],
[0, 3, 1],
[0, 4, 3],
[0, 5, 3],
Where for each X in Example:
1. X[1] is related to X[2] through relationship X[0].
2. Where the relationship of X[1] to X[2] is symmetric (or not depending).
const A = {
"1": {
"3": 0
"2": {
"3": 1
"3": {
"2": 1,
"1": 0,
"4": 0,
"5": 0
"4": {
"3": 0
"5": {
"3": 0
// Map of X[1] to X[2] and X[2] to X[1]
const B = {
"1": {
"3": {
"2": true
"2": {
"3": true
"0": {
"1": {
"3": true
"3": {
"1": true,
"4": true,
"5": true
"4": {
"3": true
"5": {
"3": true
// Map of X[0] to the relationship of X[2] to X[1] (and vice-versa)
Algorithms: Phone Dialer
Questions that use a 0-9
phone pad or phone numbers.
Solved Examples
Algorithms: Text Representation
Technique: Unicode Char Codes
// JavaScript
const c = str.charCodeAt(i);
// Unicode numbers codes 48-57 inclusive
if (c >= 48 && c <= 57) console.log("I'm a number character")
// Unicode uppercased letters codes 65-90 inclusive
if (c >= 65 && c <= 90) console.log("I'm an uppercased character")
// Unicode lowercased letters codes 97-122 inclusive
if (c >= 97 && c <= 122) console.log("I'm an lowercased character")
// JavaScript
const c = str.charCodeAt(i);
if ((c >= 65 && c <= 90) || (c >= 97 && c <= 122)) {
const isUpperVowel = [65, 69, 73, 79, 85].indexOf(c) === -1
const isLowerVowel = [97, 101, 105, 111, 117].indexOf(c) === -1
if (isUpperVowel && isLowerVowel) console.log("I'm a consonant")
else console.log("I'm a vowel")
} else console.log("I'm not a letter")
Technique: Character Maps
Alphabet maps:
// JavaScript
const a = {"a":0,"e":0,"i":0,"o":0,"u":0,"b":0,"c":0,"d":0,"f":0,"g":0,"h":0,"j":0,"k":0,"l":0,"m":0,"n":0,"p":0,"q":0,"r":0,"s":0,"t":0,"v":0,"w":0,"x":0,"y":0,"z":0}
const A = {"A":0,"E":0,"I":0,"O":0,"U":0,"B":0,"C":0,"D":0,"F":0,"G":0,"H":0,"J":0,"K":0,"L":0,"M":0,"N":0,"P":0,"Q":0,"R":0,"S":0,"T":0,"V":0,"W":0,"X":0,"Y":0,"Z":0}
// As array mapped by index
const arr_a = Object.keys(a)
const arr_A = Object.keys(A)
Consonant maps:
// JavaScript
const c = {"b":0,"c":0,"d":0,"f":0,"g":0,"h":0,"j":0,"k":0,"l":0,"m":0,"n":0,"p":0,"q":0,"r":0,"s":0,"t":0,"v":0,"w":0,"x":0,"y":0,"z":0}
const C = {"B":0,"C":0,"D":0,"F":0,"G":0,"H":0,"J":0,"K":0,"L":0,"M":0,"N":0,"P":0,"Q":0,"R":0,"S":0,"T":0,"V":0,"W":0,"X":0,"Y":0,"Z":0}
// As array mapped by index
const arr_c = Object.keys(c)
const arr_C = Object.keys(C)
Vowel maps:
// JavaScript
const v = {"a":0,"e":0,"i":0,"o":0,"u":0}
const V = {"A":0,"E":0,"I":0,"O":0,"U":0}
// As array mapped by index
const arr_v = Object.keys(v)
const arr_V = Object.keys(V)
Number maps:
// JavaScript
const N = {"0":0,"1":0,"2":0,"3":0,"4":0,"5":0,"6":0,"7":0,"8":0,"9":0}
// As array mapped by index
const arr_N = Object.keys(N)
Technique: Check Character is Number
// Java
Character.isDigit(inputStr.charAt(i)); // true/false
Algorithms: Letter Chars and Word Dictionaries
Specific to the dictionary, String, and Character checking with a fixed, finite, alphabet.
- Can often be simplified to iterating through the letters of the English alphabet (
) rather than iterating over a string or multiple nested loops. - Otherwise, Hashing is often a good approach since the number of map keys will often be somewhere between
Solved Examples
- <- Bottom 50% time-complexity.
- <- Bottom 50% time-complexity.
- <- Bottom 50% time-complexity.
- <- Bottom 50% time-complexity.
Algorithms: Word Patterns, Anagrams, and Palindromes
Word pattern, anagram, and palindrome scenarios.
Solved Examples
- <- Below 50% time-complexity. Top 2.62% space-complexity.
- <- Below 50% time-complexity. Brute-force.
- <- Below 50% time-complexity.
- <- Below 50% time-complexity. Top .26% space-complexity.
Algorithms: Parentheses
Calculate the validity of various Strings or substrings containing parentheticals.
Similar to facing but typically with a narrower focus (balance).
- Somewhat similar to
two-pointer problems
Solved Examples
- <- Very slow.
Algorithms: Two Pointer
Typically used when working with Arrays or Strings.
Use two pointers left
and right
Check or compare the values of each cycle.
Technique: Left and Right Pointers
while (left < right) {
Solved Examples
- <- Very slow. Brute-force.
Algorithms: Sliding Window
Often used to find unique subarrays, longest substrings, longest Strings with some property, etc.
This method is often used to reduce the time complexity of a solution from Quadratic to Linear time (when it can be applied).
- Initialize two pointers (
) at the beginning. - Expand the window (by incrementing the
pointer) until some desired condition is met. - Then, contract the window by incrementing the
Solved Examples
Algorithms: Direction and Facing
- Used to represent cardinal direction facing.
- Use a common local variable to track the current index allowing the index to move from end to start or start to end.
- Involves
or Modulus concepts. - Once the index reaches a certain point, it wraps around like a ring or circle.
- Involves
- Use an Array (usually for three or more values) or pointers to represent possible moves
- e.g.
[n, e, s, w]
or[up, right, down, left]
- e.g.
Solved Examples
Algorithms: Number Representation
Non-number type number-representation scenarios.
Technique: Fast Number Reversal
Old way:
const rev = num => {
const numStr = `${num}`
let str = ''
for (let i = numStr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
str += numStr[i]
return parseInt(str)
Much faster than int
to String
and back conversion:
// Java
int reverse(int num) {
int rev = 0;
while(num > 0){
int d = num % 10;
rev = rev * 10 + d;
num = num / 10;
return rev;
// Java
const reverse = num => {
let rev = 0
while(Math.floor(num) > 0) {
const d = num % 10
result = Math.floor(result * 10 + d)
num = num / 10
return rev
JavaScript doesn't automatically round Numbers
< 1
like Java does. So, useMath.floor()
Solved Examples
- <- Below 50% time-complexity. Top .01% space-complexity.
- <- Below 50% time-complexity. Top 2.73% space-complexity.
- <- Not original, bijective base 26.
Algorithms: Number Theory
Implementations of arithmetic or number-theoretic scenarios.
- These may or may not have some trick to them (like Big Int addition).
- Factorials.
Solved Examples
Algorithms: Prime Numbers
Algorithms involving Prime Numbers.
Solved Examples
- <- Very slow.
Algorithms: Path Compression and Merging
Used to combine multiple subarrays until they are all non-overlapping.
Used to merge Sets until they are Disjoint Sets.
Solved Examples
- <- top 98.6% answer, loosely a compression/merging problem since it involves repeatedly summing a number until it’s below
. -
- <- Very slow.
Algorithms: Directory or Name Traversal
Directory name, IP Address, versioning, or URL context path operations.
Solved Examples
Algorithms: Level Recursion
Recursion specific to iterating down a pyramidal data structure.
- Where each following level has a number of elements greater than or equal to the prior one.
- Or, just when there are levels, period.
Technique: Queue
Use a Queue (nxt
), use two alternating containers: level
and nxt
level = [node]
nxt = []
while len(level) > 0:
temp = []
count = 0
l = len(level)
while count < l:
if (len(level) > 0):
c = level.pop(0)
if c is None:
count += 1
if len(temp) > 0:
for x in range(0, len(temp)):
level = nxt
Solved Examples
Algorithms: Geometry
Implementations of geometry scenarios and problems.
Solved Examples
- <- Bottom 50% time-complexity.
Algorithms: Islands
Problems representing connected sub-matrices.
Technique: Check and Recurse
const countIslands = mapStr => {
const ARR = mapStr.split("\n"), cleanedArr = []
for (let i = 0; i < ARR.length; i++) {
let deepCopy = [...cleanedArr], cnt = 0, hasNext = findNext(deepCopy)
while (hasNext !== false) {
recurse(deepCopy, hasNext[0], hasNext[1])
hasNext = findNext(deepCopy)
return cnt
const findNext = arr => {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < arr[i].length; j++) {
const I = arr[i][j]
if (I === '0') {
return [i, j]
return false
const recurse = (arr, i, j) => {
if (i >= arr.length || j >= arr[i].length || i <= -1 || j <= -1) {}
else {
arr[i][j] = '.'
if (arr[i-1] !== undefined && arr[i-1][j] === '0') recurse(arr, i-1, j)
if (arr[i+1] !== undefined && arr[i+1][j] === '0') recurse(arr, i+1, j)
if (arr[i][j-1] !== undefined && arr[i][j-1] === '0') recurse(arr, i, j-1)
if (arr[i][j+1] !== undefined && arr[i][j+1] === '0') recurse(arr, i, j+1)
Solved Examples
Algorithms: Pathing
To find a path from some origin to some end point.
Solved Examples
Algorithms: Rotations, Spirals, Diagonals
Includes spirals or diagonally traversing an N x M Array or matrix, transposing matrices, rotations, etc.
Also often involves mod
or Modulus concepts.
Used for ciphers or rotating an Array.
Solved Examples
- <- Very slow.
- <- Very slow.
Algorithms: Coins and Make Bricks
Optimization scenarios involving fixed units of some value that need to be combined in some optimal way.
Solved Examples
- <- Not original.
- <- Not original. Slow.
- <- Below 50% time-complexity.
Algorithms: N-Sum
Triplet, 4-Sum, 3-Sum, and 2-Sum type problems.
- Solved using a mix of
pointer and hashmap techniques.
Solved Examples
- <- Original solution was very slow but top 100% space-complexity.
Algorithms: Mountains, Peaks, and Stock Markets
Find a highest point in a sequence and the next highest or lowest point depending.
Solved Examples
- <- Very slow.
- <- Not original.
Algorithms: Controlled Subsequences
Track things like substrings of a certain length, row or text justification/formatting, or repeated sub-patterns.
Use multiple pointers to track some value that gets reset every n-many loops.
Also includes "reverse loop in loop" (loop "backfilling") problems.
Solved Examples
Data Structures: Trees
A "tree-like", derived, Data Structure that has zero or more child instances, each instance taking a value:
- Trees are a kind of Graph which has a Root node.
- Each parent node has one or more child nodes.
- Value
- children -
or other Tree Node instances.
var TreeNode = function(val, children = []) {
this.val = val;
this.children = children;
- Depth First Search - refer to the Search article.
- Top to Bottom, Left to Right
- By Column
- Breadth First Search - consult the Level Recursion article.
- Left to Right, Top, to Bottom
- By Row or Level
- N-Trees vs BST
- For N-Trees replace
child nodes withChildren
List or Array.
- For N-Trees replace
- A LinkedList can be thought of as Tree with only one child element at each node.
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Data Structures: Binary Trees
A "tree-like", derived, Data Structure that connects left and right child instances, each instance taking a value.
Useful resource:
Binary Trees
- A Tree with at most two children.
- Ordered by constraints.
- Binary Heap
- A Binary Tree
- Max: the value of any child of a parent node is greater than or equal to the parent.
- Min: the value of any child of a parent node is less than or equal to the parent.
- Average Read:
- Average Add:
- Binary Search
- A Binary Tree
- The value of the left child node of a parent node must be less than or equal to the value of the parent node.
L <= P
- The value of the right child node of a parent node must be greater than or equal to the value of the parent node.
R >= P
- Therefore, any value of any right node of the root node will be greater than the value of any left node.
- Therefore, any value of any left node of the root node will be less than the value of any right node.
- Average Read:
- Average Add:
- AVL Tree (Georgy Adelson-Velsky and Evgenii Landis)
- A Self Balancing Binary Search Tree (dynamic)
- Heights of each branch differ by at most 1.
- A self-balancing algorithm executes if heights differ by more than
- Binary Heap
- Perfect
- Balanced and all leaves are at the same depth.
- Each branch is complete, has two children, and is at the same height as the rest.
- Balanced
- Each branch differs in height no more than one compared to any other in the tree.
- Complete
- Each node except the last is completely filled (has two children).
- Each node in the last row is as far left as possible.
- Value
- left -
, ornone
or another Binary Tree Node instance. - right -
, ornone
or another Binary Tree Node instance.
var TreeNode = function(val, left, right) {
this.val = val;
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
Depth First Search
- Pre Order - current node first, left node, then right node last
- In Order - left node first, then current node, then right node last
- Post Order - left node first, right node second, then current node last
const preOrder = node =>
const traverse = (node, result) => {
if (!node) result.push(null)
else {
if (node.left) traverse(node.left, result)
if (node.right) traverse(node.right, result)
let result = []
if (!node) return result
traverse(node, result)
return result
const inOrder = node =>
const traverse = (node, result) => {
if (node.left) traverse(node.left, result)
if (node.right) traverse(node.right, result)
let result = []
if (!node) return result
traverse(node, result)
return result
const postOrder = node =>
const traverse = (node, result) => {
if (!node) {}
else {
if (node.left) traverse(node.left, result)
if (node.right) traverse(node.right, result)
let result = []
if (!node) return result
traverse(node, result)
return result
Refer to:
Breadth First Search
- Level Recursion - Traverse by each level of a Binary Search Tree
def tree_by_levels(node):
result = []
if node is None:
return result
level = [node]
nxt = []
while len(level) > 0:
temp = []
count = 0
l = len(level)
while count < l:
if (len(level) > 0):
c = level.pop(0)
if c is None:
count += 1
if len(temp) > 0:
for x in range(0, len(temp)):
level = nxt
return result
Refer to:
Make a Balanced Binary Search Tree
Given a sorted Array or List:
const sortedArrayToBST = A => {
const L = A.length
if (L === 0) return null
if (L === 1) return new TreeNode(A[0], null, null)
if (L === 2) return new TreeNode(A[1], new TreeNode(A[0], null, null), null)
if (L === 3) return new TreeNode(A[1], new TreeNode(A[0], null, null), new TreeNode(A[2], null, null))
if (L > 3) return recurse(A)
const findPivot = arr => arr[Math.floor(arr.length / 2)]
const firstHalf = arr => arr.slice(0, Math.floor(arr.length / 2))
const secondHalf = arr => arr.slice(Math.floor(arr.length / 2) + 1, arr.length)
const recurse = A => {
const L = A.length
if (L === 0) return null
if (L === 1) return new TreeNode(A[0], null, null)
if (L === 2) return new TreeNode(A[1], new TreeNode(A[0], null, null), null)
if (L === 3) return new TreeNode(A[1], new TreeNode(A[0], null, null), new TreeNode(A[2], null, null))
if (L > 3) {
let node = new TreeNode(findPivot(A), null, null)
node.left = recurse(firstHalf(A))
node.right = recurse(secondHalf(A))
return node
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Data Structures: Singly Linked List
A "chain-like", derived, Data Structure that connects instances head to tail through a next attribute, each instance taking a value.
- Value
- Next -
, or another Linked List instance.
Time Complexity
Generally, the average time complexity for most operations will be O(N). One needs to traverse through a Linked List to find the right instances to alter, insert a new instance between, remove, etc.
- Average Read: O(N)
- Average Add: O(N)
The best case is O(1) - the desired instance can be right at the beginning of the Linked List at the head.
// JavaScript
var LinkedList = function(val, next) {
this.val = val;
if (next === undefined || next === null) = null;
else = next;
Here, I implement a very simple Linked List. Java's default LinkedList
tracks head and tail via index. The implementation below explicitly stipulates a head and tail and uses Node objects (specifically the next property) to create a chain.
// Java
public class Node {
private Node next;
private Object data;
public Node(Object data, Node next) { = data; = next;
//... Getters and Setters
public class LinkedList {
private Node head;
private Node tail;
public LinkedList() {
Node tail = new Node(null, null);
this.head = new Node(null, tail);
this.tail = tail;
public LinkedList(Node head, Node tail) {
this.head = head;
this.tail = tail;
Common Operations
// JavaScript
function append(head, val) {
if (head == null) head = new LinkedList(val, null);
else {
var current = head;
while ( != null) {
current =;
} = new LinkedList(val, null);
return head;
function prepend(head, val) {
if (head == null) head = new LinkedList(val, null);
else {
var current = head;
head = new LinkedList(val, current);
return head;
/** Remove by value not by index. */
function del(head, val) {
let current = head, arr = []
while (current != null) {
if (current.val != val) arr.push(current.val)
current =
return buildList(arr);
/** - Starting At 1 */
function insrt(head, val, position) {
if (head == null) head = new LinkedList(val, null);
else {
var current = head;
var last = head;
for (var i = 1; i < position; i++) {
last = current;
current =;
current = new LinkedList(val, current); = current;
return head;
function checkCycle(head) {
if (head == null) return false;
else {
var alreadyIn = [];
var current = head;
while (current != null) {
if (alreadyIn.indexOf(current.val) == -1) alreadyIn.push(current.val);
else return true;
current =;
return false;
- A LinkedList can be thought of as Tree with only one child element at each node.
Resources and Links
Data Structures: Stack
A "paper-stack" like derived object that's LIFO (last in, first out).
Often implemented with an Array or LinkedList.
Fun Algorithms
- Stacks are often useful when two potentially non-contiguous items must be paired and/or canceled out (such as
pairs). - In such cases, items can be added to a Stack (
), compared against the top of the Stack (peek
), and removed (pop
Consider Reverse Polish Logic Notation:
// Assumptions/Constraints: WFF, whitespaces correctly spaced
String[] A = "T T → T → T →".split(" ");
Stack<String> S = new Stack<>();
for (int i = 0; i < A.length; i++){
String P = A[i];
if (P.equals("∨")) {
String X = S.pop();
String Y = S.pop();
if (X.equals("T") || Y.equals("T")) S.push("T");
else S.push("F");
} else if (P.equals("∧")) {
String X = S.pop();
String Y = S.pop();
if (X.equals("T") && Y.equals("T")) S.push("T");
else S.push("F");
} else if (P.equals("→")) {
String X = S.pop();
String Y = S.pop();
if (X.equals("T") && Y.equals("F")) S.push("F");
else S.push("T");
} else if (P.equals("¬")) {
String X = S.pop();
if (X.equals("T")) S.push("F");
else S.push("T");
} else S.push(P);
T T → T → T →
is equivalent to((T → T) → T) → T
in standard notation. The key insight here is that every operator is surrounded by a pair of Booleans.
Consider Reverse Polish Notation:
// Assumptions/Constraints: WFF, whitespaces correctly spaced
String[] A = "2 2 + 2 1 + * 2 +".split(" ");
Stack<String> S = new Stack<>();
for (int i = 0; i < A.length; i++){
String X = A[i];
if (X.equals("+")) S.push(S.pop() + S.pop());
else if (X.equals("-")) {
Double N = S.pop();
Double M = S.pop();
S.push(M - N);
} else if (X.equals("/")) {
Double N = S.pop();
Double M = S.pop();
S.push(M / N);
} else if (X.equals("*")) S.push(S.pop() * S.pop());
else S.push(Double.parseDouble(X));
2 2 + 2 1 + * 2 +
is equivalent to((2 + 2) * (2 + 1)) + 2
in standard notation. The key insight here is agaub that every operator is surrounded by a pair of Numbers.
Also, Valid Parentheses:
String input = "({{{}[][][][][][][]}}()[])";
Stack<String> S = new Stack<>();
for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++){
String P = String.valueOf(input.charAt(i));
if (P.equals(")")) {
if (S.size() > 0 && S.peek().equals("(")) S.pop();
else S.push(P);
} else if (P.equals("}")) {
if (S.size() > 0 && S.peek().equals("{")) S.pop();
else S.push(P);
} else if (P.equals("]")) {
if (S.size() > 0 && S.peek().equals("[")) S.pop();
else S.push(P);
} else S.push(P);
Every pair of Parentheses must pair and cancel each other out.
A Stack variant of Math Equation Solver (eval
or the like not allowed):
// Assumptions/Constraints: WFF, parentheses valid
String inputString = "((((12/3)/2)-(-5*4))+10)";
Stack<Character> P_stack = new Stack<>();
Stack<Double> N_stack = new Stack<>();
Stack<Character> O_stack = new Stack<>();
String currentNum = "";
for (int i = 0; i < inputString.length(); i++) {
Character C = inputString.charAt(i);
if (C.equals(left)) P_stack.push(C);
else if (C.equals(right)) {
if (currentNum.length() > 0) {
currentNum = "";
if (P_stack.peek().equals(left)) {
if (N_stack.size() > 1) {
Double X = N_stack.pop();
Double Y = N_stack.pop();
Character O = O_stack.pop();
if (O.equals(add)) N_stack.push(X + Y);
if (O.equals(multi)) N_stack.push(X * Y);
if (O.equals(div)) N_stack.push(Y / X);
if (O.equals(sub)) N_stack.push(Y - X);
else if (C.equals(add) || C.equals(sub) || C.equals(multi) || C.equals(div)) {
if (C.equals(sub)) {
Character L = inputString.charAt(i-1); // Will never be first number with correct parentheticals
if (L.equals(add) || L.equals(sub) || L.equals(multi) || L.equals(div) || L.equals(left)) currentNum += "-";
else {
if (currentNum.length() > 0) {
currentNum = "";
} else {
if (currentNum.length() > 0) {
currentNum = "";
else currentNum += C;
Same intuitions as before but using alternating Stacks.
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Data Structures: Queue
A "waiting line" (British "queue") and derived object that's FIFO (first in, first out).
Often implemented with an Array or LinkedList.
Resources and Links
Data Structures: Sets
Most languages provide some implementation (or approximation) of the (the Pure Mathematics) Set Theoretic conception.
In Pure Mathematics, Sets are defined by the following:
- As mathematical objects that "contain" other such objects (typically, in the manner specified by the axioms of ZFC Set Theory) - when they are allowed to "contain" themselves (Impredicativity) it leads to the notorious Cantorian Paradoxes (e.g. - Naive Set Theory).
- They are denoted by pairs of enclosing curly braces:
. ∈
stands for the elemental inclusion operator andA ∈ B
is read asSet A is an element of Set B
(e.g. -B := { A, ... }
)- Where the order and duplication of elements are irrelevant and aren't preserved.
- Where the identity of two Sets is determined by them having the exactly same elements.
- Where the Null Set is always an element of every Set.
- Where various common operations like Union, Complementation, Proper Subset, Intersection, and the like are defined using the above definitions.
Programmatically, Sets are generally characterized by the following (slightly weaker) constraints:
- The order of their elements isn't preserved.
- Their elements are deduplicated.
- Set Theoretic Identity and constraints on Impredicativity are respected.
Refer to: Algorithmic Implementations of Common Set Operations
There are some important differences between the above and the pure math conception:
- In Set Theory (as a discipline of Mathematics), the Null Set is an element of every Set. This is usually ignored in most languages.
- In plain Java, probably the closest native operation to Set Theoretic Intersection in the Collections API is
however modifies the first Set and Set Theoretic Intersection is a distinct Set. As suchretainAll()
is not precisely Set Theoretic Intersection.
Note that Apache's Java Common Collection Utils supplies both a customized
methods that return distinct Sets.
Resources and Links
Data Structures: Useful
Some interesting Data Structures of note (that are typically variants of the above):
- Priority Queue - a Queue that sorts elements by some specified Comparison or Priority.
- Define a Comparator to sort elements.
- Exposes Queue functionalities:
- Heap Sorted, and inO(logN)
- returns first element without removing it,pool()
- removes and returns first element, etc. - Much faster than either (a) scratch bulding a Data Structure that's required to both store and sort each element or to (b) naively sort some existing Data Structure on each pass through a loop.
- Tree Map - a Map that supports sorted Key Value pairs.
- Define a Comparator to sort elements.
- Exposes Map functionalities:
- Heap Sorted, and inO(logN)
, etc.
Resources and Links
Computer Science: Arguments and Parameters
Often used interchangeably (and often confused).
Parameters are used in the definition of a function or method signature. They are the range of values and types that a function can take.
Arguments are the values that a function takes when being called or invoked.
Original Source of Confusion
From: - I think the point of confusion arises from the following original terminology:
Formal Parameter — the identifier used in a method to stand for the value that is passed into the method by a caller.
- For example,
is a Formal Parameter of some generic methodprocessDeposit
- For example,
Actual Parameter — the actual value that is passed into the method by a caller.
- For example, the
used whenprocessDeposit
is called is an Actual Parameterr. - Actual Parameters are often called Arguments
- For example, the
Computer Science: Transient Objects
It's often useful to have "temporary", in-memory objects, that aren't persisted or saved to a database.
Such Transient Objects can be Fields, used in Serializing/Deserializing, validation, etc.
Transient Fields
// Java
public class Person {
private String temporaryNote;
Note that in Java, the @Transient
annotation and keyword transient
accomplish much of the same. Fields and their values are ignored and/or replaced with another value.
If one both implements Serializable
and uses the transient
keyword in Java, default values are created, persisted, and the original values are stored in a separate file. (This was often used for PII since it separates sensitive data into two parts that have to be reassembled.)
// Java
public class Employee implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private transient Address address;
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos)
throws IOException {
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois)
throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
Integer houseNumber = (Integer) ois.readObject();
# Ruby
class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
attribute :small_int, :integer, limit: 2
Data Transfer Objects
Plain Old Java Objects or some other intermediary object (say in Ruby) can be used to then Get and pass data into the relevant domain entity (Hibernate or ActiveRecord, above).
Resources and Links
Computer Science: Pointers
Variables are typically a compound with a name, a declaration keyword, some value setting symbol, and a value.
int myVar = 1;
Pointers point to a Variable’s address / reference in memory.
One can think of a Pointer as a reference to a value in memory or as a memory address.
int *numAddress = & myVar;
Dereferencing the Pointer / address to get the value back.
int derefNum = *numAddress;
myVar == derefNum; // True
Computer Science: Processes and Threads
A Process typically corresponds to a Program. (Many programs use multiple Processes that intercommunicate through Inter-Process Communication (IPC) - Electron.js.)
Processes are often run in an unmanaged way ("fire and forget", running silently in the background).
A Process usually has multiple Threads.
Threads have their own Stack and don't necessarily Synchronize their activities. Threads are often managed by the same Program (running, composing, starting, stopping, execution, intercommunication). They can interact in somewhat unpredictable ways, in total isolation, or be Synchronized using:
- Mutual Exclusion Locks (Mutex)
- Semaphors
- Atomic Types that are inherently thread-safe and Synchronized.
To illustrate this relationship further:
- Consider explicitly creating a Thread or Runnable object in Java or
Exec fork
in JavaScript: the Process spawns another Thread. - One Process, multiple Threads.
One finer point that’s sometimes forgotten: the Node engine is Single-Threaded and so, one Process is one Thread (under normal circumstances). So,
Exec fork
, andChild exec
will all create new Single-Threaded Processes.
Computer Science: Heap vs Stack
Objects stored in Heap memory are persisted across all Threads.
Objects stored in Stack memory are available through the execution of a method or function (typically the scope of a function).
It's convenient to think of a Stack as a "local" Heap.
Objects can be stored:
- In the Heap
- In the Stack without being persisted to the Heap
- In both
In C++, Stack memory is automatically managed by the Garbage Collector, and Heap memory requires explicit calls (to say persist something in memory across the lifespan of a specific function).
Computer Science: Hexadecimal Numbers
Fully general algorithm.
// JavaScript
// 0-9
// A-F represent 10-15
const NUMS = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"];
const decimalToHexadecimal = (num, remainders = []) => {
if (num < 0) {
// Specific to num < 0
// A trick to convert negative decimals to hex
num = num + Math.pow(2, 32)
const r = num % 16
const d = Math.floor(num / 16)
if (d < 1) return remainders.reverse().join("")
return decimalToHexadecimal(d, remainders)
const hexToDecimal = hex => {
let num = 0
// Any hexadecimal that begins with 8-F is negative
if (NUMS.indexOf(hex.charAt(0)) >= 8) num -= Math.pow(2, 32)
let order = hex.length
for (let i = 0; i < hex.length; i++) {
var n = NUMS.indexOf(hex.charAt(i));
num += n * Math.pow(16, order);
return num;
Int to Hex
Int to Hex.
Hex to Binary in JS:
// JavaScript
var hexToBinaryMap = {
"0": "0000",
"1": "0001",
"2": "0010",
"3": "0011",
"4": "0100",
"5": "0101",
"6": "0110",
"7": "0111",
"8": "1000",
"9": "1001",
"a": "1010",
"b": "1011",
"c": "1100",
"d": "1101",
"e": "1110",
"f": "1111"
function intToHex(num) {
var hex = parseInt(num, 10).toString(16);
if (hex == "0") hex = "0000";
return hex;
function hexTo16BitBinary(hexString) {
var l = hexString.length, innerString = "", result = "";
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
innerString += hexToBinaryMap[hexString.charAt(i)];
return innerString;
Computer Science: Signed and Unsigned Numbers
Signed numbers can be positive, negative, or zero (The Naturals, full Reals).
Unsigned can’t (Positive Ordinals, etc.).
Important Terminology
Radix – number of unique digits used to represent a number
- 16 bit binary – base 2 (radix 2) since it uses 2 numbers in the base.
- Hexadecimal is radix 16 since it uses base 16
Base – the number system (2, 10, decimal, etc.).
- Refer to Log notes above.
- Implicitly base 10 or 2 otherwise.
Mantissa – Two meanings:
- The Significand (IEEE 754 double-precision 52-bit or 53-bit with hidden bit Significand) and the numbers following a decimal (
). - The first sense defines the number of bits that are used to represent the significant numbers (including a sign or not) that are multiple against some power value (e.g. – [the binary representation of]
12345 x 10-5
). - The second sense expresses the intent of the first operation.
- The Significand (IEEE 754 double-precision 52-bit or 53-bit with hidden bit Significand) and the numbers following a decimal (
Computer Science: Bitwise Operators
Convert to Binary - convert some Number to the Binary representation of that same Number:
// Java int x = 1000; Integer.toBinaryString(x);
// JavaScript const x = 1000; const xx = x.toString(2);
- Bitwise Not (negation, complementation) - inverts the value of every Binary String index:0
and vice-versa.4
(Base 10 to Binary)~0100 = 1011
System.out.println(Integer.toBinaryString(~4)); // 1011
- Bitwise And - compares every Binary String index and returns1
if both characters are1
(Base 10 to Binary)0100 & 0101 = 0100
System.out.println(Integer.toBinaryString(4 & 5)); // 0100
- Bitwise Or - compares every Binary String index and returns1
if at least one character is1
.0100 | 0101 = 0101
System.out.println(Integer.toBinaryString(4 | 5)); // 0101
- Bitwise Xor ("Exclusive Or")- compares every Binary String index and return1
if exactly one character is1
.0100 ^ 0101 = 0001
System.out.println(Integer.toBinaryString(4 ^ 5)); // 0001
- Bitwise Left Shift (unsigned) - increases the length of the Binary String by the shift value, right-fills with0
.1 << 3 = 1000
System.out.println(Integer.toBinaryString(1 << 3)); // 1000
- Bitwise Right Shift (unsigned) - shifts a Binary String to the right by the shift value, fills with0
if there's empty space0001 >> 3 = 0000
- Alternatively:
0001 >> 3 = 0
System.out.println(Integer.toBinaryString(0001 >> 3)); // 0000
Note that Java will truncate the leading leftmost
Resources and Links
Computer Science: Object Oriented Design Principles
General concepts and principles of Object Oriented Design (OOD).
Types and Classes
- The term
originates from a long line of math, logic, and philosophy that culminated in ZFC Set Theory and Rammified Type Theory in the early 20th century. - ZFC Set Theory formalizes the prior notion of a Class as a specific kind of well-ordered and -behaving Set (fixing the bugs in Fregean, Cantorian, and Russellian systems).
- Rammified Type Theory formalizes the prior notion of a Class as a hierarchy of Types.
- Classes are abstract patterns or templates that are instantiated into or as particular Objects (per Plato).
Modern programming languages often include a mixture of Classes, Types, and/or Sets.
Below, Class
and Type
will mostly be used interchangeably (and while these align with the mathematical concept of a Set, Set
will be strictly reserved the Data Structure Type).
, andSuperclass
will also be used interchangeably.Child
, andSubclass
will be used interchangeably as well.
OOD Principles
- Encapsulation:
- Boundaries exist (Getters and Setters, Dot Notation, field access, Ruby's
) between Classes and particular Objects. - Visibility (Java's
, andprivate
) can be controlled.
- Boundaries exist (Getters and Setters, Dot Notation, field access, Ruby's
- Aggregation:
- Class definitions can be nested.
- Classes can exist as Inner or Outer Classes.
- Inheritance:
- Classes exist in hierarchies and features of top-level Classes are present in their Descendants.
- Generics in Java.
- Multiple Inheritance and Multiple Inheritance Conflict Resolution in Python.
- Polymorphism:
- A Class can implement multiple Interfaces (Java).
- Generally, a Class needn't be singly-Typed (can be Typed in multiple ways without necessarily requires Multiple Inheritance).
- Abstraction:
- Where a Class is a Parent of another.
- Where some Superclass is used to reason about or define permissible Subclasses.
- A Class can implement an Interface (which defines Methods only up to their Signature) and must have the stipulated Functions or Methods present (Java and GoLang's Interfaces).
- A Class can be Abstract which requires it to be Subclassed to be Instantiated (if the language supports such a concept).
- In Java, an Abstract Class can define Fields with initialized Values and fully defined Methods.
- Service Responsibility Principle:
- Class definitions and Types should be scoped to specific functionality or role.
- Even with good OOD, one might be tempted to
a single Class everywhere (or at least in multiple places). - Despite say proper Visibility and Encapsulation controls, developers might then misuse functionalities or import unintended Variables or Methods.
- This aligns with proper Separation of Concerns as a guiding principle. Resources should be defined only up to and isolated by their intended functionality (rather than sloppily blurring or intermixing intentions, intended uses, or meanings).
- Open and Closed:
- Types should be extensible (extendable, subclassable).
- But Subclasses shouldn't modify their Parent or Super Classes.
- Accessing Properties, the Constructor, Fields, and/or Methods of a Parent requires some explicit and verbose keyword or operation (
). Even still in doing so, the Ancestor definition does not alter the Superclass definition (itself).
- Liskov Substitution Principle:
- If
is a property of a TypeA
is a Subtype ofA
, thenP
is a property ofB
. - Properties, Methods, and Fields of a Parent will be automatically inherited by (implicitly or explicitly present in the defintion of) their Subtypes.
- If
- Interface Segmentation:
- Types shouldn't unnecessarily implement (or be an implementation of an unnecessary) Interfaces.
- Types also shouldn't unnecessarily inherit from unneeded Superclasses.
- Dependency Inversion Principle:
- Unidrectional Top to Bottom dependency chain.
- More abstract Types don't depend on their less abstract Subtypes.
- Liskov Substitution could be a symmetric principle. In tandem with the Dependency Inversion Principle, inheritance of Properties, Methods, and so on become one directional.
Consult this article for a discussion on Java-specific OOD principles, concepts, and code examples.
Consult this article for a discussion on GoLang-specific OOD principles, concepts, and code examples.
Consult this article for a discussion on Ruby-specific OOD principles, concepts, and code examples.
Consult this article for a discussion on Python-specific OOD principles, concepts, and code examples.
Resources and Links
C++: General Concepts
A compiled, Object Oriented, statically typed programming language that predates most others. Some quirks:
- C++ programs will execute even if they don't compile!
- C++ supports Pointers and Dereferencing.
- C++ divides files into Class Definitions (suffixed
files) and their implementations (suffixed.cpp
files). - C++ often requires more explicit use of Garbage Collecting and memory management (especially w.r.t. the Heap).
Runtime Environment
Use gcc
through Xcode
(if on a Mac) and cmake
for compilation and executation of C++ code:
$ gcc --version
Configured with: --prefix=/Applications/ --with-gxx-include-dir=/Applications/
Apple clang version 11.0.0 (clang-1100.0.33.16)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin19.4.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /Applications/
$ cmake --version
cmake version 3.16.6
CMake suite maintained and supported by Kitware (
Console Out
cout << “hello world”;
Note that the
operator is the concatenation operator (.
in other languages) it's outputs data to the console.>>
receives data (from saycin
Resources and Links
Code samples:
C++: Files and OOD
There are no Interfaces or Abstract Classes in C++. However:
a Class Definition that’s pre-compiled (since it's not likely to change).filename.cpp
the implementation of that Class Definition (with full method definitions/implementations).::
is the scope resolution operator and defines the implemented methods of the class definition.:
is the subclassing operator (equivalent of theextends
keyword in Java).
C++ Constructors come in a few flavors:
- Default Constructors - C++ supported default constructors that are automatically supplied for each Class. It's convenient to think of these as akin to the
annotations in Spring. - Customized Constructors - developer-supplied and defined constructors.
- Copy Constructors - used internally or explicitly invoked to initialize a new Object with the values of another member of the same Class.
Refer to:,
For example, given ExampleClass.h
, ExampleClass.cpp
, and main.cpp
// header file - think interface/abstract class skeleton - not likely to change and doesn't need to be recompiled
#ifndef Example_Class_H // pragma guard - used at compile time to prevent redundant appending/prepending of compiled code
#define Example_Class_H // if not already defined, add - otherwise it will be ignored
namespace ExampleNamespace {
class ExampleClass {
// even explicitly specifying constructor here defines a custom
ExampleClass(int _a, int _b);
int a, b;
void exampleMethod();
// example_class implementation
#include <iostream> // header in standard library
#include "ExampleClass.h" // header in custom library
using namespace ExampleNamespace; // now you don't have to prepend the namespace when calling methods, etc.
using namespace std;
// implement class method without class syntax here
void ExampleNamespace::ExampleClass::exampleMethod() {
a = 5;
b = 100;
std::cout << "I'm a console out message from ExampleClass exampleMethod()" << endl;
// custom default constructor
ExampleNamespace::ExampleClass::ExampleClass() {
a = 100;
b = 100;
// custom constructor
ExampleNamespace::ExampleClass::ExampleClass(int _a, int _b) {
a = _a;
b = _b;
#include <iostream>
#include "ExampleClass.h"
using namespace ExampleNamespace;
using namespace std;
int main() {
try {
ExampleClass ec; // custom default constructor
std::cout << &ec << " with " << ec.a << " " << ec.b << std::endl;
ExampleClass ecc(1,1); // custom constructor
std::cout << &ecc << " with " << ecc.a << " " << ecc.b << std::endl;
ExampleClass * eccc = new ExampleClass; // pointer with custom default constructor
std::cout << eccc << " with " << (*eccc).a << " " << (*eccc).b << std::endl;
delete eccc;
ExampleClass * ecccc = new ExampleClass(111,111); // pointer with custom constructor
std::cout << ecccc << " with " << (*ecccc).a << " " << (*ecccc).b << std::endl;
delete ecccc;
// copies - keeps different addresses
ExampleClass copyExample;
copyExample.a = 1000;
copyExample.b = 1000;
ExampleClass otherCopyExample;
otherCopyExample.a = 1111;
otherCopyExample.b = 1111;
std::cout << copyExample.a << " " << copyExample.b << " at: " << ©Example << " " << otherCopyExample.a << " " << otherCopyExample.b << " at: " << &otherCopyExample << std::endl;
copyExample = otherCopyExample;
std::cout << copyExample.a << " " << copyExample.b << " at: " << ©Example << " " << otherCopyExample.a << " " << otherCopyExample.b << " at: " << &otherCopyExample << std::endl;
// memory assignment - note how the memory addresses for the variables remain distinct despite assigning their pointers to each other.
ExampleClass x;
x.a = 111;
x.b = 111;
ExampleClass * xx = &x;
ExampleClass y;
y.a = 1000;
y.b = 1000;
ExampleClass * yy = &y;
std::cout << x.a << " " << x.b << " at: " << &x << " " << xx << " " << y.a << " " << y.b << " at: " << &y << " " << yy << std::endl;
xx = yy;
std::cout << x.a << " " << x.b << " at: " << &x << " " << xx << " " << y.a << " " << y.b << " at: " << &y << " " << yy << std::endl;
std::cout << (*xx).a << " " << (*xx).b << " at: " << xx << " " << (*yy).a << " " << (*yy).b << " at: " << yy << std::endl;
// references
ExampleClass refCopyExample;
refCopyExample.a = 1000;
refCopyExample.b = 1000;
ExampleClass & otherRefCopyExample = refCopyExample;
std::cout << refCopyExample.a << " " << refCopyExample.b << " at: " << &refCopyExample << " " << otherRefCopyExample.a << " " << otherRefCopyExample.b << " at: " << &otherRefCopyExample << std::endl;
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
return 0;
Class Object Assignments
Remember that objects created in the Stack do not automatically persist in the Heap. One illuminating topic is how objects in two distinct functions can be assigned.
ExampleClass methodOne() {
ExampleClass ec;
return ec;
int main() {
ExampleClass ecc;
ecc = methodOne();
Will the above throw an error? No, the following process is performed:
- Default Constructor called in both
) andmain()
). - Copy Constructor is called when returning
(this link two discrete events on the Stack). - Assignment Operator is called to copy the "innards" from
(values are copied fromec
Access modifiers
Can be declared in classes (for encapsulated class fields) using the following:
// header file - think interface/abstract class skeleton - not likely to change and doesn't need to be recompiled
#ifndef Example_Class_One_H // pragma guard - used at compile time to prevent redundant appending/prepending of compiled code
#define Example_Class_One_H // if not already defined, add - otherwise it will be ignored
namespace ExampleNamespace {
class ExampleClassOne {
int num;
void exampleMethodOne();
Class Methods
- Class methods don't have to be explicitly declared within the body of a Class Definition. (It's convenient to think of this as akin to a Function declaration that's place above any
keyword in ES6+.) - Separate Class implementation files can therefore be omitted.
- Similarly, the Class Definition file needn't contain a
keyword at all.
Example One
// header file - think interface/abstract class skeleton - not likely to change and doesn't need to be recompiled
#ifndef Example_Class_One_H // pragma guard - used at compile time to prevent redundant appending/prepending of compiled code
#define Example_Class_One_H // if not already defined, add - otherwise it will be ignored
namespace ExampleNamespace {
class ExampleClassOne {
int num;
void exampleMethodOne();
// example_class implementation
#include <iostream> // header in standard library
#include "ExampleClassOne.h" // header in custom library
using namespace ExampleNamespace; // now you don't have to prepend the namespace when calling methods, etc.
using namespace std;
// implement class method without class syntax here
void ExampleClassOne::exampleMethodOne() {
cout << "I'm a console out message from ExampleClassOne exampleMethodOne()" << endl;
// executable code (must be wrapped in main method)
int main() {
try {
ExampleClassOne exampleOne;
cout << "Review the random number assigned here: " << exampleOne.num << endl;
exampleOne.num = 2;
cout << exampleOne.num << endl;
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
return 0;
Refer to:
Example Two
#ifndef Example_Class_H
#define Example_Class_H
int add(int x, int y)
return x + y;
#include <iostream>
#include "add.h"
int main() {
try {
std::cout << "The sum of 3 and 4 is " << add(3, 4) << '\n';
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
return 0;
Refer to:
Given a pair of Class Definitions and their implementations: BaseClass
and SuperClass
#include <iostream>
#include "SuperClass.h"
using namespace ExampleNamespace;
using namespace std;
void SuperClass::superClassMethod() {
num = 500;
std::cout << "superClassMethod() called in SuperClass " << num << std::endl;
namespace ExampleNamespace {
class SuperClass {
int num;
virtual void superClassMethod();
#ifndef BASE_CLASS_H
#define BASE_CLASS_H
#include "SuperClass.h"
// Specify an associated Namespace - this is akin to a package in Java
namespace ExampleNamespace {
class BaseClass: virtual public SuperClass {
int num;
void baseClassMethod();
// Note that this may throw a warning - it can be ignored
// warning: 'override' keyword is a C++11 extension [-Wc++11-extensions]
void superClassMethod() override;
void superEquivalentMethod();
#include <iostream>
#include "BaseClass.h"
using namespace ExampleNamespace;
using namespace std;
void BaseClass::baseClassMethod() {
num = 3;
std::cout << "baseClassMethod() " << num << std::endl;
void BaseClass::superClassMethod() {
num = 7;
std::cout << "superClassMethod() override " << num << std::endl;
void BaseClass::superEquivalentMethod() {
std::cout << "superEquivalentMethod() called in BaseClass " << num << std::endl;
// simple classless executable with function.
#include <iostream>
#include "BaseClass.h"
using namespace ExampleNamespace;
int main() {
try {
ExampleNamespace::BaseClass bc;
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
return 0;
Refer to:
Resources and Links
Code samples:
C++: Memory
Generally, C++ requires and offers more precise control over memory use in terms of Garbage Collection, variable declaration, and memory addressing.
Garbage Collection
- No automatic Garbage Collection (like in Java) - variables are not automatically removed from memory.
- Unlike Java, C++ distinguishes between Heap and Stack memory (for Garbage Collection). In Java, application memory is allocated and automatically Garbage Collection in the Heap (which exists as an environment resource). Java's Stack is a derivative object implemented as an LIFO Dequeue and created within the application.
- C++ will automatically clear Stack memory and variables (e.g. - variables within the scope of a completed function will be removed from the Stack).
- For Heap memory (memory that persists longer than the lifespan of a specific function), using
, etc. is required. - Use
to allocate memory to Heap and delete to remove (recommended). Usenew
if a variable must be passed between functions.
Pointers and References
int num = 0;
- Variables hold values.
- Reference operator gets the address from a variable holding a value.
&num //address of value of num
Pointer variables hold addresses.
Note: The
symbol can also be used in variable declaration to essentially create another name or alias for a variable already declared.
int* pointer_num = # //address of value of num
- Dereferencing returns the value of the address stored in a pointer variable.
*pointer_num; //0
Tip: think of
as being the same as no*
(the two cancel out) - akin to double-negation elimination.
#include <iostream>
int main()
try {
// ------------------- variable with value -------------------
int num = 100;
// note using std::cout explicitly here instead of the using keyword at top of file
std::cout << "num " << num << std::endl;
// ------------------- pointer variable with a reference to the address of the variable above -------------------
int *numAddress = #
std::cout << "numAddress " << numAddress << std::endl;
// ------------------- dereference the address to get the value back -------------------
int derefNum = *numAddress;
std::cout << "derefNum " << derefNum << std::endl;
*numAddress = 42;
std::cout << "numAddress " << numAddress << std::endl;
std::cout << "*numAddress " << *numAddress << std::endl;
// ------------------- Reference variables -------------------
int & refVar = derefNum;
std::cout << "refVar to derefNum " << refVar << std::endl;
// ------------------- heap example #1 -------------------
// declare a pointer variable using new keyword - which automatically (always) assigns memory to the heap
int * exampleA = new int;
std::cout << "Initialized to last value on heap: " << exampleA << " " << *exampleA << std::endl;
delete exampleA;
// ------------------- heap example #2 -------------------
// declare a pointer variable and allocate a memory address in heap
int * heapVariable = (int*) malloc(1);
// assign a value to the pointer variable that doesn't exceed the specified size
heapVariable[0] = 45;
std::cout << "Heap assigned value " << heapVariable[0] << std::endl;
std::cout << "Heap pointer variable / address " << heapVariable << std::endl;
// return the allocated memory block back to the heap
// ------------------- heap example #3 -------------------
// declare a pointer variable using new keyword - which automatically assigns memory to the heap
int * newVar = new int;
std::cout << "Note the value initialized to is " << newVar << " " << *newVar << std::endl;
*newVar = 1000;
std::cout << "newVar " << *newVar << " at " << newVar << std::endl;
// declare a pointer variable assigning NULL
int * nullVar = NULL;
// use delete keyword only for variables declared with new keyword or NULL
delete newVar;
delete nullVar;
// ------------------- null pointer versus NULL -------------------
// NULL is a value that can be assigned to a variable
// null pointer keyword specifies a null address - technically, 0x0
int * pointerVar = nullptr;
// Cannot access nor delete - will throw error or exit code 11 if you attempt either
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
// main() must always return an exit code
return 0;
C++: Template Functions
C++ supports Template Functions which are akin to using Java Generics in Method definitions.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
namespace ExampleNamespace {
// only one type need be flexibly declared
template<typename T> class ExampleClass {
int num;
T flexibleVar;
// best to define these in the same class with template<typename T> declaration
void exampleMethodOne() {
cout << "exampleMethodOne() " << flexibleVar << " " << typeid(flexibleVar).name() << endl;
T flexibleMethodOne(T a) {
cout << "flexibleMethodOne() " << a << " " << typeid(a).name() << endl;
return a;
T flexibleMethodTwo(T a, T b) {
T result = a + b;
cout << "flexibleMethodTwo() " << result << " " << typeid(result).name() << endl;
return a + b;
#include <iostream>
#include "ExampleClass.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace ExampleNamespace;
// Within the definition of a Function
template<typename V>
V standaloneExampleMethod(V x) {
return x;
int main() {
try {
ExampleClass<string> ec;
string random = "I am a random string";
ec.flexibleVar = random;
ec.num = 0;
std::cout << "My values are " << ec.flexibleVar << " " << ec.num << '\n';
ExampleClass<int> ecc;
ecc.flexibleVar = 5;
ecc.num = 100;
std::cout << "My values are " << ecc.flexibleVar << " " << ecc.num << '\n';
string a = standaloneExampleMethod("hello");
int b = standaloneExampleMethod(5);
std::cout << "Flexible template values " << a << " " << b << '\n';
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
return 0;
Ruby: General Concepts
is the nullish value keyword.- Ruby is an inherently Synchronous language. There's nothing that corresponds to a native Promise.
- Modules are Mixins that can be included in a Class. This also provides Java-like Interface and Abstract Class reuse.
- All Function, Method, Procs, and Lambda-types are Closures.
Ruby: Closures
All Function, Method, Procs, and Lambda-types are Closures.
# More Closures
## Closures include any of procs, lambdas, methods, functions, blocks
# Procs (functions)
## Lambda proc with no variable name
-> (arg) {p arg +1 }.call(2)
## Proc new keyword with no assignment {| n | p n + 111}.call(2)
## Proc new keyword with assignment
proc1 = {| n | n ** 2}
## Proc from block
def make_proc(&block)
proc2 = make_proc {|x| x+7 }
# Lambdas
## With variable name
varName = -> (arg){p arg + 1}
# Blocks
## Can be a method
def example1
example1{p 2+ 4}
def example2(&block)
example2{p 5+ 8}
## Helpful for arrays
[1,2,3,4].each do |x|
p x
[1,2,3,4].each{|x| p x}
Lambda Proc with no variable name (Anonymous Function called with an actual parameter or argument):
-> (arg) {p arg +1 }.call(2)
# Methods
## Last line is automatically returned
## No explicit return type needed
def scoring(x, y)
x + y
## It can be added however
def add(x, y)
return x + y
## Parameterization - key arguments
def order_irrelevant_key_args(arg1:, arg2:, arg3:)
arg1 + arg2 + arg3
p order_irrelevant_key_args(arg1:1, arg3: 2, arg2: 3)
p order_irrelevant_key_args(arg3: 2, arg2: 3, arg1:3,)
def order_irrelevant_optional_key_args(arg1:, arg2:1, arg3:2)
arg1 + arg2 + arg3
p order_irrelevant_optional_key_args(arg1:1)
p order_irrelevant_optional_key_args(arg1:1, arg3:5)
## Parameterization - arguments
def order_matters(arg1, arg2, arg3)
arg1 + arg2 + arg3
p order_matters(1,2,3)
def order_matters_optional(arg1 = 1, arg2 = 2, arg3)
arg1 + arg2 + arg3
p order_matters_optional(3)
## Parameterization - optional (as arr)
## Logically, this order of args is required
## Standard args occur first (and ordering matters)
## It also looks for any key args
## The remainder are optional and specified by * (... in JS)
def optional(arg1, *opt, arg2:)
total = arg1 + arg2
opt.each{|x| total = total + x }
p optional(1,2,3,4, arg2: 5)
Note: official Ruby documentation refers to all Functions as Methods (and uses these interchangeably):
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Ruby: Hashes and Arrays
A Hash is a dict / array (since they are integer-indexed collections) / map equivalent.
Named Key - Value (e.g. - Objects in JS, dicts in Python).
# hash_example = {}
# hash_example =
hash_example = Hash[]
hash_example['a'] = n
hash_example[:b] = 100
Array - an Array proper (e.g. - Key by index Value).
Expands in size - ArrayList
like (Java).
arr_example =
arr_example = []
p arr_example.first
p arr_example.last
In Ruby, Array length
and size()
accomplish the same.
(the method) is an alias for the field length
Added for uniformity since many languages use length
(Java, JavaScript) while C++ uses size()
Refer to the Documentation.
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Ruby: Interceptors
- provides the same functionality as a Java Interceptors, executes a function prior to other actions being performed within an HTTP handler.
Ruby: Object Oriented Design
class Animal
attr_accessor :name
def initialize(name)
@name = name
def speak
class GoodDog < Animal
def initialize(name, color)
@color = color
def speak
super + " from GoodDog class"
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Ruby: Exception Handling
- Use
instead ofraise
in circumstances where an Exception will not be handled and rethrown as something more specific. - Use
otherwise. rescue
is the relevant "catch" keyword.- When defining customized Exceptions inherit from
p hash_example['a']['b']
rescue Exception # Should generally prefer to check for StdErr
p "hash_example['a']['b'] throws an exception"
p hash_example['a']['b']
rescue Exception # Should generally prefer to check for StdErr
p "hash_example['a']['b'] throws an exception"
p "I'm a finally block"
Resources and Links
Ruby: Techniques
Strings and Symbols
# Ruby symbols and strings
## Comparison - these are not the same
a = 'hello'
b = :hello
p a == b
## Hash - different keys
x = Hash[]
x['a'] = 1
x[:a] = 2
p x['a'] == x[:a]
p x
## Via try
y = Hash[]
y['b'] = { 'c' => 100 }
p y
p y['b']['c']
p y[:b]&.try(:c)
## Convert
p :a.to_s
p 'a'.to_sym
- Ruby Strings don’t work like Java's String Pool. The same String content can have two Pointers.
- Ruby Symbols that share the same content will have the same Address in memory.
- Strings are mutable and Symbols aren't.
- It's often easier and better to use Symbols (performance, overhead, immutability-wise) to access, enumerate, or work with Hashes.
Equality and Comparisons
For all intents and purposes one should generally use ==
("Generic Equality"):
# At the Object level, == returns true only if obj and other are the same object.
1 == 1.0 #=> true
1.eql? 1.0 #=> false
As opposed to eql?
(Hash Equality) which checks by Hash key and/or subtype (as in the case of Numeric comparisons above) or any of: ===
, equal?
. Generally, these should be avoided due to the specifics of their implementations and occasionally lengthy research into their side-effects.
If required use the other existing comparison operators or Methods:
b.is_a? A
b.kind_of? A
b.instance_of? A
## check identity by object_id
x = 10;
y = 25;
z = x;
puts x.object_id
puts y.object_id
puts z.object_id == x.object_id
Consult: and
Helpful Loop Opertations
a.each_with_index { |item, index|
p %Q(#{item} at index: #{index})
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Ruby: Safe Navigation Operators
Consider the example of checking the index of an M x N Array. Specifically, where some row r may be Out of Bounds.
Or, alternatively, checking if a nested field exists on an Object.
Three ways of checking that include are given as follows.
The Overly Verbose Way
if account && account.owner && account.owner.address
# ...
# => false
# => nil
ActiveRecord Try
if account.try(:owner).try(:address)
# ...
# => false
# => nil
Safe Navigation Operator
if account&.owner&.address
# ...
# => nil
# => undefined method `address' for false:FalseClass`
With Hashes
hash_example = Hash[]
hash_example['a'] = n
hash_example[:b] = 100
To check for nested a
> :b
hash_example['a']&.try(:[], :b)
Array#dig and Hash#dig
address = params[:account].try(:[], :owner).try(:[], :address)
# or
address = params[:account].fetch(:owner) { {} }.fetch(:address)
address = params.dig(:account, :owner, :address)
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Ruby: Truthy Evaluations
In Ruby, only false
and nil
are evaluated to false
, []
, etc. all evaluate to true
. (Unlike Javascript where 0
evaluates to false
Resources and Links
Ruby: Visibility and Access
- Class Variable, defines a field that's synchronized between all instances of the Class. For example, counting the number of instantiated copies of a Class that have been created since Application start.@
- fields must be set and got using getters and setters, same asself
- fields can be accessed directly with dot notation.private
- a keyword that can be used to indicate that every Closure definition in the scope below be given the private access visibility modifier.
class ExampleClass
attr_accessor :field_one
def set_and_get_field_two(arg)
## Does not have to be declared as attr_accessor
## But cannot be directly accessed in public
@field_two = arg
p @field_two
def get_field_two()
p @field_two
def get_field_one
## These are the same
p @field_one
p self.field_one
example_private(arg1: @field_one)
# Everything below is given the 'private' access modifier
def example_private(arg1:)
p arg1
## Call
### Constructor
e =
### Set attr_accessor field
e.field_one = 2
### Getter for @
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Ruby: Common Rails Commands
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rake db:seed
rails server --binding=
By default, the Ruby on Rails serve will serve from: http://localhost:3000/
bin/rails generate migration ExampleMigration
rails db:migrate
# rake db:migrate
Reset DB
# run migration and seeding
rails db:setup
# rails db:create
# rails db:migrate
# rake db:seed
rails db:reset
Create Model and Table
rails g model Dinosaur name:text
rails g model BabyDino name:text
Create Controller
rails g controller Dinosaurs
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Ruby: Active Record
Active Record FK Example
ActiveRecord::Schema[7.1].define(version: 2024_07_05_224153) do
# These are extensions that must be enabled in order to support this database
enable_extension "plpgsql"
create_table "examples", force: :cascade do |t|
t.text "name"
t.datetime "created_at", null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", null: false
create_table "jsonexample", id: false, force: :cascade do |t|
t.integer "id"
t.json "json_col"
t.json "json_array_col"
t.jsonb "jsonb_col"
t.jsonb "jsonb_array_col"
create_table "sub_examples", force: :cascade do |t|
t.bigint "example_id"
t.text "name"
t.datetime "created_at", null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", null: false
t.index ["example_id"], name: "index_sub_examples_on_example_id"
class SubExample < ApplicationRecord
attribute :name, :string
# Does not need to be explicitly set
# attribute :id, :integer
# self.primary_key = :id
# Does not need to be explicitly set
# attribute :example_id, :integer
belongs_to :example, class_name: "Example", inverse_of: :sub_examples
validates :name, presence: true
class Example < ApplicationRecord
# Remember that Rails ActiveRecord uses attributes here!
# Distinct from DTO's.
attribute :name, :string
# Does not need to be explicitly set
# #attribute :id, :integer
# self.primary_key = :id
has_many :sub_examples, inverse_of: :example
validates :name, presence: true
def msg
"Test Message!"
Java: General Concepts
- Java Virtual Machine - run Java on any machine or underlying environment.
- Abstracts the Java runtime environment so Java can be executed uniformly anywhere.
- Java Heap, Stack, and Garbage Collecting
- Heap - shared memory allocated for use by the JVM and applications running within it.
- Garbage Collecting - the automatic or manually configured/triggered periodic removal of items in memory.
- Write Time, Compile Time, and Runtime
- Checked Exceptions and Static methods are handled/checked at Write Time, Compile Time
- Unchecked Exceptions and Non-Static methods are handled/created/checked at Runtime
files, compiled Byte Code, and.class
files- Impure Object Oriented Design - Primitive Data Types don't inherit from the top-level Object Class.
- Reference Types - wrappers for the Primitive Data Types that inherit from the Object Class and therefore can take
, etc. - Statically Typed - Types are strictly enforced in Parameters, Arguments, Method Signatures, return Types. Limited Auto-boxing.
Top Java 8 Features
- Lambdas and Functional Interfaces
- Stream API
Top Features Since Java 8
keyword- Records
- Virtual Threads
- Better Heap and JVM memory management.
Java: Comparisons
- Primitive Comparison (
) - used to compare the equivalence of two Primitive Data Types. - Object Comparison (
) - used to compare the equivalence of two Objects.
String a = "abc";
String b = "abc";
(a == b); //true - both point to the same reference
a.equals(b); //true - both are the same object value sand reference
Type Checking
Applies to descendants of the Object Class:
Person p = new Person();
System.out.println(p instanceof Person); // true
Recall that comparisons typically return:
- some A shoud precede some B0
- there's no reason for A not to precede some B1
- some B should precede some A
In the example below, a Comparator is implemented as a Lambda to sort Products
per the following:
- Sort by
) descending - If tied, sort by
) ascending - If still tied, sort by
) ascending
List<Product> products = new ArrayList<Product>();
products.sort((a, b) -> {
boolean A = a.getAvailability();
boolean B = b.getAvailability();
if (A && !B) return -1;
if (B && !A) return 1;
Double AA = a.getDiscountedPrice();
Double BB = b.getDiscountedPrice();
if (AA < BB) return -1;
else if (BB < AA) return 1;
Long AAA = a.getId();
Long BBB = b.getId();
if (AAA < BBB) return -1;
else if (BBB < AAA) return 1;
return 0;
Java: References
- Shallow Copying in Java: set a value without using the
keyword for anything that's not a Primitive Data Type. - Java has no concept like Pass by Reference (unlike JavaScript) but there are some quirks.
Pass by Reference(-ish)
class ReferenceTest {
int num;
ReferenceTest(int x) {
num = x;
ReferenceTest() {
num = 0;
public class ReferenceExamples {
// Remember that Java scope can run counter-intuitively against the expected value.
public static void examples() {
ReferenceTest rt = new ReferenceTest(20);
System.out.println("I'm the outer scope: " + rt.num); // 20 - returns the supplied value above, not 50
public static void updateNewReference(ReferenceTest rt) {
// Restricted by scope, the new value is set within update()
rt = new ReferenceTest();
rt.num = 50;
System.out.println("I'm the inner scope - new reference: " + rt.num);
public static void update(ReferenceTest rt) {
rt.num = 50;
System.out.println("I'm the inner scope - same reference: " + rt.num);
Calling examples()
will produce the following:
I'm the inner scope - new reference: 50
I'm the outer scope: 20
I'm the inner scope - same reference: 50
Remember to:
- Don't create a new reference in memory (via the
keyword) if you just want to modify the value of something you've passed. - Return the exact item you want to return if you intend on reusing a variable.
Resources and Links
Java: Beans
Beans are Encapsulated, reuseable, resources that are created and typically initialized as Singletons in an Application Context.
Some specialized Beans (like the Java EE Message Driven Bean) are not Singletons and respond to triggering messages instead:
- They don't maintain a Synchronized or common state throughout the Application.
- Today, Message Driven Beans have been widely replaced by other Publish-Subscribe, Event Listening, or Streaming alternatives.
They can then be used anywhere within the Application provided they are correctly configured to do so.
Within Spring, (customized) Beans are configured using the @Bean
annotation within a @Configuration
Configuration Class. In Java EE, Beans were traditionally defined using an XML file (and are often defined today using annotations similar to the way that Servlets once were nearly universally defined using XML files and are now often defined programmatically using annotations).
They are then Injected into a Service (@Service
) or Component (@Component
) typically using the @Autowired
annotation (Decorator). Spring Components are Beans themselves (and Services are a kind of Component). Spring knows to look for Components automatically from the @SpringBootApplication
or @EnableWebMvc
- Beans are then Initialized at Run Time.
- Services that use them as a dependency can modify their state, make calls using their methods, etc.
- They are destroyed when the Application Context is shut down or destroyed.
Java: Object Oriented Design
Java uses a top-level Object
Class that all non-primitive Types inherit from.
Object Oriented Concepts
Java uses:
- Classes (templates, types, or kinds of things that Objects are or that Objects instantiate)
- Objects (specific instances, copies, or particular instantiations of Classes)
public class Example {
private String id;
// non-parameterized constructor
public Example() {}
// parameterized constructor
public Example(String id) {
// getters and setters
public String getId() {
public void setId(String id) { = id;
Example x = new Example();
Example x = new Example("fsfsf");
Encapsulation refers to enclosing all the functionalities of an object within that object so that the object’s internal workings (its methods and properties) are hidden from the rest of the application.
Getters and Setters, Access Modifiers, and Packages are some of the primary ways Encapsulation is achieved in Java.
Encapsulation: boundaries, visibility, and access are restricted.
Aggregation refers to one Class having another Class as a field or as belonging to another Class as nested Classes.
Classes can be defined and combined within Classes, a kind of nesting.
Instantiating the Inner Class results in the Outer Class also being instantiated.
public class A {
public class B {
A a;
A nested Class may need to be Static in order to effectively outlive the wrapping Outer Class. Failing to do so can introduce memory leaks.
public interface WidgetParser {
Widget parse(String str);
public class WidgetParserFactory {
public WidgetParserFactory(ParseConfig config) {
public WidgetParser create() {
new WidgetParserImpl(//...);
private class WidgetParserImpl implements WidgetParser {
public Widget parse(String str) {
Since WidgetParserImpl
isn't Static, if WidgetParserFactory
is discarded after WidgetParser
is created, memory leaks can ensue. Using the static
keyword here implies that no instances of WidgetParserImpl
need to be instantiated at all (and hence, can avoid the issue of lingering nested Objects).
From: and
Note that Composition is a specific, stronger, variant of Aggregation where both the Outer and Inner Classes are tightly coupled: they are created and destroyed together.
Inner and Outer Class Initialization
public class A {
public class B {
public String runMe() {
A outerObject = new A();
A.B b = B();
- Classes can be subclassed (e.g. - kinds, kinds of a kind).
- The attributes available on parent Classes or prototypes are available on their children.
- Inheritance occurs via the
keyword. Java does not support multiple inheritance in Classes (but it does for Interfaces).
Remember that basic initialization obeys the following general schema:
[Superclass] x = new [Type Inheritor of Superclass]();
- Use the
keyword to access Superclass properties. - Call
to invoke the Superclass constructor (which can be parametized). - Or, use
to invoke a parent Class method like;
Polymorphism: an Object may belong to multiple Classes or exhibit multiple kinds.
Since Java does not directly support Multiple Inheritance in Classes, Polymorphism with respect to Class Inheritance is only accomplished by extending a Class and implementing one or more Interfaces, implementing two or more Interfaces, or by extending a Class that is also extending many other Classes.
Thus, a Class that implements multiple Interfaces is said to exhibit Polymorphism.
public interface Mammal extends Animal, Biologic {
public class Adam extends Human implements Mammal, Developer {
Records - specified by the record
keyword - syntactic sugar to specify an immutable POJO / DTO.
record Car(int seats, String color) {}
- Automatically generates Getters and initializes field values.
- Automatically generates the AllArgs Constructor.
- Can define instance methods and custom Constructors.
- Records cannot use an explicit
keyword:- All Record Classes are
, so we can’textend
it. - All Record Classes implicitly
- All Record Classes are
- All the fields specified in the
declaration arefinal
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Java: Enums
Basic Example
public class Pet {
public enum PetType {DRAGON, DOG, CAT, BULL, JARBUL}
private PetType type;
public long getPet_id() {
return pet_id;
public void setPet_id(long pet_id) {
this.pet_id = pet_id;
Pet pet = new Pet();
Advanced Topics
Remember that you can define:
- Fields
- Methods
- Constructors
within Enums.
As such one can also implement Singletons.
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Java: Dynamic Proxying
Java Proxy Classes (Java Proxies):
- Are encouraged in Clean Code.
- Can be thought of as a Facade (a Wrapper with additional functionality to simplify use).
- Often target some range of Interface implemenations.
- Used to invoke or execute some additonal operation or imbue an operation with extra functionalities. (Additional logging, intercepting a method (via
), etc.)
Resources and Links
Java: Abstraction
- Interfaces and Abstract Classes allow for the general structure of Implementing Classes to be planned out and further specified in those implementations.
- Interfaces are lighter-weight and impose fewer suppositions on implementing Classes than Subclasses of Abstract Classes.
- Abstract Classes typically contain fully-defined Methods that are then Overridden whereas Interfaces only contain Method signatures.
- Both Interfaces and Abstract Classes can have fields defined within them that are borne by their Implementing or Subclassing Classes.
- Interfaces support Multiple Inheritance (whereas Classes don't).
- Methods defined in Interfaces are Public and Abstract by default. Typically, only their signature is defined.
- Are Implemented or Extended with the
keywords, respectively. - Fields defined in an Interface are
public static final
by default.
public interface ExampleA {
public void methodA();
void methodB();
public interface ExampleB extends ExampleA {
void methodC();
public class ExampleBImpl implements ExampleB {
public void methodA() {
System.out.println("I'm methodA");
public void methodB() {
System.out.println("I'm methodB");
public void methodC() {
System.out.println("I'm methodC");
Functional Interfaces
Lambdas can also be used with Functional Interfaces (which provide the most amount of customization when using lambda expressions):
public class HelloWorld{
interface CheckStringInterface {
boolean checkStringLambda(String s);
private static boolean checkString(String s) {
return ((s != null) && (s != "" ) && (Character.isUpperCase(s.charAt(0))));
private static CheckStringInterface checkStringInstance =
(String s) -> ((s != null) && (s != "" ) && (Character.isUpperCase(s.charAt(0))));
public static void main(String []args){
We observe how the Lambda expression allows us to implement the checkStringLambda()
method as we see fit. The same parameters must be retained in a specific implementation but we can go wild with whatever we want right of the arrow:
public class HelloWorld{
interface CheckStringInterface {
boolean checkStringLambda(String s);
private static CheckStringInterface checkStringInstanceOne =
(String s) -> ((s != null) && (s != "" ) && (Character.isUpperCase(s.charAt(0))));
private static CheckStringInterface checkStringInstanceTwo =
(String s) -> (s != null);
public static void main(String []args){
must only be used on an Interface with one Method. A Functional Interface is an Interface with a single method to implement and allows Java to have a degree of Functional Programming in what is otherwise resolutely Object Oriented.
Abstract Classes
- Abstract Classes are not themselves instantiated (although they can contain a Constructor) - they are Subclassed and instantiated thereby.
- Methods belonging to an Abstract Class can be Abstract and they can be Overridden.
- Abstract Classes are Subclassed using the
keyword and their methods are Overridden using the@Override
public abstract class ExampleA {
public void methodA() {
System.out.println("I'm methodA from within ExampleA");
abstract void methodB();
public class ExampleB extends ExampleA {
public void methodA() {
System.out.println("I'm methodA from within ExampleB");
public void methodB() {
System.out.println("I'm methodB");
Java: Singletons
A Singleton is a Class that's instantiated once and reused everywhere as that, single, copy.
Not Thread Safe
// Sloppy not thread safe - HackerRank
class Singleton{
private static final Singleton instance = new Singleton();
public static String str;
private Singleton() {}
public static Singleton getSingleInstance() {
return instance;
Thread Safe Implementations
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
// Refer to:
public class ThreadSafeSingleton {
// Requires the CPU not to reorder when the variable is read using volatile.
// Avoids a scenario where prior to initialization the variable might
// be null in a secondary Thread.
private static volatile ThreadSafeSingleton instance;
// Private constructor for Singleton
private ThreadSafeSingleton() {}
public static ThreadSafeSingleton getOrCreateInstance() {
// Separate out the volatile variable into another copy so no
// copies are read by different threads here.
ThreadSafeSingleton result = instance;
if (result == null) {
// synchronized
synchronized (ThreadSafeSingleton.class) {
result = instance;
if (result == null) {
instance = result = new ThreadSafeSingleton();
return result;
// Mutex - initialize beforehand in a static context
// Obviously, since a Singleton is only a single instance don't put Mutex's in a Main method or above as a field:
// e.g. - private final Semaphore mutex = new Semaphore(1);
public static ThreadSafeSingleton getOrCreateInstanceWithSemaphore(Semaphore mutex) throws InterruptedException {
// Separate out the volatile variable into another copy so no
// copies are read by different threads here.
ThreadSafeSingleton result = instance;
if (result == null) {
if (mutex.availablePermits() > 0) {
result = instance;
if (result == null) {
instance = result = new ThreadSafeSingleton();
return result;
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Java: Visibility and Access Modifiers
Access Modifiers
- Everywhere within the Application, all Subclasses.protected
- Same Package, Subclasses regardless of Package.package
/none/default - Same Package, Subclasses in same Package.private
- Class and Object only, no Subclasses.
Static vs Nonstatic
- belongs to the Class within which it resides.non-static - belongs to the Object/instance and is checked at runtime.
A Non-static method belongs to the specific Object/instantiation of a particular Class. Non-static methods thus require an Object created via the constructor keyword
and are invoked directly from that created Object.
- The
keyword specifies that a variable is immutable, a constant. - The
keyword specifies that a method cannot be Overridden. - The
keyword specifies that a class cannot be Extended / Subclassed.
Specifies that only certain Classes can inherit from or implement
from the sealed
Class or Interface.
An optional and potentially intermediate access visibility modifier-like keyword.
Specifies the exact Subclasses that can Subclass. (Even the Default/
can be unduly permissive – consider Classes that have encryption hashes/ciphers/salts.)Or, Classes that can
an Interface.sealed
Class constraints:- Permitted Subclasses must belong to the same module as the
Class. - Every permitted Subclass must explicitly extend the
Class. - Every permitted Subclass must define a modifier:
, ornon-sealed
- Permitted Subclasses must belong to the same module as the
Generally, a sealed-type hierarchy can have a Class or an Interface as its root.
- The remainder of the hierarchy can contain Classes or Interfaces, provided all leaf nodes of the hierarchy are either
concrete Classes or arenon-sealed
. - If a leaf element is
, it can be either a Class or an Interface.
- The remainder of the hierarchy can contain Classes or Interfaces, provided all leaf nodes of the hierarchy are either
Example hierarchy from
sealed interface Top permits A, B, C {} non-sealed class A implements Top {} record B(Top s) implements Top {} enum C implements Top { SUB_A{}, SUB_B{} }
Style Guides
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Java: Checked and Unchecked Exceptions
Some Java Exceptions
are Checked - they require a throws
keyword or a try-catch
block at Write Time, Compile Time.
Others aren't. They are Unchecked - handled and Thrown at Run Time.
is Unchecked.NullPointerException
is Unchecked.- Parsing format exceptions are typically Checked. e.g. -
Interesting scenario:
class BatteryException extends Exception { }
class FuelException extends Exception { }
public class Car {
public String checkBattery() throws BatteryException {
// implementation
public String checkFuel() throws FuelException {
// implementation
public String start() {
try {
} catch (BatteryException be) {
return "BadBattery";
} finally {
return "";
- One might be tempted to think the compiler refuses to compile since
isn't caught. However, the presence of thefinally
clause overrules that typical requirement. - One might also be tempted to think that
is returned orFuelException
is thrown fromstart()
. Again, the presence of thefinally
clause overrules that incorrect but informed intution. (Regardless of the implementation ofcheckBattery()
the end result will always be the same.)
In the above scenario:
will always return a""
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Java: Errors
Fatal Errors at Runtime will terminate an Application killing the Process.
Exceptions, by contrast, are undesired or predicted defects in some code that are Thrown, Caught, and Handled at Compile Time and Run Time.
A finally
block may be reached and executed when a fatal system Error occurs or if the Process is killed early (deliberately).
// JavaScript
// Java
Java: Arrays
Use length
to access the size of the Array.
Java Arrays are fixed in their size after initialization.
// With dimensions/size using this syntax.
// The default way
int[] intArrA = new int[8];
int[] intArrB;
Array initialization with values:
int[] intArrA = {1,2,3,4000,707,707,3,3};
Note that an Array A that's been assigned a size a > b can be reassigned with an Array value of size b without limitation.
int[] A = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};
int[] B = {5,5,5,5,5};
A = B;
for (int i = 0; i < A.length; i++) {
Thus, initializing an Array like so:
int[] C;
C = A;
for (int i = 0; i < C.length; i++) {
can help to reduce invalidly declared Arrays.
Reference Types
Remember that primitive Arrays aren't Autoboxed to their reference types. (Also, that the type of an Array is the type of each element.) (Each individual element can be in the right circumstances, however.)
Consequently, int[]
won't be Autoboxed to Integer[]
nor Object[]
and so doesn't meet the constraints of either an Object[] o
parameter nor the generic <T>
, T[]
public static <T> void printArray(T[] o) {
for (int i = 0; i < o.length; i++) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Remember that int[] isn't autoboxed to Integer[]
// only each int[i]
// Also Object[] requires that int[] would be autoboxed to Integer[] first
// So, either set that explicitly or convert
Integer[] intArr = {1, 2, 3};
String[] strArr = {"Hello", "World"};
To and From ArrayLists, Lists
To ArrayList:
Integer[] array = {1, 2, 3};
List<Integer> listA = List.of(array);
List<Integer> listB = Arrays.asList(array);
ArrayList<Integer> listC = new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(array));
And back again:
// Will create an Array of length equal to the Collection size
Integer[] arrA = listA.toArray();
// Faster zero-size Array
// Better for Casting and Generics
// Use this even over .toArray(new Integer[listB.size()])
Integer[] arrB = listB.toArray(new Integer[0]);
Refer to:
Solutions that work for both Object and Primitive Type Arrays:
int[] arrA = {1, 2, 3};
int[] arrB = {4, 5, 6};
int[] result = new int[arrA.length+arrB.length];
for(int i = 0; i < arrA.length; i++) {
result[i] = arr1[i];
for(int i = 0;i < arrB.length; i++) {
result[arrA.length + i] = arrB[i];
- copyOf()
import java.util.Arrays;
int[] arrA = {1, 2, 3};
int[] arrB = {4, 5, 6};
int[] result = Arrays.copyOf(arrA, arrA.length + arrB.length);
System.arraycopy(arrB, 0, result, arrA.length, arrB.length);
- addAll()
import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
int[] arrA = {1, 2, 3};
int[] arrB = {4, 5, 6};
int[] result = ArrayUtils.addAll(arrA, arrB);
Refer to the article on Comparisons.
int[] arrA = {5, 6, 3, 9, 4, 5, 6,1, 2, 3};
// Natural sort
is performant at element sizes greater than 1,000,000.
Otherwise, it's likely less performant than a standard sort()
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Java: Collections
- Remember that Collections require Reference Types not Primitive Types: e.g.
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
is aList
method not available on Arrays (without conversion).- Use
for more expedient modifications.
// Conversion between int array to List
// Reference type from primitive - either stream or use reference type
Integer[] intArrA = {1,2,3,4000,707,707,3,3};
// Must use reference type
List<Integer> intList = Arrays.asList(intArrA);
// Or to ArrayList
ArrayList<Integer> listB = new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(intArr));
List<String> listC = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("one", "two", "three"));
List<String> unmodifiableList = Collections.unmodifiableList(listC);
// unmodifiableList.add("four"); // unmodifiableList is immutable!
// (if listC is modified so will the view unmodifiableList - e.g:
// listC.add("four");)
For more:
Set<Integer> setC = new HashSet<>();
bool x = setC.contains(0);
// ...<Key, Value>
Map<String, String> hmA = new HashMap<String, String>();
hmA.put("0", "A");
hmA.get("0"); // null or Value
hm.containsKey("0"); // true if Key is present, false otherwise
- Java Collections
is a basic implementation ofMap
. - It uses
to estimate the position of a Value and to create hashed Keys (using backing buckets to store hashes in a Hash Table). The number of buckets used is called thecapacity
(not to be confused with the number of Keys or Values). - It accepts
as a Key and isn't Thread Safe. - Keep the Key range small to avoid unnecessarily large buckets in-memory.
- Generally, Keys should be immutable. If a Key-Value pair requires alteration, evict and remove the previous Key and create a new entry.
Note that a
has Objects as Values that are hashed into Keys using a backingHashMap
. This guarantees uniqueness/deduplication.
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Java: Streams
Streams are:
Used once.
import; import; public class Example { public static void main(String args[]) { Stream<Integer> myStream = Stream.of(1,2,3,4,8,7,6,5,4); myStream.sorted((a, b) -> a - b); -> x + 1).collect(Collectors.toList()); } }
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: stream has already been operated upon or closed //...
From List
List<Integer> myList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int i = 1; i< 10; i++){
Stream<Integer> myStream =;
To List
Stream<Integer> myStream = //...
// Faster way to do this: myStream.collect(Collectors.toList());
List<Integer> myList = myStream.toList();
From Array
Integer[] myArr = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
Stream<Integer> myStream =;
To Array
Stream<Integer> myStream = //...
Integer[] myArr = myStream.toArray(Integer[]::new);
Sort using sorted
to return the third lowest Example id
- required to use a Stream
public class Example {
private int id;
private String name;
// Constructor
//... Getters and Setters
Example One
Stream<Example> myStream = //...
// Implements a Comparator
Stream<Example> sorted = myStream.sorted((a, b) -> a.getId() - b.getId());
// toList() via Collector
List<Example> myList = sorted
Example Two
From a List
List<Example> myList = //...
// Don't modify myList in place
Integer[] myArr = myList.toArray(new Integer[0]);
Stream<Example> myStream =;
// Implements a Comparator
Stream<Example> sorted = myStream.sorted((a, b) -> a.getId() - b.getId());
// toList() via Collector
List<Example> myList = sorted
Example Three
From a List
working with result Array
List<Example> myList = //...
// Don't modify myList in place
Integer[] myArr = myList.toArray(new Integer[0]);
Stream<Example> myStream =;
// Implements a Comparator
Stream<Example> sorted = myStream.sorted((a, b) -> a.getId() - b.getId());
Integer[] myArr = myStream.toArray(Integer[]::new);
Parallel Streams
Use when order doesn't matter.
Leverages underlying worker pooling from the Common Worker Pool:
List<Integer> myList = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4);
myList.parallelStream().forEach(num ->
System.out.println(myList + " " + Thread.currentThread().getName())
Common Operations
Stream<Example> myStream = //...
myStream.forEach(x -> System.out.println(x));
map -> x + 1);
Stream<Example> myStream = //... -> x + 1);
Reference Type to Primitive Type
Use IntStream
, LongStream
, or DoubleStream
for any primitive numeric typed Stream
Integer[] myArr = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
Stream<Integer> myStream =;
IntStream is = s.mapToInt(i -> i);
Streams will occasionally omit certain internal operations if:
- Doing so does not modify the outcome or result of the computation.
- The Stream is passed into some kind of dynamic processing where the size or count cannot be automatically determined beforehand.
Logging and output messages, in particular, will occasionally fail to display.
Refer to:
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Java: Primitive Types
Each Primitive Type has a corresponding Reference Type which wraps the underlying Primitive Type with additional functionality. Furthermore, Reference Types allow null
values where they wouldn't be typically allowed (e.g. an int has no null
value under normal circumstances - its default value is 0
are essentially Reference Types withchar
as their corresponding Primitive Type. Note further:char
as its correspond Reference Types.
int types must be instantiated with a value anywhere but a field in or on a Class itself:
public class Metrics {
private static int total;
public static void main(String args[]) {
Otherwise, initialize the variable with a value:
public class Metrics {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int total = 0;
Note that
can't support precise fractional division without rounding, using aString
, or some LCD algo (Least Common Denominator).
Java: Strings, StringBuffer, StringBuilder
- Java Strings use the String Pool, are immutable, and are Primitive Data Types.
does not use Java's String Pool, isn't Thread Safe, and is better (performance and memory-wise) for concatenating complex and lengthy Strings. (StringBuilder
is used automatically under the hood now for simple String concatenations likeString c = a + b + ":"
is the Thread Safe version ofStringBuilder
String Pool
Java's String Pool points Strings with the same value to the same item in-memory.
This optimization feature is designed to offset some performance costs associated with the immutability of Java's Strings and is referred to as Interning.
Interning can be manually set via String.intern()
String x = new String("abc");
String y = x.intern();
// Will be the same
// Useful when using a String constructor
String Constructor
Using a Constructor will force two Strings with the same text to refer to different items in memory.
Caveat: unless -XX:+UseStringDeduplication
is enforced at the JVM level (say, as an arg) or if intern()
isn't called.
String a = "abc";
String b = new String("abc");
// Not the same memory address
String c = "abc";
// Strings a and c have the same text value and the same memory address
Remember the following:
String x = "abc";
String y = "abc";
System.out.println(x == y); // true
String z = new String("abc");
System.out.println(x == z); // false
JVM Fine-Tuning
The maximum StringTableSize Java 11+ is now
Note: the
affixes indicate non-standard and potentially unstable "power user" JVM parameters settings, respectively.
Using +
in a (large) loop will still (in Java 18) result in wonkiness:
- Inefficient from a time-complexity standpoint.
- The underlying implementation (automatic conversion between
) is imperfectly performant for large cases. - Will actually be indeterministic (as I found out). And interestingly in at least two ways:
- By machine.
- With identical code blocks being run sequentially.
Consider generating a String hash for comparing Sets of Arrays:
Set<int[]> exampleA = new HashSet<>();
exampleA.add(new int[]{1, 2});
exampleA.add(new int[]{3, 4});
exampleA.add(new int[]{5, 6, 7});
String stringHashA = "";
for (int[] entry : exampleA) {
stringHashA += "{";
for (int i = 0; i < entry.length; i++) {
stringHashA += entry[i];
if (i < entry.length - 1) stringHashA += ",";
stringHashA += "}";
Set<int[]> exampleB = new HashSet<>();
exampleB.add(new int[]{1, 2});
exampleB.add(new int[]{3, 4});
exampleB.add(new int[]{5, 6, 7});
String stringHashB = "";
for (int[] entry : exampleB) {
stringHashB += "{";
for (int i = 0; i < entry.length; i++) {
stringHashB += entry[i];
if (i < entry.length - 1) stringHashB += ",";
stringHashB += "}";
// stringHash will be indeterministic with respect to the two identical code blocks
{5,6,7}{3,4}{1,2} - this is deterministic and will always print this on same machine
{5,6,7}{1,2}{3,4} - this is deterministic and will always print this on same machine
{3,4}{1,2}{5,6,7} - on a different machine
{5,6,7}{1,2}{3,4} - on a different machine
Set<int[]> exampleA = new HashSet<>();
exampleA.add(new int[]{1, 2});
exampleA.add(new int[]{3, 4});
exampleA.add(new int[]{5, 6, 7});
StringBuilder stringHashA = new StringBuilder();
for (int[] entry : exampleA) {
for (int i = 0; i < entry.length; i++) {
if (i < entry.length - 1) stringHashA.append(",");
Set<int[]> exampleB = new HashSet<>();
exampleB.add(new int[]{1, 2});
exampleB.add(new int[]{3, 4});
exampleB.add(new int[]{5, 6, 7});
StringBuilder stringHashB = new StringBuilder();
for (int[] entry : exampleB) {
for (int i = 0; i < entry.length; i++) {
if (i < entry.length - 1) stringHashB.append(",");
// stringHash will be indeterministic with respect to the two identical code blocks
{5,6,7}{3,4}{1,2} - this is deterministic and will always print this on same machine
{3,4}{1,2}{5,6,7} - this is deterministic and will always print this on same machine
{3,4}{1,2}{5,6,7} - on a different machine
{1,2}{3,4}{5,6,7} - on a different machine
Set<int[]> result = new HashSet<>();
result.add(new int[]{1, 2});
result.add(new int[]{3, 4});
result.add(new int[]{5, 6, 7});
StringBuilder stringHashResult = new StringBuilder();
for (int[] entry : result) {
for (int i = 0; i < entry.length; i++) {
if (i < entry.length - 1) stringHashResult.append(",");
// stringHash will be deterministic on same machine but will generate different results otherwise
Resources and Links
Java: Important Keywords
- can't be changed as a variable, can't be Overridden as a method, and can't be subclassed as a Class.static
- On a method: belongs to the Class not an instance or Object.
- On a Class Field: the Value is shared between all Instances (akin to the
Class Variable in Ruby.) static
block allows for multiline initializations ofstatic
Class Variables.
- specifies that only certain Classes can inherit from orimplement
from thesealed
Class or Interface.abstract
- on a Class: canextend
but not instantiate, can Override methods of the inherited Abstract Class.synchronized
- enforce thread safety within the specified Object or Class.transient
- ignore value, set a default value, and save or read from a serialized file.record
- syntactic sugar to specify an immutable POJO / DTO.volatile
- ignores CPU and memory caching and allows the actual CPU instruction order to be preserved. (Due to the nature of multi-threaded CPU's, instructions, values, etc. can be incorrectly handled by the CPU cache. In those circumstances it can be beneficial to side-step caching entirely.)
Resources and Links
Code Samples:
Java: Security
Java String over Character Array?
Strings remain in Heap for an unspecified amount of time in between Garbage Collecting. As such, using a Character Array can be a better choice since one can alter the contents of each index of the Array at any time between Garbage Collection events.
So, it can be a great choice for sensitive PII data that's in-memory.
Transient Serialization
When one uses the transient
keyword, default values are Persisted and the original values are stored in a separate file. (This was often used for PII since it separates sensitive data into two parts that have to be reassembled.)
Scanners and Tools
Resources and Links
Java: Generics
Generics abstract or generalize a method so that the specific details of the argument types are not required.
By convention:
Type Parameters:
E - Element (used extensively by the Java Collections Framework)
K - Key
N - Number
T - Type
V - Value
S,U,V etc. - 2nd, 3rd, 4th types
Type Generics
public class KeyedTreeMap<T> implements Map<KeyedTreeMap<T>> {
Type Generics apply to Reference Types, not Primitive Types.
Bounded Type Parameters
We can require that a generic be constrained to being a certain type:
public static <X extends Integer> void exampleMethod(X[] genericArr) {
public interface Pair<K, V> {
public K getKey();
public V getValue();
public class ExamplePair<K, V> implements Pair<K, V> {
private K key;
private V value;
public ExamplePair(K key, V value) {
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
public K getKey() { return key; }
public V getValue() { return value; }
//Instantiations of the ExamplePair class:
ExamplePair<String, Integer> p1 = new ExamplePair<String, Integer>("Even", 8);
ExamplePair<String, String> p2 = new ExamplePair<String, String>("hello", "world");
Java: Techniques
Algo Quick Reference
Common operations specific to algorithm implementation:
// length, length(), size(), count()
// List
myListA.addAll(myListB); // Merge two Lists
myListA.add(0, myObject); // Prepend, unshift - adds an element to the beginning
myListA.add(myIdx, myObject); // Adds an element at index
myListA.pop(); // Pop - removes last element and returns
myListA.remove(myIdx); // Remove element at index
myListA.sort((a,b) -> b - a); // Custom sort with Lambda Comparator
myListA.equals(myListB); // Comparison
// Conversion
List<Integer> listA = List.of(myArray); // Convert Array to List
List<Integer> listB = Arrays.asList(myArray); // Convert Array to List
Integer[] arrA = listA.toArray(new Integer[0]); // Convert List to Array
List<Integer> myStream =; // Convert List to Stream
List<Integer> listA = myStream.toList(); // Convert Stream to List
Stream<Integer> myStream =; // Convert Array to Stream
Integer[] myArr = myStream.toArray(Integer[]::new); // Convert Stream to Array
// Maps
myMap.put(myKey, myValue); // Add Key Value pair to Map
myMap.containsKey(myKey); // Check if Key exists in Map without traversal
myMap.get(myKey); // Get Value using Key - Null if not found
// Chars
Character.isDigit(myChar); // Check if char is 0-9
Character.isLetter(myChar); // Check if char is letter
Character.isLetterOrDigit(myChar); // Check if char is letter or 0-9
Character.isUpperCase(myChar); // Check if is uppercase
char myChar = myString.charAt(myIdx); // Get char at idx of String
String myStr = String.valueOf(myChar); // char to String
String myStr = new String(new char[]{'a', 'b', 'c'}); // chars to String
// Strings
String[] start = myString.split(""); // Split String
myString.substring(inclusiveIdx, exclusiveIdx); // Substring
myString.contains(otherString); // Substring match within
// Arrays
int[][] deepCopy = Arrays.copyOf(myArray, myArray.length); // Deep copy an Array
Arrays.sort(myArray); // Sort ascending
Arrays.sort(myArray, Collections.reverseOrder()); // Sort descending
Arrays.sort(myArray, (a, b) -> b - a); // Custom sort with Lambda Comparator
// Reference to Primitive Type
myInteger.intValue(); // Get int from Integer
myCharacter.charValue(); // Get char from Character
// int
int M = heap.size() / 2; // Same as int M = (int) (heap.size() / 2); which is the same as calling Math.floor(...) to drop decimals values.
Basic GET Request.
try {
URL u = new URL("");
URLConnection conn = u.openConnection();
// Get the InputStream and enable reading from it
InputStream stream = conn.getInputStream();
// "bridge from byte streams to character streams"
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(stream);
// Convert the read data into a usable format.
// Reads text from a character-input stream.
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(isr);
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
String inputLine;
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
inputLine = null;
result = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
{ "userId": 1, "id": 1, "title": "delectus aut autem", "completed": false} and
String to Date
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
Date nextDate = formatter.parse("2024-01-25");
Date to Calendar
Useful to know this conversion since Calendar
supports basic day and week addition operations.
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
Date nextDate = formatter.parse("2024-01-25");
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
char to int
Remember that merely casting a char
to an int
(recommended/encouraged by IntelliJ) will actually produce the wrong conversion:
String strNum = "12345";
char c = strNum.charAt(0);
int cc = (int) c;
int ccc = Character.getNumericValue(c);
System.out.println(cc == ccc); // false
Note that Integer.parseInt()
will also accomplish the correct conversion along with Character.getNumericValue()
int ccc = Character.getNumericValue(c);
int cccc = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(c));
System.out.println(ccc == cccc); // true
length, size, and count
Check specific Character in String:
array slicing
String[] L = new String[] { "Python", "Java", "Kotlin", "Scala", "Ruby", "Go", "Rust" };
String[] R = Arrays.copyOfRange(L, 1, 4);
chars in String
Check specific Character in String:
char c = str.charAt(0);
String s = Character.toString(c);
boolean beginClosed = s.equals("[");
Sort an Array
int[][] intervals = [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6],[7,8]];
Arrays.sort(intervals, (a,b) -> {
if (a[0] < b[0]) return -1;
if (b[0] < a[0]) return 1;
return 0;
int[] nums = [6,5,4,3,8,1];
Swap List Indicies
int l = 0;
int r = 5;
while (l < r) {
Collections.swap(listInt, l, r);
Java Mail
To configure, install, and use Java Mail:
<!-- pom.xml -->
<!-- Java Email Dependencies -->
# application.yml
# Enable auth
port: 587
username: aaaaaaa
password: aaaaaaa
debug: true
protocol: smtp
auth: true
enable: true
import io.thoughtscript.example.Constants;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.mail.SimpleMailMessage;
import org.springframework.mail.javamail.JavaMailSender;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
public class EmailService {
JavaMailSender javaMailSender;
public void sendMagicEmail(String emailAddress, String token) {
SimpleMailMessage email = new SimpleMailMessage();
StringBuffer emailContent = new StringBuffer();
Refer to:
Convert Time between TimeZones
import java.time.*;
ZonedDateTime firstTime = ZonedDateTime.of(
LocalDate.of(2000, 1, 26),
LocalTime.of(19, 59)
ZonedDateTime secondTime = firstTime.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneId.of("Asia/Makassar"));
DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm");
String result = secondTime.format(formatter);
Resources and Links
Java: Asynchronous Programming
Java Threads
- Java Threading is mapped to underlying System Threads by default (logical or physical CPU cores).
- Java Threads can be pooled to help ensure that the application's needs don't overwhelm the available physical resources.
- Java Thread Pooling relies heavily on the
- implementations ofRunnable
can be passed intoExecutors
to be run automatically.ExecutorService
- provides factories for defining Thread Pool sizes on the fly or programmatically.ThreadPoolExecutor
- use for fine tuning a Thread Pool.ScheduledExecutorService
- for executing a task at a specific time.
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);
ExecutorService nonBlockingService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
nonBlockingService.execute(() -> {
public class WorkerThread implements Runnable {
public void run() {//...}
ThreadPoolExecutor executorPool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(//...);
executorPool.execute(new WorkerThread());
Refer to: and
Futures vs CompletableFutures
- Blocking.
- Can't combine results from more than one Thread.
- Added in Java 8 and significantly improved in Java 9.
- Chainable methods allow for JavaScript Promise-like
, andpromiseAll()
behavior. - Can combine results from multiple Threads.
- Non-blocking.
Asynchronous Promises
- Resolving and using an Asynchronous Objecct:
CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> { //... }).thenApplyAsync(result -> { //... })
if (openCsvService.validate(file)) {
CsvTransfer csvTransfer = openCsvService.setPath(file);
Instant start = TimeHelper.start(Constants.ALL);
return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
try {
CompletableFuture<String> save = openCsvService.saveCsv(file);
} catch (Exception e) {
return responseTransfer;
}).thenApplyAsync(result -> {
try {
CompletableFuture<List<String[]>> allPromise = openCsvService.readCsvAll(csvTransfer);
} catch (Exception e) {
return result;
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(responseTransfer);
Thread Safety
- enforce thread safety within the contents of a Class or Object.- On a Static method, thread safety is enforced on the Class.
- On a Non-Static method, thread safety is enforced on the Object.
- Atomic Objects have inherently Synchronized values.
- Refer to the article on Thread-Safe Singletons.
- Refer to the article on Computer Science Processes and Threads.
- Java provides
allow a single Thread to (re)access a resource at a time.Semaphores
allow a specified number of Threads to share access to a resource at any given time.
- belongs toObject
, Non-Static, should only be called from aSynchronized
- belongs toThread
, Static,
Resources and Links
Java: SOAP
- Generates Classes from an
file. - Provides Web Services via the
configuration annotation and@Endpoint
handler annotation. - Makes a WSDL accessible to SOAP clients so relevant Classes can be generated client-side.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema xmlns=""
<element name="getComplexExampleRequest" type="examples:GetComplexExampleRequest"></element>
<element name="getComplexExampleResponse" type="examples:GetComplexExampleResponse"></element>
<element name="complexExample" type="examples:ComplexExample"></element>
<element name="simpleStringEnumExample" type="examples:SimpleStringEnumExample"></element>
<complexType name="GetComplexExampleRequest">
<element name="exampleId" type="int"/>
<complexType name="GetComplexExampleResponse">
<element name="complexExample" type="examples:ComplexExample"/>
<element name="name" type="string"/>
<element name="gender" type="string"/>
<element name="created" type="dateTime"/>
<complexType name="ComplexExample">
<element name="exampleId" type="int"/>
<element name="description" type="string"/>
<element name="stringEnum" type="examples:SimpleStringEnumExample"/>
<simpleType name="SimpleStringEnumExample">
<restriction base="string">
<enumeration value="HELLO"/>
<enumeration value="SUCCESS"/>
<enumeration value="FAIL"/>
public class SoapConfig extends WsConfigurerAdapter {
public ServletRegistrationBean messageDispatcherServlet(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
MessageDispatcherServlet servlet = new MessageDispatcherServlet();
return new ServletRegistrationBean(servlet, "/ws/*");
@Bean(name = "complexExample")
public DefaultWsdl11Definition defaultWsdl11Definition(XsdSchema exampleSchema) {
DefaultWsdl11Definition wsdl11Definition = new DefaultWsdl11Definition();
return wsdl11Definition;
public XsdSchema exampleSchema() {
return new SimpleXsdSchema(new ClassPathResource(XSD));
public class ComplexExampleEndpoint {
ComplexExampleRepository complexExampleRepository;
@PayloadRoot(namespace = URI, localPart = "getComplexExampleRequest")
public GetComplexExampleResponse getCountry(@RequestPayload GetComplexExampleRequest request) {
GetComplexExampleResponse response = new GetComplexExampleResponse();
return response;
- Generates Classes client-side by accessing the hosted WSDL.
- Invokes calls against the Web Service using the specified WSDL Class schemas.
curl --header "content-type: text/xml" -d @curl-request.xml http://localhost:8080/ws
<!-- curl-request.xml -->
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Java: Text Editors
Troubleshooting Major-Minor Versions
- Set the correct SDK
- File > Project Structure > Project Settings > Project > SDK
- File > Project Structure > Project Settings > Project > Language Level
- Check the Platform Settings
- File > Project Structure > Platform Settings > SDKs
- Check the
- Check the Run and Debug Configurations
- In the Upper-Right Corner
- Select the Run/Debug Configurations dropdown > Edit Configurations... > Build and run
Kotlin: General Concepts
Kotlin was introduced as a Java ecosystem language variant with the following improvements:
- More concise (less verbose) syntax:
return Type forvoid
replaces bothextends
Constructor keyword isn't required.
- Greater Null Safety and Safe Navigation support:
- Elvis operator.
Nullable Type suffix.null
Type.- Nullable disallowed by default.
- Functional programming paradigm oriented from the beginning:
- Functions can be free-standing and don't have to be attached to or declared within a Class.
- Functions don't have to be Methods.
- Tail Recursion optimization.
- Many performance improvements:
- Asynchronous light-weight Coroutines pre-Java 21.
- Type inferencing.
- Compilation.
- Singleton declaration.
- Greater flexibility with Class and Variable declarations:
(constant, replacesfinal
, immutable) andvar
(mutable).- Constructors in Class definition.
visibility by default.static
must be explicitly set in Concrete Class definitions to allow Subclassing.- Keyword support for
companion object
Singletons. lateinit
lazy Variable initialization.
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Kotlin: Classes and Types
Types Equality
Unlike Java, Kotlin equality checks mirror JavaScript supporting both "looser" and "stricter" degrees of comparison:
(Structural equality) compares by Values.===
(Referential equality) compares by same Pointer/Memory Address.null
- Constructors are parameterized on Class definitions. (Similar to GoLang
.) - Classes aren't subclassable (
) by default: useopen
to override (Interfaces and Abstract Classes are). implements
are both replaced by:
.- Interfaces have some features that Abstract Classes do in Java (can define some Getters/Setters). Otherwise, Interfaces define Method signatures (Abstract Methods) and can't be initialized (Abstract Classes can define state and have initialized fields) like usual.
is the default visibility.
// By default all Classes can't be inherited from.
// Add the open keyword to allow that.
// Note the constructor in parentheticals
open class ExampleA(a: String, b: String) {
var stringVariable: String = a
val stringValue: String = b
// Method - Function on Class
fun testA(): Unit {
println("stringVariable: $stringVariable, stringValue: $stringValue")
class ExampleB(a: String, b: String, c: String): ExampleA(a, b) {
var additionalStringVariable: String = c
fun testB(): Unit {
println("stringVariable: $stringVariable, stringValue: $stringValue, additionalStringVariable: $additionalStringVariable")
// Inner class
inner class ExampleC(d: String) {
val additionalStringValue: String = d
fun testC(): Unit {
println("stringVariable: $stringVariable, stringValue: $stringValue, additionalStringVariable: $additionalStringVariable, additionalStringValue: $additionalStringValue")
open class ImplicitGettersAndSetters() {
var stringVariable: String = ""
val stringValue: String = "I'm set already as a val"
// Method - Function on Class
fun getFields(): Unit {
println("stringVariable: $stringVariable, stringValue: $stringValue")
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Kotlin: Variables
Variable Declaration
specifies an immutable Variable (constant, rather thanfinal
specifies a mutable Variable.
Kotlin supports Destructuring the fields of an Object into separate Variables:
val (name, age) = person
Lazy Initialization
allows Variables to be initialized lazily. They must be initialized before they're used:
fun exampleA(): Unit {
// Can't be val
lateinit var name: String // Can't be initialized
name = "I'm initialized" // Placeholder for lengthy or asynchronous assignment
println("I'm initialized with $name")
Classes support Receivers, ::
, and the .isInitialized
class Example() {
lateinit var name: String // Can't be initialized
// Method - Function on Class
fun isInitializedExample(): Unit {
name = "I'm initialized" // Placeholder for lengthy or asynchronous assignment
// Supports :: and .isInitialized in Classes
if (::name.isInitialized) {
println("Initialized value present: $name")
} else {
println("var name is not initialized yet")
Resources and Links
Kotlin: Null Safety
Kotlin supports advanced Null Safety features.
By default, Types aren't Nullable unless they're explicitly declared so with a suffixed ?
// From the Official Documentation
var a: String = "abc" // Regular initialization means non-nullable by default
a = null // compilation error
// From the Official Documentation
var b: String? = "abc" // can be set to null
b = null // ok
Read more here:
Elvis Operator
Kotlin supports the Ruby/Rails Type Safety Navigation:
Elvis operator
(akin to Ruby/Rails)..let()
(handles non-null
fun chainedSafeElvis(arg: Any?): Unit { // if null then execute block arg?.let { // if not-null then execute this block // with reference to obj via 'it' println("chainedSafeElvis: $it") } ?:run { println("chainedSafeElvis: Null found") } }
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Kotlin: Coroutines
Kotlin supports Asynchronous operations and light-weight Threading.
Suspend Functions
indicates that a Function can be used in either Asynchronous or blocking operations.
They can be called, paused, or stopped.
// function to be launched
// suspend indicates that the Function can be called in async operations, paused, or stopped
suspend fun suspendedFunctionExampleA(text: String): String {
println("I'm in the returned suspended function with $text")
return "I'm done: $text"
suspend fun suspendedFunctionExampleB(text: String) = coroutineScope {
println("I'm in the suspended function with no return: $text")
// No return
Coroutines, suspend
functions, etc. provided support for lightweight virtual threading.
// Coroutines are Kotlin's approach to Threading and Asynchronous operations
// Akin to Java's Lightweight Virtual Threads
// See also Scope builder notation:
fun spawnExecExample() = runBlocking {
println("I'm in the blocking scope")
// Define a Channel like in go
val channel = Channel<String>()
// Declare a coroutine block (like a go routine)
// Spawns a light-weight virtual thread
// is a Job
// Use GlobalScope.launch now
GlobalScope.launch {
println("I'm in a coroutine")
// Conceptually very similar to Launch except it's deferred and can use .await()
val resultA = async { suspendedFunctionExampleA("exampleA") }.await()
println("I'm awaited at resultA: $resultA")
// Concurrent launching - not blocking!
val resultB = async { suspendedFunctionExampleA("exampleB") }.await()
val resultC = async { suspendedFunctionExampleA("exampleC") }.await()
// The documention shows an example where async operations are composed
// but using the .await() is required to print a returned a value like in the below
async { suspendedFunctionExampleB("exampleD") }
// IPC send to channel
async {
for (x in 1..10) channel.send("$x")
channel.close() // close channel
// Can compose the above without using promises
println("I'm composed: $resultA, $resultB, $resultC")
for (y in channel) println("Channel received: $y")
// Commenting out this line will prevent the blocking scope from printing everything!!
Apparently, these are still more performant than (Java 21) Virtual Threads:
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Kotlin: Handling Static Methods and Singletons
Static Keyword
- No
block instead ofstatic
blocks for complex initializations.
companion object
can be used to define the equivalent ofstatic
- Only one
instance is present at any given time (object
) and allows methods to be called without declaring a new instance of the Class.
Singletons can be declared through a single keyword: object
object Singleton {
fun doSomething() = "Doing something"
Companion Objects
companion object
can be used to define the equivalent ofstatic
Methods.- Only one
instance is present at any given time (object
) and allows methods to be called without declaring a new instance of the Class.
class ReadRow {
companion object {
fun execute(conn: Connection) {
val query = "SELECT * FROM ..."
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Spring: General Concepts
- Inversion of Control - preconfigured default values reflecting best practices and commonly used patterns.
Resources and Links
Spring: Project Layout
Typical Project Layout
+- gradle
| +- ...
+- build
| +- ...
+- src
| +- main
| | +- java
| | | +- com
| | | +- example
| | | +- app
| | | +- ...
| | | +-
| | |
| | +- resources
| | | +-
| | | +- ...
| | |
| | +- webapp
| | +- resources
| | | +- scripts
| | | +- ...
| | | +- styles
| | | +- ...
| | +- WEB-INF
| | | +- JSP
| | | +- ...
| |
| +- test
| +- java
| +- com
| +- example
| +- app
| +-
+- target
| +- ...
+- pom.xml
+- gradlew.bat
+- build.gradle
+- settings.gradle
+- .gitignore
+- ...
Common Maven Commands
mvn clean
mvn install
mvn spring-boot:run
Comman Gradle Commands
./gradlew clean
./gradlew build
./gradlew run
Java SSL Keytool
keytool -genkey \
-alias interviewhelper \
-keystore interviewhelper.p12 \
-storetype PKCS12 \
-keyalg RSA \
-storepass F#4%afdfdsdfdfa*adf \
-validity 730 \
-keysize 4096
Looks like .war
artifacts don't populate immediately when a pom.xml
has successfully been loaded into IntelliJ anymore.
- Click File > Plugins > Type in
Maven Helper
- The
Maven Helper
plugin provides additional context menu options that appear to be missing now out of the box. - To correctly build a
file, right-click onpom.xml
> Run Maven > Plugins > maven-war-plugin > war:war
Resources and Links
Spring: Logging
- Slf4j - The Simple Logging Facade for Java serves as an abstraction or interface for an underlying target logging framework or library.
- Log4j - Apache, the original default logging library.
- Logback - Successor to Log4j.
- Log4j 2 - Apache's upgrade for Log4j that provides significant improvements over its predecessor and applies many lessons from Logback.
- Lombok - A utility library that provides many helpful annotations. Includes Slf4j logging as an annotation.
Common Combinations
- Lombok + Slf4j (included in Lombok) + Logback (included in Spring Boot Starters, the default)
- Slf4j + Log4j
Resources and Links
Code samples:
- (Spring Boot + Lombok + Slf4j + Logback)
Spring: Annotations
Common Spring-related Decorator-style annotations.
Spring MVC
to specify a URL Path Variable@RequestBody
- the HTTP Request Body data. Can be Form Data. By Key-Value.@RequestParam
- an HTTP Key-Value Request Paramater passed the URL string.@RestController
- annotates@Controller
Jackson, JAX
- allows snake case and camel case, to be used in a deserialized/serialized field.@JsonPropertyOrder
- specifies the exact serialization/deserialization order to be specified (since Spring will use alphabetical order by default). Sometimes a property must be computed after another regardless of alphabetical order.@JsonIgnore
- specifies that a field should be ignored during serialization. Useful for preventing infinite JSON recursion with One-to-Many, Many-to-Many, and Many-to-One table relationships.@Transient
- no to be confused with thetransient
specifies that a field should be ignored but does not involve Serialization.
- specifies that the Application should recursively search for relevant Beans within the specified Package or Classpath.@SpringBootApplication
- annotates@Configuration
, and@ComponentScan
- specifies that the Bean is for configuration, contains configuration settings, Extends or Overrides some default configuration Bean, loads Application Properties, or sets them programmatically.@EnableWebMvc
- Spring (but not Spring Boot) configuration annotation.@EnableAutoConfiguration
- use the default auto-configured settings.@EnableAsync
- enables Asynchronous programming in Spring and configures the desired ThreadExecutor
arrangment so the@Async
annotation can be added to a Bean method automatically wrapping it with anExecutor
. Typically used withCompletableFutures
- specify that a method should be wrapped in database Transaction.@EnableRetry
, and@Recover
- enable specific method invocations to be attempted multiple times (default of three) through method intercepting in the event of a specified Exception. Remember that@Recover
is used to handle Exceptions emanating from an@Retryable
Java EE
- Javax Persistence annotation specifying that the POJO in question is relevant to Object Relational Mapping.@Bean
- Java EE annotation indicating that the Class is a Bean (should be initialized and used as such) within some configuration Class.
Resources and Links
Spring: Hibernate
- The Hibernate Naming Strategy divides into two basic strategies: (1)
and (2)DefaultNamingStrategy
. The default naming strategy can be configured
or as a configured setting. (It is not set in the Hibernate SQL Dialect.) - Used with Spring Data, JPA, Entity Framework, and Javax Persistence.
- Object Relational Mapping framework for converting SQL data into valid Java entities in-memory at runtime.
Relations between data structures, Rows, and Tables are specified with a mix of annotations and data-layer constraints.
is sometimes appended to a column below but should not be confused with a Foreign Key (Foreign Key Constraint) proper. I use that convention to make it easy to read what a column is doing - it stands for foreign-key-like or what's sometimes referred as a Foreign Keys Without a Constraint. (Best practices encourage the use of true Foreign Key Constraints in Production, DRY JOIN tables, and removing any additional Foreign Key columns.) Consult: for more on the nomenclature.
Lazy Loading
Note that fetch
defaults to FetchType.EAGER
(associated entities are loaded immediately). FetchType.LAZY
will load those entities only when the field is first used.
Generally, Hibernate encourages
: "If you forget to JOIN FETCH all EAGER associations, Hibernate is going to issue a secondary select for each and every one of those which, in turn, can lead to N+1 query issues. For this reason, you should prefer LAZY associations."
Refer to: and
One to One
Example: User
and UserProfile
@Table(name = "A")
public class A {
@Column(name = "id")
private int id;
// If a Foreign Key is explicitly defined between A to B.
@OneToOne(cascade = CascadeType.MERGE)
private B b;
@Table(name = "B")
public class B {
// @GeneratedValue
@Column(name = "id")
private int id;
@Table(name = "A")
public class A {
@Column(name = "id")
private int id;
@OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
@JoinColumn(name = "bId")
private B b;
@Table(name = "B")
public class B {
@Column(name = "id")
private int id;
// Optional
@OneToOne(mappedBy = "b", cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private A a;
One To Many
Example: Owner
and Pet
(there are many Pets
that can be owned by an Owner
). And, below many A
are mapped to a single B
@Table(name = "A")
public class A {
@Column(name = "id")
private int id;
@Table(name = "B")
public class B {
@Column(name = "id")
private int id;
@OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
@JoinTable(name = "B_A", joinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name = "bId") }, inverseJoinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name = "aId") })
// Alternatively, if a Foreign Key or column is used
// instead of DRY-JOIN table.
// @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy="a_fk")
private Set<A> manyA;
-- Make sure to verify the field constraints when
----using a DRY-JOIN table that's also managed by Hibernate
id INT(11),
bId INT(11),
aId INT(11)
Many to One
Example: Owner
and Pet
(there are many Pets
that can be owned by an Owner
). And, below many B
are mapped to a single A
Assuming an FK exists:
@Table(name = "A")
public class A {
@Column(name = "A_id")
private int id;
@Table(name = "B")
public class B {
@Column(name = "id")
private int id;
// Alternatively, if no Foreign Key Constraints exist.
// @JoinColumn(name="A_id")
private A a;
A_id INT(11),
Many to Many
Example: Books
and Authors
Assuming an FK exists:
@Table(name = "A")
public class A {
@Column(name = "id")
private int id;
@JoinTable(name= "A_B",
joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "aId"),
inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "bId"))
private Set<B> manyB;
@Table(name = "B")
public class B {
@Column(name = "id")
private int id;
private Set<A> manyA;
-- Make sure to verify the field constraints when
----using a DRY-JOIN table that's also managed by Hibernate
id INT(11),
aId INT(11),
bId INT(11)
Jackson JSON Serialization
To avoid infinite recursion:
- Use
to on side side of the infinite recursion. - Use a custom serializer.
- Use
Refer to:
Best Practices
- Use
fetch = FetchType.LAZY
when configuring Many-to-Many, Many-to-One, and One-to-Many relationships. - Prefer Foreign Key Constraints over a column that refers to a Primary Key or other unique identifier.
- Use some annotation like
to prevent infinite JSON serialization when using Jackson.
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Spring: Tests
Spring Integration Tests are foremost characterized by the injection of the
:@Autowired private WebApplicationContext wac;
spins up a test Application Context so Services, Controllers, etc. are called as they are (not in isolation from each other).- Spring Mocks will also be used in Integration Tests.
Spring Unit Tests don't spin up a test
and rely heavily on Spring Mocks to achieve test isolation.
Example Integration Tests
import com.thoughtscript.springunit.config.AppConfig;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration;
import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringJUnit4ClassRunner;
import org.springframework.test.context.web.WebAppConfiguration;
import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.MockMvc;
import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.setup.MockMvcBuilders;
import org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext;
import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.request.MockMvcRequestBuilders.get;
import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultHandlers.print;
import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.content;
import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.jsonPath;
import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.status;
@ContextConfiguration(classes = { AppConfig.class })
public class ExampleControllerIntegrationTest {
private WebApplicationContext wac;
private MockMvc mockMvc;
public void preTest() throws Exception {
mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(this.wac).build();
public void test() {
try {
// Actually calls the endpoint
.andExpect(jsonPath("$.text").value("Hello You!"));
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception: " + e);
public void postTest() {
mockMvc = null;
Example Unit Tests
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultHandlers.print;
import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.content;
import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.request.MockMvcRequestBuilders.get;
import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.jsonPath;
import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.status;
public class ExampleControllerUnitTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private ExampleService exampleService;
private ExampleController exampleController;
public void preTest() {
mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(exampleController).build();
public void test() {
try {
// Mocks the endpoint and service
when(exampleService.helloText()).thenReturn("Hello You!");
.andExpect(jsonPath("$.text").value("Hello You!"));
verify(exampleService, times(1)).helloText();
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception: " + e);
public void postTest() {
mockMvc = null;
Spring: Jupiter Tests
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation=""
xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
<!-- Java Version Related -->
<!-- Dependency Versions -->
<!-- Spring Starter Dependencies -->
<!-- Lombok Logging Dependencies -->
<!-- JUnit 5 (Jupiter) Dependencies -->
<!-- Cucumber Dependencies -->
<!-- Spring WebMvc Testing -->
<!-- Inject Mocks Testing -->
<!-- Required for mvn spring-boot:run command -->
Cucumber Acceptance Testing
package io.thoughtscript.example.acceptance;
import io.cucumber.spring.CucumberContextConfiguration;
import org.junit.platform.suite.api.ConfigurationParameter;
import org.junit.platform.suite.api.IncludeEngines;
import org.junit.platform.suite.api.SelectClasspathResource;
import org.junit.platform.suite.api.Suite;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;
import static io.cucumber.junit.platform.engine.Constants.GLUE_PROPERTY_NAME;
// Looks like this assumes the root dir test/resources/...
// This the test package containing the actual Java Step Definition Classes
@ConfigurationParameter(key = GLUE_PROPERTY_NAME, value = "io.thoughtscript.example.acceptance")
// These are required for Cucumber to get picked up by Jupiter during maven-sure-fire.
// These are required by Spring
public class CucumberAcceptanceTests {
package io.thoughtscript.example.acceptance;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
//These all have to be public visibility
public class StepDefinitions {
private int actual;
//These all have to be public visibility
@Given("some number crunching")
public void setup() {"prepping...");
@When("I multiply {int} and {int}")
public void multiply(Integer x, Integer y) {
log.debug("Multiplying {} and {}", x, y);
actual = x * y;
@When("I add {int} {int} and {int}")
public void tripleAddition(Integer x, Integer y, Integer z) {
log.debug("Adding {} {} and {}", x, y, z);
actual = x + y + z;
@Then("the result is {int}")
public void the_result_is(Integer expected) {"Result: {} (expected {})", actual, expected);
assertEquals(expected, actual);
Feature: Cucumber Spring Example
Background: A Basic Example
Given some number crunching
Scenario: Multiplication
When I multiply 4 and 5
Then the result is 20
Scenario: Triple Addition
When I add 1 2 and 3
Then the result is 6
Controller Tests
package io.thoughtscript.example.controllers;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.servlet.AutoConfigureMockMvc;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;
import org.springframework.test.context.junit.jupiter.SpringExtension;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
class ExampleRestControllerIntegrationTest {
private final String testString = "OK";
ExampleService exampleService;
void testA() {
assertEquals(testString, exampleService.example());
package io.thoughtscript.example.controllers;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.servlet.AutoConfigureMockMvc;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;
import org.springframework.test.context.junit.jupiter.SpringExtension;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
class ExampleRestControllerIntegrationTest {
private final String testString = "OK";
ExampleService exampleService;
void testA() {
assertEquals(testString, exampleService.example());
package io.thoughtscript.example.controllers;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.servlet.WebMvcTest;
import org.springframework.boot.test.mock.mockito.MockBean;
import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.MockMvc;
import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.request.MockMvcRequestBuilders;
import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultHandlers.print;
import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.status;
class ExampleRestControllerWebMvcTest {
//This has to be present and will be injected automatically into the ExampleRestController.
ExampleService exampleService;
private MockMvc mvc;
void testA() throws Exception {
Basic Tests
package io.thoughtscript.example.helpers;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.*;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
class StaticHelpersTest {
private final String EXPECTED = "invoked";
// This has to be a static method
static void init() {"JUnit 5 Jupiter tests initializing...");
void eachInit() {"Running before each time...");
// These cannot be private visibility apparently
void testA() {
assertEquals(EXPECTED, StaticHelpers.invoke());
void testB() {
void testC() {
assertEquals(EXPECTED.length(), StaticHelpers.invoke().length());
assertNotEquals("incorrectString", StaticHelpers.invoke());
void eachAfter() {"Running after each time...");
// This has to be a static method
static void shutdown() {"JUnit 5 Jupiter tests completed...");
Service Tests
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.*;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
Apparently auto-wiring into a "basic" Jupiter test
also requires this annotation now.
public class ExampleServiceWithAutoWiringTest {
private final String EXPECTED = "OK";
ExampleService testService;
void testA() {
assertEquals(EXPECTED, testService.example());
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.*;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
class ExampleServiceWithoutAutoWiringTest {
private final String EXPECTED = "OK";
private ExampleService testService = new ExampleService();
void testA() {
assertEquals(EXPECTED, testService.example());
Resources and Links
Spring: Serverless
// Recommend Typescript, JavaScript, or ECS Fargate (which deploys a complete Spring app) due to performance concerns around Spring Serverless...
Resources and Links
Spring: WebFlux
The Reactive paradigm attempts to address shortcomings with blocking, highly-concurrent, systems at scale.
Reactive programming introduces Back-Pressure as the gradual degradation in performance as throughput increases throughout a web service and as information moves through dependencies and internal resources (they use a "water pipe" metaphor - it can get clogged, as water throughput increases pressure increases on the whole system, etc.). Prior paradigms don't handle Back-Pressure very efficiently.
Reactive Programming Principles
- A preference for Functional Programming.
- Asynchronous Programming from the beginning, not as an afterthought.
- Message driven - in line with other coterminous attempts to address the concerns above (Actor-Based systems like Akka, Event Stream, and Messaging systems like Kafka, etc.).
- Elasticity - resources are efficiently allocated based on Back-Pressure to reduce performance degradation.
WebFlux Features
- Functional Routers - API endpoints that are implemented using Functional Programming.
- Streams API oriented.
- Mono and Flux as first-class citizens. Promise-like entities available right out of the box.
- Backing Reactor daemons to provide Multi-Threaded event loops.
Better performance in highly concurrent use cases.
- One cannot use
within any reactive context. Use.subscribe()
instead (it's non-blocking but will return a value as an observer).
MongoDB DocumentReferences
- Mongo DBRefs aren't supported in Reactive Spring Mongo DB. (One can combine the results of multiple Reactive Streams but that's tedious and unreadable.)
- So, use the standard Spring Mongo DB dependencies for managed nesting using the
Refer to: and
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Spring: Threads
Spring Threads
- Spring Threading manages Threads for the entire web application.
- Spring Threads are utilized in processing the actual Business Logic.
- Spring Threads use
which are implementations of and wrappers for the underlying native JavaExecutor
, etc. (SpringExecutors
can be used in lieu of the native JavaExecutors
above.) - Spring
also execute implementations ofRunnable
Enable Asynchronous task execution via:
public class AppConfig {
Set the Spring Task Execution Pool defaults:
core-size: 2
max-size: 4
Refer to:
Tomcat Threads
Tomcat Threading manages inbound and outgoing web requests, connections, etc. Tomcat Threads are allocated at the "periphery" of the application - so-called Server Thread Pools that continue to be pooled/allocated even when an application itself is terminated.
Remember that many
files might live within the same Tomcat deployment - Tomcat Threads are shared by all such deployed applications with the web container.
The configuration below (application.yml
) specifies the minimum and maximum number of Threads extant in the Tomcat Thread Pool:
port: 8080
max-connections: 200
# Tomcat thread pool
min: 2
max: 4
Refer to:
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Spring: Asynchronous Programming
Java Spring accomplishes Asynchronous programming in three primary ways:
, Threading, and the@Async
keyword- Asynchronous Messaging
Enables Spring support for Asynchronous programming:
public class AppConfig implements AsyncConfigurer {
public Executor getAsyncExecutor() {
ThreadPoolTaskExecutor executor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
return executor;
public AsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler getAsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler() {
return new MyAsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler();
After the above is configured, one can use the @Async
keyword to automatically wrap a Bean method with an Executor
public void asyncMethodWithVoidReturnType() {
System.out.println("Execute method asynchronously. " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
public Future<String> asyncMethodWithReturnType() {
System.out.println("Execute method asynchronously - " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
try {
return new AsyncResult<String>("hello world !!!!");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return null;
The Bean method should be:
- Public visibility so that Spring can proxy (an interface for) the Asynchronous method. (Consequently, the method can't be invoked within the same Class since doing so would bypass the proxy.)
- Have a
, orCompletableFuture
return type.
Resources and Links
Spring: Techniques
Spring Data Mongo
Remember that for two connections, one should use distinct Mongo configuration techniques like so:
package io.thoughtscript.example.configurations;
import com.mongodb.ConnectionString;
import io.thoughtscript.example.Constants;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
@EnableMongoRepositories(basePackages = "io.thoughtscript.example.repositories")
public class MongoConfiguration {
public MongoDatabaseFactory mongoDatabaseFactory() {
return new SimpleMongoClientDatabaseFactory(new ConnectionString("mongodb://localhost:27017/" + Constants.MONGO_DB_NAME));
public MongoTemplate mongoTemplate() throws Exception {
return new MongoTemplate(mongoDatabaseFactory());
package io.thoughtscript.example.configurations;
import com.mongodb.reactivestreams.client.MongoClient;
import com.mongodb.reactivestreams.client.MongoClients;
import io.thoughtscript.example.Constants;
import io.thoughtscript.example.repositories.LanguageMongoReactiveRepository;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
@EnableReactiveMongoRepositories(basePackageClasses = {LanguageMongoReactiveRepository.class})
@ComponentScan(basePackages = "io.thoughtscript.example.repositories")
class ReactiveMongoConfiguration extends AbstractReactiveMongoConfiguration {
private String host;
private Integer port;
protected String getDatabaseName() {
return Constants.MONGO_DB_NAME;
public MongoClient reactiveMongoClient() {
return MongoClients.create();
public ReactiveMongoTemplate reactiveMongoTemplate() {
return new ReactiveMongoTemplate(reactiveMongoClient(), getDatabaseName());
- Reason: two configuration Classess that have overlapping Beans (say
which both initializeMappingMongoConverter mappingMongoConverter
) will fail to initialize correctly in the Application Context.
Refer to:
Mapping Domain to Tables
Many frameworks have in-built conventions that dictate which Classes are mapped to what Tables. While usually helpful, one will often want to override these default conventions.
There are two common ways of doing that. The first is encountered when using a full ORM (Hibernate) to map, populate, and serialize the Columns of a Row into a POJO 1-1:
@Entity(name = "MyTable")
@Table(name = "MyTable")
In some stacks, JPA Entity framework is used by itself and one can point SQL queries to another Table using @Entity
alone (without @Table
@Entity(name = "MyTable")
//@Table(name = "MyTable")
Refer to:
Resources and Links
Go: General Concepts
Go is a Strongly Typed, Compiled, programming language that supports essential Object Oriented concepts without imposing a rigid, heavy-weight, OOD hierarchy.
The Golang Empty Interface can serve as a kind of Generic:
// GoLang generic // The empty interface specifies that any type may be passed func golangGeneric(val interface{}) { fmt.Println(val) }
Export from files and Modules using capitalized Variable Names.
for Arrays and Maps:nums := [][]int{{1,1},{0,0},{2,1},{100,200},{15,244}} a := make([]int, 5) var animals = make(map[string]string)
Go has no Ternary Operator.
Variables can be declared in two ways:
:Can be used in Global Scope (at the top of a Module/Package).
Optional declared Type.
var a = 900
Short Variable Declaration
Can only be declared in some local Scope.
b := 100
Go: Object Oriented Design
Go uses Structs instead of Classes.
They are most akin to a kind of mutable Java Record or JavaScript Object IMO.
They lack internal Functions ("true Methods") and Constructors like in many other languages.
Go does not have pure Inheritance. It supports Weak Composition and Embedding:
type Animal struct {
name string
// Weak Inheritance by Composition
type Mammal struct {
// As a field
type Reptile struct {
animalParts Animal
Polymorphism is achieved through flexible Structs where an attribute plays the role of a Type.
Receiver Functions
type Animal struct {
animalName string
foodEaten string
locomotionMethod string
spokenSound string
func (a Animal) Eat() {
fmt.Println(a.foodEaten + "\n")
func (a Animal) Move() {
fmt.Println(a.locomotionMethod + "\n")
func (a Animal) Speak() {
fmt.Println(a.spokenSound + "\n")
Methods (Functions that live within a Class or Instance) are implemented by Receiver Function pattern.
Encapsulation is obtained and Access controlled through several techniques and in-built properties of the language:
- Export from files and Modules using capitalized Variable Names. (Non-capitalized Variable Names will not be exported - are functionally private.)
- Fields on Structs can be read and altered using familiar dot-notation:
p.X + p.Y + p.Z
type Animal struct {
animalName string
foodEaten string
locomotionMethod string
spokenSound string
cow := Animal{"cow", "grass", "walk", "moo"}
bird := Animal{"bird", "worms", "fly", "peep"}
snake := Animal{"snake", "mice", "slither" ,"hsss"}
// Note this is a weakly OOP language
// Note the lack of inheritance and constructors
type Point struct {
X float32
Y float32
Z float32
// Pseudo constructor/factory
// Note capitalized name indicates "to export"
func NewPoint(X float32, Y float32, Z float32) *Point{
// Partially initialize object
p := Point{X:X, Y: Y}
p.Z = Z
// Return pointer
return &p
// Pseudo-class methods
// Call by value
// Copy of value made
func AddCoordinates(p Point) float32 {
return p.X + p.Y + p.Z
// Receiver type function
// This is also how visibility is controlled:
// By exporting receiver methods but limiting exporting of structs (by using lower-case names)
func (p Point) AdditionReceiver () float32 {
return p.X + p.Y + p.Z
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Go: Asynchronous Programming
Go uses WaitGroups, go
routines, and the defer
keyowrd to make both Multi-Threaded and Asynchronous Programming possible.
func dine(wg *sync.WaitGroup, philosophers []*Philosopher) {
defer wg.Done()
wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
go dine(wg, philosophers)
The output of a go
routine can be sent to a Go Channel:
func sortAsync(wg *sync.WaitGroup, arr []int, c chan []int) {
defer wg.Done()
fmt.Printf("Go begin: %v \n", arr)
for i := 0; i < len(arr) - 1; {
if arr[i] > arr[i+1] {
orig := arr[i]
arr[i] = arr[i+1]
arr[i+1] = orig
i = 0
} else {
c <- arr
fmt.Printf("Go end: %v \n", arr)
// Create necessary resources
wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
c := make(chan []int)
arrs := make([][]int, 4)
for i := 0; i < len(arrs); i++ {
fmt.Printf("Sorting: %v \n", arrs[i])
go sortAsync(wg, arrs[i], c)
sOne := <- c
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Go: Pointers
Like C++, Go gives explicit control over the use of Pointers.
Useful to control scenarios where we'd encounter: Deep/Shallow Copying, Pass by Value, and Pass by Reference.
Address Of Operator and Dereferencing
var num int = 100
var numAddress *int = &num // declare a variable with pointer type '*int'
// obtain the address of 'num'
var derefNum int = *numAddress // dereference back to the int value from the pointer type
*numAddress = 42 // update the value of dereference to 'numAddress'
var num int = 100
fmt.Println("pointers > <variable> 'num' has <value>:", num)
var numAddress *int = &num
fmt.Println("pointers > 'numAddress' obtains <pointer> via & <address operator> and <pointer type>: *int = &num ", numAddress)
var derefNum int = *numAddress
fmt.Println("pointers > <derefences> back to the <value> with <dereferencing operator> on 'numAddress': derefNum = *numAddress", derefNum)
fmt.Println("pointers > call & <address operator> on 'derefNum' to obtain <address>: &derefNum", &derefNum)
fmt.Println("pointers > can <dereference> back directly with & and * operators sequentially: *&derefNum", *&derefNum)
*numAddress = 42
fmt.Println("pointers > set <value> on <dereference> of 'numAddress', then get <address> from <pointer type>: *numAddress = 42", numAddress)
fmt.Println("pointers > <dereference> back to <value>: *numAddress ", *numAddress)
pointers > <variable> 'num' has <value>: 100
pointers > 'numAddress' obtains <pointer> via & <address operator> and <pointer type>: *int = &num 0xc0000a4090
pointers > <derefences> back to the <value> with <dereferencing operator> on 'numAddress': derefNum = *numAddress 100
pointers > call & <address operator> on 'derefNum' to obtain <address>: &derefNum 0xc0000a4098
pointers > can <dereference> back directly with & and * operators sequentially: *&derefNum 100
pointers > set <value> on <dereference> of 'numAddress', then get <address> from <pointer type>: *numAddress = 42 0xc0000a4090
pointers > <dereference> back to <value>: *numAddress 42
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Go: Generics
func anyParamTypeOne[T any](x T) T {
return x
Empty Interface:
// Everything implements this interface and so
// can be passed successfully here
func golangGeneric(val interface{}) {
With a shared interface
that types are implementing:
func exampleNine[TT W](s TT, t TT) {
fmt.Println("reflection > exampleNine", s, t)
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Go: Interfaces
type S interface{}
type W interface {
type AA struct {
msg string
type BB AA
type CC BB
func (p AA) M() {
fmt.Println(1 + 2)
// Each of BB and CC require the implementation method M()
// they do not automatically or implicitly inherit like super()
func (p BB) M() {
fmt.Println(1 + 2)
func (p CC) M() {
fmt.Println(1 + 2)
- Implicit - no explicit implementation keyword required (such as
in Java).- Similar to an Aggregated Interface implementation pattern in Java.
- Above,
implement bothS
. - If
did not implementM()
they'd fail to implementS
despite being related toAA
directly through theirtype
definitions. M()
isn't implicitly inherited (not equivalent tosuper()
in other languages) here.S
is effectively the Empty Interface since it lacks any methods to be implemented (and will even allow sayvar X string
to implementS
).- Therefore, use an
definition likeW
for actual parameter ortype
- Therefore, use an
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Go: Reflection
Allows one to reflect and introspect the properties of a Variable, struct
, or type
type W interface {
var wtype = reflect.TypeOf((*W)(nil)).Elem() // Obtain the type of interface W
func exampleEight(s AA, t any) {
T := reflect.TypeOf(t) // Get the type of argument t
if T.Implements(wtype) { // Ensure that T implements interface W
fmt.Println("reflection > exampleEight", s, t)
} else {
panic("reflection > t doesn't implement W")
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Python: General Concepts
- Indentation matters:
- Is enforced and will complain loudly if you don't indent correctly!
- Has syntactic and semantic relevance:
is one indentation less than code blocks.- The indentation can alter the meaning of a block (for instance, whether code terminates or not).
- Dynamically Typed
- Python is both Interpreted and Compiled:
- It's Interpreted Just in Time.
- So, it's Partially Interpreted.
- However, it's also Partially Compiled (
- It's Interpreted Just in Time.
- Object Oriented:
- Supports Multiple Inheritance which Java does not.
- Supports sub-classing without an explicit
keyword (as in JavaScript and Java).
is the relevantNull
-ish Type and Value:None
is Unique (a Singleton).
is the relevantcatch
is the relevantthrows
- Comparisons:
compares sameness of Valueis
compares by (strict) Object identity (by same hash of the Memory Address).
is the relevantthis
convention (passed by Argument only - it is de facto reserved since the convention is enforced and used through native Python).with
is a convenient and concise shorthand offering the following benefits:- Scope (Context).
- Implicit
block. - Limited error handling.
- Variable declaration or alias.
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Python: Data Structures
- No max
. This makes Python attractive for handling very big numbers.
import math
if __name__ == "__main__":
def is_palindrome(num_str):
LEN = len(num_str)
HALF = int(math.floor(len(num_str) / 2))
for x in range(0, HALF, 1):
if num_str[x] == num_str[LEN - 1 - x]:
#print(num_str + " is not a palindrome")
return False
#print(num_str + " is a palindrome")
return True
def to_binary(num):
return format(num, 'b')
# print(to_binary(585))
def solve():
result = []
for x in range(0, 1000000, 1):
num_str = str(x)
A = is_palindrome(num_str)
binary = to_binary(x)
B = is_palindrome(binary)
if A and B:
print("Double-base palindrome found: " + num_str)
sum = 0
for x in range(0, len(result), 1):
sum = sum + int(result[x])
print("Sum found: " + str(sum))
return sum
except Exception as ex:
print("Exception: " + str(ex))
- Ordered sequence of items.
- Does not need to be singly typed (items can be of varying types).
lst = list()
if ("test" not in lst):
print("not in")
if ("example" in lst):
print("is in")
- Immutable
- Corresponds to the mathematical concept of an ordered N-Tuples.
- Ordered.
# 3-tuple
exampleTuple = (1,2,3)
# Access tuples
# Tuples can't be changed - they are immutable
## With throw error if uncommented
### exampleTuple[1] = 44
# Destructuring
(x, y, z) = (9,10,11)
print((x, y, z))
# Comparison - element by element
print(exampleTuple < (x, y, z))
print(exampleTuple > (1000, "", "Hello"))
line = "abcdefghijklmnop..."
# indexOf
startIndex = line.find("0.")
# Length of String
endIndex = len(line)
# Slice
- Share curly brace reserved symbols
with Dictionaries but are element-valued only. - Do not guarantee nor preserve order.
- Deduplicated.
- Corresponds to the mathematical concept of a Set.
thisset = {"apple", "banana", "cherry", "apple"}
- Key-Value data structure.
- Share curly brace reserved symbols
with Sets but are Key-Value.
exampleDictionary = {
"field": "example",
"attribute": "another",
"numerical": 2
# access value of dict by key
numericalOne = exampleDictionary.get("numerical")
numericalTwo = exampleDictionary["numerical"]
# set value of dict
exampleDictionary["numerical"] = 4
# iterating through the dict
## keys
for x in exampleDictionary:
## values
for x in exampleDictionary:
for x in exampleDictionary.values():
## keys and values by destructuring
for x, y in exampleDictionary.items():
print(x, y)
- Capitalized.
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Python: Comprehensions
Comperehensions provide syntactic sugar for initializing iterables. They use the following succinct Generator Expression syntax:
- Element Comprehensions -
x for x in range(0, 9)
- Key-Value Comprehensions -
x : x + 1 for x in range(0, 9)
- Left of the
specifies the Key and the right determines the resolved Value.
- Left of the
Generator Expressions
Very succinct in terms of written code and memory use. (Consider the extremely verbose initialization of Java nested Arrays with non-default values or static
block initializations!)
print([y+y for y in range(0, 10)])
# [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]
Tuple Comprehension isn't supported since Tuples already use Generators (Generator Expressions to be more precise) under the hood.
example_list = [x for x in range(0, 9)]
print(example_list) # [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
example_set = {x for x in range(0, 9)}
print(example_set) # {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
example_dict = { x : x + 1 for x in range(0, 9) }
print(example_dict) # {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4, 4: 5, 5: 6, 6: 7, 7: 8, 8: 9}
Resources and Links
Python: Object Oriented Design
Classes, Inheritance, and Multiple Inheritance
class Dog:
breed = "grayhound"
name = "fido"
class Cat:
# constructor
def __init__(self, name, breed): = name
self.breed = breed
# instance method
def meow(self, meow):
## string interpolation
return "{} says meow {}".format(, meow)
# executable code
cat = Cat("Sonata", "black cat")
print(cat.meow("meow")) # Sonata says meow meow
class RoboCat(Cat):
# constructor with super
def __init__(self, name, breed, metal):
super().__init__(name, breed)
self.metal = metal
# Multiple Inheritance
class CatDog(Cat, Dog):
# constructor with super
def __init__(self, name, breed):
super().__init__(name, breed)
# executable code
catdog = CatDog("CatDog", "cat dog")
print(catdog.meow("meow")) # CatDog says meow meow
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Python: Modules and Packages
Python scripts and files can be organized or grouped into Modules and Packages.
By default, Modules can be imported (using the import
keyword) using a Namespace corresponding to the named directory structure.
A Package can also be defined with a customized Namespace (the Namespace itself for instance) and is typified by the presence of
files at the root level of the Package.
Importing and Dependency Injection
+- /example
| +- /dependencies
| +-
class B:
num = 0
class Dog:
breed = "grayhound"
name = "fido"
# multiple classes in one script
class Cat:
# constructor
def __init__(self, name, breed): = name
self.breed = breed
# instance method
def meow(self, meow):
## string interpolation
return "{} says meow {}".format(, meow)
# executable code
cat = Cat("Sonata", "black cat")
class RoboCat(Cat):
# constructor with super
def __init__(self, name, breed, metal):
super().__init__(name, breed)
self.metal = metal
import dependency
import dependencies.a as A
if __name__ == '__main__':
# dependency injection example
robo = dependency.RoboCat("cat one", "Egyptian", "chrome")
# a second dependency injection example
B = A.B
print("A.B " + str(B.num))
except Exception as ex:
print('Exception! ' + str(ex))
Monkey Patching
Replacing a predefined Function or Method with another one (dynamically):
# Given the above imported classes...
def monkey_patch_function(self):
print("I'm a monkey now!")
dependency.Cat.meow = monkey_patch_function
monkeycat = Cat("Monkey Cat", "money cat")
monkeycat.meow() # I'm a monkey now!
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Python: Error Handling
is the relevant nil
, null
, and undefined
keyword, concept, and Object.
is a Singleton - it is uniquely created and one copy exists.
Use the
keyword to check forNone
if x is None:
# ...
Errors and Exceptions
In Java, an Error
specifies an application-terminating event whereas an Exception
is something that deviates from some expectation and ought to be handled in most circumstances.
Python Errors
refer to syntax-specific concerns. Whereas an Exception
is anything thrown (or "raised" via the raise
raise NameError('HiThere')
except NameError:
print('An exception flew by!')
# rethrow
Exception Handling
Three primary keywords (try
, except
, and finally
) are used to handle a raised Exception
if __name__ == '__main__':
# ...
except Exception as ex:
# Executes when error is thrown
# ...
# else can be supplied here
# even with a subsequent finally clause
# Always executes regardless of thrown error
# ...
Exception Groupings
Python supports many Exceptions
being raised simultaneously without the need for more complex abstraction:
def f():
# Define a List of Exceptions to pass
excs = [OSError('error 1'), SystemError('error 2')]
# raise and throw them all with an ExceptionGroup
raise ExceptionGroup('there were problems', excs)
# ...
# Use top-level Exception to catch them in an except clause
except Exception as e:
print(f'caught {type(e)}: e')
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Python: Truth Values
Falsy Values
# Any zero number:
0, 0L, 0.0, 0j
# Any empty sequence:
'', (), []
# Any empty mapping:
Truthy Values
All values that aren't Falsy are considered True
References and Links
Python: Pass By Assignment
Pass By Assignment
Other monnikers: Call by Object Reference or Call by Assignment.
Python uses a mix of approaches:
Pass By Value - passes the Value and not the Object Reference as exhibited below:
def call_by_value(val): val *= 2 print("within call_by_value: " + str(val)) num = 1 print("before: " + str(num)) call_by_value(num) print("after: " + str(num))
before: 1 within call_by_value: 2 after: 1
is not modified in the outer scope.Pass By Reference - when the entire Object is passed per the following:
def call_by_ref(exm_mp): exm_mp["a"] = "b" print("within call_by_ref: " + str(exm_mp)) exm_mp = {} print("before: " + str(exm_mp)) call_by_ref(exm_mp) print("after: " + str(exm_mp))
before: {} within call_by_ref: {'a': 'b'} after: {'a': 'b'}
is modified in the outer scope and retains changes made within the Function.Pass By Assignment - a species of Pass By Reference that's specific to Python.
Values can be associated with multiple References (similar to the way Java's String Pool allows the same String Value to be used for multiple String Variables).
from sys import getrefcount print("--- Before assignment ---") print(f"References to 1: {getrefcount(1)}") print(f"References to 2: {getrefcount(2)}") x = 1 print("--- After assignment ---") print(f"References to 1: {getrefcount(1)}") print(f"References to 2: {getrefcount(2)}") x = 2 print("--- After reassignment ---") print(f"References to 1: {getrefcount(1)}") print(f"References to 2: {getrefcount(2)}") print("--- Addresses in Memory ---") print(id(x)) print(id(1)) print(id(2)) print("--- Comparisons ---") print(id(x) == id(1)) print(id(x) == id(2)) print(x is 1) print(x is 2) print(x == 1) print(x == 2)
Notice that the count changes based on how
is set. Also, the high number of References to1
even beforex
References SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="? print(x is 1) SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="? print(x is 2) --- Before assignment --- References to 1: 129 References to 2: 111 --- After assignment --- References to 1: 130 References to 2: 111 --- After reassignment --- References to 1: 129 References to 2: 112 --- Addresses in Memory --- 140174349960512 140174349960480 140174349960512 --- Comparisons --- False True False # See Warning above True # See Warning above False True
Comparing Objects
Can use id()
to find the unique identifier for an Object (the Address of the Object in memory):
num = 1
print(id(num)) # 132506274753480
(Object Reference is also used within is
comparison checks.)
References and Links
Python: Asynchronous Libraries
Uses the familiar keywords and syntax of async
, await
in JavaScript:
import asyncio
async def count(run_var):
print(run_var + "One")
await asyncio.sleep(1)
print(run_var + "Two")
# Must run and call async functions with await
async def main_method():
await asyncio.gather(count("a"), count("b"), count("c"))
if __name__ == "__main__":
import time
s = time.perf_counter()
# Use asyncio runner
elapsed = time.perf_counter() - s
print(f"{__file__} executed in {elapsed:0.2f} seconds.")
Resources an Links
Python: Concurrency and Threading
Be forewarned that
requires an imported function as itstarget
(something not mentioned in the official documentation).
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Python: Techniques
I'm a multiline docstring!
I can be accessed via introspection: __doc___
# I'm a single line comment
Float and Floor Division
Float Division
- Results in a float
5 / 2 # 2.5
Floor Division
- Results in an integer rounded down
5 // 2 # 2
behaves likeInteger
division in Java / JavaScript.
Consult also:
args and kwargs
Most similar to Spread Operator ( ...
) in JavaScript.
Provides Function Parameter and Argument flexiblity slightly akin to Java's Generic and Go's Empty Interface (in that supplied Arguments can vary beyond that which is singularly or precisely stipulated).
# Any number can be passed - variable length
# Can also just pass a List
def my_func_a(*args_example):
for arg in args_example:
# Use
my_func_a('a', 'b', 'c')
# Use in tandem with other required arguments
def my_func_b(arg, *args_example):
for argv in args_example:
# Use
my_func_b('arg', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd')
# Use kwargs to pass in a varying number of arguments
# These are key-value pairs
def my_func_c(**kwargs):
for key, value in kwargs.items():
print("Key: {0} Value: {1}".format(key, value))
# Use
my_func_c(a='a', b='b', c='c', d='d')
in Node.
Pickling and Unpickling
Akin to Java's transient
keyword which uses a customized hashing mechanism to divide a value into files and persist them.
The Pickle
Module saves an Object or Value as a String within a File.
Unpickling involves deserializing that value back into an in-memory Python Object or Value.
can be supplied in leiu of code block:
def example_a():
# note the following isn't syntactically valid
def example_b():
# nothing here
Using Flask and backing SQL database:
from init import get_app
from flask import request
from domain import scan_examples, get_example, delete_example, create_example, update_example
DB endpoints.
app = get_app()
@app.route("/api/db/example", methods=['POST'])
def postExample():
name = request.form.get('name', '')
result = create_example(name)
return [str(result)]
@app.route("/api/db/examples", methods=['GET'])
def scanExamples():
results = scan_examples()
response = []
for x in results:
return response
@app.route("/api/db/example/<id>", methods=['PUT'])
def updateExample(id):
name = request.form.get('name', '')
result = update_example(id, name)
return [str(result)]
@app.route("/api/db/example/<id>", methods=['GET'])
def getExample(id):
result = get_example(id)
return [str(result)]
@app.route("/api/db/example/<id>", methods=['DELETE'])
def deleteExample(id):
result = delete_example(id)
return [str(result)]
from init import db
class Example(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
name = db.Column(db.String(80), unique=False)
def __init__(self, name): = name
# Must be valid JSON serializable string
def __repr__(self):
return '{ id: %s, name: %r }' %(,
def scan_examples():
return Example.query.all()
def get_example(id):
return Example.query.get(id)
def delete_example(id):
example = Example.query.get(id)
return example
def update_example(id, name):
example = Example.query.get(id) = name
result = Example.query.get(id)
return result
def create_example(name):
example = Example(name)
return example
def prepopulate():
example_a = Example('example_a')
example_b = Example('example_b')
example_c = Example('example_c')
example_d = Example('example_d')
Reverse Proxy
It's standard practice to put something like an nginx server out in front as a Reverse-Proxy for Web Applications deployed using Gunicorn or uvicorn:
- This allows the Web Application (say built in Flask) to be assigned non-
access (LinuxUSER
) which necessitates thatports
be bound to something other than8000
. nginx
is configured to receive inbound Requests at8000
and is then internally routed to the specified Flask application.
This is akin to
serving as a Web Container for a specific Servlet or Spring app.
Check if x
is a Number:
import numbers
if isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
# ...
Resources and Links
Code samples:
PHP: General Concepts
Resources and Links
Code samples:
JavaScript: General Concepts
- JavaScript is an interpreted, often transpiled, Object Oriented programming language.
- Prototype-based Object Oriented Design with optional Class syntactic sugar.
- Dynamically Typed - JavaScript uses Type Coercion to Dynamically Type values and variables at Run Time.
- Technically, "JavaScript" is a loose name for a family of dialects that implement the ECMAScript standard: - officially, there is no "JavaScript" but the name persists.
- JavaScript Primitive Data Types (
, etc.) Pass by Value. Arrays and Objects Pass by Reference (one cause for the phenomenon of Shallow Copying).
Use Strict
Strict Mode enforces stricter/more secure execution of a Script at Run Time:
- Hoisting and assignment to variables that weren't declared result in syntax errors.
is Autoboxed more stringently.eval()
is handled more securely.- Silent errors that are typically ignored are thrown verbosely.
'use strict'
Refer to:
JavaScript: Comparisons
Checks for exactly the same Value, Type, and Reference (Address in Memory):
a === b
Checks for the same Value after automatic conversion to a common Type (shared Type Coercion):
a == b
Special comparison for NaN
and 0
along with some other important but "edgy" cases.
Refer to:
Type Checking
There are three primary ways to Type Check:
Primitive checking:
typeof 'Hello World' === 'string';
Check whether an Object is an instance of a Class:
var x = new Dog();
x instanceof Dog;
Via constructor:
var x = 'Hello World';
x.constructor === String;
JavaScript: This Keyword
The this
keyword allows one to manipulate the current Closure/scope.
Arrow Functions
Note that JavaScript Arrow Functions don't bind this
to their Closure/scope (this
will refer to the next-nearest available surrounding scope).
const A = function() {
this.example = "hello, world"
const B = () => {
// Refers to the scope of A
}() // "hello, world"
Scope Binding
Consider the following:
var meeple = "Meeple One"
var myObj = {
meeple: "Meeple Two",
prop: {
getMeeple: function() {
return this.meeple
meeple: "Meeple Three"
var test = myObj.prop.getMeeple
The output will be:
"Meeple Three"
"Meeple One"
Remember that
gets bound to the Scope of the function called - in the case oftest()
the Scope is the outer Closure since it's defined in the top-level Scope (of the script file itself).
Bind, Call, Apply
is relative to the scope in which it's used, it's sometimes necessary to use a JavaScript Function with a precisely specifiedthis
- bindthis
to a Function, its scope, and its callscall()
- call a Function with a specifiedthis
value and Argumentsapply()
- call a Function with a specifiedthis
value and Arguments passed as an Array
// Bind, React example
this.setSubmitState = this.setSubmitState.bind(this)
// Call, Prototype example
function Example(msg) {
this.msg = msg
function SubExample(msg, subexamplefield) {, msg)
this.subexamplefield = subexamplefield
console.log(new SubExample('my msg', 'my subexample field'))
// Apply, native Math function example w/ null this
const max = Math.max.apply(null, [5, 6, 2, 3, 7])
Resources and Links
Code samples:
JavaScript: Falsy Values
Are interpreted as false
0 (zero)
"" (empty string)
All values are truthy unless they are falsy.
JavaScript: Quirks
Some that are covered elsewhere:
- Shallow vs. Deep Copying
- Truthy and Falsy values (in general)
- Type Coercion (Auto-Boxing)
Empty Array Comparisons
Empty Array comparisons can result in some counter-intuitive consequences due to Type Coercion and Falsy Value resolution:
console.log([] === ![]) // false
console.log([] !== []) // true
console.log([] == ![]) // true
Default Numeric Sorting
One of JavaScript's oft-lamented quirks is that Number types are cast to Strings when sorted using default sorting:
const A = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20]
// [1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 2, 20, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9]
However using a custom comparator that forces Numeric comparison:
A.sort((a,b) => {
const A = parseInt(a), B = parseInt(b)
if (A < B) return -1
if (A > B) return 1
return 0
// [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]
Numeric Object Keys
Object key values don't have the above quirk. They are treated as Numbers:
const M = {}
M[1] = true
M[21] = true
M[2] = true
M[12] = true
M[3] = true
M[11] = true
const OK_M = Object.keys(M)
for (let i = 0; i < OK_M.length; i++) {
console.log(`${OK_M[i]} ${M[OK_M[i]]}`)
"1 true"
"2 true"
"3 true"
"11 true"
"12 true"
"21 true"
JavaScript: Variables
- let - specifies a mutable variable declaration, scoped to the immediate local Closure scope.
- const - immutable once declared, specifies a Constant.
- var - original, general, not immutable, not scoped, Hoisted.
Advantages of Let vs. Var
Since let
is scoped to a local context, doing the following:
for (let i = 0; i < els.length; i++) {
els[i].addEventListener('click', function() {
will correctly print the right number i
. If var
is used instead each button will only print els.length - 1
JavaScript: Prototypes
JavaScript's Object Oriented
var Human = function(name) { = name;
Human.prototype.getName = function() {
Note that Prototype names must be written using Pascal Notation.
Object Oriented Design
Define a Prototype:
var Dog = function(bark) {
this.bark = bark;
//Call constructor
var p = new Dog("woof");
// Add a method to Dog.prototype
Dog.prototype.tail = function(){
function Poodle(bark, name) {
// Call the parent constructor, bark); = name;
Or explicitly set prototypical inheritance using Object.create()
//Explicitly set prototypical inheritance
//Allows overriding parent methods
Poodle.prototype = Object.create(Dog.prototype);
Test it out:
var d = new Poodle("bark bark", "dooder");
d.tail(); //"wags"
console.log(d instanceof Dog); // true
console.log(d instanceof Poodle); // true
JavaScript: Classes
class A {
#privatefieldA = 2 // # affix indicates field
#privatefieldB = -1 // # affix indicates field
static staticfield = "I'm only accessible through Class A not an Instance of"
get privatefieldA() {
return this.#privatefieldA // Getter can expose privatefield like usual
class B extends A {
publicfieldB = "I'm publicfieldB"
constructor(constructorfield = "I'm initialized!"){
super() // Must be present before this
this.publicfieldA = "I'm publicfieldA"
this.constructorfield = constructorfield
class C extends B {
super("I'm initialized from the subclass!") // Must precede this
static staticmethod() {
return "I'm a static method!"
const a = new A()
console.log(`Class A: ${A}`)
console.log(`Object a: ${JSON.stringify(a)}`)
//console.log(a.#privatefieldA) // error
console.log(a.privatefieldA) // is accessible through getter
//console.log(a.#privatefieldB) // error
console.log(a.privatefieldB === undefined) // no getter
const b = new B()
console.log(`Class B: ${B}`)
console.log(`Object b: ${JSON.stringify(b)}`)
//console.log(b.#privatefieldA) // error
console.log(b.privatefieldB === undefined) // no getter
const c = new C()
console.log(`Class C: ${C}`)
console.log(`Object c: ${JSON.stringify(c)}`)
//console.log(c.#privatefieldA) // error
Resources and Links
Code samples:
JavaScript: Promises
- Promises - an Object for handling Asynchronous, non-blocking, operations.
- Async/Await - syntactic sugar for returning and handling a Promise
- Must wrap all
keywords within anasync
const asyncFunc = async (x) => {
return 2
const EX = async () => {
const V = await asyncFunc(1)
console.log(V) //2
const assignAsyncVal = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
asyncFunc(1).then(success => {
return resolve(success)
const V = assignAsyncVal().then(success => {
console.log(success) //2
Using await
with the Promise
function assignAsyncVal()
const EX = async () => {
const VV = await assignAsyncVal()
console.log(VV) //2
Many Promises
To resolve multiple Promises, push them into an Array and use Promise.all()
, Promise.allSettled()
, etc.
const A = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {})
const B = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {})
const PROMISES = []
// Resolve all promises
Promise.all(PROMISES).then(success => {
Async Error Handling
Use .then()
and .catch()
for all Error and Rejection handling:
.then(success => { console.log(success) })
.catch(ex => console.error(ex.message))
Note: don't pass
, fail => { //... }
when using this syntax.
Use try-catch
for blocking operations:
try {
await T()
} catch (ex) {
and other Asynchronous operations won't get handled by thecatch
block by itself.
Use process.on('uncaughtException', //...)
to catch all (Synchronous or Asynchronous) unhandled Process-level Exceptions:
try {
process.on('uncaughtException', exception => { console.error(exception}) })
} catch (ex) {
Consult: for examples.
Resources and Links
Code samples:
JavaScript: Asynchronous Loops
Given the following helper method:
const print = str => {
const el = document.getElementById("here");
const txt = document.createTextNode(str);
const br = document.createElement("br");
Synchronous Loops
A few examples.
const firstExample = () => {
let i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
print("1st middle: " + i);
print("1st end: " + i);
const secondExample = () => {
let i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
print("2nd middle: " + i);
print("2nd end: " + i);
return i;
let j = 0;
j = secondExample();
print("J 2nd: " + j);
const fourthExample = () => {
let y = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
print("4th middle: " + y);
print("4th end: " + y);
return y;
let v = 0;
v = fourthExample();
print("V 4th: " + v);
1st middle: 0
1st middle: 1
1st middle: 2
1st middle: 3
1st middle: 4
1st middle: 5
1st middle: 6
1st middle: 7
1st middle: 8
1st middle: 9
1st end: 10
2nd middle: 0
2nd middle: 1
2nd middle: 2
2nd middle: 3
2nd middle: 4
2nd middle: 5
2nd middle: 6
2nd middle: 7
2nd middle: 8
2nd middle: 9
2nd end: 10
J 2nd: 10
4th middle: 1
4th middle: 2
4th middle: 3
4th middle: 4
4th middle: 5
4th middle: 6
4th middle: 7
4th middle: 8
4th middle: 9
4th middle: 10
4th end: 10
V 4th: 10
Asynchronous Loops
const thirdExample = () => {
return setTimeout(() => {
let y = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
print("3rd end: " + y);
return y;
}, 1000);
let z = 0;
z = thirdExample();
print("Z 3rd: " + z);
Intuitively, we think that the output should be something like:
// Incorrect assumption
3rd end: 10
Z 3rd: 10
const fifthExample = () => {
let y = 0;
setTimeout(() => {
y = 10000;
}, 4000);
return y;
print("5th: " + fifthExample());
It's natural to think the output will be:
// Incorrect assumption
5th: 10000
The actual chronological output:
Z 3rd: 1
5th: 0
3rd end: 10
To remedy those counter-intuitive outputs wrap the methods with a Promise.
Event Stack
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
setTimeout(() => console.log(i), 0)
setTimeout(() => console.log(2), 0)
setTimeout(() => console.log(3), 100)
In chronological order:
Perhaps counter-intuitively:
- Both
print before the rest (even thesetTimeout()
calls with0
delay). This has to do with the way that JavaScript handles Events on the Stack.setTimeout()
calls are lower priority Events and are executed last, even with a0
delay. - One might think that all
calls would print prior to eachconsole.log(4)
. They all occur after the fact. JavaScript essentially ignores any asynchronous blocking behavior within a loop.
Button Event Listeners
- Use
instead ofvar
. - Always lookup "fresh" info within the actual event callback rather than supplying some info at initialization since it will likely both be (1) out-of-date and (2) asynchronously invalid.
Refer to the article on JavaScript Variables.
JavaScript: Deep and Shallow Copies, Merging
Deep Copying creates a copy of an object that share no references in memory.
Shallow Copying creates a copy of an object that shares a reference in memory.
Deep Merging allows the deeply nested fields of two objects to be added to, combined, or merged with one of those objects.
From the Reference Documentation
“A deep copy of an object is a copy whose properties do not share the same references (point to the same underlying values) as those of the source object from which the copy was made. As a result, when you change either the source or the copy, you can be assured you're not causing the other object to change too; that is, you won't unintentionally be causing changes to the source or copy that you don't expect. That behavior contrasts with the behavior of a shallow copy, in which changes to either the source or the copy may also cause the other object to change too (because the two objects share the same references).”
Shallow Copying
Consider the following tensor of rank 1, a single dimension array:
const X = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
const Y = [...X]
X[0] = 1000
console.log(X) // [ 1000, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]
console.log(Y) // [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]
When the array being duplicated is of rank > 1:
const A = [[1,2,4,5,6,7,8],[1,2,4,5,6,7,8]]
const B = [...A]
A[0][0] = 1000
console.log(A) // [ [ 1000, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ], [ 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] ]
console.log(B) // [ [ 1000, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ], [ 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] ]
Deep Copying
The recommended way now is to use:
JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(ingredients_list)) // Object
const A = [[1,2,4,5,6,7,8],[1,2,4,5,6,7,8]] // Tensor of rank 2, matrix, m x n array where n > 1
// By element
const R = []
for (let r = 0; r < A.length; r++) {
const row = []
for (let c = 0; c < A[r].length; c++) {
R[0][0] = 1000
console.log(R) // [ [ 1000, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ], [ 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] ]
console.log(A) // [ [ 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ], [ 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] ]
const A = [[1,2,4,5,6,7,8],[1,2,4,5,6,7,8]] // Tensor of rank 2, matrix, m x n array where n > 1
// By row spread operator
const R = []
for (let r = 0; r < A.length; r++) {
// Single dimensioned arrays are deep copied by the spread operator.
R[0][0] = 1000
console.log(R) // [ [ 1000, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ], [ 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] ]
console.log(A) // [ [ 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ], [ 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] ]
Deep Merging
Object.assign({}, obj)
Resources and Links
JavaScript: Node
Example main method wrapped with try-catch
clauses and Proccess exception handlers:
'use strict'
try {
process.on('warning', warning => { console.error(`Warning encountered: ${warning}`) })
process.on('unhandledRejection', rej => { console.error(`Unhandled Rejection override: ${rej}`) })
process.on('uncaughtException', exception => { console.error(`Error encountered: ${exception}`) })
process.on('exit', msg => { console.log(`Service shutting down: ${msg}`) })
} catch (ex) {
console.error(`Exception ${ex}!`)
const {Worker } = require('worker_threads')
const createWorker = (filename, paramsToExecute) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
//Will pass paramsToExecute to the method executed in filename
//Must have workerData as attribute
const W = new Worker(filename, {workerData: paramsToExecute })
//Listeners in parent thread
W.on('message', message => {
console.log(`Worker message received: ${message}!`)
W.on('error', error => {
console.error(`Worker error encountered: ${error}!`)
W.on('exit', exitCode => {
if (exitCode !== 0) {
console.error(`Worker stopped with exit code ${exitCode}`)
} else {
console.log(`Worker stopped with exit code ${exitCode}`)
//Send message to worker script
W.postMessage('I am initialized...')
//Wrap this with a Thread Pool and/or Thread count to prevent excessive resourcing
const executeServiceUsingThread = (filename, paramsToExecute) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
createWorker(filename, paramsToExecute).then(success => {
console.log(`Service completed: ${success}!`)
}, failure => {
console.error(`Service completed: ${failure}!`)
module.exports = {
executeServiceUsingThread: executeServiceUsingThread
"use strict"
* Note: the WebWorker importScripts() cannot be used here.
* These are essentially NodeJS compliant scripts
const { workerData, parentPort } = require('worker_threads')
//console.log test
console.log('Test console log inside Worker One')
console.log(`Getting Worker One workerData: ${workerData}`)
const conversationMappings = {
"Hello!": "Goodbye!"
const exampleDependencyFunction = text => conversationMappings[text]
parentPort.postMessage(`Worker one: ${workerData} - message response: ${exampleDependencyFunction(workerData)}!`)
WT.executeServiceUsingThread('./nodeThread/workerOne/worker_script_one.js', "Hello!")
module.exports = {
createHttpServer: () => {
const S = require('http').createServer(require('./express').createServer())
console.log('HTTP initialized!')
console.log('REST API controller initialized!')
S.on('clientError', (err, sck) => {
const e = `HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request! ${err}`
S.listen(require('../config').SERVER.PORT, () => { console.log(`HTTP server started on port: ${S.address().port}`) })
return S
With Express:
const C = require('../config'), FS = require('node:fs')
module.exports = {
createHttpsServer: () => {
const OPTS = {
key: FS.readFileSync(C.SERVER.SSL.KEY_PATH),
cert: FS.readFileSync(C.SERVER.SSL.CERT_PATH)
const S = require('node:https').createServer(OPTS, require('./express').createServer())
console.log('HTTPS initialized!')
S.listen(C.SERVER.HTTPS_PORT, () => { console.log(`HTTPS server started on port: ${S.address().port}`) })
return S
const express = require('express'),
C = require('../config')
module.exports = {
createServer: () => {
const app = express()
.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true }))
origin: C.SERVER.CORS,
optionsSuccessStatus: 200
.use('/api', require('./api'))
return app
const express = require('express'),
privateApi = express.Router(),
C = require('../config')
.all('*', async (req, res, next) => await require('./auth').LOG_IP_FILTER(req, res, next))
.all('*', async (req, res, next) => await require('./auth').DECRYPT(req, res, next))
.all('*', async (req, res, next) => await require('./auth').AUTH_CHECK(req, res, next))
// https://localhost:8888/api/projections?auth=...
.get("/projections", async (req, res) => {
let responseData = await require('./domain/budgetprojections').BUDGET_PROJECTIONS({})
let stringData = require('./auth').SCRAMBLE(C.AUTH.V(), C.AUTH.BP(), JSON.stringify(responseData))
return res.send({ status: 200, data: stringData })
Exports and Imports
module.exports = {
myExportedFunction: () => {
const R = require('../path/to/my/file.js')
Resources and Links
Code samples:
JavaScript: Imports
Named Imports
export const
export const
BASE_PATH = '/',
HOME_PATH = '/home',
API_PATH = '/api',
RAILS_API_URL = 'http://localhost:3000/examples/all'
import { BASE_PATH, HOME_PATH, API_PATH } from '../../../Constants'
Default Imports
export default
export default () =>
<h2>React 2024</h2>
import CustomHeader from '../../Presentation/CustomHeader'
Namespace Imports
Resolve namespace conflicts, assign a custom monniker, or get all exports from a namespace, etc.
import * as my_alias from 'my_library'
Side Effects and Files
Import to load, execute, or use a script, file, or asset.
import 'my_script'
import './MyCoin.css'
CommonJS and ES Modules
module.exports = {
const A = require('my_module').MY_EXPORT
Resources and Links
Code samples:
JavaScript: Typescript
// Interfaces are struct-like with typed constraints
export interface Example {
fieldA: string
fieldB: number
fieldC: boolean
// variable types are specified via:
const E: Example = {
fieldA: "example",
fieldB: 1,
fieldC: true
// interfaces can be combined with class and constructor syntax
export class Example implements E {
fieldA = ""
fieldB = 0
fieldC = false
constructor (fieldA: string, fieldB: number, fieldC: boolean) {
this.fieldA = fieldA
this.fieldB = fieldB
this.fieldC = fieldC
const EE = new Example('a', 3, true)
type A = {
id: number
type B = {
name: string
// Types can be combined (intersect, union, simple polymorphism, etc.)
type C = A & B
interface D {
fieldA: string,
fieldB: string,
fieldC: number,
// Can pick specific fields (think subtype)
type E = Pick<D, "fieldA">;
const A: A = {
id: 1
const C: C = {
id: 1,
name: "pronomen"
const E: E = {
fieldA: 'message'
Resources and Links
Code samples:
JavaScript: Web Workers
<meta charset='UTF-8'>
<title>WebWorker Example</title>
<h3>WebWorker Request:</h3>
<h id="request">Hello!</h>
<h3>WebWorker Responses:</h3>
<p id="response"></p>
<script type="text/javascript" src="workerManager.js"></script>
var wm = new WorkerManager();
Using a WorkerManager wrapper with two example implementations: BlobWorker and ScriptWorker.
"use strict";
/** BEGIN WorkerManager Prototype */
var WorkerManager = function () {
WorkerManager.prototype.Worker = null;
WorkerManager.prototype.opts = {
inline: false,
scriptWorker: {
script: "scriptWorker.js"
blobWorker: "self.addEventListener('message', function(e) {" +
"self.postMessage('Goodbye!');" +
"}, false);"
WorkerManager.prototype.createBlobWorker = function () {
var blob = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([WorkerManager.prototype.opts.blobWorker]));
this.Worker = new Worker(blob);
WorkerManager.prototype.createScriptWorker = function () {
this.Worker = new Worker(this.opts.scriptWorker.script);
WorkerManager.prototype.isSupported = function () {
return window.Worker;
WorkerManager.prototype.startWrapperExample = function (t) {
if (this.isSupported()) {
if (this.opts.inline) this.createBlobWorker();
else this.createScriptWorker();
if (this.Worker != null) {
this.Worker.addEventListener('message', function (e) {
document.getElementById('response').textContent =;
}, false);
/** END WorkerManager Prototype */
"use strict";
self.addEventListener('message', function (e) {
}, false);
ScriptWorker Dependency
// scriptWorkerDependency.js
"use strict";
var conversationMappings = {
"Hello!": "Goodbye!"
var exampleDependencyFunction = function(text) {
return conversationMappings[text];
JavaScript: Techniques
Initialize Many EventListeners
To initialize an EventListener
on a DOM Element:
const el = document.getElementById('todos')
for (let i = 0; i < el.children.length; i++) {
const c = el.children[i]
c.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
console.log( = 'none'
Remember that by the time the Element is clicked:
will lose its value - it's disassociated with the Element by that
is still the preferred, official, way to access the Attributes on the Element, the Element itself, etc.this
will refer to the top-level scope and shouldn't be used.
In short, use
to access the propagated DOM Event and current Element, respectively. (Similar to React'sref.current
Fastest Way To Remove An Index
Supposedly the fastest way to remove an index in an array is as follows:
const todos = []
for (let i = 0; i < todos.length; i++) {
if (todos[i].uuid === uuid) {
// Remove by index
todos.splice(i, 1)
Vs. deep removal:
const test = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, "a", 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', "f", 'g']
const deepRmv = key => {
const temp = [...test]
let result = []
const BEGIN = new Date()
for (let i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) {
if (temp[i] === key) continue
const END = new Date()
console.log(`deepRmv time: ${END-BEGIN} result: ${result}`)
return result
const rmvBySlice = key => {
const temp = [...test]
const BEGIN = new Date()
for (let i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) {
if (temp[i] === key) {
temp.splice(i, 1)
const END = new Date()
console.log(`rmvBySlice time: ${END-BEGIN} result: ${temp}`)
return temp
"deepRmv time: 0 result: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,a,b,c,e,f,g"
"rmvBySlice time: 0 result: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,a,b,c,e,f,g"
Probably best to use for
loop with splice
since a tad more succinct writing-wise. shows that
loop withsplice
faster thanindexOf
Common Operations
const ARR = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
const first = ARR.shift() // shift - remove and return element from index 0
console.log(first) // 1
console.log(ARR) // [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
ARR.unshift(first) // unshift - add element to index 0
console.log(ARR) // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
ARR.splice(4, 5) // splice(i, j) - remove j element(s) from and including i
console.log(ARR) // [1, 2, 3, 4, 10]
ARR.splice(3, 0, 11) // splice(i, j) - remove j element(s) from and including i
console.log(ARR) // [1, 2, 3, 11, 4, 10]
const sliced = ARR.slice(0, 3) // slice(i, j) - return elements between i and j (inclusive-exclusive) without altering ARR
console.log(sliced) // [1, 2, 3]
console.log(ARR) // [1, 2, 3, 11, 4, 10]
A cool benchmarking site:
Number to BigInt conversion:
const A = 9007199254740991n
const B = BigInt(9007199254740991)
const C = 1n
const D = C / B
Resources and Links
React: Lifecycle
Can be loosely divided into three primary stages:
- Before a Component is mounted – constructor, state initialization, some hooks
- When a component is mounted – initial processing logic on
(say in therender()
method or call itself),componentDidMount()
logic to fetch data say, hooks and side-effects - After a Component is mounted – rerendering/updating, prep for unmounting, responding to user inputs
Re-rendering included as needed based on the render
operation called. (Consult the detailed Component API reference: A more specific breakdown:
Mounting – key methods:
Updating – key methods, rerendering:
Unmounting – key methods:
Resources and Links
Code samples:
React: Virtual and Shadow DOM
The Shadow DOM is now part of JavaScript's Web APIs:
A Virtual DOM is sometimes used in parallel with or on top of the common Shadow DOM:
React used to support a React-specific Virtual DOM as an additional React feauture:
- It now appears to be deprecated (in newer versions).
Vue and Angular support using the Shadow DOM:
Resources and Links
React: State, Props
- Props - immutable, settings, configuration, initialized values, etc. that are passed one-way (unidirectionally) from a wrapping parent element into a child element.
- State - the mutable, local Component state.
Consider the following example. A component CustomFooter
has several child Components namely CustomLink
Values are supplied for url
and label
which are passed from CustomFooter
into each CustomLink
as Props.
// CustomFooter
import React from 'react'
import CustomLink from '../CustomLink'
import './CustomFooter.css'
export default () =>
<li><CustomLink url={''} label={'LinkedIn'}/></li>
<li><CustomLink url={''} label={''}/></li>
then accesses the supplied Props through destructuring.
It then uses the supplied values for url
and label
to populate the href
and text values for the rendered Anchor
// CustomLink
import React from 'react'
export default ({url, label}) => <a href={url} rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">{label}</a>
Consider the following example:
initializes itsstate
Object within theconstructor
call.- A token is made via
to authenticate against the endpointBUDGET_HELPER_API_URL
. - An
HTTP GET Request is made against the endpointBUDGET_HELPER_API_URL
. - The Response Object is parsed and checked for a valid Status Code.
- The resultant data is then set into State, updating the Component
Object. - Setting or modifying State typically involves the Component re-rendering.
- Values in State are destructured
const { accounts, authorized } = this.state
and made available during Render.
import React from 'react'
import './AccountSummaries.css'
import { asyncGet } from '../../../Helpers/Xhr/Get'
import { BUDGET_HELPER_API_URL } from '../../../Constants'
import { makeToken, parseJson } from '../../../Helpers/Generic'
export class AccountSummaries extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
accounts: [],
authorized: true,
componentDidMount() {
try {
asyncGet(`${BUDGET_HELPER_API_URL}accounts?auth=${makeToken()}`).then(accounts => {
if (JSON.parse(accounts).status === 200) {
accounts: parseJson(accounts),
authorized: true
} else {
authorized: false
} catch (ex) {
render() {
const { accounts, authorized } = this.state
Resources and Links
Code samples:
React: Hooks
- State :
- Holds
in a single Component. - Doesn't persist data between Component Mounts.
- Persists data between Rerenders, Renders.
- Mutable.
- Can be used as Hook but can be used in fully-qualified Class syntax.
- Holds
- Reducer:
- Can be reused across Components.
- Doesn't persist data between Component Mounts.
- Persists data between Rerenders, Renders.
- Mutable.
- Must be a Hook.
- Context:
- Simplifies Prop-Drilling and allows top-level
to be shared with deeply nested child Components. - Persists and shares data between Rerenders, Renders.
- Mutable.
- Must be a Hook.
- Simplifies Prop-Drilling and allows top-level
- Web Storage API (
) or Client-Side Database (lowdb
, IndexedDB API):- Persists data between Rerenders, Renders, and Component Mounts / Component Unmounting.
- Can be subscribed to using the Hook
One can now set State within a formerly Stateless Functional Component.
import React, { useState } from 'react'
export function App(props) {
const [stateVar, setStateVar] = useState(0)
return (
<button onClick={() => {
setStateVar(stateVar + 1)
console.log(stateVar); //0 1 2 3 ...
}}><code>stateVar</code> Counter</button>
Note that
must be initializated inuseState
Side Effects
Side Effects are run after a Components renders (hence, side-effect).
import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'
export function App(props) {
const myRef = useRef(null)
useEffect(() => { = "Red"
myRef.current.className = "Example"
console.log("side-effect") // side-effect
console.log(myRef.current.className) // Example
return (
<h1 ref={myRef}>My Header</h1>
Useful to make succinct changes within Stateless Functional Components ("dummy components") post-render using terse/less verbose syntax (no Class constructor initialization, componentDidMount
, etc.).
Reducers are now supported out of the box and don't have to be associated with an underlying State Provider.
React continue to use this nomenclature to draw comparisons to the prior Map-Reduce naming convention (e.g. - converging sources to a single Reducer).
export const exampleStateInitialization = {
id: 0,
text: 'Hi!'
export function exampleReducer(state, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case 'action_type_a': {
return {
text: action.text,
case 'action_type_b': {
return {
text: action.text,
case 'action_type_b': {
return {
text: 'LOREM_IPSUM',
default: {
throw Error('Unknown action type: ' + action.type);
import React, { useReducer } from 'react'
import { exampleStateInitialization, exampleReducer } from './exampleReducer'
export function App(props) {
// Define a Dispatcher function name to call the Reducer with a specific Event.
const [exampleReducerState, exampleReducerDispatch] = useReducer(exampleReducer, exampleStateInitialization)
return (
<h2 onClick = {(e) => {
id: 1,
type: "action_type_b",
text: "event_text"
}}>My Button Header</h2>
import { createContext } from 'react'
// Create and export
export const ExampleContext = createContext("Me, Myself, and I")
import React, { createContext } from 'react'
import { ExampleComponent } from './ExampleComponent'
import { ExampleContext } from './ExampleContext'
// Import and wrap elments
export App(props) =>
<ExampleContext.Provider value={ "You and only you" }>
<ExampleComponent />
import React, { useContext } from 'react'
import { ExampleContext } from './ExampleContext'
export function ExampleComponent(props) {
// Import and use the context without passing specific Props everywhere and in-between!
const exampleContextVal = useContext(ExampleContext)
return (
<h1>{ exampleContextVal }</h1>
Both updating a React context
value and making a React context
updateable (from within a sub-Component) involves associating State with the Provider value
export function App(props) {
const [example, setExample] = useState("Me, Myself, and I")
return (
// Associate the state field here
<ExampleContext.Provider value={example}>
<Button onClick={() => { setExample("You and only you") }}>
I'm Button Text
Resources and Links
Code samples:
React: Refs
There are two primary ways to create refs (a reference to a DOM Element that's accessible within a React Component):
- primarily used when initializing refs within aReact.Component
Class constructor:import React from 'react' export default class App extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.header = React.createRef(); } render() { console.log(this.header) // current: <h1>My Header</h1> return ( <div className="wrapper"> <h1 ref={this.header} onClick={() => { this.header.current.className = 'active' this.header.current.innerText = "My New Header" = "Red" console.log(this.header) // current: <h1 class="active" style="color: red;">My New Header</h1> }}>My Header</h1> </div> ) } }
const myRef = useRef(null);
- useful to both access a DOM Element that's accessible within a React Component with an initialized value while keeping the value around.Use with Stateless Functional Components ("dummy components").
import React, {useRef} from 'react'; export default () => { const myRef = useRef(null) console.log(myRef) // current: <h1>My Header</h1> return ( <div> <h1 ref={myRef} onClick = {(e) => { myRef.current.innerHTML = "My New Header" = "Red" console.log(myRef) // current: <h1 style="color: red;">My New Header</h1> }}>My Header</h1> </div> ) }
- Most refs will expose their attributes after the Component is rendered (e.g. - in a Side Effect or
). - Use
to access the current Element State.
Resources and Links
Code samples:
React: Parcel
Build-tool and configuration notes.
npm run build-parcel-prod
npm run build-parcel
cd dist
npx serve
One gotcha: parcel-bundler/parcel#7636. If you add to package.json
"engines": {
"node": "=16.17.0"
You'll get:@parcel/packager-js: External modules are not supported when building for browser. Remove the engines field.
By default, NPX and parcel will serve from: http://localhost:1234/
React: Redux
Redux provides asynchronous, multi-component, horizontal, State Management for complex single page React apps.
- Actions - defines the available operations on state storage.
- Container Component - binds Actions to Props. Call the bound Actions within the component to modify the Reducer state.
- Reducer - state storage.
'use strict'
* Default actions for interacting with various Redux stores.
* @Author - Adam InTae Gerard -
export const UNSAFE_SAVE = 'UNSAFE_SAVE'
export const REMOVE = 'REMOVE'
export const GET = 'GET'
export const CLEAR = 'CLEAR'
export const SAFE_SAVE = 'SAFE_SAVE'
//Use for public info containing no sensitive information
export const unsafeSave = v => {
return {type: UNSAFE_SAVE, v}
//Use for secure or private info
export const safeSave = v => {
return {type: SAFE_SAVE, v}
export const remove = v => {
return {type: REMOVE, v}
export const get = v => {
return {type: GET, v}
export const clear = v => {
return {type: CLEAR, v}
Stateful Container Component:
'use strict'
* Page Container.
* @Author - Adam InTae Gerard -
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { Page } from './Page'
import { clear, get, remove, safeSave } from '../../../Redux/Shared/DefaultActions'
const mapStateToProps = state => {
return {
}, mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
return {
save: (key, s) => {
dispatch(safeSave({data: s, index: key}))
remove: key => {
dispatch(remove({index: key}))
clear: () => {
get: key => {
dispatch(get({index: key}))
export const PageContainer = connect(
'use strict'
* Encapsulated state storage Reducer.
* @Author - Adam InTae Gerard -
import { CLEAR, GET, REMOVE, SAFE_SAVE } from '../Shared/DefaultActions'
let encapsulatedStateObj = {}
const set = (index, data) => {
encapsulatedStateObj[index] = data
return Object.assign({}, encapsulatedStateObj)
}, remove = index => {
delete encapsulatedStateObj[index]
return Object.assign({}, encapsulatedStateObj)
}, clear = () => {
for (let i = 0; i < Object.getKeys(encapsulatedStateObj).length; i++) {
return Object.assign({}, encapsulatedStateObj)
* Default supplied reducer.
* Caches into state.
* Partition by key in state.
* @param state
* @param action
* @returns {*}
* @constructor
export const SafeStorage = (state = encapsulatedStateObj, action) => {
const type = action['type']
switch (type) {
return set(action['v']['index'], action['v']['data'])
case REMOVE:
return remove(action['v']['index'])
case GET:
return Object.assign({}, encapsulatedStateObj[action['v']['index']])
case CLEAR:
return clear()
return state
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Angular: Services
Define an @Injectable()
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'
export class EventService {
constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }
getEvents() { return this.http.get('https://localhost:8888/api/events'); }
Use it as a dependency:
import { Component, OnInit } from "@angular/core"
import { EventService } from '../../services/event.service'
interface EventResponse {
status: string
data: string
interface Event {
uuid: number
name: string
msg: string
selector: "event",
template: `
<div id="flex-wrapper">
<tr *ngFor="let event of events">
styles: []
export class EventComponent implements OnInit {
//Make array to hold data
public events: Event[] = [];
//Inject the relevant service here
constructor(private _eventService: EventService) { }
ngOnInit() { this.getEvents(); }
getEvents() {
// Casting response Objects
this._eventService.getEvents().subscribe((res: Object) => {
const E_R = res as EventResponse
const ALL_EVENTS = JSON.parse( as Event[]
Export the Module and Component:
import { NgModule } from "@angular/core"
import { CommonModule } from "@angular/common"
import { EventComponent } from "./event.component"
imports: [
declarations: [EventComponent],
exports: [EventComponent]
export class EventModule { }
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Angular: Routing
Provided that a Module and its Components are correctly Exported:
import { NgModule } from "@angular/core"
import { Routes, RouterModule } from "@angular/router"
import { HomeComponent } from "./modules/home/home.component"
import { EventComponent } from "./modules/events/event.component"
const routes: Routes = [
path: "",
component: HomeComponent
path: "event",
component: EventComponent
imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],
exports: [RouterModule]
export class AppRoutingModule {}
Make sure to make Modules visible within the app itself:
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import {HttpClientModule} from "@angular/common/http"
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { EventComponent } from './modules/events/event.component';
import { AppRoutingModule } from "./app.routing";
import { NavModule } from "./modules/nav/nav.module";
import {EventService} from "./services/event.service";
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [EventService],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
import {Component} from "@angular/core"
selector: "ng-root",
template: `
styles: []
export class AppComponent {
Resources and Links
Code samples:
CSS: Specificity
Precedence and Priority
Top to Bottom - the last, bottom-most, entries override previous entries with the same or lesser level of specificity.
will beblue
given the following:/* orange */ div#divTestId { color: orange; } /* Last entry - blue */ div#divTestId { color: blue; }
Specificity - more narrowly defined selectors take greater precedence over less narrowly defined ones.
is more specific than#divTestId
although the two semantically refer to the same element.Therefore,
will remainorange
given the following:/* More specific - orange */ div#divTestId { color: orange; } /* blue */ #divTestId { color: blue; }
keyword - overrides the standard Precedence and Priority rules described above.- Elevates the Priority of an Element such that it can only be overridden by another
CSS value.
- Elevates the Priority of an Element such that it can only be overridden by another
<!-- HTML -->
<div id="divTestId" class="divTestClass">
<p id="pTestIdOne" class="pTestClass">
<p id="pTestIdTwo" class="pTestClass">
/* CSS */
/* blue */
#divTestId {
color: blue;
/* More specific - orange */
div#divTestId {
color: orange;
/* More specific - green */
#divTestId.divTestClass {
color: green;
/* More specific - pink */
div#divTestId.divTestClass {
color: pink;
/* More specific - red */
div#divTestId.divTestClass p {
color: red;
/* More specific - purple */
div#divTestId.divTestClass > p {
color: purple;
/* less specific - purple */
div#divTestId p {
color: red;
/* less specific - purple */
p#pTestIdTwo {
color: blue;
/* more specific - purple and red*/
div#divTestId p#pTestIdTwo {
color: red;
/* most specific - black and red*/
div#divTestId > p.pTestClass#pTestIdOne {
color: black;
CSS: Techniques
Remove default padding and margins:
html, body {
position: absolute;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
top: 0;
left: 0;
Responsive Columns
<!-- HTML -->
<div class="flex-container">
<div class="item">
<div class="item">
<div class="item">
<div class="item">
<div class="item">
<div class="item">
.flex-container {
display: flex;
display: -webkit-flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
width: 100%;
& > .item {
text-align: center;
justify-content: center;
align-content: center;
width: 30%;
border: 2px dashed gray;
border-radius: 15px;
padding: 5px;
margin: 5px;
Responsive Centering
<div class="wrapper-example">
div.wrapper-example {
display: flex;
display: -webkit-flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
width: 100%;
div.wrapper-example > h1 {
text-align: center;
justify-content: center;
align-content: center;
width: 100%;
border: 3px solid black;
padding: 15px;
border-radius: 15px;
::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 10px;
::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
background: crimson;
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
background: orangered;
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover {
background: orangered;
Input Text
<input id="exampleTextInput" type="text" placeholder="placeholder_text" />
input[type="text"]#exampleTextInput {
width: 600px;
padding: 20px;
font-size: 20px;
border-radius: 25px;
color: turquoise;
opacity: .55;
margin: 15px;
input[type="text"]#exampleTextInput:focus {
opacity: .8;
outline: none;
input[type="text"]#exampleTextInput::placeholder {
color: gray;
<li class="example">Example</li>
<li class="example">Example</li>
<li class="example">Example</li>
ol > li.example::marker {
color: orange;
- Example
- Example
- Example
Disable Text Selection
.disable-select {
-webkit-touch-callout: none; /* iOS Safari */
-webkit-user-select: none; /* Safari */
-khtml-user-select: none; /* Konqueror */
-moz-user-select: none; /* Old version of Firefox */
-ms-user-select: none; /* Internet Explorer or Edge */
user-select: none; /* All modern browsers */
Text Backgrounds
I am a <span class="text-background">block of text</span>! Hooray me!
I am another <span class="text-only">
block of text</span>! Hooray <span class="text">again</span>!
I am a last <span class="text-background border">
block of text</span>! Hooray <span class="text">again</span>!
div > span.text-background {
color: white;
border-radius: 3px;
border: 0px solid transparent;
padding: 1.2px 7px 2px 5px;
margin: 3px 0px;
background: #b92b27;
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(to right, #1565c0, #b92b27);
background: linear-gradient(to right, #1565c0, #b92b27);
width: fit-content;
div > span.text-background.border {
border-bottom: 3px solid purple;
div > span.text-only {
background: #b92b27;
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(to right, #1565c0, #b92b27);
background: linear-gradient(to right, #1565c0, #b92b27);
/** Refer to: */
background-clip: text;
-webkit-background-clip: text;
color: transparent;
SVG Optimization
Conditional Selector
div.css-conditional-example:has(> div.css-conditional-example) {
color: white;
background-color: black;
<div class="css-conditional-example">
<div class="css-conditional-example">
Example #1
Example #2
<div class="css-conditional-example">
Example #3
Example #2
Resources and Links
CSS: Pseudo-Classes
Pseudo-Classes provide additional filtering, querying, and narrowing power to standard Cascading Style Sheet Selectors beyond the innate ability to query for HTML id
or class
Several Pseudo-Classes involve specifying a distinct state that an Element might find itself in due to a triggering Event. For instance:
- triggered when a user hovers over an Element with their mouse:focus
- triggered when a user clicks into an HTML Input Field
HTML Attribute Querying
Query by HTML Attribute:
[my_attr="my_value"] {
/* */
/* With wildcard - any my_attr value matching my_value */
[my_attr*="my_value"] {
/* */
Refer to:
Some Important Pseudo Classes
/* Triggered when a user hovers over an Anchor element */
a:hover {
/* */
/* First child element of an Unordered List - probably a List element */
ul:first-child {
/* */
/* Last child element of an Unordered List - probably a List element */
ul:last-child {
/* */
Refer to:
CSS: Media Queries
Media Queries allow one to specify conditional Cascading Style Sheets, styles, or styling without requiring complicated JavaScript.
It's generally a good idea to place narrower Media Query conditions lower to take precedence over less narrowly defined conditions:
@media (max-width: 1850px) {
#home {
transform: scale(.70);
@media (max-width: 1550px) {
#home {
transform: scale(.48);
@media (max-height: 850px){
nav#toc-wrapper > ul#toc {
height: 425px;
@media (max-width: 1850px) {
.container > h2 {
font-size: 35px;
@media (max-width: 550px) {
.container > block {
color: red;
@media (max-width: 1050px){
Conjoined conditions with Media Types and Media Features:
@media only screen and (orientation: landscape) and (max-width: 6500px) and (max-height: 600px) {
.container > h2 {
color: aqua;
.container > q {
color: aqua;
@media only screen and (max-width: 1000px) {
.container > q {
color: green;
Refer to: for all Media Types and Media Features
Resources and Links
SQL: General Concepts
NOTE: A variety of SQL dialects are used in the examples below (MYSQL, Postgres, MSSQL, and SQLite)
- CREATE - a resource is persisted and saved.
- READ - a persisted resource is scanned, read, or returned in an unmodified way.
- UPDATE - a persisted resource is updated.
- DELETE - a persisted resource is permanently or softly removed.
Corresponding Basic Operations
CREATE statements are typified by the INSERT
(Row) or CREATE
(Table) keywords.
INSERT INTO PaySchedule (date, name) VALUES ('2023-02-15', 'frank');
"description" TEXT,
"category" TEXT,
"rule" TEXT,
READ statements are typified by the presence of the SELECT
SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE active = 1 AND status = 'Active';
SELECT * FROM Hobbies;
SELECT x.newhome + y.newhome + z.newhome + w.newhome + q.newhome
(SELECT SUM(unitcost * quantity) as newhome FROM House WHERE quantity > 0 AND fha = 1) AS x,
(SELECT SUM(unitcost * quantity) as newhome FROM UpkeepHobbies WHERE quantity > 0 AND fha = 1) AS y,
(SELECT SUM(unitcost * quantity) as newhome FROM UpkeepClothing WHERE quantity > 0 AND fha = 1) AS z,
(SELECT SUM(unitcost * quantity) as newhome FROM UpkeepElectronics WHERE quantity > 0 AND fha = 1) AS w,
(SELECT SUM(unitcost * quantity) as newhome FROM UpkeepKitchen WHERE quantity > 0 AND fha = 1) AS q;
SELECT * FROM MonthlyCosts WHERE choicegroup LIKE "%ALL%";
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT grouping FROM MonthlyCostsGroceries GROUP BY grouping);
SELECT / (x.mtbf * 12) AS upkeep FROM
(SELECT AVG(mtbf) AS mtbf FROM Upkeep WHERE quantity > 0 AND choicegroup LIKE "%ALL%") AS x,
(SELECT SUM(unitcost * quantity) AS total FROM Upkeep WHERE choicegroup LIKE "%ALL%") AS y;
UPDATE statements are typified by the presence of the UPDATE
(TABLE) keyword.
UPDATE Assets SET value = 400 WHERE id = 4 AND account = 8;
UPDATE Demographics SET personal = 750, success = 1, updated = '2020-01-01' WHERE id = 100;
ALTER TABLE example ADD more_text VARCHAR(45);
DELETE statements are typified by the presence of the DELETE
DELETE FROM PaySchedule WHERE date < '2023-02-15' OR date = '2024-02-15';
Atomicity guarantees that operations are completely contained in a single unit (Transaction). It either succeeds completely or fails (such that all operations fail – it is not partially successful).
- Rollback, database Commit
Consistency guarantees that each Transaction moves the database state from one valid, legal, state to another valid, legal, state.
- FK constraints being enforced across two Transactions
Isolation guarantees that concurrent Transactions are disjoint and separate, and that they don’t overwrite each other.
- Database READ/WRITE locks
Durability guarantees that persisted data remains persisted across time and system failure/disaster.
- Caching systems often lack durability since they often exist only in memory.
SQL: Joins
Retrieving data that's associated by field.
OUTER - matches and NULL
values where absent depending on the specifics of the JOIN
INNER - only what's matched in both Tables.
- LEFT (OUTER) JOIN: Returns all records from the left Table, the matched records from the right Table, and
in any Row absent from the right Table . - RIGHT (OUTER) JOIN: Returns all records from the right Table, the matched records from the left Table, and
in any Row absent from the left Table. - (INNER) JOIN: Returns records that have matching values in both Tables. Equivalent to:
SELECT * FROM table_one, table_two WHERE =
- FULL (OUTER) JOIN: Returns all records when there is a match in either left or right Table,
in any Row absent from one of the two Tables.
-- Multi JOIN
SELECT as aname, b.description as name, a.description as adesc, as description, b.value
FROM Balances AS b
LEFT JOIN Accounts AS a ON b.account =
JOIN SummaryTypes AS s ON b.purpose =
WHERE = 1 AND a.status='Active' AND = 1
FROM example AS e
INNER JOIN employee AS em ON =;
- Produces the Cartesian Product of two Tables and their Rows.
- Every Row in Table A is combined with every Row in Table B.
Self Joins
A JOIN between a Table and itself.
Explicit vs Implicit
Consider the following:
--- Simple JOIN
--- Explicit JOIN
- The two statements are very nearly functionally identical.
- Although there are some differences in terms of the leeway that the Execution Planner has when computing an optimal SQL Plan.
JOIN Order
The order of JOIN statements is typically relevant for any Explicitly Joined statement
- SQL optimizers will refine most simple (Implicit) JOINS and have the most leeway in computing an optimal SQL Plan.
- SQL optimizers will refine most INNER JOINS through a computed Execution Plan.
- However, OUTER JOINS will typically preserve the order specified by the statement.
Generally speaking, remember to keep the leftmost tables to the least number of expected rows.
For instance, if one is joining three Tables A
, B
, C
such that:
- The Rows in
are guaranteed to be unique. - The number of Rows likely to be returned by
meeting some condition is far less than the number that'd initially be scanned inA
meeting the same. - Then, it's likely far better to join
, thenA
(in that order) to reduce the total number of Rows that need to be compared (in toto) and at each step in the overallJOIN
SQL: Techniques
Some common SQL techniques.
To create a fresh, empty, new Table drop any existing such Table first OR to prevent accidently overriding an existing Table:
"description" TEXT,
"category" TEXT,
"rule" TEXT,
Occassionally, a TABLE will represent multiple entity-kinds (say a PLANT
TABLE with ROWS representing both seedlings and their parent plants):
FROM Plants AS e1
JOIN Plants AS e2
ON e1.parent =
AND e1.sproutdate > e2.sproutdate;
Refer to:
is used to condense multiple ROWS with the same field into a single result in the RECORD SET. GROUP BY
can be further refined by an accompanying HAVING
clause (which acts like a WHERE
clause for the specified GROUP). Importantly, in many dialects of SQL, GROUP BY
can only be used with Aggregate Functions (ROUND
, etc.).
conditions are deferred and apply to the results of aGROUP BY
clause and are therefore often faster than their equivalentWHERE
clause (which applies the filtering condition against the entire TABLE).
SELECT, ROUND(AVG(e.account), 2) AS averageAccountBalance
FROM Example AS e
JOIN Examples AS ee
ON =
HAVING e.account > 750
ORDER BY ASC, averageAccountBalance DESC
NOTE: a double
(e.g. -GROUP BY,
) can be used to deduplicate associated multi-row RECORD SETS (in say a complex multi-JOIN).
Refer to:
Chained SELECT Statements
Refer to:
SELECT months * salary AS earnings, id
FROM employee
SELECT TOP 1 earnings, Count(id)
GROUP BY earnings
ORDER BY earnings DESC;
Resources and Links
if no values exist that meet the query conditions.- Use
- Also try a different
if a zero summed value fails to appear. - For example, a
- Use
vs<> NULL
Postgres: General Concepts
- Plugin support.
- Full support for NoSQL-like JSON in queries, rows, and columns.
- Less vulnerable to data corruption (preference for data Consistency/integrity over performance).
now provides remote-database querying/connections.- Non-blocking index creation (
). - Postgres Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) reading never block writing and vice-versa. Also, see the article on ACID.
- Deprecated: No cross-database querying (a decisive factor for many database systems at scale: MySQL was a top choice for that reason) prior to 8.2.
- Deprecated: Slightly slower than MySQL (using the older MyISAM engine - a decisive factor for many database systems at scale: MySQL was a top choice for that reason) for READ and transaction-heavy workloads.
Resources and Links
Postgres: Indexes and Views
- Indexes - used to improve query performance within a Table - Indexes a Table by one or more Columns.
- Views - a logical representation of a Table or Tables.
Postgres supports:
- Hash indexes and B-Tree indexes
- Partial Indexes support conditioned indexing:
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY my_index ON my_table (column1_name) WHERE amount > 0;
- Concurrent non-blocking indexing:
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY my_index ON my_table (column1_name, column2_name);
Implicit Indexes are automatically created for any Primary Key on a Table by default.
Materialized Views
Essentially a cached Table that stores the results of a query:
SELECT * FROM example;
--- Assume column 'name'
That can be queried itself:
SELECT * FROM my_view_name;
And that can be refreshed:
Concurrent refresh:
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX my_index ON my_view_name (name);
Resources and Links
Postgres: JSON
Postgres supports both JSON
data types:
- JSON is stored in a standard
format. - JSONB is a more performant format that uses binary (hence, the "b") to improve indexing and querying at the expense of more complex Serialization.
Given a table:
id | json_col | json_array_col | jsonb_col | jsonb_array_col |
1 |
"[1,2,3]" |
"[{"id": 0, "name": "a"},{"id": 1, "name": "a"},{"id": 2, "name": "c"}]" |
[1,2,3]b |
[{"id": 0, "name": "a"},{"id": 1, "name": "a"},{"id": 2, "name": "c"}]b |
- allows one to query into a JSON field shared by all rows in a column (sayjson_col
). E.g. -jsonb_col -> 'name'
- extracts the JSON value at the specified index (numeric) or the value at the specified key. E.g. -json_col ->> 2
, etc. - since JSON fields lack a Postgres type, use::
to cast the value to a type.
To initialize an example Postgres table:
CREATE TABLE example (
id INT,
json_col JSON,
json_array_col JSON,
jsonb_col JSONB,
jsonb_array_col JSONB
-- Insert values into table.
'[{"id": 0, "name": "a"},{"id": 1, "name": "a"},{"id": 2, "name": "c"}]'::json,
'[{"id": 0, "name": "a"},{"id": 1, "name": "a"},{"id": 2, "name": "c"}]'::jsonb
Use the following queries to retrieve the desired JSON data:
-- queries
SELECT * FROM example;
-- insert via json
'[{"id": 0, "name": "a"},{"id": 1, "name": "a"},{"id": 2, "name": "c"}]'::json,
'[{"id": 0, "name": "a"},{"id": 1, "name": "a"},{"id": 2, "name": "c"}]'::jsonb
SELECT id, json_col, json_array_col, jsonb_col, jsonb_array_col
FROM json_populate_record (NULL::example,
"id": 3,
"json_col": {"name": "bob", "age": 111},
"json_array_col": [{"id": 0, "name": "a"},{"id": 1, "name": "a"},{"id": 2, "name": "c"}],
"jsonb_col": {"name": "sarah", "age": 2222},
"jsonb_array_col": [{"id": 0, "name": "a"},{"id": 1, "name": "a"},{"id": 2, "name": "c"}]
-- query into json array
SELECT arr -> 'id' AS json_id, arr -> 'name' AS json_name
FROM example e, json_array_elements(e.json_array_col) arr
WHERE (arr ->> 'id')::int > -1;
-- query json column
SELECT json_col::json ->> 2 FROM example;
SELECT json_col -> 'age' FROM example;
SELECT json_col -> 'age' AS json_age FROM example WHERE (json_col ->> 'age')::int = 111;
-- query into jsonb array
SELECT arr -> 'id' AS json_id, arr -> 'name' AS json_name
FROM example e, jsonb_array_elements(e.jsonb_array_col) arr
WHERE (arr ->> 'id')::int > -1;
-- query jsonb column
SELECT jsonb_col::json ->> 2 FROM example;
SELECT jsonb_col -> 'age' FROM example;
SELECT jsonb_col -> 'name' AS jsonb_name, jsonb_col -> 'age' AS jsonb_age
FROM example WHERE (jsonb_col ->> 'name') = 'sarah';
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Git: Quick Reference Sheet
Some common and useful Git commands.
Checkout New Branch From Origin
git fetch origin my_branch
git pull
git checkout my_branch
View Branch Commit History
git log
View Entire Local Change History
git reflog
View File Changes
git diff --name-only af43c41d..HEAD
git diff af43c41d..master
By branch:
git diff --name-only origin/deploy..master
git diff origin/deploy..master
Correct Previous Commits
Review, alter, remove, amend last 3
git rebase -i HEAD~3
- Type
to enterinteractive mode
. - Find the line with the desired commit hash. Modify it using
, etc. - Hit the
button to exitinteractive mode
. - Type
to save and close the file (Git will proceed through the stipulated changes) or typeq!
to close the file abandoning all changes. git push -f
to override previous changes - do not use this onmaster/main
only ever within a development branch.
Git Amend
Correct the last commit message:
git commit --amend -m "Your new message"
Discard Uncommitted Branch Charge
git clean -f -d
git reset --hard HEAD
Abandon a Rebase
git rebase --abort
git clean -f -d
git reset --hard HEAD
Change Branch W/ Same Name As Dir
If a branch contains a dir in the root with the same name as a branch, Git will now complain.
Use the following instead:
git fetch origin deploy
(if freshly cloned)git switch -f deploy
Set Environment Config
git config --global user.username "my_username"
git config --global ""
Disable automatic conversion of Unix line endings to Dos/Windows ones (on Windows):
git config --global core.autocrlf false
- The above will prevent line ending replacement if Unix-compatible carriage-returns are set in the file.
- crlf -> Carriage Return, Line Feed
- A handy conversion tool.
Resources and Links
GitHub Actions: Overview
GitHub Actions (the tool itself) supports Workflow and CI/CD automation through GitHub.
Official Documentation:
Very helpful exercises:
GitHub Actions
GitHub Actions are packaged scripts to automate tasks through GitHub.
There are three kinds of GitHub Actions:
Container Actions - where a Linux Environment comprises part of the Action.
# Example name: "Hello Actions" description: "Greet someone" author: "" inputs: MY_NAME: description: "Who to greet" required: true default: "World" runs: uses: "docker" image: "Dockerfile" branding: icon: "mic" color: "purple"
JavaScript Actions - execute JavaScript as an Action.
name: 'Hello World' description: Simple example inputs: myinput: # id of input description: My input arg required: true default: "I am a string" outputs: myoutput: # id of output description: Output of the function runs: using: node20 main: script.js
Composite Actions - combine multiple Workflow Steps together into one Action.
name: 'Hello World' description: 'Greet someone' inputs: who-to-greet: # id of input description: 'Who to greet' required: true default: 'World' runs: using: "composite" steps: - name: Set Greeting run: echo "Hello $INPUT_WHO_TO_GREET." shell: bash env: INPUT_WHO_TO_GREET: ${{ inputs.who-to-greet }} # ... - name: Run run: shell: bash
The above are characterized by having:
GitHub Workflow
name: A workflow for my Hello World file
on: push
name: Hello world action
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- uses: ./action-a
MY_NAME: "Mona"
The Anatomy of a GitHub Action
Workflow > Job(s) > Step(s) > Action(s) defined in a YAML file.
- A Workflow defines one or more Jobs.
- A Job defines one or more Steps.
- A Job has an associated Runner that executes the Job.
- (Think Runnable or Callable in Java.)
- A Step defines one or more Actions.
- A Task with multiple commands.
- An Action is a discrete command.
- (Think
in Docker.)
- (Think
GitHub Integration
Organizations and users typically integrate their GitHub Repositories with GitHub Actions:
- Define a
file in the root of some Source Code. - The Source Code is checked into a GitHub Repository.
- The GitHub Repository is associated with GitHub Secrets or any integrations through the GitHub User Interface.
Resources and Links
Code samples:
GitHub Actions: Advanced Topics
Reference list for available trigger conditions:
Use like so:
types: [opened, edited, milestoned]
Combining Actions
GitHub Actions can also be combined or composed.
Typified by a uses
YAML black:
name: my_example
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Run test
run: |
Environment Variables
Can define Environment Variables that can be used elsewhere in the Workflow:
Default Environment Variables:
- Are prefixed with
. - Defined by GitHub and not within a Workflow.
- Have an associated Context property.
Default Environment Variables:
Advanced Expressions
GitHub Actions supports many complex Expressions, Operators, and Functions (as YAML keys or values, depending):
- Numeric Boolean:
, etc. - Literals:
${{ 'I''m a string and I need tic marks around me in here!' }}
,${{ -9.2 }}
- Logical Boolean:
, etc. - YAML Conditional Boolean:
if: ${{ success() }}
, etc. - String:
contains('Hello world', 'llo')
, etc. - Parsing:
, etc. - Dynamic Variable Setting:
Resources and Links
GitHub Actions: Integration
GitHub Secrets
GitHub Actions can integrate with GitHub Secrets to define any Secrets, Credentials, or Tokens required by the CI/CD or Workflow:
- These are defined in the GitHub User Interface available through Settings > Secrets and variables > Actions > Actions secrets and variables.
- e.g. -
- These are not to be confused with Codespaces Secrets!
- e.g. -
- And passed as values into YAML like so:
Some services handle the actual retrieval, refreshing, and obtaining of Tokens through the above.
Many Cloud Providers offer prepublished GitHub Actions that perform certain operations (such as logging into AWS) that can be used in a
In other cases one may need to define a command that calls some say OAUTH 2.0 REST API and stores the dynamic token (using >>
) before making subsequent calls (per usual token auth flows):
name: Create issue on commit
on: [ push ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# ...
- name: Create issue using REST API
run: |
curl --request POST \
--url https://myoauthserverendpoint \ ...
Terraform HCP can integrate with GitHub Actions (and with Terraform Cloud Providers).
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Checkout the repo
- uses: actions/checkout@main
- uses: azure/login@v1
client-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CLIENT_ID }}
tenant-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_TENANT_ID }}
subscription-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID }}
# ...
Resources and Links
GitHub Actions: Enterprise
GitHub Actions supports many features for Enterprise operations.
- GitHub Actions Templates can be defined to encourage standards and reuse.
- These are similar to GitHub Pull Request Templates.
- These are basically prepopulated but blank YAML files that can be used as a starting point.
Organization Policies
- GitHub Actions Policies can be defined to restrict who can do what.
- These are similar to GitHub Organizational Policies.
Resources and Links
GitHub Actions: Misc.
Misc. study items:
[skip ci]
,[ci skip]
,[no skip]
,[skip actions]
,[actions skip]
- Use
for a multiline string (to run multiple commands in a single step - not&&
) - Default permission levels that can be assigned to
. - Multiple jobs will run in parallel by default.
keyword specifies that one job requires another.$
vs${{ ... }}
runs: using: "composite" steps: - name: Set Greeting # Use the ENV value run: echo "Hello $INPUT_WHO_TO_GREET." shell: bash env: # Set the ENV value INPUT_WHO_TO_GREET: ${{ inputs.who-to-greet }}
- Debugging syntax from within a Step:
echo "::debug::Set the Octocat variable"
will also cause other text to display without using::debug::
- OIDC is recommended for security hardening.
- Workflow triggering events:
- is invoked by another Workflow (say as part of a nested Workflow)workflow_dispatch
- manually triggered in the GitHub UI.workflow_run
- is run after another iscompleted
- Status Check Functions:
if: ${{ success() }}
if: ${{ always() }}
if: ${{ cancelled() }}
if: ${{ failure() }}
- Step Context
- Values:
, orskipped
- Not to be confused with
which explicitly defined. -
- Branch Filters use Glob Patterns:
- As used in Spring Servlet matching:
- Disabling
Engineering: HTTP and SSL
- REST - Representational State Transfer (read below).
- HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol - often equated with REST. The basis for the World Wide Web typified by Request/Response Objects, Headers, Parameters, HTTP Methods, and Sessions.
- SSL - TLS - HTTPS - Hypertext Transfer Protocol with Security.
- Certificate Authority - validates a Certificate (say,
). - Public and Private Keys - a kind of Symmetric Encryption that bifurcates Credentials into two pieces.
REST (Representational State Transfer) - a client-server architectural paradigm that encourages the following core precepts:
- Client-Server - the familiar Client to Server paradigm. A Client connects to a Server.
- Statelessness - user Session data isn't stored or persisted between Sessions.
- Layered System - read Service Layer Architecture article.
- Uniform Interface - common data types, HTTP Methods, etc.
- OPTIONS - indicates that a Client is seeking a Server and further HTTP Request information (required HTTP Headers, etc.).
- GET - indicates that a Client will READ a persisted resource.
- POST - indicates that a Client will CREATE a persisted resource.
- PUT - indicates that a Client will UPDATE a persisted resource.
- PATCH - indicates that a Client partially UPDATE a persisted resource.
- DELETE - indicates that a Client intends to DELETE a persisted resource.
Request / Response Lifecycle
The HTTP Request/Response Lifecycle:
- Request Object -
- Headers - specifies the
, CORS information, Credentials or Tokens, etc. (sent back from the Web Client). - HTTP Method - OPTIONS, GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE .
- URL (Uniform Resource Locater) - the IP Address with optional Port number, DNS address, etc.
- Parameters (optional) - specify query filters to narrow down some query result:
, etc. - Body (optional) - submitted or requested information can be regimented as JSON, text, a form, etc., and encapsulated by the Request and Response Objects.
- Headers - specifies the
- Response Object -
- Headers - specifies the
, CORS information, Credentials or Tokens, etc. of the Response Object (sent back from the Web Server). - Body (optional) - submitted or requested information can be regimented as JSON, text, a form, etc., and encapsulated by the Request and Response Objects.
- Headers - specifies the
Engineering: TCP, UDP, IP, DNS
IP - Internet Protocol Address
- Hexadecimal
- 128-Bit IP Address
- Eight groups of four hexadecimal digits
- Example:
- Purely numeric (decimal)
- 32-Bit IP Address
- Four octets in the inclusive range
- Example:
CIDR - Classless Inter-Domain Routing
Solution for allocating IP Addresses and IP Routing.
The convention
(e.g. -
) specifies the CIDR Length for the IP Address (Prefix).The CIDR Length defines the number of bits reserved for the Netmask.
- The Netmask divides an IP Address into sections akin to dividing a Zip Code into Street Addresses.
- Used to specify which part of the Host IP Address space is reserved for the Host number and which is reserved the Subnet number.
- The lower the CIDR Length, the more IP Addresses are available within the network.
Classes and their respective Netmasks:
- Class A -
- Class B -
- Class C -
- Class A -
CIDR Notation Host Formula Available Hosts /8
232-8 - 2
232-9 - 2
232-10 - 2
232-11 - 2
232-12 - 2
232-13 - 2
232-14 - 2
232-15 - 2
232-16 - 2
232-17 - 2
232-18 - 2
232-19 - 2
232-20 - 2
232-21 - 2
232-22 - 2
232-23 - 2
232-24 - 2
232-25 - 2
232-26 - 2
232-27 - 2
232-28 - 2
232-29 - 2
232-30 - 2
DNS - Domain Name Service - associates a (purely) numeric IP Address (
) with a human readable/friendly Domain Name (localhost
).TCP - Transmission Control Protocol - a Transport Layer protocol that complements IP (TCP/IP). Is used to negotiate and determine connections themselves prior to data being transmitted.
UDP - User Datagram Protocol - responsible for actually sending packets and messages over TCP/IP. One-directional, requires some other system to actually manage the connections themselves. (Although it can be used without establishing or verifying connections.)
HTTP/2 - introduces Huffman Encoding to compress packet sizes when initially negotiating an HTTP Request.
QUIC - HTTP/3 - built on top of UDP and removes TCP as the Transport Layer and optimizes some of the initial handshaking resulting in reduced packet sizes, I/O, etc. Multiplexed, persistent connection.
A Proxy is used as an intermediary between an IP Address and a destination resource.
- Note: Proxying typically refers to Forward Proxying.
- Forward Proxying (a Forward Proxy Server) is connected to by a Client in order to mask the Client IP Address. The Forward Proxy then connects to a desired resource. (The Proxy masks the incoming IP Address and uses the desired outgoing IP Address.)
- A Reverse Proxy is a hidden Gateway or intermediary between the Client and desired resource. (AWS API Gateway is paradigmatic - a Client makes an HTTP Request to a specific endpoint; the endpoint is associated with a configured Lambda Function which is called on behalf of the inbound Request.)
- Forward Proxying is deliberately used or known to the Client. By contrast, in Reverse Proxying scenarios the Proxy acts unbeknownst to the Client.
- Note that both kinds of Proxying involve the same sequential pattern: a Client
connects to an intermediary ProxyP
to access a desired target resourceR
An SSH Bastion serves as an intermediary between an incoming SSH connection and a desired resource.
- The SSH Bastion serves to "jump" the incoming SSH connection to the desired resource after the inbound connection is authenticated and authorized.
- In this way, destination resources are protected from being exposed publically and all inbound SSH requests can be verified/controlled.
Resources and Links
Engineering: Status Codes
- Status OK: OK.201
- Created successfully typically via POST: Created.202
- Queued, batched successfully but not complete: Accepted.301
- URL permanently moved400
- Bad request - malformed: Bad Request401
- Unauthorized, lacking credentials: Unauthorized.403
- Forbidden, no authorization to access even with credentials: Forbidden.404
- Page or resource can't be found at specified URL: Page Not Found.405
- Wrong method500
- Internal Server Error
Engineering: Common Port Numbers
- HTTPS/TLS default port number8080
- HTTP/URL default port number22
- SSH default port number25
- SMTP default port number1433
- MSSQL default port number
are usually the default port numbers used by gRPC since it uses HTTP/S - for example as in this article I wrote:
Engineering: Logging Levels
Logging levels.
Common and Log4j
Some subset of the following is likely to be encountered in most logging frameworks (Log4j
) or tools (Terraform
In descending order of visibility:
- Most granular, used to gain trace information throughout the entirety of an Application (including third-party dependencies).DEBUG
- Used primarily when debugging or inDevelopment
to detail the innerworkings of written code.INFO
- Most granular visibility used inProduction
- Something unusual or unexpected but less than an outright Exception or Application terminating event.ERROR
- An Exception, planned for or unexpected.FATAL
- An Application terminating event.
Of the above:
, andERROR
are the three primary logging levels that most teams will default to.
Java Util
differs from the above by using (in descending order):
Resources and Links
Engineering: Naming Conventions
Some common naming conventions:
- Dry - database naming convention -
table with aPerson
Class domain Object Relational Mapping (ORM) - Snake Case -
- Camel Case -
- Pascal -
Engineering: Basic Terminal Commands
Specifies where to find and which bash
executable to use as the execution environment.
On modern Linux systems it's recommended to use:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
Consult: and
Nano and Vim
Edit a file in Bash:
nano filename
Edit (enable Insert or Interactive Mode) from within the editor:
# toggle Insert or Interactive Mode - click i to enable
# toggle Insert or Interactive Mode - exit
Save and exit editor:
Exit editor without saving:
:qa and
Kill Task
Taskkill /IM node.exe /F
killall node
Open SSL
openssl genrsa -out key.pem 2048
openssl req -new -sha256 -key key.pem -out csr.csr
openssl req -x509 -sha256 -days 365 -key key.pem -in csr.csr -out certificate.pem
Grant Permission
Grant (all) Read, Write, and modify permissions:
sudo chmod +rwx file
SSH Keys
Generate a new SSH Public and Private Key pair using ssh-keygen
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
Open the Public Key (with suffix .pub
) and copy the Public Key into the necessary cloud resource account (GitHub, etc.).
Copy the Private Key into ~/.ssh
(or equivalent) and associate with ssh-agent
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
SSH Key mappings will be visible in /.ssh/known_hosts
An excellent resource:
Mac: View Hidden Files
Hold-down: Command + Shift + Period (⌘⇧.
) simultaneously to see hidden (system) files.
Mac: Multiple DB Browser for SQLite Clients
To open multiple instances of DB Browser for SQLite at the same time:
"/Applications/DB Browser for Browser for SQLite" &
Resources and Links
Engineering: Mac Install Notes
Personal notes to get a development environment setup and configured on macOS 10.15.3
Note: configuring
is required for macOS-specific directory paths.
Note: configuring
is required for many Bash-specific paths.
Note: configuring
is required for many Zsh-specific paths (macOS Catalina+).
The notes below are written for Bash. In most cases, the same commands and export statements can be used interchangeably between Bash and Zsh (provided you use the correct configuration file).
I'm also not a huge fan of Homebrew (think Catalina system directory structure incompatibility, multiple lingering installs, version conflicts that typically or eventually arise locally, etc.) so the installation steps below tend to prefer the native installers wherever possible and appropriate.
For developing Apple mobile, desktop, tablet, and watch, applications.
Swift installation:
- Use this link: to get Swift + Xcode
- Test the installation using
$ swift --version
- Test the Xcode installation using
$ xcodebuild -version
- Requires Ruby gem manager
- Execute the following:
$ sudo gem install cocoapods
- Use
$ pod install
to download the dependencies into your project - NOTE: You must open the
file rather than the<PROJECT_NAME>.xcodeproj
file to build and compile your project (with Pods) correctly
Python 2.7
For Python, PIP, and Django apps.
Python 2.7 installation:
- Python 2.7 is pre-installed on macOS 10.x.
- Test the installation using
$ python --version
PIP installation:
- Execute
$ sudo easy_install pip
- Test the installation using
$ pip --version
Django installation:
- Execute
$ sudo pip install Django==3.0.3
- Alternatively, execute
$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
Python 3
For Python 3.x.
Python 3.x installation:
- Download from:
- Test the installation using
$ python3 --version
- PIP is automatically installed as part of the Python 3 installation
- Upgrade PIP:
$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
- Install dependencies:
$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- List all installed libraries:
$ pip freeze
- Clear out PIP cache:
$ pip uninstall -y -r <(pip freeze)
- Venv is automatically installed as part of the Python 3 installation
- Create a Venv environment:
$ python3 -m venv VENV_ENV
- ... and activate it:
$ source VENV_ENV/Scripts/activate
For Ruby on Rails apps.
Ruby installation:
- Ruby 2.6.3p62 is pre-installed on macOS 10.x.
- Test the installation using
$ ruby --version
- Test Ruby gem manager using
$ gem -v
Rails installation:
$ gem install rails
- C++ GCC 4.2.1 is distributed with Xcode 11.3 (whose installation instructions are provided above).
- Test the installation using
$ gcc --version
- Download the CMake Unix/Linux Source (has \n line feeds) from:
- Extract the contents and execute
$ bash bootstrap
within the root directory - Then execute
$ cd Bootstrap.cmk
and$ bash make
- Copy the following into
using$ sudo nano ~/.bash_profile
(and modify as needed):
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/USER_NAME/Desktop/cmake-3.16.6/bin
- Test the installation:
$ cmake --version
For Java Spring, Gradle, Maven, and Tomcat stacks.
Java installation:
- Use this link:
- Test the installation using
$ javac -version
Apache Tomcat 8.5.x installation:
- Download the
from - Copy the extracted directory to your desktop (or some other appropriate location)
- Navigate to the
directory and execute the following Bash commandsudo chmod +x *.sh
- Execute
$ sudo bash
to launch Tomcat on the default portlocalhost:8080
Refer to the very helpful: for more comprehensive configurations.
Gradle installation:
- Download from:
- Copy the following into
using$ sudo nano ~/.bash_profile
(and modify as needed):
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/USER_NAME/Desktop/gradle-6.2/bin/
- Test the installation using
$ gradle --version
For NodeJS server and client apps.
NVM installation:
$ curl -o- | bash
$ sudo touch ~/.bash_profile
$ sudo touch ~/.bashrc
$ sudo nano ~/.bash_profile
- copy the contents below into this file$ sudo nano ~/.bashrc
- copy the contents below into this file
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"
(Copy the above into configuration files.)
- Test the installation using
$ nvm ls
- Download the desired version of Node using
$ nvm install 10.0.0 && nvm use 10.0.0
Typescript installation:
- Execute
npm install -g typescript
- Go to: and download the newest version
- Install Go using the downloaded installer
- Test the installation using
$ go version
For Rust apps.
Rust installation:
- Execute
$ sudo curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
- Test the installation using
$ rustc --version
Rust uninstallation:
$ rustup self uninstall
Refer to the Rust documentation.
Disable DS_Store Files
Open Terminal App:
Located in Applications > Utilities
Enter the following command:
defaults write DSDontWriteNetworkStores true
As of macOS 14.4.1 (23E224)
you may need to install Homebrew for certain commonly used dependencies:
Download Homebrew or by running:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Run the commands:
(echo; echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"') >> /Users/YOUR_USERNAME/.zprofile eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
to add Homebrew to
.Note that
is the default shell config from the official documentation.Run
source .zprofile
(orsource .bash_profile
) to reload the relevant terminal configsTo install
on Mac:brew install pkg-config
(required for Python3)
Duplicate any .bash_profile
entries into .zprofile
(or .zshrc
is for login shells.zshrc
is for interactive shells
Engineering: Windows Install Notes
It's been a while since I used a Windows machine for development. (Windows has traditionally been my preferred and most commonly encountered development environment of choice.) Have to say, I'm immensely impressed by Windows 11!
There are many great changes overall (and, I disagree with some critics - the new taskbar is much improved - centering the icons is a much better experience than having to peer over in the left corner on large screens/UHD 4K TVs).
This will install
, andPython 2.7
As of 5/21/2022 - Windows 11 Pro
For Node:
Make sure to open your terminal of choice with the
Run As Administrator
option (equivalent in some ways tosudo
).Rename the
executable to topython2
requires this nomenclature).Search locally for
to open System Properties -> Advanced -> Environmental Variables in Windows 11.Add the install path to your
andSystem Variables
.nvm install X.Y.Z && nvm use X.Y.Z
(in Bash or ZSH) for the specific version ofNode
you want.I've had the best luck using
Visual Studio 2017 (Community)
rather than a newer version. Download after signing into Microsoft here.Make sure to tick off:
C# and Visual Basic Rosyln compilers
Static analysis tools
Visual Studio C++ core features
Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17763.0)
npm config set msvs_version 2017
npm i
or whatevernpm
commands you desire.
This will install
Java 1.18
,Tomcat 10
Updated 8/25/2022 - Windows 11 Pro
- Download Java 1.18
- Download Maven 3.8.6
- Download Tomcat 10
- Download Gradle 7.5.1
- Add the relevant System variables under Advanced system settings > Environment Variables.
should point at your unzipped Gradle root directory.JAVA_HOME
should point to your Java root directory.MAVEN_HOME
should point to your unzipped Maven root directory.- Then add the following to your Path.
Run the folloiwng commands to verify your installs.
javac -version
mvn -version
gradle --version
Navigate to: http://localhost:8080/
after running the new(ish) Apache Tomcat10 executable.
Engineering: Azure VM Ubuntu 18.04
Brief setup notes for Azure VM Ubuntu 18.04 on Mac OSx.
- Create Public and Private Keys
Create a private key. A public key will be created automatically for you.
ssh-keygen -t rsa
Make note of your private key password - this is used to authenticate below.
After creating your Azure Ubuntu 18.04 VM. Take note of your Public IP.
Ensure that the default SSH port is left open.
- Connect from Local Machine
sudo ssh -i path/private_key user@public_ip
Use your private key password after connecting.
Ubuntu 18.04 VM
Slightly different setup than Ubuntu 14.04.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install git
sudo apt install nodejs
sudo apt install npm
Note: It's recommended to download Java 11+ directly from Oracle.
It's further recommended to use the OpenJDK 11.0.2 (and avoid other options).
Refer to:
sudo apt-get update
wget ""
sudo tar -xzvf openjdk-11.0.2_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz
sudo mv jdk-11.0.2 /usr/lib/jvm/
# Config
sudo nano /etc/environment
# Add the line below
# JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-11.0.2/"
# Config
sudo nano ~/.bashrc
# Add the lines below
# JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-11.0.2/
source ~/.bashrc
# Verify
javac --version
groupadd tomcat
useradd -s /bin/false -g tomcat -d /opt/tomcat tomcat
cd /opt/
sudo wget
tar -xzvf apache-tomcat-9.0.2.tar.gz
sudo mv apache-tomcat-9.0.2 tomcat
# Permissions
sudo chown -hR tomcat:tomcat tomcat
sudo chmod +xr tomcat/bin/
# Config
sudo nano ~/.bashrc
# Add the line below
# CATALINA_HOME=/opt/tomcat
# Config
source ~/.bashrc
# Verify
You can now access /opt/tomcat/bin/
to execute: sudo bash
Your Tomcat server will be available by default on http://YOUR_IP:8080
(note the lack of https
Engineering: Misc
Commonly encountered and useful topics.
HTML Escape Characters
Can use the following in many places where typical spaces/whitespace isn't allowed (will often force a Whitespace to appear):
Resources and Links
Engineering: OWASP
Summary of common top 10 OWASP identified security vulnerabilities:
- Broken Access Control
- Violation of The Principle of Least Privilege
- Privilege elevation
- CORS misconfiguration
- Insecure direct object references
- Metadata manipulation
- Cryptographic Failures
- Weak, old, or deprecated cryptographic algorithms
- Lack of encryption: TLS, etc.
- Low randomness used: pseudorandom, improper seed
- Injection
- SQL Injection
- Query Injection
- Lacking character escaping, validation, filtering, or sanitization
- Ability for users to execute queries from a client input
- Insecure Design
- Ability of malicious actors to exploit weaknesses in system design, architecture, or business logic
- Example: not restricting the number of tickets a person can buy, not having rate limiting, etc.
- Security Misconfiguration
- Leaving Ports open
- Insufficient security hardening
- A system whose dependencies aren't updated
- Disabled security features
- Incompatible dependency versions
- Vulnerable and Outdated Components
- Deprecated, out-of-date, or old software and/or dependencies
- Lacking a critical security patch
- Identification and Authentication Failures
- Lacks multi-factor authentication
- Allows for weak passwords
- Transmission of passwords in plaintext
- Susceptibility to automated or brute-forcing attacks
- Software and Data Integrity Failures
- Downloading unsigned dependencies from a remote repository
- Downloading dependencies from an untrusted remote repository
- A compromised update
- Insecure deserialization
- Security Logging and Monitoring Failures
- Exposing critical or sensitive data within accessible logs
- Unclear or unhelpful logging messages
- Lacking proper logging for critical events
- Lacking the proper visibility into critical events, services, or systems
- Lacking appropriate mechanisms to remediate problems: escalation, on-call rotations, etc.
- Server-Side Request Forgery
- Improperly allowing a web application and/or its resources to be accessed or controlled remotely
- Allowing an unauthenticated, unvalidated, or unauthorized agent to access a resource remotely
Resources and Links
Engineering: Application Security
A concise, quick, overview.
- Every completed task must be documented.
- Every customer-facing or production task must have a corresponding ticket.
- Available here:
- Common Security Vulnerabilities include XSS, SQL Injection, String Timing attackes, etc.
Encrypt at Rest
- Encrypt database information within the database.
- Never store sensitive PII information in plaintext.
- Verify that all unneeded Ports are closed.
Secure Access Workstation
- Increasingly popular.
- An air-gapped physical machine allowing access to a single user at a single precise time.
- The air-gapped physical machine then connects to an SSH Bastion.
Engineering: OAuth 2.0
Grant Types
The four main Authorization Grant Types are as follows (note that the PKCE extension is now recommended for supplemental use in all other Grant Types):
Authorization Code
The flow:
- A resource R1 requests access to a protected resource R2.
- A user (who typically owns or manages both resources) is directed to an intermediary authentication server to authorize R1’s getting R2’s data (for some duration of time).
- After authorizing access, the user is redirected to a specified URL (often a view in R1): the Redirect URL.
- The most common and secure Grant Type. Use this by default.
- The paradigm or model OAuth flow that inspired the others.
Client Credentials
- Used in server-to-server access where one resource is able to access a second (common in micro-services).
Device Code
- Where a device with limited human input capabilities is granted access to a resource through another human input medium.
- Used to give IoT devices access to some endpoint. These devices may lack a keyboard.
- Used to refresh a previously acquired valid token.
Note that the Password and Implicit Grant Types are now deprecated:
- Deprecated.
- Essentially, your standard user-submitted password to get a token authentication scheme.
- Deprecated.
- Often used in minimal security conditions (like a simple JavaScript app) to acquire a token from an auth server through a (registered) Client ID.
- Tokens are not refreshed but simply reacquired.
Resources and Links
Engineering: Service Layer Architecture
- Presentation Layer - what the user sees and interacts with. A web Client, mobile device, terminal, etc. Corresponds to the View in MVC pattern.
- Service Layer - contains Business Logic, Controllers, Handlers, and Services that process Data being sent from a Client, and that return processed Data to the Client.
- Data Layer - persisted Data that exists at rest or used in-memory.
Engineering: Model View Controller
- Model - programmatic representations of Data defined in a Domain. Run Time, in-memory, and programmatic representations of persisted data that may or may not be managed 1:1 through an Object Relational Mapping framework like Hibernate.
- View - what's rendered and presented to the user.
- Controller - HTTP REST Controllers, Handlers that reside at sepecifc Endpoints (e.g. - URL, URL Path, IP Address, Domain Name, Port Number) etc. to handle specific HTTP Requests / HTTP Methods.
Engineering: Design Patterns
Some common design patterns.
Refer to the other Singleton article.
The Factory design pattern creates copies of a specific type. The Factory itself is usually instantiated once, often a Singleton (single instance object).
// Java
public class Dood {
public Dood doodFactory() {
getDooder() {
return new Dood();
Abstract Factory
Suppose that
is a subclass ofT
: make a Factory of kindT
that returns a Factory or makes Objects of kindK
(through abstract implementation.
The Abstract Factory design pattern is essentially the Factory design pattern but involves Abstract Factories in correspondence with and supporting an abstract (here, meaning higher-order) interface implementation hierarchy or abstract class hierarchy:
First, a (higher-order) interface:
// Java
public interface A {
Two implementations of that interface:
// Java
public class B implements A {
public class C implements A {
Now, we create a factory hierarchy to parallel the implementation hierarchy:
// Java
public interface AbstractFactory {
public A createA();
We then create two further factories concrete implementations of AbstractFactory
// Java
public class BFactory implements AbstractFactory {
public A createA() {
B b = new B();
return b;
public class CFactory implements AbstractFactory {
public A createA() {
C c = new C();
return c;
Model View Controller
Refer to the other Model View Controller article.
Uses annotations like @Component
to configure some item or add functionality.
- Angular
- Java Spring
- Java EE
The Adapter pattern takes two incompatible implementations, Interfaces, or Classes, and provides a way to bridge them. (Hence, "Adapter" - to adapt them to each other.)
// Java
public interface GermanPlugConnector {
public void giveElectricity();
public class GermanElectricalSocket {
public void plugIn(GermanPlugConnector plug) {
// Java
public interface UKPlugConnector {
public void provideElectricity();
public class UKElectricalSocket {
public void plugIn(UKPlugConnector plug) {
These are thus far incompatible and require an Adapter to bring them into harmony:
// Java
public class GermanConnectorToUKSocketAdapter implements UKPlugConnector {
private GermanPlugConnector plug;
public GermanConnectorToUKSocketAdapter(GermanPlugConnector plug) {
this.plug = plug;
public void provideElectricity() {
Above we implemented the compatible Plug
connector (UKPlugConnector
) but overrode provideElectricity()
so that it now invokes giveElectricity()
on the incompatible Plug
connector (GermanPlugConnector
We have thus performed a little "switch-a-roo" on the main point of incompatibility by using a third interface to bring the two incompatible types into harmony thereby.
Now we explicitly invoke our adapter to representationally allow the GermanPlugConnector
to plug into the UKElectricalSocket
// Java
GermanPlugConnector plugConnector = //.. create a GermanPlugConnector
//Create a UKElectricalSocket
UKElectricalSocket electricalSocket = new UKElectricalSocket();
//We adapt the two
UKPlugConnector ukAdapter = new GermanConnectorToUKSocket(plugConnector);
//And now receive the electricity
Example corrected, updated, and modified from:
Resources and Links
Engineering: The Twelve-Factor App
Summary of Twelve-Factor App Principles:
- Codebase - One codebase tracked in revision control, many deploys.
- A single codebase is used for an App.
- E.g. - a specific repo in GitLab, BitBucker, Subversions, Azure Team Foundation, or GitHub.
- Use a versioning system to track different deployments and changes.
- Use a version control tool like Git or Subversion.
- A single codebase is used for an App.
- Dependencies - Explicitly declare and isolate dependencies.
- All dependencies are explicitly and expressly declared in a manifest.
- Examples:
, etc. - Use a package manager.
- Dependencies should be versioned and modularized so their exact contents can be specified.
- Config - Store config in the environment.
- App Configuration is kept with the App.
- It should be stored as Environmental Variables within the Environment itself.
- Example: passing Docker parameters that are exposed as Environmental Variables within an App Container.
- App Configuration should be grouped by (Staging) Environment.
- Backing Services - Treat backing services as attached resources
- Any Service or infrastructure dependency is treated as a Resource that's attached (containerized or configured along with the Service in question).
- Examples:
, Terraform, Cloud Formation
- Build, Release, Run - Strictly separate build and run stages.
- Separate a deployment into Build, Release, and Run stages.
- All Releases should have a unique identifier.
- Processes - Execute the app as one or more stateless processes.
- Apps should be run as Processes.
- They should be Stateless.
- Example: containerizing and App in a Docker Container that spins up and initializations the App state each time it's run (state isn't preserved).
- Port Binding - Export services via port binding.
- Preference for directly binding an App to a Port via a Webserver library (Jetty).
- As opposed to using a Web Container (Tomcat).
- Concurrency - Scale out via the process model.
- While one may need to spawn or multithread, these processes should use established tools and infrastructure to do so (Node
, JVM Threads, Windows Process management). - Don't create/spawn Daemons when the above can be used out of the box.
- While one may need to spawn or multithread, these processes should use established tools and infrastructure to do so (Node
- Disposability - Maximize robustness with fast startup and graceful shutdown.
- Processes should be easy to terminate.
- Deployed Services shouldn't be unnecessarily dependent on or entangled with other systems. They should be sufficiently decoupled so that they can started and stopped easily.
- Dev/Prod Parity - Keep development, staging, and production as similar as possible.
- (Staging) Environments should be 1:1.
- Logs - Treat logs as event streams.
- All logging events are printed to
and never routed within the app. - All log organization is handled at the Enivronment level.
- Example:
- Set Logging Levels within an AWS Environment so that it can be collated into a log ingestion Service.
- Rather than routing logs using distinct say, Log4J
- All logging events are printed to
- Admin Processes - Run admin/management tasks as one-off processes.
- They should have a finite execution interval (should not be ongoing or occasion indefinite access to say PROD).
- They should always use the most up-to-date config and code (not ad-hoc scripts or old code versions).
Resources and Links
Engineering: Producers and Consumers
- Consumer - The resource that consumes, receives, and/or uses Messages or Events sent by the Producer.
- Producer - The emitter or sender of a Message or Event to the Consumer
Publish Subscribe and Message Queues
Several commonly encountered patterns that involve Producer and Consumer topics:
- Publish-Subscribe
- Subscribers listen to, wait for, poll, or otherwise directly subscribe to a Publisher (specifically, a Publisher's Topics) which emits an Event or Message to all appropriate Subscribers.
- Examples:
- AWS Simple Notification Service (AWS SNS)
- Apache Kafka
- WebSockets
- Message Queue
- A Message Queue sits in-between a Producer and Consumer. Often explicitly uses an intermediary called (or appropriately likened to) a Message Broker.
- Examples:
- ActiveMQ
- RabbitMQ
- AWS Simple Queue Service (AWS SQS)
- A Consumer requests a WSDL from the Producer to mirror the Domain entities of a Producer (generates the shared contract for the Consumer).
- This allows SOAP requests to be correctly made from the Consumer to the Producer and for the Consumer to correctly handle the corresponding SOAP responses.
- A Client (Consumer) makes an HTTP Request to a Server (Producer) which returns an HTTP Response.
Note that this distinction isn't strictly mutually exclusive. While Quastor refers to RabbitMQ as thoroughly Pub-Sub, the actual RabbitMQ documentation refers to it as Publish/Subscribe (since it can be configured as such).
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Engineering: Systems Design
- Separation of Concerns - Access, Visibility, proper decomposition of a Monolithic app, database access, subnets, private networks
- Concurrency - Thread, Thread and Worker Pooling, database Connection Pooling, use of Mutex and Thread-Safety, Asynchronous and Non-Blocking, Load Balancing, Sharding
- Events, Messaging, and Event Priority - use of Cron Jobs, Queues, Event Scheduling, Event Workflows
- Fault Tolerance - High Availability and Disaster Recovery, ProdEng manual overrides, data auditing and integrity, Graceful and Exponential Backoff, Dead Letter and Retry Queues
- Performance - Caching, Views and Indexes, Algorithm optimization, Elasticity, duplex connections
- Best Practices - Security, compliance, Integration Testing and environments, End to End Acceptance Tests, etc.
Some Approaches
Some common, famous, and or high-performance approaches:
- Decouple Events, Consumers, and Producers - Apache Kafka remains a top choice at many firms (PayPal, Uber, Dosh, etc.).
- A move from Relational Databases to Document Store Databases reducing overhead from Sharding, need for Cross-Database JOINS, SQL Table Normalization, and IO/latency.
- Modifying SQL Table Columns is very expensive on large datasets that are distributed over many Shards.
- Extensive use of Sharding, Consistent Hashing (keeps Hash invariant as number of Shards increases), and Load Balancing across different Application Layers.
- Lots of Caching:
- Clear distinction between READ and WRITE intensive resources (and corresponding resource responsibilities - READ Replica, etc.).
- Materialized Views, etc.
- Extensive use of Memcached, Redis, and/or Couchbase for READ intensive operations.
Electrical Engineering: Watts Volts Amps Ohms
Basic Equivalences.
- Resistance
- Expressed as Ohms (
) below. - The aggregate opposition to Charge movement.
- The opposition to Electrons as they flow through material.
- Expressed as Ohms (
- Current
- Expressed as Amps (
) below. - Rate of flow of Charge.
- Expressed as Amps (
- Voltage
- Expressed as Volts (
) below. - Difference in Electrical Potential.
- Expressed as Volts (
- Power
- Expressed as Watts (
) below. - The amount of energy produced or consumed by an electrical device.
- Expressed as Watts (
Electrons flow through material when there's an imbalance in Electrical Potential (Voltage). They flow at a certain rate (Current) which is modified by Resisting factors that inhibit how the Electrons move.
Ohms Law
Ω = V / A
Ω = V² / W
Ω = W / A²
A = V / Ω
A = W / V
A = √(W / Ω)
V = A * Ω
V = W / A
V = √(W * Ω)
W = V * A
W = V² / Ω
W = A² * Ω
Resources and Links
Electrical Engineering: Static Electricity
Electrons, Neutrons, and Protons
- Electrons - are Negatively Charged Particles since they have a negative net Electrical Charge:
1.602176634 × 10−19 coulomb
- Neutrons - are Neutrally Charged Particles since they have no net Electrical Charge.
- Protons - are Positively Charged Particles they have a positive net Electrical Charge.
We usually count the Electric Charge of an Atom by the difference in Electrons and Protons.
Static Electricity
Static Electricity is an imbalance of Electrical Charge between two items (particularly on their surface).
Static Electricity shocks occur when there is:
- An imbalance of Electrical Charge such that:
- One touching item is Negatively Charged (has many more Electrons)
- The other item is Positively Charged (has far fewer Electrons)
Static (Electricity) cling occur when there is:
- When lightweight items stick to another owing to differences in Electrical Charge.
- Example: confetti sticking to a plastic balloon.
Static (Electricity) hair raising occur when there is:
- An excessive amount of positive Electrical Charge since two positively charged items will repel each other.
- (Two positively charged items will repel each other. Two negatively charged items will repel each other.)
Static Electricity grounding:
- Using a conductive material to keep a two items at the same, common, balanced, Electrical Charge.
- To use a conductive cord, wire, or other material to prevent Static Electricity shocks.
- Commonly involves attaching metal wires to two items and connecting those wires to a ground block, wall, or metal object driven into the ground.
Prevention Techniques
- Ground items in the manner described above.
- Avoid certain materials like wool, polypropelene, etc. that have either a tendancy to generate Static Electricity or that lack the intrinsic ability to discharge it (e.g. - because they good insulators).
- Touch small metal objects frequently and then touch those objects against some grounded item (a metal doorframe, a metal floor lamp, etc.).
- Increase the amount of humidity in the air (since dry air increases the chance of Static Electricity).
- This option should be pursued only as a last resort around electronics since humidity can damage sensitive electrical components (water is conductive).
Math: Probability
Probability calculates the likelihood of an Outcome occuring A Priori.
Probability Space
A Probability Space is defined as the Triple (Ω, E, P)
- A Probability Function:
mapped to the interval[0,1]
P : E → [0,1]
- A Set of Outcomes
.- Say, a 6-sided dice is being represented:
Ω = {1,2,3,4,5,6}
- Say, a 6-sided dice is being represented:
- An Event Space
of all Events such that for every∀(e ∈ E)(e ⊆ Ω)
.- E.g. -
e₀ ∈ E
ande₀ = {2, 5}
(Complex Event where it lands on any of2
.) - E.g. -
e₁ ∈ E
ande₁ = {1}
(Lands on1
- E.g. -
- Indepdendent
- Two events
are are Indepdendent if the liklihood ofA
doesn't influence the liklihood ofB
- Two events
- Dependent
- Two events
are are Dependent if the liklihood ofA
occurring influences the liklihood ofB
- Two events
- Mutually Exclusive
- Two events
are are Mutually Exclusive if they can never occur simultaneously. - Two events
are are Mutually Exclusive ifA
obtaining entails thatB
cannot also obtain.
- Two events
Probability Rules
P(A) = 1
is Certain to occur.- Certainty
P(A) = 0
Certainly Won't occur.- Impossibility
P(A ∪ B)
- The likelihood of either
- The likelihood of either
P(A ∩ B)
- The likelihood of both
- The likelihood of both
- Complement of
. - The Outcome(s) where
doesn't occur.
- Complement of
- The likelihood of
- The likelihood of
General Rules:
- Addition Rule:
- (When
are Independent Events:)P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A ∩ B)
- (When
- Multiplication Rule:
- (When
are Independent Events:)P(A ∩ B) = P(A) × P(B)
- (When
- Complement Rule:
P(A′) = 1 - P(A)
- The likelihood of
occuring is1
- Conditional Probability:
P(A|B) = P(A ∩ B) / P(B)
- Bayes' Theorem
- Note that:
P(A|B) ≠ P(B|A)
(not Symmetric).
Description | General Form | A,B Independent | A,B Dependent | A,B Mutually Exclusive |
Both, Conjunction |
P(A ∩ B) = P(A) × P(B)
P(A ∩ B) = P(A) × P(B|A)
P(A ∩ B) = 0
P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A ∩ B)
P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A) × P(B)
P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A) × P(B|A)
P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B) - 0
P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B)
Conditional, Dependent |
P(A|B) = P(A ∩ B) / P(B)
P(A|B) = (P(A) × P(B)) / P(B)
P(A|B) = (P(A) × P(B|A)) / P(B)
P(A|B) = 0 / P(B)
Resources and Links
Math: Permutations
- Permutations:
ₙPₐ = n! / (n - a)!
- The number of Permutations of
items takena
-many at a time. - Consider Heap's Algorithm.
- Given (the digit String)
the generated Permutations are[ '012', '102', '201', '021', '120', '210' ]
- Given (the digit String)
- An arrangement of elements (with or without repetition) where order matters.
- Order matters:
012 ≠ 102
. - Counts String Permutations like
, etc. when repetition is allowed.
- Order matters:
- The number of Permutations of
- Combinations:
ₙCₐ = n! / (a! × (n - a)!)
- The number of Combinations of
items takena
-many at a time. - An arrangement of elements (with or without repetition) where order doesn't matter.
- Order doesn't matter:
012 = 102
are elements of the same Equivalence Class using the generated Strings (from above).- Are considered the same String Combination despite the ordering of the digits
- Counts String Combinations like
, etc. when repetition is allowed.
- Order doesn't matter:
- The number of Combinations of
- Variations
- Where order matters:
ₙVₐ = ₙPₐ
- Where order doesn't matter:
ₙVₐ = nᵃ
- The number of Variations of
items takena
-many at a time. - An arrangement of elements (with or without repetition) where order matters.
- Order matters:
012 ≠ 102
. - Counts String Variations like
, etc. when repetition is allowed.
- Order matters:
- Where order matters:
- Since
ₙCₐ = n! / (a! × (n - a)!)
, it follows thatₙCₐ = ₙPₐ / a!
(from substitution). - Also,
ₙPₐ = ₙCₐ × a!
(from the above). - Where order matters:
ₙVₐ = ₙPₐ
(Variation and Permutation count can be computed in the same manner).
Resources and Links
Math: Statistics
Statistics calculates the likelihood of an Outcome occuring by observed Frequency, trend, or pattern.
Median, Mean, Mode
Given a sum S
of L
-many values of some (sorted) Set of events E
- Median
- If
is even, take the middle two events and divide by2
. - If
is odd, take the middle event and divide by1
- If
- Mode
- Most common or frequently encountered value in the Set.
- Mean
= S / L
Standard Normal Distribution
- Euler's Constant
e = 2.71828...
const VARIANCE_U = 1
const MEAN_O_2 = 1
const X = 1
const NORMALIZATION_CONSTANT = 1 / Math.sqrt(VARIANCE_U * 2 * Math.PI)
const EXP = -1 * Math.pow(X - VARIANCE_U, 2) / (2 * Math.pow(MEAN_O_2, 2))
const GUASS = 1 / NORMALIZATION_CONSTANT * Math.pow(Math.E, EXP)
The Math 142 course I took delimits course content to the subtopics subheaded below. (We didn't cover calculating Z Scores from scratch.)
- Computation of the Distribution itself is given by this table.
Standard Deviation
Of a Normal Distribution.
Given a set of values {X₀, ..., Xₙ}
- Calculate the Mean (
):- In Normal Distribution, the Mean, Mode, and Median are the same.
μ = (X₀ + ... + Xₙ)/n
- Calculate the Standard Deviation (
) like so:σ = √(((X₀-μ)² + ... + (Xₙ-μ)²) / n - 1)
- It's also helpful to remember the following:
μ ± σ
(the range-σ <= μ <= σ
or one Standard Deviation) covers68%
μ ± 2σ
(the range-2σ <= μ <= 2σ
or two Standard Deviations) covers95%
μ ± 3σ
(the range-3σ <= μ <= 3σ
or three Standard Deviations) covers99.7%
Calculate Z Score
General approach:
- Calculate
(the number of Standard Deviations) independently.- This can be calculated from a specified Percentage (say
of the total Area) - Or from a Score using the same equation:
Z = (x - μ) / σ
(lowercase) is the specified Score.
- This can be calculated from a specified Percentage (say
- Then use that value to solve for some
(some Score within the Standard Deviation)Z = (X - μ) / σ
orZ * σ + μ = X
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Math: Finance Topics
Math and Finance topics often encountered in Programming/Software Engineering.
Amortization and Compound Interest
Non-Amortizing Loans ( are computed in a number of ways.
One way involves Basic Compound Interest divided by Total Months:
const PRINCIPLE = 1000
const YEARS = 5
console.log(TOTAL_LOAN_PAYMENTS) // 1402.5517307000005
console.log(MONTHLY_PAYMENTS) // 23.375862178333342
Amortization is a standard technique to calculate Monthly or Total Payments (over time) as the Principle (of a Loan) is paid down:
- Standard approach to calculate Monthly Payments
:A = P × (i × (1 + i)ⁿ) / ((1 + i)ⁿ - 1)
- Computations vary for Monthly or Total Amortization Payments/Schedules/Table.
- There are also different kinds of Amortization: (and each is computed a bit differently).
- Computed long-hand here:
Precision and Rounding
Rounding and Precision effects in JavaScript (and languages with equivalent inbuilt Math functions).
Such effects are often encountered since quantities, amounts, etc. don't cleanly divide (and must therefore be Rounded or Truncated).
Most currencies and denominations (globally) are represented with Decimal (Floating Point) Precision (e.g. - $1.41
). helpfully described Amorization, Rounding, and Precision.
"To precision" generally means to the number of significant numbers or integers after the decimal point (the Character or sign .
from decimal import *
getcontext().prec = 6
Decimal(1) / Decimal(7)
To Cents
Additionally, it's common to represent "Dollar" amounts as "Cents" to avoid some of these issues.
- Don't have to worrry about post-decimal point sign Precision.
- Can help avoid unintentional duplicate Rounding Effects.
- Cents must still be Rounded.
Inbuilt Functions
Note that toPrecision()
will unacceptably Truncate in some cases:
let num = 5.123456;
console.log(num.toPrecision()); // '5.123456'
console.log(num.toPrecision(5)); // '5.1235'
And, if the numbers are too big it'll return scientific notation. For example:
const N = 100000 / 24
console.log(N.toPrecision(3)) // "4.17e+3"
console.log(N.toPrecision(6)) // "4166.67"
Mathematical Approaches and Techniques
JavaScript's Math.round()
, Math.ceil()
, and Math.floor()
methods, combined with a multiplier, offer versatile solutions for computing to a specific Precision.
This is likely the most commonly encountered approach to Round to Precision 2
(from personal work experience in Finance and from widely available blogs like:
Round to nearest:
let number = 2.12556;
let rounded = Math.round(100 * number) / 100
console.log(rounded) // Output: 2.13
Always rounding up:
let number = 2.12556
let rounded = Math.ceil(number * 100) / 100
console.log(rounded) // Output: 2.13
Always rounding down:
let number = 2.12556
let rounded = Math.floor(number * 100) / 100
console.log(rounded) // Output: 2.12
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Docker: Overview
Docker is a platform for building, shipping, and running applications.
Key Tools
- Docker Hub - public repositories with Docker Images
- Docker Desktop - local client with graphical interface and CLI for running and interacting with Docker Images, Docker Containers, etc.
- Docker Compose - tool for defining and organizing multiple Container deployments/applications.
Images and Containers
- Images
- Are built.
- Specified by configuration files.
- Definitions can be combined and composed.
- Container Images represent an encapsulated resource with all its dependencies.
- Images are templates for Containers.
- Containers
- Are run.
- They represent an Image at runtime, environment, its state, etc.
Virtual Machines and Hypervisors
Virtual Machines | Hypervisors | Docker |
Separate, dedicated, Operating System Kernels. | Shared underlying Operating System Kernel. | Uses Virtualization through an independent Hypervisor or Virtual Machine framework. |
Dedicated system resources (CPU's, RAM, HDD). | Shared system resources. | Either. |
Launches an entire simulated Operating System with machine state, etc. | Light-weight, virtualized, containerized, encapsulated, and insolated environments. | Either. |
VirtualBox, Apple Virtualization | Hyper-V, Docker VMM, the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2 , which runs on a subset of Hyper-V) |
Docker Desktop |
Note: Docker can be configured in either fashion (is compatible with either the Virtual Machine or Hypervisor approach), but typically uses some kind of Virtual(ized) Machine, and is primarily for building, shipping, and flexibly running application.
Resources and Links
Docker: Basic Commands
# Build from dockerfile
## Use this over `docker build - < Dockerfile`
## Note that the dockerfile copies in ANY files in this directory
docker build .
# Docker metrics and processes
docker images --all
docker info
## Get the CONTAINER ID <aa9f01c38d04>
docker stats
# Cleanup
## Remove image
docker rmi -f IMAGE_ID
## Remove container
docker stop CONTAINER_NAME
docker system prune --volumes
Refer to:
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Docker: On Mac ARM
Some recent changes for use on Mac.
Rosetta 2
Tested on an Apple
laptop with macOS15.1.1 (24B91)
Newer Macs (equipped with Apple's newish
CPU's) will require installing Rosetta 2 - a binary translator for convertingx86
instructions.Since Docker virtualizes
operations, it must be installed on Mac now to use Docker:softwareupdate --install-rosetta
Failing to do so will result in the following error:
Rosetta is only intended to run on Apple Silicon with a macOS host using Virtualization.framework with Rosetta mode enabled.
Make sure to update and restart Docker Desktop.
Verify that the checkbox Settings > General > Virtual Machine Options >
Use Rosetta for x86_64/amd64 emulation on Apple Silicon
is selected.
With instructions for the above:
Docker Commands
Since Docker on Apple's ARM
CPU requires Rosetta 2 (and Rosetta 2 in turn requires Compose V2), the following Compose V2 command syntax is now enforced:
docker-compose up
is nowdocker compose up
More on this change:
Resources and Links
Docker: dockerfile
FROM postgres:13.0
# Execute init scripts
## These only have to be copied into /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
COPY init_json_sql.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
FROM python:3.8.2
RUN echo "Creating working dir and copying files"
RUN mkdir /app
COPY . .
# update pip globally within the container
RUN python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
# update requirements by directory
RUN cd ml && python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
# run the machine learning scripts to save off the annModels within the image
# the logs for these scripts will now show in Docker Desktop
RUN cd ml && python3 && python3 && python3 && python3 && python3
# this is apparently a required dependency of SQLAlchemy
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y default-mysql-client default-libmysqlclient-dev
RUN cd server && python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
# host and ports are set in server/ but they could be passed below instead
# these are required to bind the ips and ports correctly
CMD [ "bash", "" ]
Useful Dockerfile Commands
- Is typically set at the top of the file but multiple
can be used throughout. - Specifies that some prebuilt/existing Docker Image should be downloaded and used as a baseline upon which the other Commands are run.
- Is typically set at the top of the file but multiple
- Specifies the current Working Directory (within the Image and Container directory structure) where Commands are run.
- Specifies a Bash Command or Expression to be executed as the Image is being built.
- The results of
Commands are saved within the Image.
- Defines a Volume Mount.
- (Note: These can be Bind Mountings that are transient and confined to the local Container.)
- Simplified and
-equivalent instruction.
- Simplified and
- A Command executed and run whenever the Docker Container runs/starts.
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Docker: Images
Docker Images are assembled and built up using multiple Layers:
- Each Layer is cached and changes made only to the top-most relevant one(s).
- They are Read-Only once built and changes made to the Docker Image baseline are done so in a new Read-Write Layer that sits on top of the Docker Image baseline.
Docker: Storage
Docker Volumes
Docker Volumes are persistant data stores for Containers.
In Docker Compose, a Volume is declared in its own block, then associated with each Service (source
, typically the Volume name) along with a destination
path (a file path or directory within the Volume) where the persisted data will reside.
image: bitnami/mongodb:7.0.9
- "27017:27017"
- 'mongodb_data:/bitnami/mongodb'
- MONGODB_DATABASE=testdatabase
# This is required on Apple Silicon
- testnet
context: ./node
dockerfile: dockerfile
- '8888:8888'
- mongo
- testnet
restart: unless-stopped
context: ./react
dockerfile: dockerfile
- '443:443'
- '1234:1234'
- node
- testnet
restart: unless-stopped
context: ./angular
dockerfile: dockerfile
- '4200:4200'
- node
- testnet
driver: local
driver: bridge
Bind Mounts
Bind Mounts are Volumes that are Mounted from a specific location on the host machine into the Docker Image and Container.
Example: host directory ./static
is bound to Docker Container file path: /opt/app/static
# docker compose config
image: node:lts
# Bind mount example
- type: bind
source: ./static
target: /opt/app/static
Dockerfile Volumes
A slight variation on the topics above. dockerfile
Volumes can define a Mount Point at a specific location. For example, like so:
FROM ubuntu
USER myuser
RUN mkdir /myvol
VOLUME /myvol
RUN chown -R myuser /myvol
This can be used in tandem with
to restrict what's writeable within a Container to exactly theVOLUME
. (AWS ECS will allow aVOLUME
to be writeable even if the rest of the Docker Image and Container aren't.)
Local Files
- default Docker directory used to store data for Containers, Docker Images, and Volumes.var/lib/docker/volumes
- location from where Docker Mounts a Volume.- Data is removed via:
docker system prune -a
Docker Storage Drivers
Docker Storage Drivers facilitate the Layered architecture and caching used when building Docker Images and running Containers.
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Kubernetes: Overview
This section summarizes several specific introductory concepts/topics.
- Kubernetes Main Entities Overview
- Kubectl Inspection Quick Reference
- Kubectl Create Quick Reference
- Kubectl Modify Quick Reference
- Kubectl Run Quick Reference
- How to Install Minikube
- Kubectl Docker Discussion
- Docker Compose Translation
Full reference:
Some commonly encountered Command verbs of interest:
Some commonly encountered Entity Kinds of interest:
Kind | Name | Shortname |
# Display all Kinds, Names, Shortnames, ApiVersions (for config yaml)
kubectl api-resources
Generally, kubectl COMMAND ENTITY
defines a valid operation where:
is one of the above Command verbs; andENTITY
is one of the above Entity Kinds.
Note: A Shortname can be substituted for any associated Kind or Name.
Resources and Links
Kubernetes: Main Entities Overview
I divide Kubernetes entities into a few kinds:
- Meta-level, organizational, groupings.
- Kubernetes Kinds (think primitives).
- Kubernetes Workload Management that assist in deploying and managing Pods.
Grouping entities. These group and help manage Kubernetes Pods and Kubernetes Nodes.
- A Kubernetes Namespace is a handle for grouping one or more Kubernetes Clusters.
- This allows Kubernetes Clusters to be categorized, grouped, etc. by role.
- Kubernetes Kind:
- Kubernetes Clusters are divided into Kubernetes Nodes. Kubernetes Clusters are groupings of Kubernetes Nodes.
- Kubernetes Clusters are not created like other entities.
- Instead, Kubernetes Clusters are managed by Kubernetes Namespaces.
- An abstract way to expose one or more Kubernetes Pods as a networking service.
- Essentially, a Kubernetes Service assigns a group of Kubernetes Pods a shared IP Address and/or DNS name.
- Akin to a Docker Compose Network that links and allows communication to and between Docker Containers.
- Kubernetes Kind:
Think the basic conceptual units, primitives, or entities.
- A Kubernetes Node may be a virtual or physical machine.
- Multiple Kubernetes Pods can run in a Kubernetes Node.
- Kubernetes Nodes contain additional Kubernetes Components to run Kubernetes Pods.
- A group of one or more Kubernetes Containers.
- The primary workhorse and smallest unit of deployment.
- Kubernetes Kind:
- Kubernetes Containers are Images that may be built (compiled, or otherwise) and run.
- They represent an Image at runtime, its state, etc.
- Conceptually, this is akin to a Docker Container (and may in fact be identical in some cases since Kubernetes can operate using Docker).
- Note, existing Kubernetes Containers cannot be added to a Kubernetes Kubernetes Pod since they are immutable.
- Container Images represent an encapsulated resource with all its dependencies.
- This is akin to a Docker Image (and may in fact be identical in some cases since Kubernetes can operate using Docker).
Workload Management
- Define a desired number of similar Kubernetes Pods to be running at any given time.
- They therefore help manage Kubernetes Pods but are themselves typically wrapped by and deployed as part of a Deployment.
- Kubernetes Kind:
- A Kubernetes Deployment manages a set of Kubernetes Pods to run an application workload.
- Typically wrap Kubernetes ReplicaSets and manage both them and their Kubernetes Pods.
- Kubernetes Kind:
Kubernetes: Kubectl Inspection Quick Reference Sheet
Some common and useful
commands to inspect running or deployed Resources.
- Key operation:
kubectl get
,kubectl describe
. - Display one or many Resources.
will install the default
namespace automatically.
# See all resources
kubectl get all
# Display all Pods in every Namespace
kubectl get po --all-namespaces
# Display all pods in the `default` Namespace (will be empty by default)
kubectl get po -n default
# Display all Pods
kubectl get pods
# Display all Pods with the Label "label: example"
kubectl get po --selector label=example
# Display all Pods with the Labels "label: example" and "x: y"
kubectl get po --selector label=example,x=y
# Display all Namespace
kubectl get namespaces
# Display all services in every Namespace
kubectl get services --all-namespaces
# Display detailed information about test - Containers, status, etc.
kubectl describe namespace test
# Display detailed information about pod newpods-4npfh
kubectl describe po newpods-4npfh
kubectl get KIND
orkubectl get NAME
defines a valid operation.kubectl describe KIND
orkubectl describe NAME
defines a valid operation.
Resources and Links
Kubernetes: Kubectl Create Quick Reference Sheet
Some common and useful
commands supporting the creation of Resources.
- Key operations:
kubectl create
,kubectl apply
. - Creates one or many Resources.
# Create Namespace test
kubectl create namespace test
# Then review the created resource
kubectl get namespaces
# Create a Pod from a file (see below)
kubectl create -f pod-definition.yaml
# Create or update Pod from a file (see below)
kubectl apply -f pod-definition.yaml
Create vs. Apply
kubectl create | kubectl apply |
Imperative - a specific operation. | Declarative - specifies a target state. |
Creates a Resource from a file or directly from within the CLI. | Creates a Resource by way of a manifest or configuration file. |
Will error if Resource already exists. | Won't error if Resource already exists. |
Creates a new Resource if it doesn't exist. | Updates a Resource if it exists, creates one if it doesn't. |
Note: both
kubectl create
andkubectl apply
require configuration files to create Pods with a specific Docker Image.--image
is supported for kubectl create deployment.
kubectl create KIND
andkubectl create NAME
defines a valid operation.
Resources and Links
Kubernetes: Kubectl Run Quick Reference Sheet
Some common and useful
kubectl run
- Key operation:
kubectl run
. - Create and run a particular Image in a Pod (without supplying YAML configuration).
# Create and run a Pod named nginx using the Image nginx w/out a config file
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx
Generally, kubectl run POD_NAME --image=DOCKER_IMAGE
defines a valid operation.
Resources and Links
Kubernetes: Kubectl Delete and Update Quick Reference Sheet
Some common and useful
commands supporting the deletion and updating of Resources.
- Key operations:
kubectl delete
,kubectl replace
,kubectl apply
,kubectl edit
. - Updates, modifies, or deletes one or many Resources.
# Delete Pod webapp
kubectl delete pod webapp
# Delete and recreate a resource using a modified configuration file
kubectl replace --force -f mypodconfig.yaml
# Create or update Pod from a file (see below)
kubectl apply -f pod-definition.yaml
# See the YAML config for a resource and edit it
kubectl edit rs new-replica-set
Note: Kubernetes Pods aren't "moved" (say from one Kubernetes Node to another) they are deleted in the first and recreated in the second.
Apply vs Replace
kubectl apply | kubectl replace |
Updates a Resource if it exists, creates one if it doesn't. | Updates if a Resource exists. |
Won't typically error. | Will error if the Resource doesn't exist. |
Consider the following scenario:
kubectl create deployment --image=nginx nginx --dry-run=client -o yaml > nginx-deployment.yaml
which creates the following YAML output:apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: app: nginx name: nginx spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: nginx strategy: {} template: metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: app: nginx spec: containers: - image: nginx name: nginx resources: {} status: {}
kubectl apply -f nginx-deployment.yaml
kubectl describe deployment nginx
displays:Name: nginx Namespace: default CreationTimestamp: Thu, 19 Dec 2024 15:37:38 -0600 Labels: app=nginx Annotations: 1 Selector: app=nginx Replicas: 1 desired | 1 updated | 1 total | 1 available | 0 unavailable StrategyType: RollingUpdate MinReadySeconds: 0 RollingUpdateStrategy: 25% max unavailable, 25% max surge Pod Template: Labels: app=nginx Containers: nginx: Image: nginx Port: <none> Host Port: <none> Environment: <none> Mounts: <none> Volumes: <none> Node-Selectors: <none> Tolerations: <none> Conditions: Type Status Reason ---- ------ ------ Available True MinimumReplicasAvailable Progressing True NewReplicaSetAvailable OldReplicaSets: <none> NewReplicaSet: nginx-676b6c5bbc (1/1 replicas created) Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- Normal ScalingReplicaSet 2m11s deployment-controller Scaled up replica set nginx-676b6c5bbc to 1
- Modifying the YAML document like so:
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: creationTimestamp: null name: nginx spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: nginx strategy: {} template: metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: app: nginx spec: containers: - image: nginx name: nginx resources: {} status: {}
- Then reapplying:
kubectl apply -f nginx-deployment.yaml
and inspecting viakubectl describe deployment nginx
:Name: nginx Namespace: default CreationTimestamp: Thu, 19 Dec 2024 15:37:38 -0600 Labels: <none> Annotations: 1 Selector: app=nginx Replicas: 1 desired | 1 updated | 1 total | 1 available | 0 unavailable StrategyType: RollingUpdate MinReadySeconds: 0 RollingUpdateStrategy: 25% max unavailable, 25% max surge Pod Template: Labels: app=nginx Containers: nginx: Image: nginx Port: <none> Host Port: <none> Environment: <none> Mounts: <none> Volumes: <none> Node-Selectors: <none> Tolerations: <none> Conditions: Type Status Reason ---- ------ ------ Available True MinimumReplicasAvailable Progressing True NewReplicaSetAvailable OldReplicaSets: <none> NewReplicaSet: nginx-676b6c5bbc (1/1 replicas created) Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- Normal ScalingReplicaSet 104s deployment-controller Scaled up replica set nginx-676b6c5bbc to 1
Omitting a field and kubectl apply
ing will remove the fields on running Resources. (It's not a Patch operation per se - fields that aren't supplied aren't ignored or automatically populated in most cases.)
kubectl edit
allows for:
- The live editing of a Resource through its YAML configuration. This configuration needn't be saved (but most be done so explicitly if updated YAML is required).
- Automatic updating of the Resource post-YAML modification. One doesn't need to run a second command to apply the new changes or remove prior Resource versions.
For this reason,
kubectl edit
is likely to be the preferred way to quickly modify Resources.
kubectl delete KIND
andkubectl delete NAME
defines a valid operation.kubectl edit KIND
andkubectl edit NAME
defines a valid operation.
Resources and Links
Kubernetes: Install Minikube
I've chosen minikube here since it's the Kubernetes distribution that's used during the CKA exam and probably the easiest to get set up locally. It's a bit underpowered for Enterprisey stuff but suffices for these purposes.
- You must have
installed for the typical (and default)minikube
installation. - To install
in a cloud VM you'll need at least 2 CPU cores (Medium size on AWS).
Minikube Installation
Basically follow this:
Download the correct version after installing docker
# Verify install
minikube version
# Start minikube
minikube start
- Note that
offers a simplekubectl
wrapper:minikube kubectl
. This is, for all intents and purposes, just an automated installer for the correct version ofkubectl
. Otherwise, most people recommend just usingkubectl
directly (it saves time typing too). - Note further that
is both a tool and a local cluster with several namespaces.
Minikube Removal
Some relevant commands:
# Stop your local cluster
minikube stop
# Removes your local minikube cluster (and start over)
minikube delete
# Removes all local clusters
minikube delete --all
minikube delete --purge
Helpful Minikube Commands
Helpful commands when using minikube
Display minikube
resources with a UI:
minikube dashboard
Display addons and common tools that can be enabled and added:
minikube addons list
Installing kubectl
directly is likely a test question:
Kubernetes: Kubectl Docker Discussion
Discussion and example highlighting major differences between using Docker Images in Docker and using them in Kubernetes.
Terminal One:
# Download image
docker pull elixir
# Open an interactive terminal through Elixir in Docker
## Note that calling this without -it will not allow commands to be passed to iex
docker run -it elixir
Terminal Two (Admin Console - use as needed)
# Display the container and obtain the CONTAINER ID
docker stats
# Display the downloaded images and obtain the IMAGE ID
docker images --all
# Remove container
docker stop CONTAINER_ID
docker rm CONTAINER_ID
# Remove downloaded image
docker rmi -f IMAGE_ID
# Remove all containers and volumes
docker system prune
# Remove all containers and volumes
docker system prune --volumes
So, in the above, one is able to pull elixir
and run bash terminal.
Local Docker With Kubernetes
Close the other terminals and check out this awesome blog:
I've also found that using docker pull
directly through kubectl
will often result in Backoff Errors (CrashLoopBackOff
) when using minikube
. For example (in minikube dashboard
Name | Reason | Message | Source | Sub-object | Count | First Seen | Last Seen |
One might think using kubectl run elixir --image=elixir --namespace=test
without additional configs would spin up a viable Pod but this is not the case for nearly every official Docker Image I tested in minikube
- Following the same steps below for
, andubuntu
also resulted in such Backoff Errors.- In fact that was the case with or without a version or tag suffix
- Also the case whether the Image was pulled or already available on-disk, whether customized, or official.
After some further tinkering and research, additional careful configuration is indeed required (e.g. - creating a Deployment resource file in YAML) and is explained in further detail here:
- Images must conform to a specific Image name and version/tag nomenclature. This affects the
flag that controls how Kubernetes looks up, pulls from a Container Repository, and pulls a Docker Image into a Pod. - Furthermore, the main/encouraged way to interact with Images is through a Container Repository (rather than through pre-build Images on-disk which may or may not be exposed or visible to the local Kubernetes environment).
However, there is another work around. Per the blog post above and some personal tinkering, one can use a docker-compose.yaml
file with supplied "alias" (really a customized and conforming Image name):
version: "3.9"
image: localtest:v0.0.1
build: .
- "80:80"
and, a dockerfile
FROM nginx:latest
I tinkered with the config supplied in the above blog post and narrowed it down to just the above. That appears to be the most minimal config to use regulard Dockerfiles and Docker builds with
+ Kubernetes (sinceminikube
is the Kubernetes distribution for local development).
Now in an additional terminal:
# Ensure both minikube and docker are in the same env
eval $(minikube docker-env)
# Build from dockerfile
docker-compose up -d
# View Docker Images ages (from within minikube!)
docker images --all
# Create Namespace test
kubectl create namespace test
# Set namespace context
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=test
# Review all resources in Namespace
kubectl --namespace test get all
# Deploy the Docker Image as a Pod to the Container
kubectl run localtest --image=localtest:v0.0.1 --image-pull-policy=Never --namespace test
# Review all resources in Namespace
kubectl --namespace test get all
Make sure that both
are in the same env and visible to each other otherwise one will also encounters Backoff Errors via the command:eval $(minikube docker-env)
Also, do make sure that you supply
as needed along with the appropriate and supplied tag version on the image per:
Kubernetes: Docker Compose Translation
Translating Docker Compose to Kubernetes.
Configuration Files
Kubernetes deployment.yml
's and service.yml
's are typically configured and applied together (kubectl apply -f python-deployment.yaml,python-service.yaml
- defines Volumes, Commands to be executed, Docker Images, and Containers.- Contains many of the configuration settings one would find in
- Contains many of the configuration settings one would find in
- specifies Ports, Port Mappings, and generally connects Pods in a Deployment to shared Network resources.configmap.yml
- injects Secrets, Environment Variables, initialization scripts, and files into the Kubernetes context.- Associated with a Deployment within
- Associated with a Deployment within
Resources and Links
Linux Foundation CKA: Overview
Note: These notes will do "double duty" for both the KCNA and CKA exams.
The CKA is being rewritten
I strongly recommend taking the excellent KodeKloud KNCA and CKA courses!
Cluster Architecture
- Control Plane - manage, plan, schedule, and monitor Nodes
- etcd - Key value persistence store used to back all Kubernetes Cluster data.
- Listens on Port
by default. - Typically, only
will directly interact withetcd
- Listens on Port
- kube-apiserver - exposes the Kubernetes API to allow the following functionalities to be performed: reference.
- kube-scheduler - Control Plane component that listens for newly created Kubernetes Pods with no assigned Kubernetes Node and assignes them one.
- kube-controller-manager - runs and manages Kubernetes Control Plane Controllers.
- Example: Node Controller - responsible for noticing and responding when Nodes fail.
- Example: Job Controller - watches for Kubernetes Job objects that represent one-off tasks then creates Pods to run those tasks to completion.
- Cloud Controller Manager (Optional) - embeds Cloud Provider-specific control logic.
- For example: cloud-provider-aws
- etcd - Key value persistence store used to back all Kubernetes Cluster data.
- Nodes - used to group Resources, run one or more Kubernetes Pods, and managed by the Control Plane. Node components run on every Node.
- kubelet - an Agent that runs on every Node in the Cluster.
- Ensures that Containers are running in a Pod.
- kube-proxy (Optional) - maintains Network rules on Nodes allowing communication to and between Pods (inside or outside the Cluster).
- Container Runtime - manages the execution and lifecycle of Containers within the Kubernetes environment.
- Supports any Container Runtime implementing the Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface (CRI).
- Note: support for Docker through Dockershim is now deprecated. containerD has been targeted as the go to for Docker going forward.
- kubelet - an Agent that runs on every Node in the Cluster.
Nodes, Pods, and Containers
- Many Containers can run in a single Kubernetes Pod.
- Many Kubernetes Pods can run in a single Kubernetes Node.
kube-proxy vs. kubectl proxy
- kube-proxy (Optional) - maintains Network rules on Nodes allowing communication to and between Pods (inside or outside the Cluster).
- Exists on Nodes.
- kubectl proxy - proxy for
.- Exists in the Control Plane.
Some Kubernetes Resources can be organized, isolated, and grouped into Kubernetes Namespaces. Examples:
- Kubernetes Deployments
- Kubernetes Service Accounts
- Kubernetes Nodes
Some Resources are Global (available regardless of the current Kubernetes Namespace or accessible within any of them). Examples:
- Kubernetes Volumes
- Kubernetes Services (not to be confused with Kubernetes Service Accounts)
- Kubernetes User Accounts
Default Namespaces
These are automatically created when a Kubernetes Cluster is created through normal means:
- holds Kubernetes Leases (mapped to Kubernetes Nodes) used by the Control Plane to detect Kubernetes Node failures (through Heartbeats).kube-public
Resources and Links
Linux Foundation CKA: etcd
is the backing store for Kubernetes Clusters. It's typically provisioned automatically (along with other Control Plane Resources) but can be manually added (say in a Kubernetes Cluster that's manually provisioned and/or with customized/custom coded Resources, Controllers, etc.).
Typically, only kube-apiserver
will directly interact with etcd
listens on Port2379
by default (both within and outside of Kubernetes).
Useful Commands
etcdctl put mykey myvalue # add a key value pair
etcdctl get mykey # read key value
etcdctl del mykey # delete pair mykey, myvalue by key
etcdctl watch mykey # prints out changes to mykey's value
etcdctl lease grant 60 # create a Lease
## prints Lease ID
# > lease 32695410dcc0ca06 granted with TTL(60s)
# automatically add mykey with auto eviction
etcdctl put mykey myvalue --lease=1234abcd ## --lease is assigned to a the Lease ID, not the chronotype itself
Resources and Links
Linux Foundation CKA: Pods
# pod-definition.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: myapp-pod
app: myapp
- name: nginx-container
image: nginx
Required fields (for any Resource):
- typicallyv1
but there are some outliers.kind
- specifies the kind of Resource (Pod
, etc.)metatdata
- name of the Resource and any user-specified labelsspec
- configuration, attached Resources, etc.
# Create a Pod from a YAML configuration
## Note: there's no way to pass an Image in as a flag with create!
kubectl create -f pod-definition.yaml
kubectl apply -f pod-definitional.yaml
# Create and run a Pod named nginx using the Image nginx w/out a config file
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx
# Get all Pods regardless of Namespace
kubectl get po --all-namespaces
# Detailed inspection of Pod
kubectl describe po myapp-pod
To update a Pod configuration file you can first destroy the running Pod then recreate the new Pod with new configuration:
# Using the above config
kubectl delete pod myapp-pod
kubectl create -f pod-definition.yaml
Or, use:
kubectl replace -f pod-definition.yaml
- to replace with a Resource using a modified configuration file.kubectl edit rs new-replica-set
- to both display the config for the Resource (in YAML format) and edit it. (Editing alone may not be sufficient to update the actually running Resources - in a Replica Set, you'd want to delete the running Pods so they deploy with the updated configuration.)
- See Deployments.
- Can be deployed as Kubernetes Static Pods that can be tracked by the Control Plane but otherwise exist independently. When using Kubernetes Static Pods, one will be restricted to a single Kubernetes Node and its local
(and while the Control Plane can be made aware of the Kubernetes Static Pod, it has no other control over managing, modifying, or interacting with it).
Linux Foundation CKA: Deployments
Kubernetes Pods will typically be deployed with the following considerations:
- A certain number of Kubernetes Pods will need to be available at all times.
- Updates to Kubernetes Pods must be careful sequenced.
The above requirements are typically satisfied by:
- Kubernetes Replica Sets which allow a number of Kubernetes Pods to be specified through the
field. - Kubernetes Rollout Strategies
Kubernetes Deployments therefore wrap both Kubernetes Replica Sets and provide the additional management tooling required for carefully deploying new changes.
Kubernetes Deployments will be assigned to various available Kubernetes Nodes based on configured Affinities, Taints, Tolerations, etc.
Deployment YAML
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: python-pyramid
app: python-pyramid-postgres
service: python-pyramid
replicas: 3
app: python-pyramid-postgres
service: python-pyramid
app: python-pyramid-postgres
service: python-pyramid
- name: python-pyramid
image: python-pyramid:v0.1
imagePullPolicy: Never
- containerPort: 8000
type: RollingUpdate
maxUnavailable: 1
Rollout Strategies
- Default.
- Will gradually update Kubernetes Pods a few at a time (depending on the configured settings).
- Kills all Kubernetes Pods before new ones (with the applied updates) are created.
Two optional fields help to control this process:
- specify the number of Kubernetes Pods that must be available while the others are being updated.maxSurge
- specify the number of Kubernetes Pods that can temporarily be added to complete the rollout.
Stateful Sets and DaemonSets
- Kubernetes Stateful Sets
- Are distinct from Kubernetes Replica Sets but are akin in certain specific ways. (e.g. - can specify
and used to manage a group of Kubernetes Pods). Is not a subkind ofrs
. - Stateful information is retained about a Kubernetes Stateful Set as it recreated and destroyed.
- This guarantees certain settings remain invariant (Kubernetes Volume Claims, Kubernetes Network settings, etc.).
- Does not guarantee that only one Kubernetes Pod managed by the Kubernetes Stateful Set is deployed to each Kubernetes Node.
- Are distinct from Kubernetes Replica Sets but are akin in certain specific ways. (e.g. - can specify
- Kubernetes Daemon Sets
- Are distinct from Kubernetes Replica Sets but are akin in certain specific ways. (e.g. - can specify
and used to manage a group of Kubernetes Pods). Is not a subkind ofrs
. - Specifies that one, a particular, Kubernetes Pod must be present in all (or some specified) Kubernetes Nodes.
- Ideal for observability tooling, logging, or Agent-based installations.
- Are distinct from Kubernetes Replica Sets but are akin in certain specific ways. (e.g. - can specify
# Check the rollout status
kubectl rollout status deployment python-pyramid
# Rollback the update
## Note the /
kubectl rollout undo deployment/python-pyramid
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Linux Foundation CKA: Services
Maps Kubernetes Pod Ports to Node Ports by listening on specified Ports and forwarding them.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: myServiceName
type: NodePort
- targetPort: 80
port: 80
nodePort: 31000 # 30000-32767
- port: 8080
# port is the only required field
## if solely provided, targetPort is assumed to be the same as port
## and an available port in range 30000-32767 is selected
app: myPod # Match a pod
type: someMetadataType
Kubernetes Ports:
- Inbound
is mapped to internaltargetPort
. nodePort
is exposed externally as a Static IP Address.
Kubernetes Service YAML config type
- Load balances external traffic into the Kubernetes Cluster.
- Requires that an external Load Balancer exists (such as an AWS ALB).
- Default value.
- Facilitates communications within the Kubernetes Cluster.
- Enables a Kubernetes Node to be accessible from outside a Kubernetes Cluster.
- An internal Alias for an external DNS Name.
- A Headless Kubernetes Service.
- Unlike the others, this isn't configured in the
field. - Instead it's configured like so:
spec.clusterIP: None
Load Balancing
- A Kubernetes Service will Load Balance multiple Kubernetes Pods in the same Kubernetes Node (of the same Kubernetes Cluster).
- It will also do so for multiple Kubernetes Pods in different Kubernetes Node within the same Kubernetes Cluster.
DNS Names
- Internal to the same Kubernetes Namespace, Kubernetes Pods can access another Kubernetes Service by its
. - Kubernetes Pods can access another Kubernetes Service in another Kubernetes Namespace by its fully qualified
# Create a Service named redis-service with Pod redis associated on Port 6379
kubectl expose pod redis --port=6379 --name redis-service
Resources and Links
Linux Foundation CKA: Scheduling
Kubernetes Scheduling assigns Kubernetes Pods to Kubernetes Nodes.
Schedule Matching and Constraints
There are several considerations and ways that Kubernetes Schedules Pods:
- The inbuilt
typically and automatically manages assigning Kubernetes Pods to Kubernetes Nodes. - Manually setting the
field. nodeSelector
matching against Node Labels.affinity
- Taints and Tolerations.
Taints and Tolerations |
Default. No user control. Automatic. Managed Scheduling. | Manual. Set in YAML or through JSON API. | Associates a Node Label with a Pod nodeSelector . |
An affinity field is specified in Pod YAML. |
Taints are set on Nodes and Tolerations are set on Pods. |
First available (given the other constraints). | Most precise but requires exact Node name . |
Assigns by single Label (think CSS Selector). | More precise than nodeSelector . Supports multiple Labels. |
Assigns a Taint to a Node that will be avoid by any Pod without a toleration . |
Attracting association. | Attracting association. | Attracting association. | Attracting or repelling association. | Repelling association. |
API-centric. | Field. Key Value pair. | Field. Key Value pair. | Fields. Supports predicates, Labels, and complex expressions. | Fields. Supports predicates and complex expressions. |
Random. | Exact Node. | Restricted to range of Nodes. | Restricted to narrower range of (or avoids certain) Nodes. | Pods are restricted to range of Nodes. |
Selectors and Labels
Selectors are used to pair Resources with other Resources.
Below, a Kubernetes ReplicaSet is associated with Kubernetes Pods with Label App1
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: ReplicaSet
name: simple-webapp
app: App1
function: Front-end
replicas: 3
app: App1 # Selector looks for matches on one of more labels
app: App1 # template labels specify the labels on each deployed Pod
function: Front-end
- name: simple-webapp
image: simple-webapp
# Display all Pods with the Label "label: example"
kubectl get po --selector label=example
# Display all Pods with the Labels "label: example" and "x: y"
kubectl get po --selector label=example,x=y
Manually Assign a Pod to a Node
To manually Schedule a Kubernetes Pod (assigning it to a Kubernetes Node).
# find all nodes
kubectl get nodes
controlplane Ready control-plane 25m v1.31.0
abcNode Ready <none> 24m v1.31.0
Edit the config:
nano mypodconfig.yaml
# mypodconfig.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: nginx
- image: nginx
name: nginx
nodeName: abcNode # Add
## kube-scheduler schedules a Pod by assigning it the field nodeNode with a valid Node
## This can be done manually too!
Recreate the Pod:
# Delete and recreate in two commands
kubectl delete pod nginx
kubectl create -f mypodconfig.yaml
# Delete and recreate in one command
kubectl replace --force -f mypodconfig.yaml
Labels are added to Kubernetes Nodes:
# Show all Labels
kubectl get nodes --show-labels
# Create a new Label on a Node
kubectl label nodes my-node-name x=y
is specified on Kubernetes Pods:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: nginx
env: test
- name: nginx
image: nginx
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
disktype: ssd
Any Kubernetes Pod with a valid
will be paired with an available Kubernetes Node with a matching Kubernetes Nodelabel
- Supports complex, multi, Label associations.
- Supports Labels (see
). - Can define repellent Anti-Affinities.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: with-pod-affinity
- labelSelector:
- key: security
operator: In
- S1
- weight: 100
- key: security
operator: In
- S2
- name: with-pod-affinity
goes undertemplate
in Kubernetes Deployment config YAML.
Taints and Tolerations
Kubernetes Taints restrict which Kubernetes Pods can be assigned to which Kubernetes Nodes (which Kubernetes Nodes can accept which Kubernetes Pods).
Kubernetes Taints and Tolerations do not guarantee that Kubernetes Pod will be assigned to a specific Kubernetes Node(s)!
- Kubernetes Taints are set on Kubernetes Nodes
kubectl taint nodes my-node-name key=value:taint-effect
- If Kubernetes Pod isn't Tolerant (it's Intolerant), it's behavior is determined by a specified Taint Effect.
- Taint Effects:
. - A Taint is repelling - negatively associated.
- Kubernetes Tolerations are set on Kubernetes Pods
- Must be coded with
" "
and viewed with|grep
.apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: myapp-pod spec: containers: - name: nginx-container image: nginx tolerations: - key: "app" operator: "Equal" value: "blue" effect: "NoSchedule"
- Must be coded with
kubectl describe node myapp-node |grep Taint
# Taint
kubectl taint nodes controlplane x=y:NoSchedule
# View Taints
kubectl describe node controlplane |grep Taint
# Use the fully qualified name to remove (note the - at the end)
kubectl taint nodes controlplane x=y:NoSchedule-
kubectl taint nodes controlplane
Scheduling Algorithm
The default kube-scheduler
uses the following two-step algorithm to assign Kubernetes Pods to Kubernetes Nodes:
- Filtering
- Uses the
, Taints and Tolerations,nodeSelector
, and so on to identify a range of Kubernetes Node to assign a Kubernetes Pod to.
- Uses the
- Scoring
- Bin Packing - optimization scenario to maximize the number of "packages" that fit into a "bin" (hence "bin packing").
- Determines available Resources and if the Kubernetes Pod can be added.
Resources and Links
Linux Foundation CKA: Resource Limits
Kubernetes supports setting Resource limits (primarily CPU, Memory).
Requests and Limits
- A
Request specifies the maximum that a Resource can ask for and have allotted to it. - A
Limit is used to enforce minimum and maximum compute resource usages.
For example: you may want to specify a
memory Limit but a250M
memory Request to allow some extra memory buffer (pun) for other dependencies and services (including the Operating System itself).
Standardized Resource values apply and simplifying resourcing whether a Container or Pod is run on a single-core, multi-core, or 48-core machine.
) is equivalent to a 1/10 of a CPU Physical Core or Hyperthread..5
) is equivalent to half a CPU Physical Core or Hyperthread.1
is equivalent to a single CPU Physical Core or Hyperthread.-
is equivalent to 400 megabytes.- Note:
is NOT equivalent to400M
! - Consult the official Quantity Suffixes.
Such constraints can be set as a standalone LimitRange
apiVersion: v1
kind: LimitRange
name: testLimit
namespace: ns1
- default:
cpu: 200m
memory: 500m
cpu: 100m
memory: 250m
type: Container
The Kubernetes Limit Range is applied to a Kubernetes Namespace (and its Kubernetes Pods only indirectly) like so:
kubectl apply -f cpu-constraint.yaml --namespace=my-name-space
Spec Configuration
They can also be set within another Resource definition:
Since Kubernetes
, Pods can set this underspec.resources
. This sets the overall limits for the entire Kubernetes Pod (and not just a single Container):apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: pod-resources-demo namespace: pod-resources-example spec: resources: limits: cpu: "1" memory: "200M" requests: cpu: "1" memory: "100M" containers: - name: pod-resources-demo-ctr-1 image: nginx resources: limits: cpu: "0.5" memory: "100M" requests: cpu: "0.5" memory: "50M"
Note: This feature is Disabled by default and is in Alpha as of
which specifies limits for each Container:apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: frontend spec: containers: - name: app image: resources: requests: memory: "64M" cpu: "250m" limits: memory: "128M" cpu: "500m"
Resources and Links
Linux Foundation CKA: Security
An excellent read: for Kubernetes security best practices.
Some Kubernetes security best practices:
- Disable Root Access.
- To close and/or disable all unneeded Container Ports.
- To disable any default password-based authentication (and use some stronger alternative).
- To move all Credentials and Secrets out of plaintext, configuration, and/or files into something more secure (third-party vault, temporary and in-memory tokens, etc.) as described here.
- To restrict access by RBAC and SSH Key only (Jump Bastion style).
- Using
one will typically generate an SSL Certificate in the following way:- A Key:
- A Certificate Signing Request (CSR):
- Which in turn are used to sign and generate a Certificate:
(Privacy Enhanced Mail data and file format)
- A Key:
- The above steps are performed to generate a Certicate Authority Root Certificate that's used to generate valid Client Certificates.
# simple openssl to generate root cert for Kubernetes Cluster CA openssl genrsa -out ca.key 2048 # subj CN is Certificate Name openssl req -new -key ca.key -subj "/CN=KUBERNETES-CA" -out ca.csr openssl x509 -req -in ca.csr -signkey ca.key -out ca.crt
- Generate Certifcates for each Client and Signed with the Root Certificate and Key created above:
openssl genrsa -out client.key 2048 openssl req -new -key client.key -subj "/CN=my-client" -out client.csr # using the above root CA cert and key openssl x509 -req -in client.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -out client.crt
- It's good practice to generate a Certifcates for each Resource in the Kubernetes Cluster (in similar fashion):
- So that all communication between Resources is encrypted.
- Each Certificate can be associated with a single Client or kind of access aiding with proper RBAC.
Multi-Cluster Config
Defines and controls access from one Kubernetes Cluster to others:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- cluster:
name: development
# Here, the Authentication Strategy is through valid Certificates.
certificate-authority: dev-ca-file
- cluster:
name: production
# And here.
certificate-authority: prod-ca-file
- context:
name: development
namespace: development
user: dev-env-user
- context:
name: production
namespace: production
user: prod-env-user
- name: dev-env-user
client-certificate: dev-cert-file
client-key: dev-key-file
- name: prod-env-user
client-certificate: prod-cert-file
client-key: prod-key-file
kubectl config view
Kubernetes Users are not Kinds - they are not created. For example, there is no kubectl creater user username
- They are merely associated with some Credential or Authentication Mechanism (password, CA Certificate, etc.).
- So it's probably better to think of such Users as namespaces for specific authentication identities.
- Indeed, the official documentation says:
"...Kubernetes does not have objects which represent normal user accounts... Even though a normal user cannot be added via an API call, any user that presents a valid certificate signed by the cluster's certificate authority (CA) is considered authenticated."
Users and Service Accounts
Kubernetes Users, therefore, aren't represented by Kinds or standalone objects but only indirectly through the specified Authentication Strategy.
- The Authentication Strategy is configured via CLI:
kube-apiserver --authorization-mode=...,RBAC
. - Or through:
) in YAML. - Also,
kubectl api-resources
doesn't display anyuser
Kubernetes Service Accounts are managed through the Kubernetes API and are bound to specific Kubernetes Namespaces.
- These are mostly used to allow Resources to have access to other Resources (rather than Users attempting to gain access through Authentication).
Role-Based Access Control
Unlike Kubernetes Users, Kubernetes Roles are bona fide objects, that are managed through Kubernetes API, and which have an associated Kind:
# dev-role.yaml
kind: Role
name: developer
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["pods"]
verbs: ["list", "get", "create", "update", "delete"]
kubectl create -f dev-role.yaml
Kubernetes Roles are then bound (through a Kubernetes Role Binding) to a Kubernetes User:
kind: RoleBinding
name: dev-role-binding-for-dev-user
# Not a Kubernetes Kind per se
- kind: User # field is kind but not object
name: dev-user
kind: Role
name: developer
Kubernetes Secrets
Kubernetes Secrets are akin to Kubernetes Config Maps but are specifically intended to store Secrets.
- Values stored as such are unencrypted by default and anyone can view, modify, or retrieve them.
- Additional security is strongly encouraged per:
Impersonation and Authorization
Authentication involves gaining, obtaining, or having access to some Resource.
Authorization involves what a Resource or User can do once they have authenticated.
Administrators can check whether other Users can perform certain actions like so:
kubectl auth can-i list pods --as=system:serviceaccount:dev:foo -n prod
Users can see if they can for themselves:
# Check to see if I can create pods in any namespace
kubectl auth can-i create pods --all-namespaces
Resources and Links
Linux Foundation CKA: Networking
- Kubernetess will automatically provision a DNS Server for a new Kubernetes Cluster.
- Kubernetes DNS will be managed and created for Kubernetes Pods and Kubernetes Services.
- Kubernetes Services are automatically assigned a DNS Record.
- Kubernetes Pods can be exposed directly or through a Kubernetess Service (and the way they are exposed determines what the DNS Record is)
Kubernetes DNS will create DNS Records and map IP Addresses like so:
- Kubernetes Service:
- Kubernetes Pod:
- By convention Kubernetes Pods replace dots with dashes in the IP Address.
- The above will be mapped to a Network IP Address.
is typically thought of as the top-level Domain (despite the dot betweencluster-domain
) for all Resources within the Kubernetes Cluster:- The last item
can be thought of as the top-level Domain. cluster-domain
can be thought of as a Subdomain (created for the Kubernetes Cluster). Especially in a multi-Cluster deployment.
- The last item
are properly part of the Domain and Subdomain Names and are dependent on the Kubernetes Kind the DNS Record is created for.
Container Network Interface
- Containers running in a Kubernetes Pod will communicate using a Container Network Interface (CNI).
- CNI Plugins are stored in the CNI bin directory as executables on the
service in each Kubernetes Node of the Kubernetes Cluster. - Each Kubernetes Node must have at least one CNI to connect to a network.
- Configuration is handled through CNI-specific JSON configuration files.
Pod Networking
- Kubernetes Pod networking requires a third-party tool and isn't available out of the box.
- Flannel
- Cilium
- WeaveWorks
- The above tools install Agents on each Kubernetes Pod to facilitate direct Kubernetes Pod to Kubernetes Pod intercommunication.
- Kubernetes Pod networking requirements:
- Kubernetes Pods within the same Kubernetes Node should be able to communicate using their IP Addresses.
- Each Kubernetes Pods should have a unique IP Address.
- Kubernetes Pods should be able to communicate across different Kubernetes Nodes using their IP Addresses.
- Kubernetes Pods can only access a Kubernetes Service by its shorthand service name if they are in the same Kubernetess Namespace. (Otherwise, use the FQDN.)
Kubernetes Endpoints
Kubernetes Endpoints lack a glossary entry but are supported using kubectl
They appear to refer to an assigned IP Address and Port combination (e.g. - the traditional use of the term as opposed to say an AWS API Gateway Endpoint which associates a specific DNS, URL Context Path, and API REST Method). As such, Kubernetes Endpoints can be associated with Kubernetes Pods or external Resources.
Example Minikube:
kubectl get endpoints
# kubernetes 5h12m
Network Policies
- Ingress Policies - specify rules for inbound traffic.
- Egress Policies - specify rules for outbound traffic.
Configured through the NetworkPolicy
Kind that's associated with one or more Kubernetes Pods through podSelector
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: default-deny-all
app: myapp
- Ingress
- Egress
A variety of values can be supplied:
- Default Policies:
- Kubernetes Namespaces through the
field. - Port ranges.
Important Kubernetes Port numbers:
Port(s) or Range | Resource | Required | Description |
2379 , 2380
etcd , also kube-apiserver
Yes. (Inbound.) | etcd default listening and API. |
kube-apiserver |
Yes. (Inbound.) | Used by everything. |
kubelet /kubelet API
Yes. (Inbound.) | Used on Control Plane and kubelet on all worker Nodes. |
Yes. (Inbound.) | Load balancers on worker Nodes. |
Yes. (Inbound.) | HTTPS on Control Plane. |
Yes. (Inbound.) | Default listening on Control Plane. |
Everything. | Yes. (Inbound.) | NodePort Services on all worker Nodes. |
Resources and Links
Linux Foundation CKA: Storage
Volumes and Volume Claims
- Kubernetes Volume Claims are singly attached to a Kubernetes Volume:
- Only one Kubernetes Volume Claim can bind to a Kubernetes Volume.
- Kubernetes Volumes without a Kubernetes Volume Claim are Unbound.
- Kubernetes Volume Claims that have no available Kubernetes Volumes remaining in a Pending state until a new Kubernetes Volume becomes available.
is the Kubernetes Volume Claim KindPersistentVolume
is the Kubernetes Volume Kind.
Kubernetes Volume example YAML:
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
name: postgres-volume
type: local
app: python-pyramid-postgres
service: postgres
storageClassName: local-storage
storage: 5Gi
- ReadWriteMany
path: /data/postgresql
Kubernetes Volume Claim example YAML:
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: postgres-volume-claim
type: local
app: python-pyramid-postgres
service: postgres
- ReadWriteMany
storage: 4Gi
volumeName: postgres-volume
storageClassName: local-storage
Reclaimation Policies
Kubernetes Volume Reclaimation Policies specify what action(s) should occur when an associated Kubernetes Claim is Deleted:
- Keeps the Volume but doesn't make it available again.
- Scrubs, remove all data, then Unbinds making the Volume available again.
- This is now deprecated.
- Deletes the Volume.
Access Modes
Kubernetes Volume access modes:
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Linux Foundation CKA: Auto-Scaling
- Kubernetes Auto-Scaling is managed by dedicated Kubernetes Pods equipped with Controllers that track specified Metrics.
- Recommendations are then made on the basis of those Metrics and other specified Resource Limits/configurations.
- Default Resource Limits and/or Kubernetes Pod counts are intercepted and overridden based on those recommendations.
- Kubernetes Auto-Scaling comes in three varieties:
- Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA) for scaling the number of Kubernetes Pods that exist in a Kubernetes Deployment.
- Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) for dynamically modifying CPU and Memory Requests based on actual use.
- Cluster Autoscaler manages and scales Kubernetes Nodes based on use and demand.
VPA | HPA | Cluster Autoscaler |
Resource Requests | Pods | Nodes |
CPU, RAM | Number of Pods | Number of Nodes |
Vertical Pod Autoscaler
Specifies how CPU and Memory Requests are updated based on actual use.
- Must first be independently installed
- Download and run the install script:
- Download and run the install script:
- Given an existing Kubernetes Deployment (say,
),kubectl apply -f vpa-example.yaml
using a YAML configuration:# vpa-example.yaml apiVersion: kind: VerticalPodAutoscaler metadata: name: my-example-deployment-vpa spec: targetRef: apiVersion: "apps/v1" kind: Deployment # Associate the HPA with the Deployment name: my-example-deployment updatePolicy: # Take care here... updateMode: "Auto"
can be set in four modes:"Auto"
kubectl get vpa
to retrieve information aboutVerticalPodAutoscaler
Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
Specifies a minReplicas
to maxReplicas
ranged controlled by specified metrics
along with automatic auto-scaling to and from those quantities.
Given an existing Kubernetes Deployment (say, my-example-deployment
- Create an HPA imperatively:
kubectl autoscale deployment php-apache --cpu-percent=50 --min=1 --max=10
- Here's the declarative way to do so
kubectl apply -f hpa-example.yaml
using YAML:apiVersion: autoscaling/v2 kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler metadata: name: my-example-deployment-hpa spec: scaleTargetRef: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment # Associate the HPA with the Deployment name: my-example-deployment minReplicas: 1 maxReplicas: 10 metrics: - type: Resource resource: name: cpu target: type: Utilization averageUtilization: 50
kubectl get hpa
to retrieve information aboutHorizontalPodAutoscaler
Note: Kubernetes Replica Set
values are overridden by HPAminReplicas
. The number specified byreplicas
is provisioned first, and is then adjusted by HPA to the desired min and max amounts.
Cluster Autoscaler
Typically used with a specific Cloud Provider.
Manages the number of and scaling for Kubernetes Nodes.
Resources and Links
Linux Foundation CKA: GitOps
GitOps: tracking, versioning, and handling configuration code for infrasture.
Versioning (in the context of Kubernetes) typically involves:
- Versioning Docker Images - handled through one's Docker Repository and Dockerfile (including but not limited to Docker Hub).
- Versioning of Kubernetes configuration - typically handled indirectly (through Docker Image versions mentioned above) or through a dedicated Package Manager like Helm.
- Kubernetes Labels might also suffice but I haven't personally seen them used for that purpose.
Helm is the primary Package Manager for Kubernetes.
Packages are organized into Helm Charts that add to standard Kubernetes YAML configuration templating features, built-in functions, more flexible syntax, etc.:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: {{ .Release.Name }}-configmap
myvalue: "Greetings Celestial Sphere!"
Push vs. Pull Approachs
- Push
- Triggered by Git Commit.
- It's oft-said that Secrets and credentials are often supplied by developers (say through their Git Repository) using this approach but it's required.
- Many newer CI/CD Pipelines integrate with tools like AWS KMS to retrieve Secrets combining a mix of Push and Pull approaches.
- Changes require a system external to the Cluster to have access.
- Pull
- Typically only encountered in Kubernetes deployments.
- Agent-based approaches (an Agent is installed and/or running within a Cluster).
- The Agent continuous monitors, scans, and then attepts to reconcile the Kubernetes deployment with some configuration or Source Code.
- The Agent is given access and permission to deploy changes, not the developer.
- More secure but far more bandwidth and Resource consumptive.
- Updates and changes are made and initiated from within the Cluster (by the Agent through constant scanning/polling).
Both approaches:
- Typically remove direct access and permission for a developer to make changes directly to Production.
- Automate the actual deployment, removal, and/or updating of Resources and code.
A good read:
Benefits of GitOps CI/CD
- Can use Git to track both Source Code and infrastructure configuration.
- Supports automated rollbacks (to specific Git Commits, Tags, or prior Releases).
- Git is already used in most CI/CD Pipelines.
CI/CD Tools
Continuous Improvement is typically implemented using either:
- Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD):
- Continuous Delivery stops short of automating Production deployments by requiring manual approval to do so.
- Typically encountered in heavily-regulated industries like Finance.
- Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (also, CI/CD):
- Continuous Deployment deploys code all the way to Production automatically.
CI/CD tools specific to Kubernetes:
- Flux CD
- Agent and Pull -based approach to CI/CD.
- Uses Helm by default.
- CLI-only.
- Argo CD
- Agent and Pull -based approach to CI/CD.
- Can integrate multiple Git Repositories across many Kubernetes Namespaces.
- More advanced overall synchronization capabilities.
- Growing in popularity.
- Considered easier to use and get started with out of the box.
- CLI and User Interface supported.
Resources and Links
Linux Foundation CKA: Useful Commands
Commands that are useful for the exam itself.
Core Commands
# Switch Namespace context
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=test
# Get all Resources
kubectl get all
# Get all Pods regardless of Namespace
kubectl get po --all-namespaces
## Inspect specific Pod
kubectl get pod mypod
### Detailed info
kubectl describe pod mypod
# Dry run/don't actually create and output a YAML file with filename
kubectl create deployment --image=nginx nginx --dry-run=client -o yaml > nginx-deployment.yaml
# See the YAML config for a Resource, edit it live w/out saving, and automatically apply those changes
kubectl edit rs new-replica-set
# Create or update Pod from a file (see below)
kubectl apply -f pod-definition.yaml
## kubectl apply is often preferred over create and/or replace
# Create and run a Pod named nginx using the Image nginx w/out a config file
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx
# Print out config to YAML
kubectl get deploy nginx -o yaml > nginx.yaml
# Create a Service named redis-service with Pod redis associated on Port 6379
kubectl expose pod redis --port=6379 --name redis-service
kubectl expose pod httpd --port=80 --name=httpd --type=ClusterIP
# Check to see if I can create pods in any namespace
kubectl auth can-i create pods --all-namespaces
# Show all Labels
kubectl get nodes --show-labels
# Create a new Label on a Node
kubectl label nodes my-node-name x=y
# Add a taint
kubectl taint nodes controlplane x=y:NoSchedule
# Remove a taint
kubectl taint nodes controlplane x=y:NoSchedule-
# View taints
kubectl describe node controlplane |grep Taint
## These are present in `kubectl describe`
If a YAML is needed as a baseline one can be generated like so:
# Print out config to YAML
kubectl get deploy nginx -o yaml > nginx.yaml
# Then override and update current Resources
kubectl replace -f nginx.yml --force
Sometimes a field is protected (containers[0].name
). This can nevertheless be updated by recreating:
# Edit some Resource
kubectl edit pod my-pod
# Even if it errors out a copy is saved to /tmp/
## /tmp/kubectl-edit-12345667.yml
# Update through recreation
kubectl delete pod my-pod
kubectl apply -f /tmp/kubectl-edit-12345667.yml
touch my.yaml
vi my.yaml # Vim if nano not present in env
nano my.yaml # Nano text editor
Terraform: General Concepts
General notes and prep for
Configuration Language
- Uses a consistent (uniform) vocabulary to configure deployments and resources.
- (Input, Data, Local) Variables, Resources, Providers
- Abstracts away many otherwise manual CLI operations.
- Allows configuration reuse (through Modules and imports).
- Typed configuration helps to validate and avoid errors/mistakes.
- Built in formatting and file validation.
- (Mostly) Cloud Agnostic - the Configuration Language itself is Cloud Agnostic but you'll need to hook in Cloud-specific Providers.
- Providers allow the same Configuration Language to deploy resources to many cloud environments (and even locally, on Docker).
- Providers typically need an underlying CLI or SDK (such as awscli).
- Terraform uses the root of a dir as its Context.
- Any file that's imported or present at root dir will be evaluated or considered automatically.
- Terraform State tracks the definitions provided for within the
configs.- Also
Variables retrieved from a Cloud Provider - And the live status of any resources created, updated, running, or destroyed within the Cloud by those
- Also
Supports interactive Shell commands:
terraform fmt
- will
filesterraform validate
- will
returningSuccess! The configuration is valid.
terraform apply
- deploys resources specified, configured, and defined
files.terraform plan
- prints out the specified, configured, and defined resources without deploying them. Output can be saved into a file.terraform show
- displays the current State of the Terraform Context.
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Terraform HCTA0-003: General Concepts
- Terraform Backends specify where Terraform stores its State File.
- Storing a State File in a remote location is a beneficial practice that can improve security.
- Some Backends support multiple Workspaces.
A Backend is configured within the terraform
block with the keyword backend
terraform {
backend "remote" {
organization = "example_corp"
workspaces {
name = "my-app-prod"
- Support multiple deployments of the same configuration.
- Each Workspace has its own State File.
- If a Backend is configured, the State File will be created using the configured (remote) Backend.
terraform workspace new MY_WORKSPACE
terraform workspace select MY_WORKSPACE
terraform workspace show
terraform workspace list
Community Terraform
will persist Secrets to State in a plaintext and unecrypted way (although this can be masked in say the Terminal).HCP Terraform
will encrypt Secrets in State at rest.- Saved into a local
file in the default local directory:terraform.tfstate.d/
Default Files and Directories
Files created by and used within Terraform:
local State file saved into the default local directory:terraform.tfstate.d/
is the default location where Providers are downloaded, saved, and cached locally.secret.tfvars
file where Secrets andsensitive
values are stored.credentials.tfrc.json
- where API Tokens retrieved fromterraform login
are stored.
Important TF Variables
- Affixed. Format:TF_VAR_name
.- Specifies a Terraform Environment Variable.
- Note: it's not
- Specifies the Logging Visibility Level.- Example:
- Example:
Logging Visibility Levels
In descending order:
User-Defined Functions
- Terraform doesn't presently support User-Defined Functions:
"The Terraform language does not support user-defined functions, and so only the functions built in to the language are available for use."
- One can combine pre-existing, in-built, Functions in creative ways but one cannot define say a Function or Function name.
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Terraform HCTA0-003: Sensitive Values
Terraform supports the following ways to store and manage Secrets:
Secrets and State
- Secrets are always saved/stored in a State File as plaintext.
- HCP Terraform will encrypt the State File itself and allow it to be saved to a remote location. Secrets will nevertheless be persisted in plaintext within that State File.
- The
keyword only suppresses/masks a value within the console. (It doesn't prevent the value from being persisted into a State File as plaintext.) (See below for more details.)
Sensitive Function
The sensitive
- Treats a value as if it were marked with the
keyword (below). - Allows values to be stored elsewhere (outside of a particular configuration file) in a manner akin to Pickling/Unpickling (in Python) or the
keyword (in Java). - The actual value will nevertheless be visible in the local State File and in some scenarios (like certain logging messages).
locals {
sensitive_content = sensitive(file("${path.module}/sensitive.txt"))
Sensitive Keyword
The sensitive
keyword suppresses the value of a Variable from a terraform plan
or terraform apply
variable "user_information" {
type = object({
name = string
address = string
sensitive = true
There are some important limitations:
values may still appear in error messages or logs (regardless of their being suppressed in the CLI).- Any value that relies on a
value will likewise be treated assensitive
. - A
value may still be used or accessed by a person with the ability to do so.- Access is not controlled or restricted by the
- Access is not controlled or restricted by the
values are nevertheless persisted into a State File if no other backend or store has been configured.- These values will be both persisted in a local file and unencrypted!
- So for Production environments, one will want to use something like HashiCorp Vault or AWS KMS (with at-rest encryption).
- An entire block of values may be suppressed if the block is considered
.- Use the keyword sparingly and precisely.
View Sensitive Value
You may need to see a sensitive
value in the CLI:
terraform show
orterraform show -json
Know too that the above represent limitations to the level of secrecy afforded by Terraform out-of-the-box.
Resources and Links
Terraform HCTA0-003: Syntax
Dyamic Blocks
blocks supportfor_each
functionality when used in tandem with alist
variable "settings" {
type = list(map(string))
resource "aws_elastic_beanstalk_application" "tftest" {
name = "tf-test-name"
description = "tf-test-desc"
resource "aws_elastic_beanstalk_environment" "tfenvtest" {
name = "tf-test-name"
application = "${}"
solution_stack_name = "64bit Amazon Linux 2018.03 v2.11.4 running Go 1.12.6"
dynamic "setting" {
for_each = var.settings
content {
namespace = setting.value["namespace"]
name = setting.value["name"]
value = setting.value["value"]
Splat Expressions
- Consider the following valid Terraform Comprehension-esque Expression:
[for o in var.list :]
. - It's equivalent to the more succinct Splat Expression:
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Terraform HCTA0-003: Modules
It might be intuitive to think of a Module that calls or references another as Subclassing the other. That's not the case:
- A Child Module is a Module that's called or referenced (through a
value) from another Module. - The calling Module is the Parent Module.
# Must be named or have a in Module dir.
## Helpful AWS examples:
# Input Variables
variable "policy_arn" {
description = "Name of specified policy"
type = string
variable "policy_attachment_name" {
description = "Name of policy attachment"
type = string
variable "input_aws_iam_user_name" {
description = "Supplied AWS IAM User"
type = string
resource "aws_iam_policy_attachment" "this" {
name = var.policy_attachment_name
users = [var.input_aws_iam_user_name]
policy_arn = var.policy_arn
# Output Variables
output "id" {
description = "ID of the policy"
value =
Input Variables
- Modules can define Input Variables that are Parameterized when the Module is imported and used.
- These are akin to an Argument or Parameter in Object Oriented Programming Langauges.
- Input Variables use the same
block syntax as typical Variables but typically lack avalue
and typically have adefault
Exporting Variables
- A Module won't automatically have access to all the Variables of a child or called Module, only the exported ones.
- Exported Variables are called Output Variables.
- These are often placed in an
file (within a Module directory).
These are defined using output
blocks like so:
output "instance_ip_addr" {
value = aws_instance.server.private_ip
Resources and Links
Code samples:
Terraform HCTA0-003: Resource Drift
Terraform recommends using the import
keyword to indicate that a Resource will come under Terraform management following terraform apply
- Example: a Resource might have been created manually with the need to add it to Terraform later.
import {
to = aws_instance.example
id = "i-abcd1234"
resource "aws_instance" "example" {
name = "hashi"
# (other resource arguments...)
Some HCTA0-03 questions asked about
terraform refresh
which wasn't covered in the Udemy course I studied from.
terraform refresh
is now deprecated.- Is an alias for
terraform apply -refresh-only -auto-approve
. terraform apply -refresh-only
is now officially recommended and prefered.
Resources and Links
Terraform HCTA0-003: Commands
The big six:
terraform init
terrorm fmt
terraform validate
terraform plan
terraform apply
terraform destroy
Initialization and Setup
# Fetch Providers, dependencies, and external Modules
terraform init
# Download Modules or update them
## Akin to to 'npm install'
terraform get
# Just update the existing ones
terraform get -update
# Display all Workspaces
terraform workspace list
# Create a new Workspace MY_WORKSPACE_NAME
terraform workspace new MY_WORKSPACE_NAME
# Switch to an existing Workspace MY_WORKSPACE_NAME
terraform workspace select MY_WORKSPACE_NAME
Formatting and Validation
# Format Terraform files
terraform fmt
# Also subdirectories
terraform fmt --recursive
# Validate Terraform files for internally consistency
## Naming, proper initialization, etc.
terraform validate
Viewing State
# List the contents of State
terraform state list
# Display a single Resource in State
terraform state show 'MY_RESOURCE_TYPE.MY_RESOURCE_NAME'
## 'terraform show' doesn't allow this level of granularity
# Refresh State
terraform refresh
## The above is an Alias for:
terraform apply -refresh-only -auto-approve
# Display the Output Variables and Values of a Module and/or Resource
terraform output
# Refreshes State and creates the Execution Plan
## Without modifying the actual Resources
## Dry Run
terraform plan
## Create a Destroy Plan only
terraform plan -destroy
Modifying Resources
# Refresh State and Apply changes to actual Resources!!
terraform apply
# Destroy all Resources!!
terraform destroy
## Alias for:
terraform apply -destroy
# Replace a specific Resource
## Destroy and recreate it
terraform apply -replace="MY_RESOURCE_KIND.MY_RESOURCE_NAME"
## This supersedes 'terraform taint'
Unlock State
# Force State to be unlocked
terraform force-unlock
Console and Saving Outs
# Display State or Execution Plan as JSON
terraform show -json
## For Resource specific granulatity - 'terraform state show ...'
# Print out State or Execution Plan as JSON File
terraform show -json MY_FILENAME
# Print Execution Plan out
terraform plan -out=my/path/file.json
# Evaulate Expressions and Std Out.
terraform console
Credentials and Sensitive Values
# Log into HCP Terraform and obtain an API Token
terraform login
## Logout of HCP Terraform
terraform logout
# Reveal all Values included Sensitive ones
terraform show
# Display a potentially Sensitive value from an Output
Resources and Links
PSPO I: Overview
Some notes I took before taking the - Professional Scrum Product Owner I (PSPO I) Exam.
Agile and Scrum
Typically encountered hand-in-hand (to the point that they are often used as synonyms):
- Agile is a Business Management Philosophy.
- Scrum is a Framework to implement Agile.
The official Scrum Guide.
Not all Agile approaches involve Scrum, however (e.g. - Extreme Programming).
This approach contrasts with Project Management in the following ways:
- Project Management typically involves someone who lacks specific domain experience dictating how Product development should occur rather than Scrum Developers (the Team) determining how to implement a dedicated Product Vision.
- Project Management is resourcem time, execution, and budget oriented rather than being Customer-centric (what the Product will be).
- Project Management often seeks Stakeholder and/or Customer input after-the-fact.
- Project Management is often transient or temporary whereas Product Ownership is ongoing and continuous.
Agile Manifesto
- Individuals and Interactions over Process and Tools
- Working Software over Comprehensive Documentation
- Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation
- Responding to Change over Following a Plan
The Scrum Values
- Courage
- Focus
- Commitment
- Respect
- Openness
Resources and Links
PSPO I: Scrum
Scrum Framework
Often encountered in Software Development, can and is also used widely to manage and organize Work (of nearly any kind).
Scrum Pillars
Scrum Empiricism / Evidence Based Management:
- Measures, quantifies, observes Product value added, unrealized.
- Frequently inspects Product and market needs.
- Uses evidence to define Product Vision.
Pillars of this approach:
- Transparency - about their Work and Work Progress.
- Inspect - regularly review and inpsect their Work and Work Progress.
- Adapt - be flexible and willing to adapt their Work to fit changing demands.
Scrum Team
Core Team:
- Product Owner
- Uses Empirical (Data Driven, Observational, Experimental) approaches to help determine what should or needs to be done on behalf of Customers and Stakeholders.
- Product Vision determines
- Scrum Master
- Ensures conformance to the Scrum Methodology.
- Guides Stand.
- Scrum Developers
- Build and create the Product.
- Does not necessarily mean "Software Developer"!
- Work collaboratively, cross-functionally, and as a team sharing their individual competencies/using their collective skills to accomplish Work.
- A Product Owner can be a Scrum Developer too.
- Typically,
- Stakeholders, Customers
Scrum Artifacts
Core Artifacts:
- Product Backlog - a Product goal that may cover multiple Sprints.
- Sprint Backlog - the Sprint goal.
- Increment - what the Scrum Team is working toward.
- There is only one Increment at a time.
- Any time a Product or Product Vision is updated, the Increment changes to that.
- Excludes any previously completed work that isn't the most recent Product goal.
- User Stories - used to define and organize Work.
- Are included in Product and Sprint Backlogs.
- Kanban Board - used to track and monitor Work Progress, Sprints.
Scrum Events
Event | Description | Present |
Sprint Planning | Sprint Goal is defined by Team. Items are selected for completion based on work estimates. | Product Owner (Participates), Scrum Master (Participates), Developers (Participates), Stakeholders (Can Be Present) |
Sprint | Items selected from Team to be worked on toward the next Increment or Sprint Goal. | Product Owner, Developers |
Daily Scrum | What got done, what will be done, what's blocking folks. | Product Owner (Can Be Present), Scrum Master (Facilitates), Developers (Participates) |
Sprint Review | Demonstration of completed items. | Product Owner, Scrum Master, Developers, Stakeholders |
Sprint Retrospective | Reviews what can be improved, what went well, what could have gone better, etc. | Product Owner, Scrum Master, Developers |
- Sprints
- A Sprint goal is defined and the Scrum Team determines how best to accomplish that.
- Work is organized into (typically) multi-week Sprints with each Scrum Developer commiting to an assigned/selected amount of Work.
- Work commitments include important considerations like documentation, testing, deployments, compliance, coding, etc.
- Sprint Planning (Pointing, Grooming)
- Creating User Stories - User Stories are defined from the perspective of a Stakeholder (or Developer) and assigned some number of Points indicating the relative effort or complexity to complete that Work.
- Points are used to estimate the amount of Work Scrum Developers will commit to during a Sprint.
- These need not correspond to a specific unit of time (although the number of Points is used to determine the amount of Work a Developer can or will commit to during a specified amount of time).
- Specific Work items have Acceptance Criteria clearly defined to determine the status and completion of an item.
- Backlog Refinement - Work is constantly being reviewed and new Work items are moved both into Backlog and current/future Sprints.
- Creating User Stories - User Stories are defined from the perspective of a Stakeholder (or Developer) and assigned some number of Points indicating the relative effort or complexity to complete that Work.
- Daily Scrum (Stand)
- Guided by Scrum Master
- Typically involves:
What I got done yesterday
,What I'm going to do today
, andHere are my blockers
succinctly conveyed in<3
minutes per Scrum Developer. - May be followed by some kind of impromptu meeting to address critical concerns and inform key Stakeholders (per Agile).
- Sprint Review (Acceptance)
- Tasks and Sprints are reviewed to determine what was completed.
- Now often involves a Presentation or Demostration of the completed Work to Stakeholders.
- Sprint Retrospectives (Retros)
- Scrum Core Team discusses what went great, wrong, etc. during the last Sprint and determines ways to improve going forward.
Resources and Links
PSPO I: Definition of Done
Done in Scrum
- The definition of Done (within the context of Scrum) is: the Increment has achived a sufficient level of quality making it suitable for review from Stakeholders.
- This level of quality should make it sufficient to release to Customers.
- Furthermore, the aim is to create a Product that's truly beneficial to Customers not just something that's on time and on budget.
- The same Definition of Done should be used throughout the Product (e.g. - every Team working on the same Product Backlog.)
- The Developers determine what the Definition of Done should be (not the Product Owner).
So, the Definition of Done should be the primary barometer of Work completion. Generally, the Definition of Done should enable a Scrum Team to release the Increment to Stakeholders (and the Increment should be of value to them).
As one refines the Definition of Done, they should keep that guiding principle in mind.
Best Practices
Resources and Links
PSPO I: Timeboxing
Sprint Backlog
- The Product Owner has the ultimate say over the Sprint Backlog.
- But Developers Point Work, can add to the Backlog, and are primarily responsible for determing Work Progress toward the Increment/Sprint goal.
Monthly Max Time Allocation
Scrum Event | Max Time Allocation |
Backlog Refinement | No more than 10% of Developer capacity. |
Sprint Planning | 8 Hours Monthly for Sprints. |
Sprint Review | 4
Sprint Retrospective | 3 Hours Monthly. |
By following the above general guidelines, one will likely reduce the amount of time allocated to other, informal, adhoc meetings.
From a variety of sources including this very helpful Udemy course - Section 4. Scrum Events.
Cone of Uncertainty
Generally, the ability to accurately predict the cost of a change improves over time.
This is typically charted as a cone representing information entropy, risk, or uncertainty that narrows (representing the increased familiarity, predictive power, improved planning, tooling, etc. that reduces risk over time).
Resources and Links
PSPO I: Topic Review
Role/Item | Verb | Item |
Developers | defines | the Definition of Done |
Developers | manage | the Sprint Backlog |
Developers | estimate | all Backlog (Sprint, Product, Team) item efforts |
Sprint Backlog items | subset of | the Product Backlog |
The Product Backlog | is | the source of truth for Product requirements |
Product Owner | manage | the Product Backlog |
Product Owner | determines | Product releases |
Stakeholders | present at | Sprint Planning, Sprint Review |
The Sprint Goal | provides guidance | about the current Increment |
Topics for review.
- Sprint Backlog items are a subset of all items in the Product Backlog.
- In practice, Sprint Backlog is often kept distinct from Product Backlog. A Sprint Backlog is usually equivalent to some subset of a Team's Backlog. (In practice, a Team might be working on or at the intersection of multiple Products.)
- Nevertheless, for the PSPO test / "Scrum Orthodoxy", the distinction above is important.
- Scrum Masters don't enforce the asking of Daily Scrum questions, they facilitate Daily Scrum (even when there are no action items).
- In practice, this was not observed by nearly any team we had Scrum Masters for.
- The Product Owner is primarily responsible for the Product Backlog and the Developers primarily responsible for the Sprint Backlog.
- With the permission of the Product Owner anyone can make changes to the Product Backlog.
- The Product Owner is primarily responsible for identifying and facilitating Stake Holder interactions (and using any feedback gained from Sprint Reviews to improve the Product, Product Vision, Product Backlog, etc.).
- Sprints can only be canceled if:
- A Product Owner determines they should be.
- When the Sprint Goal is obsolete, loses relevance, or no longer of value to the current Increment.
- Sprint Goals are defined and shaped by the entire Scrum Team.
- All time estimates (in all Backlogs) are primarily handled by the Developers (not the Product Owner).
- Release depends on:
"The customers that will be constrained by the new release"
- how does a change hamper current use?"The risk that the product’s value can get out of line with the marketplace"
- how relevant/current/useful is the Product Increment"The costs and benefits of the upgrade"
- cost/benefit calculations."Can customers actually absorb the new release?"
- can and will customers use the new Features/Version?- Is determined by the Product Owner (and informed by the Definition of Done).
- Multiple Teams working on the same Product should share the same Product Backlog, Definition of Done, and Product Owner. Additionally:
- Multiple Teams completing their Sprints at the same time can and should combine their efforts into both a single Increment and Sprint Review.
- If multiple Teams are working on integrations, it's the responsibility of the Developers to integrate resources (not the Product Owner).
- Sprints start immediately following the conclusion of a preceding one.
Resources and Links
Agile: Misc. Topics
Used with Agile, Scrum to assist with Backlog and Sprint management:
- Used to visualize a Scrum Sprint Backlog
- Scrum doesn't mandate a specific way to represent or track Work items.
- Usually depicted in columns where Work items move from left to right through various stages of completion.
- The right-most column represents those items that meet the Scrum Definition of Done.
Used with Agile, Scrum to aid with Backlog management:
- Detailed (Appropriately)
- Work items should be described and clear to a reasonable extent.
- Developers should be able to complete the task with minimal obstruction, confusion, or need for additional explanation.
- Estimated
- Uses some specified way to determine relevant estimates of time or complexity for meeting the Definition of Done.
- Emergent
- Issues arise organically, sourced from many Stackholders, Developers
- Dynamic, evolves
- Ongoingly updated
- Prioritized
- Uses some specified mechanism for clearly ordering Work items by ROI w.r.t. the Product Vision or Goal.
Resources and Links
AWS: Certified Cloud Practitioner
Some last notes I took before taking and passing the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam (February 22, 2022).
Key areas I wanted to focus on and understand better.
- DynamoDB - Unstructured NoSQL, auto-scales
- Aurora - Cloud-first MySQL and Postgres replacement, self-healing, Aurora is more performant, durable, scalable, resilient than RDS
- Redshift - data warehouse
- RDS - Managed DB, more DB’s supported than Aurora (Oracle)
AWS Billing and Cost Management Tools
By order of information:
- AWS Cost Explorer - query resource cost via API, visual UI, the highest level of granularity
- AWS Cost Reports - generates S3 reports
- AWS Budget - predict spending, optimize use, some forecasting
- AWS data migration tools
By order of max data to transfer:
- Snowcone - GB to TB
- Snowball Edge
- Snowmobile - TB to PB
AWS IAM distinctions
- Policy - an object that defines an identity’s permissions
- Role - groupings of policy that facilitates a specific set of responsibilities
- User
- Group
AWS Gateway differences
- API - Allows access to API endpoints, methods
- Internet - VPC to public internet, bidirectional
- NAT - resources in VPC to public internet, unidirectional
- File, Storage - optimizes multipart uploads and bandwidth for file uploading
AWS Identity Management services
- Cognito vs AWS SSO - Access to Apps, Services vs. Access Across AWS Accounts
Note that AWS SSO has been deprecated and replaced with AWS IAM Identity Center.
Different AWS security services
- AWS Inspector - Finds and identifies security vulnerabilities and security best practices, EC2
- AWS Trusted Advisor - AWS best practices (general), an AWS Support service
- AWS Security Hub - Integrates with Trusted Advisor, finds and recommends improvements to security practices
- AWS GuardDuty - Threat analysis on logs
App/Resource security:
- AWS Shield - DDOS
- AWS WAF - web app exploits
- AWS Network Firewall - inbound, outbound rules
- Secrets Manager - App secrets, DB credentials
- KMS, CloudHMS - generates and signs cryptographic keys - ERC20, SSL, Web Server identity verification
- Artifact - Compliance
- IAM - Permissions
- Certificate Manager - TLS
AWS network security differences
- Network ACL - applies to VPC
- Network Security - applies to instances
- AWS Network Firewall - applies to networks
Response Times
- Business
- < 4 hours production system impaired
- < 1-hour production system down
- Enterprise
- < 4 hours production system impaired
- < 1-hour production system down
- < 15-minute business critical
- Also, only one that has Technical Account Manager
- Concierge support
Resources and Links
AWS SAA-C03: Overview
Some notes I took before taking the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate Exam.
Key areas I wanted to focus on and understand better.
I'll use the stylistic format
to indicate an AWS Service rather than a feature of that Service.
Test Topics
Test Topics and some of their associated services.
- Domain 1: Design Secure Architectures -
- AWS Control Tower
- AWS Cognite
- AWS Guard Duty
- AWS Macie
- AWS Shield
- AWS Secrets Manager
- AWS Storage Services
- Domain 2: Design Resilient Architectures -
- AWS Secrets Manager
- AWS Fargate
- AWS Lambda
- AWS API Gateway
- AWS Transfer Gateway
- AWS Route 53
- Domain 3: Design High-Performing Architectures -
- AWS S3
- AWS Batch
- AWS Athena
- AWS Lake Formation
- AWS Storage Gateway
- Amazon Kinesis
- AWS CloudFront
- AWS DirectConnect
- AWS Elasticachae
- AWS Data Sync
- AWS Glue
- Domain 4: Design Cost-Optimized Architectures -
- AWS Cost Explorer
- AWS Cost Reports
- AWS Budget
High Availability
AWS Regions and Availability Zones
- Typically
) Availability Zones per AWS Region
- Replication across multiple Availability Zones is synchronous
- Read-replicas (AWS Aurora, AWS RDS, etc.) follow asynchronous replication
Disaster Recovery
- Multi-Site - A multi-site solution that runs in AWS (in parallel in the cloud) along with your exsiting on-site infrastructure.
- Warm Standby - A scaled-down version of the environment is always running.
- Pilot Light - A minimal version of an environment is always running.
- Backup and Restore - Data is backup and used as a restore point.
Resources and Links
Some finer distinctions
- Policy - An object that defines an identity’s permissions
- Can be attached to Groups
- Can be grouped into Roles
- Role - Groupings of policies that facilitate a specific set of responsibilities
- Groups - Only contain Users, not Groups
- Users - Can belong to no Group or many Groups
- Root - Created by default and used to manage the AWS IAM account itself
- Super user
- Should create and use Admin users over the course of normal administration
Kinds of IAM Policies
- Identity-Based - granted to an Identity (User)
- Resource-Based - granted to an AWS Resource (like an AWS Lambda Function)
- Session-Based - granted programmatically, by session when an IAM Role is assumed
Policy Evaluation Logic
Evaluation Factors
- Identity-Based policies
- Resource-Based policies
- IAM Permission Boundaries - sets the maximum permission an Identity-based policy can grant to an IAM User or IAM Role
- AWS Organizations Service Control Policies (SCPs) - defined at the AWS Organization level
- Session policies - programmatically supplied
In order of precedence:
- An explicit
- An
within a Service Control Policy- If not, implicitly
- If not, implicitly
- An
granted to a Resource and by an associated Resource-Based Policy - An
granted to an Identity and by an associated Identity-Based Policy- If not, implicitly
- If not, implicitly
- An
granted within a Permissions Boundary- If not, implicitly
- If not, implicitly
- An
granted to a Session Principal: (a) with a Session Policy or (b) within a Role Session- If not, implicitly
- If not, implicitly
AWS Organizations
- An account management service that consolidates multiple AWS Accounts into a higher, top-level, organizational unit.
- Consolidated Billing for all associated/grouped Accounts.
- Global, cross-regional.
AWS Directory Services
- AWS Managed Microsoft Active Directory.
AWS Control Tower
- Simplifies and standardizes the setup and governance of AWS multi-account environments.
- Extends AWS Organizations.
Resources and Links
AWS SAA-C03: Security
General AWS security.
AWS Session Token Service
- Provides temporary credentials for an AWS Account or IAM User.
- One-time use or until the token expires
- Can be better for granting temporary permissions than setting an IAM Policy or assuming a Role
AWS Key Management Service
- AWS KMS manages encryption Keys.
- KMS Keys
- Symmetric
- Asymmetric
- Multi-region Keys
- Managed independently although they can be used interchangeably.
- Destroying one does not destroy the others.
- Symmetric
- Integrates with most AWS Services.
- Secure store for configuration and secrets.
- Optional AWS KMS integration.
AWS Secrets Manager
- Newer service for storing secrets.
- Can configure forced rotation of secrets every specified number of days.
- Using AWS KMS to encrypt secrets.
AWS Certificate Manager
- Manage, deploy, and provision TLS and SSL certificates.
- Supports both public and private certificates.
- Supports automatic certificate renewal.
- Integrates with:
- AWS API Gateway
- Application Load Balancers
Doesn't integrate with AWS EC2.
- For protecting web apps from common web exploits (Layer 7, HTTP)
- Deployed on:
- Application Load Balancers
- AWS API Gateways
- AWS CloudFront
- AWS Cognito User Pool
- Define Web Access Control Lists (ACLs):
- HTTP Method
- IP Address
- Geo-region
AWS Firewall Manager
- Manage rules for all AWS Accounts in an AWS Organization
- Common sets of security rules for:
- AWS Shield Advanced
- AWS EC2 Security Groups
- AWS Network Firewall (VPC)
- AWS Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall
AWS Shield
- Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection.
- AWS Shield Standard - Free.
- AWS Shield Advanced -
per AWS Organization.
Automated Detection
AWS GuardDuty
- Intelligent thread discovery to protect AWS Accounts.
- Uses Machine Learning to discover anomaly, 3rd party data.
- Sources data from:
- AWS CloudTrail Event Logs
- VPC Flow Logs
- DNS Logs
- Kubernetes Audit Logs
- Can define AWS EventBridge Rules to trigger on findings.
AWS Inspector
- Automated security assessments for EC2 Instances, container images, Lambda Functions.
AWS Macie
- Machine Learning and pattern matching service to detect sensitive data in AWS.
- Identifies PII.
Active Directory
AWS AWS Directory Service
- AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory - specific to Microsoft AD
- AWS Managed Microsoft Active Directory (AD)
- Fully-managed by AWS
- Integrates with AWS IAM
Federated Services
- Allows multiple identity providers to be combined into a single authentication and authorization process.
- Allows multiple identity managment systems to be interoperable.
- Allows other trusted identity managmenet systems to verify the identity of a user for the others.
AWS SAA-C03: Monitoring
AWS CloudWatch
- Monitoring, logging, metrics, alarm
CloudWatch Alarms
- Associate with Log Filter Expressions, Metrics.
- Trigger based on certain conditions or states.
- Composite Alarms monitor multiple other Alarms.
CloudWatch Logs
- Log Groups - represents an application.
- Log Streams - specific containers, application instances, etc.
- Filter Expression - can query across Log Events and trigger Alarms.
- Can define Expiration Policies.
CloudWatch Metrics
- Use prebuilt or define customized Metrics to associate with Alarms, dashboards.
- Belong to CloudWatch Namespaces.
- Timestamped
Unified CloudWatch Agent
- Deployed onto a AWS EC2 Instance
- Used to observe customized metrics (like on Instance CPU use) and send them to AWS CloudWatch
AWS Event Bridge
- Schedule Cron Jobs.
- Or define reactive rules to respond to a service doing something.
- Integrates with most other AWS services.
AWS Cloud Trail
- Provides governance, compliance, and auditing for AWS Accounts.
- Trace API calls made within an AWS Account across multiple services.
Cloud Trail Events:
- Management Events - track operations performed on AWS Resources.
- Data Events - Lambda invocation events, API calls, etc.
- Insight Events - detect unusual activity, anomalous patterns.
AWS Config
Used to assess, audit, and evaluate the configurations of AWS resources.
- Config Rules - evaulate the config settings of AWS resources.
- Managed Rules - predefined.
- Customized Rules - customized by user.
- Config Remediation - automatically remediates non-compliant resources such as AWS EC2 and AWS S3.
- Config Notifications - notifies when the configuration of monitored resources change.
AWS SAA-C03: CloudFront
AWS CloudFront Price Classes
In order by included regions.
- Price Class All - all regions, best performance.
- Price Class 200 - most regions but excludes the most expensive regions.
- Price Class 100 - only the least expensive regions.
AWS CloudFront Features
- Geo-Restriction - restrict by AWS Region.
- Integrates with AWS WAF.
- Cache Invalidation - set a Time to Live (TTL) and automatically delete files from the cache you're serving from.
AWS Global Accelerator
- Uses the AWS internal network to route applications.
- Uses Edge Locations to send traffic to your app.
- Uses Anycast IP which is created for your app.
- All servers hold the same IP Address.
- A client is routed to the nearest one.
AWS Global Accelerator is usually a better option than Route 53 Geoproximity Routing for large, globally distributed, apps.
AWS SAA-C03: Networking
Virtual Private Cloud
allowed per AWS Region- The maximum Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) per AWS VPC is
:- Min size is
IP Addresses) - Max size is
IP Addresses) - (The lower the CIDR Length, the more IP Addresses are available.)
- Min size is
- Only Private IPv4 Address ranges are allowed:
- Example:
- A VPC is defined with IPv4 CIDR block:
:- The VPC supports
IP Addresses. - One can then define two subnets within the VPC each with
IP Addresses.
- The VPC supports
- A VPC is defined with IPv4 CIDR block:
VPC CIDRs should not use IP Addresses that overlap.
Refer to: and IP Addresses.
VPC Subnet
AWS reserves 5
IP (IPv4) Addresses in each Subnet. For example, given CIDR block
would be reserved as the Network Address.
would be reserved for the VPC router.
would be reserved for mapping to the Amazon-provided DNS.
is reserved for future use.
- the Network Broad Address is not supported so AWS reserves this (to prevent it from being used).
VPC Peering
- Privately connects two VPCs using AWS' own internal network.
- Connected VPCs behave as if they are the same network.
- Overlapping CIDRs shouldn't be used in any of the connected networks.
- So-called Private Links.
- Allows one to connect AWS Services using a Private Network rather than over the Public Internet.
- Consider the scernario where an AWS Service (say AWS S3) must be connected to from within a Private VPC.
- One would define an Private Endpoint and/or Gateway Endpoint and connect without going through the Public Internet.
Flow Logs
- Captures all information about network traffic:
- VPC Flow Logs
- Subnet Flow Logs
- Elastic Network Interface Flow Logs
- Used to troubleshoot connectivity issues.
Traffic Mirroring
- Duplicate network traffic/requests so they can be sent to security appliances.
- Used to capture and inspect network traffic within a VPC.
- Monitor, troubleshoot, inspect connectivity, security, and traffic.
Network Security
Network and VPC-specific security.
Bastion Host
- SSH Bastion (Jump) Host.
- Configuration:
- Bastion Host Security Group:
theInbound Port 22
on a restricted CIDR (say, the public CIDR being used).- This allows authenticated persons to connect using SSH for further verification.
- EC2 Instance Security Groups:
Private IP of the Bastion Host (or its Security Group)- Allows the Bastion Host to jump to the EC2 Instances
- Bastion Host Security Group:
NAT Instance
Network Address Translation
- Allows EC2 Instances in Private Subnets to connect to the internet.
- Requirements:
- Must be launched in a Public Subnet.
- Must disable EC2 setting:
Source / destination Check
. - Must have an Elastic IP attached to it.
Deprecated but still tested for in the exam apparently.
Network Access Control List
- Controls traffic from and to Subnets.
Network Firewall
- Protects a VPC.
- From Layer 3 to Layer 7 protection.
Remote Access
Site to Site VPN
- A fully-managed Virtual Private Network (VPN).
- Creates a secure connection between an on-premises VPN and an AWS VPC in the cloud.
Direct Connect
- Provides a dedicated private connection from a remote network to a VPC.
Used to connect networks (and often for Remote Access scenarios).
Virtual Private Gateway
- Used to facilitate a Site-to-Site VPN connection.
- Attached to the VPC one will be connecting a VPN to.
Customer (Device) Gateway
- A physical device that connects a physical, remote, network to an AWS VPC in the cloud.
Transit Gateway
- Used to simplify complex network topologies.
- Cross-regional connections.
- Can peer Transit Gateways across AWS Regions.
- Examples:
- Hub-and-Spoke (star) topology connecting
VPCs across4
AWS Regions. - Connecting
) so thatA
is connected toB
is connected toC
but notA
or vice-versa.
- Hub-and-Spoke (star) topology connecting
Internet Gateway
- Define Route Tables.
- Specifies routing for inbound and outbound traffic.
NAT Gateway
- Connects EC2 Instances in a Private Subnet to a Public Subnet.
- Deployed in a Public Subnet with Private Subet Route Tables updated to point internet-bound traffic to the NAT Gateway.
Resources and Links
AWS SAA-C03: Route53
- A Domain Registrar
- Handles typical DNS attributes:
- A - maps to IPv4
- AAAA - maps to IPv6
- CNAME - maps Hostname to another Hostname
- NS - specify Name Servers for DNS resolution
- Handles record settings:
- Routing/forwarding
Public vs Private
- Private Hosted Zone
- Records that determine how to route traffic in a VPC
- Public Hosted Zone
- Records that determine how to route traffic on the internet
- Geolocation - route by user location
- Weighting
- Controls the percentage of requests and traffic that go to a specific resource or URL
- Assign by relative weight
- Failover - route to a backup location
Health Checks
AWS Route 53 Health Checks can be configured to monitor:
- Endpoints - are associated with AWS Data Centers.
- AWS Route 53 will periodically ping so-configured Endpoints.
- Other Health Checks
- Called a Calculated Health Check.
- A compound, combined, or complex Health Check.
- Cloud Watch Alarms and the underlying Metrics that are used to configure that Alarm.
- Will source its data from the underlying Metrics .
- Or, from an Alarm Data Stream (used to calculate the state of the Alarm).
- A Health Check can transmit its Status to an (another) Alarm as the data source for that Alarm.
- Health Checks can trigger Alarms.
- Health Checks can send notifications (via AWS SNS).
Comparing Kinds of Health Checks
Consider an EC2 Auto-Scaling Group vs an ALB Health Check
- ALB Health Check -
ALB Health Check
type- Cannot be an
EC2 Health Check
- Cannot be an
- EC2 Auto-Scaling Group -
EC2 Health Check
type- Can use
ALB Health Check
- Can use
- So, an ALB might terminate an EC2 Instance when an ASG does not.
Resources and Links
AWS SAA-C03: Messaging
- AWS Simple Queue Service
- AWS Simple Notification Service
- AWS Kinesis
- Producer's send Messages to a (FIFO) Queue that Consumer's Poll
- Default retention:
4 Days
(maximum14 Days
) - Used to decouple Application Tiers
- SQS scales automatically
- An event in an SQS Queue is typically processed by one Consumer (e.g. - with Visibility Timeouts)
Queue Types
- SQS Standard Queue
- SQS Dead Letter Queue
- SQS Delay Queue
- SQS FIFO Queue
Up to 10
messages can be processed at once.
Visibility Timeout
- Immediately after a message is received, it remains in the queue
- Visibility Timeouts prevent other Consumers from processing the message agin
- The default is
30 seconds
- Short Polling
- Occurs repeatedly in short time-frames
- Queries only a subset of SQS servers
- Long Polling
- Queries are made every
0-20 seconds
(exclusive-inclusive) - Queries the entire set of SQS servers
- Is AWS-recommended since it's less costly and more accurate
- Queries are made every
- Event Producer's send Messages to one SNS Topic
- Event Receivers subscribe to an SNS Topic
- The SNS Topic will broacast Messages to all Receivers
- An event is sent to and processed by all *Receivers
AWS Kinesis
Refer to Data
- Collect, process, and analyze streaming data in real-time
- IoT Telemetry
- Kinesis Data Streams
- Kinesis Data Firehose
- Kinesis Data Analytics
- Kinesis Video Streams
Partition Keys
- Specific to MQTT
AWS SAA-C03: Data Migration
AWS Snow Family
A device is provided to submit data to AWS directly (and physically) without using one's network.
- Snowcone - up to Terrabytes
- HD -
8 TB
of HDD Storage - SSD -
14 TB
of SSD Storage
- HD -
- Snowball Edge - up to Petabytes
- Storage Optimized -
80 TB
- Compute Optimize -
42 TB
- Storage Optimized -
- Snomobile - up to Exabytes
- Typically, <
100 PB
- A physical semi-truck arrives and allows one to transfer up to
1 EB
- Typically, <
AWS Edge Computing
- Snowcone
- Snowball Edge
AWS Transfer Family
Used for file transfers in and out of S3
- Supports
- Managed infrastructure
- Integrates with Active Directory,
, Okta, AWS Cognito, etc.
AWS Migration Services
- AWS App Migration - migrate a full application stack
- AWS Database Migration - migrate databases
AWS DataSync
, S3- On-premises to cloud requires an agent to move data to and from
- Syncs data using S3, EFS, and FSx
AWS Storage Gateway
- Connects on-premises data and cloud data.
- Typically used to backup data.
- Types
- S3 File Gateway
- Integrates with Active Directory
- FSx File Gateway
- AWS access for Windows File Server
, and Active Directory
- Volume Gateway
backed by S3- Backed by EBS Snapshots
- Tape Gateway
- For physical tape drives
- Virtual Tape Library backed by S3
- S3 File Gateway
- FSx for Windows
- FSx for Lustre
- High performance computing
- Machine learning
- Linux cluster
- FSx File System
- Scratch: temporary is fast but impermanent
- Persistent: data is persisted within the same Availability Zone
- FSX for NetAPP
AWS SAA-C03: Other Data Services
Other AWS tools to process, ingest, query, store, and analyze data.
SQL Based
AWS Athena
- Serverless service to query and analyze S3 data.
- Supports CSV, JSON, ORC, Avro, and Parquet.
AWS Redshift
- Based on PostgresSQL for Big Data analytics.
- Query on multiple data sources.
- Faster than Athena due to indexing.
AWS OpenSearch
- Successor to ElasticSearch.
- Security through Cognito, IAM, KMS encryption, TLS.
Elastic MapReduce
- Helps to provision and configure Hadoop.
- Bundled with Apache Spark, HBase, Presto, Flink.
- Composed of up to hundreds of EC2 Instances.
AWS QuickSight
- Serverless machine learning, interactive dashboards.
- For business analytics, visualizations, business insights, ad-hoc analysis.
- In-memory SPICE engine for imported data.
AWS Glue Based
AWS Glue
- Convert data into Parquet format as part of an ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) pipeline.
- Converts CSV for use in Lambda Functions or AWS Athena.
- Catalog of datasets.
AWS Lake Formation
- Date Lake: a central place to store your data.
- Clean, transform, discover, and ingest data into your Data Lake.
- Combine structured and unstructured data in your Data Lake.
- Built on AWS Glue.
- With out-of-box blueprints for S3, RDS, Relational and NoSQL databases
AWS Kinesis Based
Refer to Messaging
Kinesis Data Streams are used to collect and process large streams of data records in real time.
- Typically real-time data analytics.
- Logs, metrics, and reporting.
- Complex stream processing.
- Can be combined or linked into Directed Acyclic Graphs.
Kinesis Data Firehose is used to stream data into Data Lakes, warehouses, and analytics services.
- Used to load massive data sets.
- Can load massive data sets from hundreds of thousands of sources that needn't be real-time data streams.
AWS Kinesis Data Analytics
- Real-time analytics on Kinesis Data Streams and Firehose.
AWS Managed Streaming for Kafka
AWS Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (AWS MSK):
- Alternative to AWS Kinesis.
- MSK creats and manages Kafka Broker and Zookeeper Nodes (in earlier versions of Kafka).
- Data is stored in AWS EBS Volumes for indefinite periods of time.
- Has a serverless mode.
AWS SAA-C03: Databases
- AWS Aurora
- AWS DynamoDB (JSON)
- AWS ElastiCache (Key-Value)
- Neptune (Graph)
- AWS DocumentDB (MongoDB)
- AWS Keyspaces (Cassandra)
- Object Store
- S3
- Data Warehouse
- AWS Redshift
- AWS Athena
- Search
- AWS OpenSearch (free text, unstructured search)
- Graphs
- AWS Neptune
- Ledger
- AWS Quantum Ledger Database
- AWS Managed Blockchain
- Time Series
- AWS Timestream
- Postgres, MySQL, Oracle, MSSQL, MariaDB
- For Relational Databases (SQL, JOIN, Table, Column)
- Additional security through IAM, Security Groups, SSL
- Support for auto-scaling, Read Replicas, and multiple Availability Zones
High Availability
- Can provision DB Instances in Primary/Standby or Read Replica/Standby within the same AWS Region
- If so configured, Standby will be promoted to the Primary DB Instance (say, of several Read Replicas).
- If so configured, Standby will be promoted to a Read Replica if the primary Read Replica fails.
- Provides failover support
- Synchronous data replication
- DB Instances can be placed into Multi-AZ clusters.
- Read Replicas can be placed in differing Availability Zones within the same AWS Region.
- Read Replicas can be promoted to the Primary DB Instance.
Note that DB updates incur downtime.
RDS Proxy
- Allows apps to pool and share DB connections established with a database
- Handles failovers itself and reduces failover time by 66%
- Enforces IAM authentication for your databases
- Is never publicly accessible (must be accessed from VPC)
AWS Aurora
- Compatible with MySQL and Postgres
- Highly distributed
- Stored in
replicas - Across
Availability Zones
- Stored in
- Self-healing, high availability, auto-scaling
Aurora Global Databases
AWS Aurora Global Databases are singular database instances that span multiple AWS Regions (as opposed to AWS DynamoDB Global Tables which are comprised of many replicated tables treated as one).
AWS DynamoDB
- Managed serverless NoSQL database
- Provisioned and optional auto-scaling capacity
- DAX cluster for read cache
- Automated backups up to
35 Days
- Event processing - DynamoDB Streams integrate with AWS Lambda or Kinesis Data Streams
- Highly available, multiple Availability Zones
- Decoupled Reads and Writes
DynamoDB Accelerator
- DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) is a fully managed in-memory cache for AWS DynamoDB offering 10x performance.
- Deployed as a cluster.
DynamoDB Global Tables
AWS DynamoDB Global Tables are comprised of many replicated tables distributed across several AWS Regions so that they:
- Are treated as one sharing
- Share the same primary key schema
AWS ElastiCache
Caches database data using Redis or Memcached:
- Redis:
- Supports Sets and Sorted Sets
- Backup and restore features
- Read replicas for High Availability
- Multiple Availability Zones
- Memcached:
- No High Availability
- No backup and restore
- Multithreaded
AWS Neptune
- Fully managed Graph Database
- Highly available across
Availability Zones - Up to
read replicas
AWS Keyspaces
- A managed Apache Cassandra-compatible database service
- Tables are replicated
times across multiple Availability Zones - Auto-scales Tables up and down based on traffic
- Uses Cassandra Query Language (CQL)
AWS Quantum Ledger
- 2-3x better performance than common ledger blockchain frameworks
- Can use SQL
- Fully managed, serverless, with high availability replication across
Availability Zones - An immutable ledger
- Replication
- (File) Versioning
AWS S3 Storage Classes
- S3 Standard
S3 Standard
- S3 Intelligent-Tiering
S3 Intelligent-Tiering
- S3 Standard-Infrequent Access
S3 Standard-IA
- S3 One Zone-Infrequent Access
S3 One Zone-IA
- Archive
- S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval
- S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval
- S3 Glacier Deep Archive
Note S3 Glacier has been renamed S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval.
AWS users pay for:
- Hosting data in AWS S3
- Updating or Copying data already in AWS S3
- Requests made against items hosted in AWS S3
AWS users don't pay for:
- There is no cost for uploading data into AWS S3 itself
- Although one might pay for transmitting data into a VPC or across AWS Regions
AWS S3 Data Retention
- Glacial Vaults
- S3 Object Lock - Retention Mode
- Governance mode - some special permissions can alter
- Compliance mode - no one one can alter
- S3 Object Lock - Retention Period
- Legal Hold - locked until removed
- Retention Period - a specified period of time
AWS S3 Bucket Security Features
- MFA -Multi-Factor Authentication
- Can be required for deletes
- Used to protect resources
- By URL:
- CORS - Cross-Origin Resource Sharing - restrict resource access when not on same Domain
- Pre-Signed URLs - white list which URLs S3 GET / PUT requests can come from
- File Encryption - Server-Side Encryption (SSE)
- SSE-S3 - default
- SSE-C - SSE with Customer Provided Keys
- Bucket Policies
Other Features
- S3 Batch Operations - use S3 Batch and the S3 API
- Supports multi-part uploading
- S3 Transfer Accerlation uses intelligent routing to reduce the time and distance it takes to upload and download files from AWS S3
- Versioning
- Supports static site hosting
- S3 Origins specify where AWS S3 gets content from to serve to viewers.
- Examples:
- An S3 Bucket
- An HTTP server running on AWS EC2
- Examples:
Static Websites
Allowed URL formats:
Resources and Links
AWS EC2 Instance Purchasing Options
- On-Demand - Pay by the second
- Reserved - Reserve for
years - Spot - Request unused EC2 instances on the fly
- Dedicated Hosts - Pay for a physical host that is fully dedicated to running your instances
- Dedicated Instances - Pay by the hour for instances that run on single-tenant hardware
- On-Demand Capacity Reservations - Reserve capacity for your instances in a specific Availability Zone for any duration.
Scheduled Reserved instances aren't presently offered.
Savings Plans can be used to reduce costs by making a commitment to a consistent amount of usage for
AWS EC2 Reserved Instances
Reserved Instances - Reserved for 1
or 3
Generally speaking, All Upfront payments will be lower in the long-run than No Upfront payments.
- All Upfront - Complete payment at the start regardless of hours eventually used
- Partial Upfront - Portion paid at the start with the remainder being billed at a fixed rate regardless of hours eventually used
- No Upfront - Billed at a fixed rate regardless of hours eventually used
Reserved Instances have a Convertible payment option:
- Convertible - Can be exchanged with another Convertible Reserved Instance
- You cannot exchange:
- All Upfront Reserved Instances for No Upfront Convertible Reserved Instances.
- Partial Upfront Reserved Instances for No Upfront Convertible Reserved Instances.
AWS EC2 Instance Types
- General Purpose - Balanced storage, compute, and memory
nomenclature (M5a
, etc.)
- Compute Optimized - High-performance computing
nomenclature (C6g
, etc.)
- Memory Optimized - Large-in-memory instances. Great high-memory use resources like MySQL, Caching
nomenclature (R6a
, etc.)
- Storage Optimized - High, sequential read and write access to very large data sets on local storage. Great for databases
nomenclature (H1
Public vs. Private IP
- Public IP - Used on the public, global, internet/web. Not too Public IP Addresses can be the same
- Private IP - Used within private, subnets
Placement Groups
- Cluster - Same rack, Availability Zone. Fastest but most susceptible to risk factors
- Spread - All the EC2 Instances are deployed on different hardware, Availability Zones, etc.
- Maximizes High Availability
- Limited to
Instances per Availability Zone
- Partitions - Think muliple Cluster Placement Groups spread across multiple Availability Zones
- Up to
of Instances per Partition - Up to
Partitions per Availability Zone
- Up to
Elastic Network Interfaces
- Can be attached and detached to EC2 Instances within the same Availability Zone
- Used to assign a fixed Public or Private IP Address
AWS EC2 Hibernate
- Stores RAM into a persistent state on an encrypted root EBS volume
- Relaunching or restarting the Instance is much faster
Instance Store, EBS, and EFS
Root Volumes:
- Can be an Instance Store
- Limited to 10GB
- Ephemeral stores for use with temporary data
- Or a EBS Backed Root Volume
- Limited to 1TB
- Instance Store:
- 1-1 with an Instance
- Has good I/O performance since they are directly attached
- They're ephemeral however and when they're lost, the Instance is lost and when they are turned off all persisted data is lost
- Elastic Block Storage:
- Attach to one Instance at a time
- Locked at the Availability Zone (cannot be moved to another Availability Zone without a Restoration Snapshot)
- Better for long-term storage than Instance Stores
- Elastic File Storage:
- Attaches to multiple (hundreds) Instances across the same Availability Zone a time
- Not limited to a single Availability Zone however
- Typically more expensive
- Networked storage
Load Balancers
AWS offers Elastic Load Balancer as a managed service. It comes in a few varieties:
- Application Load Balancer:
- Layer 7 (HTTP), HTTP/2, WebSocket, HTTPS
- Application balancing
- Routing based on URL Path, Hostname, Query, Headers
- Routes to EC2 Instances, ECS Tasks, Lambda Functions, IP Address
- Network Load Balancer:
- Layer 4 (TCP), TCP/UDP forwarding
- Extreme performance
- Routes based on IP Address not specific AWS service
- Gateway Load Balancer:
- Layer 3 (Network), IP packets
- Uses Route Tables to route traffic for an entire VPC
- Primary use is to be the single place for all inbound traffic: firewall, security monitoring, packet analysis, etc.
Classic Load Balancers are being deprecated at the end of 2022.
The Sticky Session feature ensures that users are only connected to the same EC2 Instance (and the same application session, context).
Cross Zone Load Balancing:
- Load balancing is split between all Instances across all Availability Zones
- Otherwise each Instance in an Availability Zone will divide the assigned load balancing weight (for that Availability Zone) by the total number of Instances within that single Availability Zone
Auto-Scaling Groups
- EC2 Instances can be combined into Auto-Scaling Groups
- EC2 Auto Scaling Launch Templates
- EC2 Auto Scaling Launch Configuration
- As a general rule of thumb: EC2 Auto Scaling Launch Templates > Launch Configurations
- They (Templates) provide moer configuration features
- They support multiple versions
- Templates are AWS-recommended
- The EC2 Instance with the oldest Launch Configuration is terminated first
- They create new Instances and terminate them based on configureable triggers and Dynamic Scaling Policies
- For example: CloudWatch alarms
- Auto-Scaling Group Minimum and Maximum Capacities apply to the total number of EC2 Instances across all Availability Zones
- Scaling Out takes precedence to Scaling In
- New EC2 Instances are launched before new ones are removed
- Scaling In terminates EC2 Instances
- By default, the EC2 Instance with the oldest Launch Configuration is terminated first
Resources and Links
AWS SAA-C03: Containers
AWS Elastic Container Service
AWS ECS automatically increases and decreases the number of ECS Tasks.
- ECS Auto Scaling Uses AWS Application Auto Scaling.
- Target Tracking - scale based on a target CloudWatch Metric value.
- Step Scaling - scale based on specified CloudWatch Alarm.
- Scheduled Scaling - scale based on date/time.
- If using the EC2 Launch Type:
- Auto Scaling Group Scaling - based on CPU usage.
- ECS Cluster Capacity Provider - allows EC2 Instances to be added based on missing capacity.
ECS Launch Types:
- EC2
- Launch Docker containers on AWS.
- User provisions and mainttains the infrastructure (underlying EC2 Instances).
- Fargate
- User just creates the Task Definitions.
- Serverless computing.
- User doesn't manage the underlying EC2 Instances.
IAM Roles:
- EC2 Instance Profile
- EC2 Launch Type only.
- ECS Task Role
- Assigned to a Task.
AWS Elastic Container Registry
- Store and manage Docker images on AWS.
- Private and Public repository.
- Backed by S3.
- Access via IAM permission.
AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service
- Supports ECS.
- Managed Node Groups.
- Self-Managed Nodes.
- AWS native solution for Kubernetes.
AWS AppRunner
- Fully managed app service.
- Builds and deploys apps.
AWS SAA-C03: Serverless
Serverless Computing is a paradigm where infrastructure is sold as a service (IAAS) in a fully managed way (abstracting away the underlying bare metal and operating system resources).
AWS Fargate
- The user creates Task Definitions but AWS manages the rest of the ECS infrastructure
- Limited to:
- 100 Tasks per Region per Account (default)
- 1,000 Tasks per Service
- By Amazon ECS Service Quotas (limits)
Consult the Elastic Container Service article.
AWS Lambda
- A user creates Lambda Functions but doesn't have to manage the underlying infrastructure to execute them.
- Lambda Functions are associated with specific Endpoints in AWS API Gateway and are invoked using standard HTTP REST methods and URL context paths.
- Lambda Functions are stateless.
- Indeed, they are ideal for stateless
- There's a small delay when a Lambda Function is first called.
- A Lambda Function Context is created from a Cold state (the underlying resources are initialized and made available).
- However, a Lambda Function Contexts exists for
15 minutes
in a Hot state. - So, sequential calls will execute without the initial delay.
- Lambda Functions will timeout after
15 minutes
. - The default maximum number of simultaneous concurrent connections for a single Lambda Function is
within the same AWS Region (this can be increased by request).
IAM Policies
- Execution Roles - grant a Lambda Function permission to access other resources or perform certain operations.
- Resource-Based Policy - how a Lamba Function itself can be used, invoked, or called by users or other services.
AWS API Gateway
- Connect AWS Lambda Functions to API Gateway Endpoints.
- Associate each endpoint with HTTP methods (
). - Can define HTTP Request and Response Schemas.
AWS Step Functions
- For sequential or "chained" operations that might require a lengthy or significant amount of execution time.
Serverless Stack
A commonly found and fully Serverless stack will comprise:
- AWS DynamoDB - fully managed serverless DB.
- AWS DynamoDB DAX - for Caching and read acceleration
- AWS Lambda
- AWS Cognito - for identity management and user authentication
AWS Proton
AWS Proton standardizes serveless architecture deployments.
Resources and Links
AWS SAA-C03: Machine Learning
Image Recognition
AWS Rekognition
- Facial analysis and search using Machine Learning (ML) for user verification.
- Find objects, people, text, and images in photos or video.
Speech and Text
AWS Transcribe
- Automatically convert speech to text.
- Deep Learning (Automatic Speech Recognition - ASR)
AWS Polly
- Convert text into speech.
AWS Translate
- Language translation.
AWS Lex + Connect
- Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) to convert speech into text.
- Natural Language Understanding to recognize the intent of text, callers.
- For chatbots, call center bots.
- Receive calls, create contact flows, cloud-based virtual contact center.
AWS Comprehend
- Natural Language Processing (NLP) to find insights and relationships in text.
- Fully managed, serverless.
- Specialized service for unstructured medical/clinical text (HIPAA).
AWS Textract
- Extract text, handwriting, and data from any scanned documents.
- Extrac data from forms and tables.
Fully Managed Services
AWS SageMaker
- Fully managed service for developers to build Machine Learning models.
AWS Forecast
- Fully managed service for developers to build highly accurate forecasts.
AWS Kendra
- Fully managed document search service.
- Extracts answers from within a document.
- Natural language search capabilities.
AWS Personalize
- Fully managed service for making real-time personalized recommendations.
AWS DOP-C02: Overview
Notes I took before taking the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional (DOP-C02) Exam.
Test Topics
- Domain 1: SDLC Automation (22% of scored content)
- Domain 2: Configuration Management and IaC (17% of scored content)
- Domain 3: Resilient Cloud Solutions (15% of scored content)
- Domain 4: Monitoring and Logging (15% of scored content)
- Domain 5: Incident and Event Response (14% of scored content)
- Domain 6: Security and Compliance (17% of scored content)
AWS DOP-C02: Domain 1
SDLC Automation
Task Statement 1.1: Implement CI/CD pipelines:
- Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
- Continuous Delivery stops short of automating Production deployments by requiring manual approval to do so.
- Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
- Continuous Deployment deploys code all the way to Production automatically.
- AWS CodeCommit - Git, Code, Versioning
- Now deprecated but may still be tested in the DOP-CO2 exam.
- Offered some security advantages over GitHub, BitBucket, and GitLab:
- Private Git Repositories within the same AWS VPC.
- Can use AWS IAM Policies to manage AWS IAM Roles, SSH Keys, and AWS IAM Users.
- AWS CLI can manage Git credentials (in addition to other AWS credentials).
- AWS KMS can be used for encryption of files at rest or in transit.
- Drawback: minimal User Interface.
- AWS CodePipeline - Continuous Delivery Service
- Define Pipelines to Build and Deploy Source Code from a variety of sources to defined Deployments.
- Events
- Event-Driven Triggers defined through AWS EventBridge or AWS CodeStar Source Connection
- Webhooks
- Scripted Webhook is defined and Deployed.
- Polling
- CodePipeline polls changes in a GitHub Repository.
- Supports Continuous Delivery (which requires an Approver) as well as Continuous Deployment (which Deploys all the way to an Environment automatically).
- Can define a Manual Approval through AWS IAM and AWS SNS.
Example CI/CD: GitHub -> Elastic Beanstalk -> CodePipeline
- Node.js application Source Code is checked into a GitHub Repository.
- The GitHub Repository and target Branch are associated with an AWS Elastic Beanstalk Environment and AWS Elastic Beanstalk Application.
- An AWS CodePipeline Pipeline is defined to Trigger a Build and the Deploy all changes into the target AWS Elastic Beanstalk Environment on any Commit.
Example CI/CD: Docker -> ECR -> ECS
- Docker Image(s) is built locally.
- Docker Image(s) is pushed to an AWS ECR Repository.
- AWS ECS Fargate - Task Definition points to URL of the AWS ECR Repository to retrieve Docker Image.
- Application Load Balancers, private Subnets, and/or public Subnets are defined and selected for deployment into.
- The AWS ECS Fargate - Task Definition gets deployed as a Managed, Serverless, AWS ECS Task.
Example CI/CD: GitHub -> S3 -> CodeBuild -> Lambda
- Python Lambda Handler is checked into a GitHub Repository with a
. - The GitHub Repository is associated with AWS CodeBuild.
- The GitHub Repository is zipped and saved as an Artifact on AWS S3.
- An AWS Lambda Function is defined and associated with the AWS S3 Artifact.
- The AWS Lambda Function is deployed and made accessible through an AWS API Gateway.
Resources and Links
Code samples:
AWS DOP-C02: Domain 2
Configuration Management and IaC
Resources and Links
Code samples:
AWS DOP-C02: Domain 3
Resilient Cloud Solutions
AWS DOP-C02: Domain 4
Monitoring and Logging
Resources and Links
Code samples:
AWS DOP-C02: Domain 5
Incident and Event Response
AWS DOP-C02: Domain 6
Security and Compliance
COMPTIA SY0-701: Overview
The COMPTIA Security+ SY0-701 exam divides into five general security topics:
- General Security Concepts
- Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Mitigations
- Security Architecture
- Security Operations
- Security Program Management and Oversight
Summarizing and clarifying certain topics. Most is stuff I already know.
Resources and Links
COMPTIA SY0-701: General Security Concepts
Security Controls
Compare and contrast various types of security controls:
- Technical
- Also, called logical security controls that are implemented with technology and executed by computer systems.
- "Hardware and software controls used to provide automated protection to the IT system or applications." (CNSS 4009)
- Examples: IDs, Firewalls, Encryption
- Managerial
- Also, called administrative security controls that are documented policies and prioritize risk reduction.
- Examples: Organizational security policies (the procedures not the implementation in say AWS IAM), risk assessments, and security awareness training.
- Operational
- The security controls (i.e., safeguards or countermeasures) for an information system that're primarily implemented and executed by people (as opposed to systems).
- Security controls that keep machines and devices running correctly.
- Physical
- Set of measures taken to protect business assets (including information, hardware, people, and data) from physical threats.
- Technical
Control Types
- Preventive
- Prevents incidents
- Policies, standards, procedures, firewalls, configurations, etc.
- Deterrent
- Deters would-be attackers
- Examples: Locks, vestibules, lighting, signs, steel doors, etc.
- Detective
- Identifies problems once they have occurred
- Examples: audits, investigations, anomoly reports, etc.
- Corrective
- Fixes a problem after it's occurred
- Examples: patch, fix, new policy, disciplinary action, etc.
- Compensating
- Alternative taken to address a security concern
- Examples: reverting to a prior secure version instead of patching due to lack of expertise or time, using automated detection systems in light of low staff count, etc.
- Directive
- Established to bring about desired outcomes
- Examples: a new guidance that aims to make it easier to apply security fixes in the future, etc.
- Preventive
Security Concepts
Summarize fundamental security concepts:
- Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA)
- Confidentiality
- Preserves privacy and prevents unauthorized access or disclosure.
- Integrity
- Gaurantees the authenticity, completeness, and trustworthiness of the resource.
- Availability
- The resource is accessible when needed and in a timely manner.
- Confidentiality
- Non-repudiation
- Cannot dispute authorship or origin of something. (Cannot repudiate something.)
- Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA)
- Authenticating People
- Authenticating systems
- Authorization models
- Gap Analysis
- Zero Trust
- Control Plane
- Responsible for defining and managing security policies.
- Adaptive Identity
- Threat Scope Reduction
- Policy-Driven Access Control
- Policy Administrator (PA)
- Policy Engine (PE)
- Data Plane
- Responsible for enforcing and executing the security policies defined by the Control Plane.
- Implicit Trust Zones
- Subject/System
- Policy Enforcement Point (PEP)
- Refer to:
- Control Plane
- Physical Security
- Bollards
- Vertical posts that create a physical barrier outside a building.
- Access Control Vestibule
- A secured entrance booth that someone must pass through to gain entry to a building.
- Fencing
- Video Surveillance
- Security Guard
- Access Badge
- Lighting
- Sensors
- Infrared
- Pressure
- Microwave
- Ultrasonic
- Bollards
- Deception and Disruption Technology
- Honeypot
- A a resource that's designed to detect, deflect, or distract some unauthorized use of a system.
- Legitimate users should not access or use the Honeypot.
- Example: a subsystem that secretly tracks unauthorized IP Addresses by posing as a security vulnerability
- Honeynet
- A Honeypot that's an entire network that's used to detect vulnerabilities.
- Uses servers, routers, logging, switches, firewalls, and other devices to monitor and track would be hackers.
- Honeyfile
- A Honeypot that's a file that tracks a would be hacker.
- Legitimate users should not access or use the Honeyfile.
- Honeytoken
- An identifier that's used to flag a would be attacker and their actions on a network.
- Examples: a cookie or bearer token that's generated when a user accesses something in an unauthorized way and then is subsequently used to track the whereabouts and actions of that user.
- Honeypot
Change Management
Explain the importance of change management processes and the impact to security:
- Business Processes Impacting Security Operation
- Approval Process
- Ownership
- Stakeholders
- Impact Analysis
- Test Results
- Backout Plan
- Maintenance Window
- Standard Operating Procedure
- Technical Implications
- Allow Lists/Deny Lists
- Restricted Activities
- Downtime
- Service Restart
- Application Restart
- Legacy Applications
- Dependencies
- Documentation
- Updating Diagrams
- Updating Policies/Procedures
- Version Control
Cryptographic Solutions
Explain the importance of using appropriate cryptographic solutions:
- Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
- Public Key
- Shared and potentially visible publicly.
- Example: an SSH Public Key added to GitHub.
- Private Key
- Known only to a specific user and never (or shouldn't be) shared publicly.
- Example: an SSH Private Key for connecting a terminal to GitHub that's stored locally in
- Key Escrow
- An arrangement where keys are held in escrow so an authorized third-party can get access to them.
- Public Key
- Encryption
- Level
- Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
- Partition
- File
- Volume
- Database
- Record
- Level
- Transport/Communication
- Asymmetric
- Includes Public Key cryptography (PKI, above).
- A Key is divided into pairs with distinct levels of visibility between the two: Public and Private.
- Symmetric
- Where only one Key is used to encrypt or decrypt data.
- Key Exchange
- Where two or more parties coordinate the sharing or exchange of a Key deliberately created for the exchange.
- Often through Key Escrow.
- Algorithms
- Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
- Trusted by U.S. Government.
- Typically,
, or256
(in increasing order of encryption strength). - Widely thought to be resistant to Quantum tampering/decryption (although this has not been formally proven).
- Symmetric, and lower AES cryptographic strengths are susceptible to Brute-Forcing attacks.
- Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA)
- Used in PGP and GPG.
- Asymmetric Public and Private Key.
- Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
- Key Length
- Tools
- Trusted Platform Module (TPM)
- A dedicated microcontroller designed to secure hardware through integrated cryptographic Keys.
- Hardware Security Module (HSM)
- A physical computing device that protects and manages secrets.
- Key Management System
- Secure Enclave
- The Secure Enclave is a dedicated secure subsystem integrated into Apple chips isolated from the main processor to provide an extra layer of security.
- Trusted Platform Module (TPM)
- Obfuscation
- Steganography
- Concealing a file, message, image, or video within another file, message, image, or video.
- Tokenization
- Data Masking
- Steganography
- Hashing
- Any function or technique that maps some value to an entry or Key.
- Salting
- A value that's supplied along with an encryption algorithm (Cipher) and Plaintext value to introduce variance into the resultant encrypted text.
- Digital Signatures
- Key Stretching
- Blockchain
- Open Public Ledger
- Certificates
- Certificate Authorities (CA)
- Distinction between a CA and PKI:
- A CA issues and signs Certificates.
- PKI is a system of digital Certificates, Public Keys, and Private Keys that are used to secure communications.
- Distinction between a CA and PKI:
- Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs)
- A list of Certificates that have been revoked by a CA.
- Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP)
- Alternative to a CRL.
- Doesn't require encryption (CRLs do) so can be less secure.
- Smaller packet or request size (since they contain less info than CRLs).
- Obtain the revocation status of a digital certificate.
- Alternative to a CRL.
- Self-Signed
- Third-Party
- Root of Trust
- Certificate Signing Request (CSR) Generation
- Wildcard
- Certificate Authorities (CA)
Resources and Links
COMPTIA SY0-701: Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Mitigations
Threat Actors
Compare and contrast common threat actors and motivations:
- Threat Actors
- Nation-State
- Unskilled Attacker
- Hacktivist
- Insider Threat
- Organized Crime
- Shadow IT
- Attributes of Actors
- Internal/External
- Resources/Funding
- Level of Sophistication/Capability
- Motivations
- Data Exfiltration
- Espionage
- Service Disruption
- Blackmail
- Financial Gain
- Philosophical/Political Beliefs
- Ethical
- Revenge
- Disruption/Chaos
- War
Attack Surfaces
Explain common threat vectors and attack surfaces:
- Message-Based
- Short Message Service (SMS)
- Instant Messaging (IM)
- Image-Based
- File-Based
- Voice Call
- Removable Device
- Vulnerable Software
- Client-Based vs. Agentless
- Unsupported Systems and Applications
- Unsecure Networks
- Wireless
- Wired
- Bluetooth
- Open Service Ports
- Default Credentials
- Supply Chain
- Managed Service Providers (MSPs)
- Vendors
- Suppliers
- Human Vectors/Social Engineering
- Phishing
- Obtaining sensitive data through email and misleading URLs/links.
- Vishing
- Obtaining sensitive data through video and/or telephony services.
- Think video-based Phising.
- Smishing
- Obtaining sensitive data through SMS text messages/messaging services.
- Think, SMS text-message Phishing.
- Misinformation/Disinformation
- Impersonation
- Business Email Compromise
- Pretexting
- Providing a false/fake reason to trick someone into divulging sensitive data.
- Watering Hole
- Identifying a popular or commonly used website as a likely resource that an organization uses to infect it with malware.
- Think: infecting the "gathering place" where many users within an organization are likely to digitally congregate.
- Brand Impersonation
- Typosquatting
- Buying a Domain Name that's similar to a popular and well-trafficked website to trick people who accidentally visit it (when they enter typos or through misspellings by mistake).
- Phishing
Explain various types of vulnerabilities:
- Application
- Memory Injection
- Buffer Overflow
- Race Conditions
- Time-of-Check (TOC)
- Time-of-Use (TOU)
- These two separate concepts are often combined into one with the monniker: time-of-check to time-of-use (TOCTOU).
- TOCTOU vulnerabilities occur when the attacker can modify the resources after Time-of-Check (TOC) but before the Time-of-Use (TOU).
- Malicious Update
- Operating System (OS)-Based
- Web-Based
- Structured Query Language Injection (SQLi)
- When input text is used to execute unwanted and unexpected SQL queries/commands to modify a database or return sensitive data.
- Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
- An exploit where malicious code from a compromised (or attacking) website is used to execute malicious code on another.
- These typically involve a lack of input validation and sanitization (escaping characters/text, preventing input text from being used in queries or executed code, etc.).
- Structured Query Language Injection (SQLi)
- Hardware
- Firmware
- End-of-Life
- Legacy
- Virtualization
- Virtual Machine (VM) Escape
- Resource Reuse
- Cloud-Specific
- Supply Chain
- Service Provider
- Hardware Provider
- Software Provider
- Cryptographic
- Misconfiguration
- Mobile Device
- Side Loading
- Jailbreaking
- Zero-Day
- An attack that occurs before software developers can find a fix.
- Refers to the idea that software developers have "zero days to find a fix" since it's already being exploited.
Indicators of Malicious Activity
Given a scenario, analyze indicators of malicious activity:
- Malware attacks
- Ransomware
- Blocks access to a resource or data until some ransom is paid.
- Trojan
- Malware that's disguised as a beneficial or standard program.
- Misleads a user as to its true intent.
- Worm
- Replicates itself to spread to other computers on a network.
- Stand-alone malicious programs that don't require user interaction (as opposed to a Virus).
- Spyware
- Malware that collects and transmits data about a user, computer, or device.
- Bloatware
- Applications or programs that are unwanted.
- Often installed along with some desired app.
- Virus
- Can copy itself to other computers and resources on a network and infect a computer without the knowledge or permission of a user.
- Requires some user-initiated interaction (e.g. - downloading and opening an unknown file).
- Keylogger
- Records a user's keystrokes and transmits them to obtain passwords or other sensitive information.
- Logic Bomb
- A type of malicious code embedded in software that is activated/triggered by some specific condition.
- Rootkit
- Used to obtain administrator-level control over a device, computer, or network.
- Ransomware
- Physical Attacks
- Brute Force
- Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Cloning
- Environmental
- Network Attacks
- Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS)
- Reflected
- A kind of DDoS attack where the attacker forges the Source Address of Request Packets from a DNS Resolver overwhelming the victim resource with traffic generated from the Request Responses.
- An attacker uses an intermediate Server to send Request (by "reflection" / by using the intermediate DNS Resolver as a Reflector) to a target typically by spoofing (modifying the Source Address in the Request Packet directly).
- Amplified
- Uses multiple DNS Resolvers that are configured to accept recursive DNS Queries to overwhelm a victim with traffic.
- DNS request-response traffic is made to originate from the victim resource and is then directed back to the victim overwhelming it with traffic.
- Reflection attackes are considered to be kinds of Amplification attacks.
- Reflected
- Domain Name System (DNS) Attacks
- A category of attacks that exploit the DNS infrastructure or protocol.
- An attacker modifies the DNS Query and sends bogus responses before a legitimate response arrives.
- Examples:
- Amplified and Reflected DDoS attacks (above).
- DNS Hijacking involves an attacker modifying a DNS Server and/or A Record to point a Domain Name to another IP Address.
- Refer to:
- Wireless
- On-Path
- Also called a Man-in-the-Middle (MIM) attack.
- An attacker interposes oneself between two or more parties without authorization or their knowledge.
- Credential Replay
- Malicious Code
- Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS)
- Application Attacks
- Injection
- Exploits text or input serialization vulnerabilities to execute unwanted, unexpected, or untrusted code.
- Buffer Overflow
- An exploit where the amount of data exceeds the available storage or memory.
- Replay
- An exploit where transmitted authentication or access control information is recorded and then reused/replayed for unauthorized access or effect.
- Privilege Escalation
- An exploit where permissions, access, or privileges are increased to gain unauthorized access, visibility, or privilege.
- Forgery
- An exploit involving the use of credentials to gain unwanted and unauthorized permission to carry out some task.
- Directory Traversal
- Where input text is exploited to traverse directories, read or find files within the container, or gain unauthorized access to resources.
- Injection
- Cryptographic Attacks
- Downgrade
- An attack that forces a network channel to switch or change to an unprotected and less secure data transmission format.
- Collision
- An attack that attempts to find two input Strings that generate the same Hash (Hash Collision) to determine the hashing method.
- Birthday
- A kind of Brute Force attack that exploits the likelihood of certain seemingly low-probability events to determine the method of hashing (by Hash Collision).
- Downgrade
- Password attacks
- Spraying
- A specific kind of Brute Force attack where the same passwords are tried against multiple accounts.
- Brute Force
- An attack that uses trial and error to crack a password, credential, or secret, or to obtain unauthorized access to a resource, network, device, or computer.
- Spraying
- Indicators
- Account Lockout
- Concurrent Session Usage
- Blocked Content
- Impossible Travel
- Resource Consumption
- Resource Inaccessibility
- Out-of-Cycle Logging
- Published/Documented
- Missing Logs
Mitigation Techniques
Explain the purpose of mitigation techniques used to secure the enterprise:
- Segmentation
- Access Control
- Access Control List (ACL)
- Permissions
- Application Allow List
- Isolation
- Patching
- Encryption
- Monitoring
- Least Privilege
- Configuration Enforcement
- Decommissioning
- Hardening Techniques
- Encryption
- Installation of Endpoint Protection
- Host-Based Firewall
- Host-Based Intrusion Prevention System (HIPS)
- Disabling Ports/Protocols
- Default Password Changes
- Removal of Unnecessary Software
Resources and Links
COMPTIA SY0-701: Security Architecture
Architecture Models
Compare and contrast security implications of different architecture models:
- Architecture and Infrastructure Concepts
- Cloud
- Responsibility Matrix
- Hybrid Considerations
- Third-Party Vendors
- Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
- Serverless
- Microservices
- Network Infrastructure
- Physical Isolation
- Air-Gapped
- Physical Isolation
- Logical Segmentation
- Software-Defined Networking (SDN)
- On-Premises
- Centralized vs. Decentralized
- Containerization
- Virtualization
- IoT
- Industrial Control Systems (ICS)/Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
- Real-Time Operating System (RTOS)
- Embedded Systems
- High Availability
- Cloud
- Considerations
- Availability
- Resilience
- Cost
- Responsiveness
- Scalability
- Ease of Deployment
- Risk Transference
- Ease of Recovery
- Patch Availability
- Inability to Patch
- Power
- Compute
Security Principles
Given a scenario, apply security principles to secure enterprise infrastructure:
- Infrastructure Considerations
- Device Placement
- Security Zones
- Attack Surface
- Connectivity
- Failure Modes
- Fail-Open
- Where a failure results in the "gates opening" (the resource or service allows access).
- Fail-Closed
- Where a failure results in the "gates closing" (the resource or service disallows or severs access).
- Fail-Open
- Device Attribute
- Active vs. Passive
- Inline vs. Tap/Monitor
- Network Appliances
- Jump Server
- Proxy Server
- Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)/Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
- Load Balancer
- Sensors
- Port Security
- 802.1X
- Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)
- Firewall Types
- Web Application Firewall (WAF)
- Unified Threat Management (UTM)
- Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW)
- Layer 4/Layer 7
- Layer 4 (TCP), TCP/UDP forwarding
- Layer 7 (HTTP), HTTP/2, WebSocket, HTTPS
- Secure Communication/Access
- Virtual Private Network (VPN)
- Remote Access
- Tunneling
- Transport Layer Security (TLS)
- Internet Protocol Security (IPSec)
- Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN)
- Secure Access Service Edge (SASE)
- Selection of Effective Controls
Data Protection Concepts
Compare and contrast concepts and strategies to protect data:
- Data Types
- Regulated
- Trade Secret
- Intellectual Property
- Legal Information
- Financial Information
- Human- and Non-Human-Readable
- Data Classifications
- Sensitive
- Confidential
- Public
- Restricted
- Private
- Critical
- General Data Considerations
- Data States
- Data at Rest
- Data in Transit
- Data in Use
- Data Sovereignty
- Geolocation
- Data States
- Methods to Secure Data
- Geographic Restrictions
- Encryption
- Hashing
- Masking
- Tokenization
- Obfuscation
- Segmentation
- Permission Restrictions
Resilience and Recovery
Explain the importance of resilience and recovery in security architecture:
- High Availability
- Load Balancing vs. Clustering
- Site Considerations
- Hot
- Cold
- Warm
- Geographic Dispersion
- Platform Diversity
- Multi-Cloud Systems
- Continuity of Operations
- Capacity Planning
- People
- Technology
- Infrastructure
- Testing
- Tabletop Exercises
- Fail Over
- Simulation
- Parallel Processing
- Backups
- Onsite/Offsite
- Frequency
- Encryption
- Snapshots
- Recovery
- Replication
- Journaling
- Power
- Generators
- Uninterruple Power Supply (UPS)
COMPTIA SY0-701: Security Operations
Common Security Techniques
Given a scenario, apply common security techniques to computing resources:
- Secure Baselines
- Establish
- Deploy
- Maintain
- Hardening Targets
- Mobile Devices
- Workstations
- Switches
- Routers
- Cloud Infrastructure
- Servers
- Industrial Control Systems (ICS) and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
- Are used to monitor industrial infrastructure processes and systems.
- Embedded Systems
- IoT Devices
- Wireless Devices
- Installation Considerations
- Site Surveys
- Heat Maps
- Installation Considerations
- Mobile Solutions
- Mobile Device Management (MDM)
- Deployment Models
- Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
- Corporate-Owned, Personally Enabled (COPE)
- Choose Your Own Device (CYOD)W
- Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
- Connection Methods
- Cellular
- Wi-Fi
- Bluetooth
- Wireless Security Settings
- Wi-Fi Protected Access 3 (WPA3)
- AAA/Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS)
- RADIUS uses UDP (as opposed to TACACS+ which uses TCP).
- Cryptographic Protocols
- Authentication Protocols
- Application Security
- Input Validation
- Secure Cookies
- Static Code Analysis
- Code Signing
- Sandboxing
- Monitoring
Security Implications of Proper Asset Management
Explain the security implications of proper hardware, software, and data asset management:
- Acquisition/Procurement Process
- Assignment/Accounting
- Ownership
- Classification
- Monitoring/Asset Tracking
- Inventory
- Enumeration
- Disposal/Decommissioning
- Sanitization
- Destruction
- Certification
- Data Retention
Vulnerability Management
Explain various activities associated with vulnerability management:
- Identification Methods
- Vulnerability Scan
- Application Security
- Static Analysis
- Dynamic Analysis
- Package Monitoring
- Threat Feed
- Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT)
- Proprietary/Third-Party
- Information-Sharing Organization
- Dark Web
- Penetration Testing
- Responsible Disclosure Program
- Bug Bounty Program
- System/process Audit
- Analysis
- Confirmation
- False Positive
- False Negative
- Prioritize
- Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS)
- Common Vulnerability Enumeration (CVE)
- Vulnerability Classification
- Exposure Factor
- Environmental Variables
- Industry/Organizational Impact
- Risk Tolerance
- Confirmation
- Vulnerability Response and Remediation
- Patching
- Insurance
- Segmentation
- Compensating Controls
- Exceptions and Exemptions
- Validation of Remediation
- Rescanning
- Audit
- erification
- Reporting
Monitoring Concepts and Tools
Explain security alerting and monitoring concepts and tools:
- Monitoring Computing Resources
- Systems
- Applications
- Infrastructure
- Activities
- Log Aggregation
- Alerting
- Scanning
- Reporting
- Archiving
- Alert Response and Remediation/Validation
- Quarantine
- Alert Tuning
- Tools
- Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP)
- Benchmarks
- Agents/Agentless
- Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
- Combines log management, event correlation, and real-time monitoring.
- Antivirus
- Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
- Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Traps
- NetFlow
- Vulnerability Scanners
Modify Security
Given a scenario, modify enterprise capabilities to enhance security:
- Firewall
- Rules
- Access Lists
- Ports/Protocols
- Screened Subnets
- IDS/IPS (Intrusion Detection System/Intrusion Prevention System)
- Trends
- Signatures
- Refers to non-user-behavior patterns to identify potential security threats (e.g. - DDoS attacks, Directory Traversal attacks, etc.).
- Web Filter
- Agent-Based
- Centralized Proxy
- Universal Resource Locator (URL) Scanning
- Content Categorization
- Block Rules
- Reputation
- Operating System Security
- Group Policy
- SELinux
- Implementation of Secure Protocols
- Protocol Selection
- Port Selection
- Transport Method
- DNS Filtering
- Email Security
- Domain-based Message Authentication Reporting and Conformance (DMARC)
- Uses both DKIM and SPF to verify the authenticity of and sign emails.
- Allows DMARC Policies to be specified to define how unauthenticated emails are handled.
- This is the recommended way to implement email authentication and cryptographic signing.
- Should be fewer incorrect email rejections, blocked emails, or emails counted as spam.
- DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)
- Signs emails to verify authenticate origin.
- Sender Policy Framework (SPF)
- List of all Servers a Domain will send emails from.
- Used to determine if an email is spam.
- Gateway
- Domain-based Message Authentication Reporting and Conformance (DMARC)
- File Integrity Monitoring
- Network Access Control (NAC)
- Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)/Extended Detection and Response (XDR)
- Extended Detection and Response (XDR)
- Collects security information from multiple security layers and resources. (As opposed to only from Layer 4, Layer 7, or say a single Web Application and not its VPC traffic.)
- Extended Detection and Response (XDR)
- User Behavior Analytics
Identity and Access Management
Given a scenario, implement and maintain identity and access management:
- Provisioning/De-Provisioning User Accounts
- Permission Assignments and Implications
- Identity Proofing
- Federation
- Single Sign-On (SSO)
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
- Typically used with Active Directory (AD) and on-prem (with in-house Servers, Networks, and IT infrastructure).
- Open Authorization (OAuth)
- Typically, JSON Web Token (JWT) Token-based, most often used for diverse/modern Web Application Authorization.
- Newest, most flexible options (mobile, IoT, Server-to-Server, etc.).
- Security Assertions Markup Language (SAML)
- An older XML-based Federated Authentication standard.
- Can be used with OAuth and doesn't use Tokens by default.
- Consult: and
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
- Interoperability
- Attestation
- Access Controls
- Mandatory
- Discretionary
- Role-Based
- Rule-Based
- Attribute-Based
- Time-of-Day Restrictions
- Least Privilege
- Multifactor Authentication
- Implementations
- Biometrics
- Hard/soft Authentication Tokens
- Security Keys
- Factors
- Something You Know
- Something You Have
- Something You Are
- Somewhere You Are
- Implementations
- Password Concepts
- Password Best Practices
- Length
- Complexity
- Reuse
- Expiration
- Age
- Password Managers
- Passwordless
- Password Best Practices
- Privileged Access Management Tools
- Just-in-time Permissions
- Password Vaulting
- Ephemeral Credentials
Automation and Orchestration
Explain the importance of automation and orchestration related to secure operations:
- Use Cases of Automation and Scripting
- User Provisioning
- Resource Provisioning
- Guard Rails
- Security Groups
- Ticket Creation
- Escalation
- Enabling/Disabling Services and Access
- Continuous Integration and Testing
- Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
- Continuous Delivery stops short of automating Production deployments by requiring manual approval to do so.
- Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
- Continuous Deployment deploys code all the way to Production automatically.
- Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
- Integrations and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
- Benefits
- Efficiency/Time Saving
- Enforcing Baselines
- Standard Infrastructure Configurations
- Scaling in a Secure Manner
- Employee Retention
- Reaction Time
- Workforce Multiplier
- Other Considerations
- Complexity
- Cost
- Single Point of Failure
- Technical Debt
- Ongoing Supportability
Incident Response
Explain appropriate incident response activities:
- Process
- Preparation
- Detection
- Analysis
- Containment
- Eradication
- Recovery
- Lessons Learned
- Training
- Testing
- Tabletop Exercise
- Simulation
- Root Cause Analysis
- Threat Hunting
- Digital Forensics
- Legal Hold
- Chain of Custody
- Acquisition
- Reporting
- Preservation
- E-discovery
Use Data Sources
Given a scenario, use data sources to support an investigation:
- Log Data
- Firewall Logs
- Application Logs
- Endpoint Logs
- OS-Specific Security Logs
- IPS/IDS Logs
- Network Logs
- Metadata
- Data Sources
- Vulnerability Scans
- Automated Reports
- Dashboards
- Packet Captures
Resources and Links
COMPTIA SY0-701: Security Program Management and Oversight
Security Governance
Summarize elements of effective security governance:
- Guidelines
- Policies
- Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
- Information Security Policies
- Business Continuity
- Disaster Recovery
- Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)
- Incident Response
- Incident Response Plan (IRP)
- Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)
- Change Management
- Standards
- Password
- Access Control
- Physical Security
- Encryption
- Procedures
- Change Management
- Onboarding/Offboarding
- Playbooks
- External Considerations
- Regulatory
- Legal
- Industry
- Local/Regional
- National
- Global
- Monitoring and Revision
- Types of Governance Structures
- Boards
- Committees
- Government Entities
- Centralized/Decentralized
- Roles and Responsibilities for Systems and Data
- Owners
- Controllers
- Processors
- Custodians/Stewards
Risk Management Process
Explain elements of the risk management process:
- Risk Identification
- Risk Assessment
- Ad-Hoc
- Recurring
- One-Time
- Continuous
- Risk Analysis
- Qualitative
- Quantitative
- Single Loss Expectancy (SLE)
- Calculated cost of a single event.
- Annualized Loss Expectancy (ALE)
- Calculated cost of all such events in a year.
- Annualized Rate of Occurrence (ARO)
- Calculated frequency of events in a year.
- Probability
- Likelihood
- Exposure Factor
- Impact
- Risk Register
- Key Risk Indicators
- Risk Owners
- Risk Threshold
- Risk Tolerance
- Risk Appetite
- Expansionary
- Conservative
- Neutral
- Risk Management Strategies
- Transfer
- Accept
- Exemption
- Exception
- Avoid
- Mitigate
- Risk Reporting
- Business Impact Analysis
- Recovery Time Objective (RTO)
- The maximum acceptable amount of time a service, system, or resource can be down before recovery is achieved.
- Time-sensitive.
- Example: A service can experience only 5 minutes of downtime to meet it's SLA.
- Recovery Point Objective (RPO)
- The maximum acceptable amount of data (expressed as a time interval) that a service, system, or resource can be down before recovery is achieved.
- Time-sensitive as understood through specified data timestamp.
- Example: an RPO of
15 hours
is set and the last valid data set had is from10 hours
ago. (No more than a15 hour
data gap can exist.)
- Mean Time to Repair (MTTR)
- Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)
- Recovery Time Objective (RTO)
Explain the processes associated with third-party risk assessment and management:
- Vendor Assessment
- Penetration Testing
- Right-to-Audit Clause
- Evidence of Internal Audits
- Independent Assessments
- Supply Chain Analysis
- Vendor Selection
- Due Diligence
- Conflict of Interest
- Agreement Types
- Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
- States common areas of agreement but less binding than even a MOA.
- No transfer of funds nor any enforcement of or obligation to.
- Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
- Conditional agreement but only slightly more binding than a MOU.
- No transfer of funds nor any enforcement of or obligation to but often opening the door for future MSA or SOW's to be signed.
- Master Service Agreement (MSA)
- Critical, foundational document, that covers business agreements.
- High-level and binding.
- Work Order (WO)/Statement of Work (SOW)
- Narrowly-scoped, very detailed, no room for ambiguity.
- Usually subsequent agreements following up on MSA.
- Often includes an SLA.
- Service-Level Agreement (SLA)
- Exact conditions that must be met or that are expected.
- Often included within an SOW.
- Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
- Business Partners Agreement (BPA)
- Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
- Vendor Monitoring
- Questionnaires
- Rules of Engagement
Effective Security Compliance
Summarize elements of effective security compliance:
- Compliance Reporting
- Internal
- External
- Consequences of Non-Compliance
- Fines
- Sanctions
- Reputational Damage
- Loss of License
- Contractual Impacts
- Compliance Monitoring
- Due Diligence/Care
- Attestation and Acknowledgement
- Internal and External
- Automation
- Privacy
- Legal Implications
- Local/Regional
- National
- Global
- Data Subject
- Any specific person that can be identified directly or indirectly by way of an identifier (name, ID number, account number, email address, or through certain attributes like age, cultural identity, and health characteristics.)
- Controller vs. Processor
- A Data Controller determines the purposes and means of processing personal data.
- A Data Processor processes personal data on behalf of the Data Controller.
- Ownership
- Data Owners are senior leaders (executives) in charge of managing data and information relating to their specific areas of responsibility.
- Data Custodians are responsible for ensuring the safety, storage, and maintenance of data assets (and no the data directly).
- Data Inventory and Retention
- Right to be Forgotten
- Legal Implications
Audits and Assessments
Explain types and purposes of audits and assessments:
- Attestation
- Internal
- Compliance
- Audit Committee
- Self-Assessments
- External
- Regulatory
- Examinations
- Assessment
- Independent Third-Party Audit
- Penetration Testing
- Physical
- Offensive
- Defensive
- Integrated
- Known Environment
- Partially Known Environment
- Unknown Environment
- Reconnaissance
- Passive
- Active
Security Awareness Practices
Given a scenario, implement security awareness practices:
- Phishing
- Campaigns
- Recognizing a Phishing Attempt
- Responding to Reported Suspicious Messages
- Anomalous Behavior Recognition
- Risky
- Unexpected
- Unintentional
- User Guidance and Training
- Policy/Handbooks
- Situational Awareness
- Insider Threat
- Password Management
- Removable Media and Cables
- Social Engineering
- Operational Security
- Hybrid/Remote Work Environments
- Reporting and Monitoring
- Initial
- Recurring
- Development
- Execution
Resources and Links
COMPTIA SY0-701: Miscellaneous Concepts
Windows Security
- Encrypting File System (EFS)
- Encrypts specific files on any drive on a per-user basis.
- Bitlocker
- Protects all personal and system files on the drive Windows is installed on.
Security Systems
- Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System (TACACS+)
- Uses TCP (as opposed to RADIUS which uses UDP).
- Consult:
Kinds of Phishing
- Spearphishing
- Highly personalized cyberattacks that target specific individuals or companies (typically involving Phishing).
- Whaling
- Involves personalized Phishing attacks against VIP targets (CEO's, world leaders, executives, etc.).
Regulatory Designations
- Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
- Regulated financial information
- Any identifying information about a customer including address, email, phone number, etc.
- Protected Health Information (PHI)
- Any health-related or medical information about a customer that's covered by HIPAA.
Elliptic Curve Cryptography
- Diffie-Hellman (DH)
- DH is not itself a Symmetric algorithm - it's an Asymmetric algorithm used to establish a shared secret for a Symmetric Key algorithm.
- Much less expensive to find a point on an elliptic curve than to Brute-Force prime numbers to find a solution.
- Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)
RAID Configurations:
- RAID 0
- Maximize read/write but without mirroring.
- Splits data up across multiple disks.
- Requires 2 disks at minimum.
- RAID 1
- Automatically mirrors one disk on others.
- Requires 2 disks at minimum.
- RAID 5
- Balances performance and redundancy.
- Requires 3 disks at minimum.
- RAID 10
- Nests two RAID 1 sets within a RAID 0 configuration.
- Requires 4 disks at minimum.
- Bluejacking
- Is the practice of sending unsolicited messages over Bluetooth to Bluetooth-enabled devices without taking control of the device.
Important Acronyms
- Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
- Used to monitor and manage network devices.
- Devices share their state.
Wireless Security Protocols
WiFi encryption Standards:
- AES is the default Standard used in most contemporary WiFi security schemes.
- Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP)
- Defined by the IEEE 802.11i Standard.
- Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
- Mostly deprecated.
By order of greatest security:
- Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA2/3) with AES
- These are often used in tandem with each other.
- WPA implements the IEEE 802.11i Standard.
- WPA typically uses the strongest encryption Standard (AES).
- Occasionally, WPA will fall back to TKIP to support older devices.
- This is increasingly deprecated and discouraged.
- Older versions of WPA (
). - WPA with fallback to TKIP.
- Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA2/3) with AES
Key ISO Standards
- ISO/IEC 27001
- Main Information Security Standard.
- ISO/IEC 27018
- Main Standard specifying how to secure/protect Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
- IEEE 802.11i
- Defines TKIP, WEP, and other Network/Wireless security mechanisms.